Cum Stream Story 2: White Tail's Super Slut

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Continuing Sanmer's stories of dragons falling and superheroes corrupted, we have Rock Hard dealing with orders from his masters, and all the sexy times that it brings.

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White Tail's Super Slut for Sanmer by Draconicon

Rock Hard had to lean against one of the many couches in the club as he made his way from his last group of clients. His suit was already absorbing his plug back into his ass, lubed up by the 32nd-34th loads he'd taken that night, the last three particularly copious compared to those that he'd been taking up to that point. The dragon chuckled, patting his ass a few times as he felt the cum sloshing around within him.

It was all too fun to feel his cock throb in response. Despite being stroked and kept on edge all night long, he still enjoyed the feeling of edging himself, feeling his cock throb under his fingers. Just like a proper slut. Just like a proper super slut, he supposed, looking down at the latex emblem on his chest. The powerful cock with the R and H to its sides was a great look for him, he thought.

Still, as much as he enjoyed being used properly, there was only so much endurance even the best of superheroes had, and he was reaching his. Rock Hard had to balance on the different bits of furniture as he got away from the club's lounges, heading towards the dressing rooms on the far side.

He was halfway there when one of the various video screens throughout the club clicked over from porn to the White Tail's personal lounge. Rock Hard glanced at it, as did every other villain, staff member, and mesmerized slave in the building.

"Rock Hard."

The rest of them went back to work, while the dragon stared deeply at the screen.

"Report to my lounge. You have one more task for today before you're allowed to leave the club."

"Yes, sir, White Tail!"

Suddenly re-energized, the dragon started making his way back the way he came. Ignoring the small mini-lounges cut into the floor, he stayed on the raised catwalk. Unconsciously shaking his hips from side to side, the dragon made his way to the White Tail's door - marked with the image of a rounded white rump with its tail up - and stepped inside. As he had been called for, there was no need to knock.

On the other side were his masters, the White Tail - a super villain with an amazing talent for mind control and technology - and the villain's mate, Olly. The latter was at least as much a super as the White Tail, and as soon as Olly saw him, Rock Hard felt the familiar strokings of his clothes against his body as they came under the olinguito's control. The white fox chuckled as Olly teased him, the dragon blushing slightly as he was put on the spot.

"Here I am, sirs. Did you want me to serve you the way that I was serving everyone else out there?"

"Yes, yes, but better, of course. After all, they are clients. We're the employers, remember, Rock Hard?"

The dragon nodded as he bowed to the fox, getting on all fours. He wasn't quite sure why he did; he just had a feeling that he should be on all fours around the two masters, particularly when they required service. It was just...there, like some sort of thought that had come to him when he needed it.

The naked pair were already hard as he made his way over to their couch, stroking each other's cocks as he crawled along the floor. Despite his limited clothing - barely a cock sleeve, ball-hugger, and g-string - the olinguito continued to tease him, making his latex clothes stroke and squeeze along his shaft and ass almost constantly.

"Hehehe, we've really done a number on him, haven't we?"

"We certainly have, Olly. We certainly have. The once-proud hero, now nothing more than a cock-licking, cum-guzzling little slut for us."

"To sell and to use."

"To own and to mold."

"Heh, almost sounds like a marriage vow there, Whitey."

"It is nearly poetic enough, considering our old relationship."

The dragon had no idea what they were talking about. The idea of anybody actually fighting against the White Tail, let alone knowing them all that well, was impossible. The thought that they could ever be seen as defeatable was laughable. The only thing that made sense was that he was theirs, to be owned, molded, and sold as they wished.

Rock Hard liked that. To be used that way was almost perfect, and it meant that he didn't have to think except when he was ordered to. Much better than some of the deals that people outside the club had. At least, he assumed there were people outside the club; he knew that the villains went in and out, but he'd never been out there.

Soon he was at their feet, kneeling between the legs of the White Tail. Rock Hard looked up at his master, panting softly as he felt his cock throb again in the latex sleeve.

"How may I serve you, master?"

"That's a simple one. Take out the toy in your uniform; we'll need that hole to play with."

"Yes, master."

Reaching back to the cum-crusted costume, the dragon pulled the g-string aside as much as he could, and grabbed hold of the toy in his hole. While it had slid in with some difficulty to start with, pulling it out now couldn't have been easier. In fact, Rock Hard thought that the g-string was basically required now, as the toy would come out without something to keep it in place.

Setting it to the side as the fox and olinguito stood up, the dragon felt all too conscious of the cummy strings along his face and chest running down his body. Even the bits on his back seemed to find the time to start rolling along his scales, running down his sides and slowly starting to drip to the floor. The few bits that ran down his ass cheeks and between them, joining the river running out of his ass towards his balls, left him shuddering and smiling in need. Despite having so many loads, feeling all that seed running off of him, running over him, made him want more.

White Tail reached down, rubbing his head as he lifted him up to face Olly's crotch. The dragon moaned as he sniffed that musky, dripping cock; it must have been edged during the entire night to be that hard, that eager, that wet already. White Tail pulled him closer to it, whispering to him.

"Do you like the smell, Rock Hard?"

"Oh yes, master...I love it."

"I'm glad to hear that. Don't you feel a bit greedy having it all to yourself, though?"

"What...what do you mean, master?"

"Think of all the people out there. There are other people outside the club, you know. Many people that don't know how wonderful it is to do what you do."

"What? How can -"

He groaned as Olly pushed forward, smearing his cock against the dragon's face. He turned his head, kissing the tip and sucking on it, even as the fox whispered again.

"There are SO many people out many people that need to learn how wonderful it is to suck, to be fucked, to be a toy just like you. Don't you want to make them feel good, just like you feel good?"

"Mmph...Mmmph mmmph..."

"You can help them, though. All you have to tell them about Olly's store..."

Olly's Store... A hazy memory rose in Rock Hard's mind, a memory of a place where he'd gotten this lovely costume, this perfect show of how he'd become a slut. Yes, other people could love that place. Other people would love it, buy things, and be sluts just like he was. They would be happy, just like him.

He bobbed his head up and down as the fox kept whispering to him, pausing only to grunt out an affirmative when the White Tail required one. Rock Hard took the olinguito's cock all the way to the base, and didn't even care when the little guy stopped squeezing through the dragon's costume with his powers. What was important was the masters' pleasure, not his. If he did well, then they would reward him, and that was all that he deserved.

The little words continued, drilling into his mind even as the White Tail's cock started to drill into his ass. Each thrust carried more of a message behind it than the last, and Rock Hard had to really work to keep both of his holes working, both of his holes active as he was used. He wanted the masters to be happy, but it was so hard to focus through the hard ass fuck that he was getting, so hard to work them right when the cock in his mouth tasted so good...

Olly suddenly pulled out of his mouth, stroking his cock hard and fast. The sight of the bobbing, leaking cock above him left Rock Hard grinning, letting his mouth hang open as the thick shaft bounced and bobbed in time to the olinguito's need.

"Gonna cum on you, dragon...gonna cum all over your face."

"Thank you - mmph - master. Cum all over me. Cum on your slut."


The olinguito suddenly groaned, his cock twitching before unleashing its load. Rock Hard closed his eyes as the white goo fell on his face, hot against his scales, landing over his snout and dripping down the sides towards his lips. The smell was hot and powerful, potent and musky, and his head swam from it as it was all he could smell, all he could taste.

The hard pounding from behind never stopped, either. The master's knot was growing, popping in and out of the dragon's ass with every thrust, taking a bit more of the loads Rock Hard had taken through the night out with each thrust as well. He panted, thrusting his hips back to meet the fox's thrusts as that knot got bigger and bigger, his claws dragging against the ground in his own need.

Soon the knot was too big to slide in anymore, and the fox pounded it against him from outside. Rock Hard moaned, arching his back and begging for more, and his master obliged him. With one hard thrust, White Tail slammed in, the knot popping in past the dragon's hole, and Rock Hard howled as he was filled once more.

"Don't think we're satisfied with just one orgasm, Rock Hard. We have plenty more for our highest earning slut. Don't we, Olly?"

"We sure do. We sure do..."

"I really need a fucking shower."

That was his first thought when he stepped out of the club, hobbling down the street until he ran into a telephone pole. Hardrock stank of sweat, his body reeking of a hard workout even more than it usually did after a long day on the job. He must have done a lot of socializing at that club to go with all the drinking.

Despite the ache in his back and backside, he didn't feel all that bothered by his long night. It was still a while til dawn, and he didn't need that much sleep. He'd have to come back there, he decided. Maybe next time he'd remember his fun times.

And maybe, just maybe, he'd bring a friend or two...

The End

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