Open Content Story: A Brother's Toy

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A story for Shaggy Fuskie, in which a pair of husky brothers find new feelings for each other.

A Brother's Toy for Shaggy by Draconicon

After spending so much time away at college, Dave wasn't sure why he'd come back to his hometown. Other than his half-brother Zeke, the husky didn't have anyone there that he particularly wanted to see. If anything, after the whole debacle with his family, what with the gay thing and being outed, he'd have preferred to stay away and avoid the whole headache that came with seeing a family that had disowned him years ago, only inviting him back for the occasional Thanksgiving or Christmas.

Yet, there was something that drew him back. Whether it was his curiosity, some faint hunger for his hometown, or the strippers that he'd gone to see that night, it had pulled him back with inexorable force. It probably was the strippers, though; no matter his time in the big city, he'd never seen the equal to what talent Daddy Zack employed at his club.

Seated at one of the front tables, Dave nursed a beer as he watched several of the older hands dance around a pole, swaying their cocks back and forth as the last bits of their costumes came off. Most of them were pretty appetizing - particularly from behind - but he was used to them. Heh, probably for the best, really; otherwise, he'd be creaming his jeans rather than just leaking pre in them.

A german shepard walked off the stage after his round, tucking the last few bills into his thong before disappearing from view. Dave watched longer than most, chuckling to himself at the oiled-up ass swaying out of view.

Heh, he was pretty good. Wonder if the next act is going to do him justice?

It was amateur night, after all. He didn't expect the next act to match up to a professional in quality, but if they were good looking enough and had passed Zack's quality testing, they would be good enough to get him going. With them being new, too, that would help a lot. The husky reached under the table, fondling himself.

However, he immediately stopped when the curtains opened and he recognized the male standing on stage. Considering that the husky had the same fur-markings as him, and he'd known him for so long, Dave would have been astounded if he hadn't recognized Zeke.

What the hell are you doing here, little brother? Dave couldn't help but stare as his brother - well, half-brother - walked down the stage, strutting down it with his hips swaying and his cock throbbing inside of his speedos. The other husky didn't even see him until he was at the end, and then only because Dave reached out and grabbed him.

"Wha - DAVE!"

"You better believe it's me. What the hell are you doing up there?"

"I'm not - Dave, you can't tell mom and dad. They -"

"Can't tell them? Why?"

"You just -"

The bouncers finally got to the stage, grabbing hold of Dave before he could get the answer he wanted. The two of them - both bulls - dragged him away, leaving his nearly naked brother behind.

It was almost an hour before Zeke walked out the front door, but Dave hadn't moved from the spot. The older brother glared at his younger sibling, his arms crossed over his chest as Zeke looked down and away.

"I'm still waiting for an explanation."

"I...look, bro -"

"Either you tell me what the hell you were doing in there, or mom and dad find out that you're working in a strip club."

"But then they'd know you were there, too!"

"They already hate me. What are you doing?"


The husky looked down, shaking his head. Dave shook his as well, walking over and grabbing Zeke. By the balls. As the younger husky jumped, Dave squeezed, and he felt his brother shudder from the grip.

"Well, whatever your reasons, you've made one thing clear. You're my little bitch tonight after getting me shoved out of the club."

"What?! But that wasn't - I'm not -"

"Tonight, it doesn't matter. You're mine. Unless you want mom and dad to know you're working a gay strip club, and kick you out just like they did me."


Dave smiled, turning around and pulling his brother behind him. The younger husky occasionally whimpered, but not much. Perhaps there was more going on here than he thought.

It didn't take long to get Zeke out of his clothes when they got back to Dave's apartment. Considering it was right on the edge of his college campus, and well past the bounds of the apartments with actual oversight, it had been tempting to make his little brother strip in the car. With the occasional cop patrol going by, however, he hadn't wanted to risk it.

Besides, it was more fun to see his brother entirely in his control, stripping down, losing the stripper clothes bit by bit next to the closed front door. Zeke's cheeks burned heavily as Dave forced his brother to strip, while he grinned to himself as more and more of his brother's body was exposed.

He had never looked at Zeke like this before, but his brother had developed pretty well since the last time they'd talked. Must have been driving a lot of the guys around crazy, considering the younger guy had only turned 18 a few weeks back. The husky had nearly a perfect body, 'marred' only by a slightly rounder, bit more feminine of a rump than most males would like. For a twink, though, it was just about perfect.

Dave grabbed hold of his brother's ass as those speedos hit the floor, pushing him along towards the bedroom.

"What -"

"Quiet, boy."

Throwing his brother onto the bed, he closed his door and slowly started pulling off his clothes. His shirt and shoes hit the floor, followed by his pants. With his underwear bulging, he walked over to his closet, rooting around the top shelf.

"In here, you are the slut, and I am the master. Do you get that?"

"But bro -"


"But...but master..."

"Yes, slut?"


"Because you're acting like a slut in public, and I need one here. Because you are a sexy guy that needs to learn his place. And because mom and dad are going to find out just what you're doing if you don't do what I tell you."

Zeke didn't need to respond. The submissive look in his brother's eyes, the way that they looked down towards the bulge in his underwear, was all that the husky needed to see to know that his half-brother was broken to service. He smiled, stepping back to the bed with a collar in hand.

"Lean forward, slut."

The husky did just that, offering his neck to him. Dave savored the moment before snapping the collar onto his brother, snapping it shut with a quick flick of his fingers. With the collar on, there was no denying it. Zeke looked like an owned slut.

He pulled the younger dog forward, grinding his underwear-covered bulge against Zeke's nose. A firm grip stilled the small protests still there, until his brother started licking him. The feeling of that slick, slow tongue along the outsides of his underwear made him groan, moaning under his breath as he got the attention he wanted.

"That's it...good boy."

Letting the licks continue until his underwear was soaked through and his cock was hard as a rock, Dave was soon panting and groaning in need. He barely had the patience to pull his underwear down before ramming his cock down his brother's throat, thrusting against his tongue and down his throat with all the pent-up need of a gay college student with a bunch of homophobes for roommates.

As his balls bounced off of Zeke's chin, he felt his younger brother gagging, but more importantly, he felt the smaller, younger husky reaching around his hips. The grip on his tail wasn't desperate, or if it was, it was in a very different sort of way than he expected. Dave blinked as he felt his brother suckle along his shaft, gasping for breath, but swallowing eagerly whenever he thrust forward.

He pulled back after another minute, his cock drooling pre over Zeke's face, tip connected to lips by a string of spit. To his surprise, Zeke's formerly frightened face was surprisingly eager, panting in the way that most porn stars seemed to when finally given a chance to breathe around a cock.

"What the..."

"What's the matter, brother? Surprised that I like it?"

"A bit. I wasn't sure if you were gay or not, but you -"

"I...Well, I guess I should have told you." Zeke looked away. "Mom and dad wouldn't understand me, so...I got a job, so that they wouldn't bug me, and so I could look for a guy that'd want me."

Zeke blushed.

"Who'd have thought the guy wanting me would be my own brother, huh?"


He honestly didn't know what to say to that. He knew what his brother had been going through, though; when Dave had come out, the entire family had risen up and thrown him out, no matter how much he'd mattered to them beforehand. After that, it was no wonder that Zeke would have tried such an awkward way of trying to be himself, knowing that was the consequence.

Despite his realization, though, his cock was as hard as ever. And considering that Zeke was willing...

"Turn around, little bro."

"Call me slut again?"

"Heh, alright. Turn around, slut; Master's gonna fuck your ass..."

The End

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