Open Content Story: The Prison Dairy

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: purefly we have a continued story of Hayley in her prison. As her pregnancy advances, so too do the guards watching her.

The Prison Dairy for Blaze by Draconicon

Hayley groaned as her cellmate was once again proven to be ill-equipped for handling the prison guards. The dingo was doing her best, but it was clear that the asheari had a very long way to go. She set her hands on her hips as Ami walked back across the prison yard, the mostly-feline female's quad-ears flicking lightly as she moved.

"And what do you call that?"


"That's your first mistake. There's no talking to the guards in this prison. It's seduction. Got me?"

"But, I wasn't trying to -"

"If you weren't trying to get him to ram his cock between your legs, you're not doing your job right, honey."

Shaking her head, Hayley put her arm around the skinnier female. They walked down the prison yard together, the dingo keeping some of the other, smaller females at bay, and keeping the worst of the men away too.

Who would have thought that pregnancy was such a good shield?

The dingo rubbed her stomach with her other hand. It wasn't as though she was showing yet, but the news had gotten around the prison before she could do anything to stop it. Ever since those guards had knocked her up in the prison break room - and she didn't know which one had been the culprit, either - the Warden had declared her off-limits to all the troublemakers. Even her best efforts to start fights were useless; everyone was more afraid of the Warden than she could make them angry at her.

At least it provided the two of them protection as they walked along, keeping everyone from taking on the new girl. Ami was sweet enough, Hayley supposed, but the way that she was trying to be nice, to be a good girl, just wasn't going to fly here.

"I know you think that you're playing by the rules, but trust me, you ain't. The only good thing you're going to get here is a dicking, so you better work on getting a good guard to like you instead of one of the lousy ones."

"B-but I'm being a good girl! They can't do anything to me if I don't break the rules. That's how it works."

"Not in here it doesn't. Here, they get to have whatever fun they want."

"You'd better listen to your friend, girlie. Hayley's slutty behavior is what's keeping her safe most of the time."

The dingo paused, turning to look at the fence. A trio of guards stood there, and she sighed and patted the asheari on the back.

"I'll be back later. Find someone to keep watch over you."


"He'd be good. See you later."

As Ami jogged off, Hayley walked over to the fence. She pressed her fingers through the chainlink, cocking her head to the side as she met the zebra guard's eyes.

"What do you want, Fred? Coming to check on your baby, seeing if it's developing?"

"You don't even know if it's mine, Hayley."

"I know that it's gonna be kicking like a mule, if it is."

She smiled as the idea of siring a mule rankled in the zebra's mind. She glanced around at the other two guards, Herbert the buck and Johnny the bull. The two of them were in just as much hot water as Fred was, considering that they'd been part of the group fucking her while she was in heat. Neither of them had been allowed to fuck her pussy since as punishment.

"So, what are the three of you here for, then?"

"The Warden's sent down an order."

"What, does he want a turn on the prison bike?"

"No. He wants to have you milked."

"I don't do that, boys."


Hayley hadn't realized that she was leaning so close to the chainlink fence until Fred grabbed at her breasts through one of the holes. She jerked back, but not before the jostling had soaked the front of her shirt. The dingo blushed, covering her chest, but not before the milk stains were evident through her orange jumpsuit.

"Heh, looks like you're leaking to me, Hayley."

"Fine, so what? Doesn't mean that I need to get milked."

"Ain't up to us this time. It's the Warden's orders, and you know how he gets. What he wants, he gets."

That was true enough. She was protected by the Warden's word, despite everything else. He could withdraw that pretty damn easily, too, and she couldn't do a thing to stop him. Slowly, the dingo nodded.

"Good girl. Let's get you down to the milking room; I hear that the prison's sponsor is looking forward to the taste of mother's milk."

It had been a rather humiliating trip to the milking room. The guards had ripped open her jumpsuit, making her breasts visible to everyone around. The male prisoners - and even some of the females - hooted at her naked march off the yard and into the main building. Even the guards were eyeing her eagerly, and most of them weren't ones that she'd already fucked. The dingo reconsidered some of her later options, at that; the offer of a quick look was now off the table as something she could bargain with.

However, that was put out of her mind as they reached the bottom of the prison, where the more extreme punishment chambers were. Admittedly, she'd never seen them, but she knew they were there; the doors were signs enough of it. Her guards - mostly Fred - pushed her through one of the doors and locked it after all four of them were inside.

She was immediately strapped down into a large swing, her breasts hanging down and her legs locked up into manacles that hung from the ceiling. Her arms were handcuffed behind her back, and her head tilted up with a few bindings around her face.

"Okay, okay. You got me. Let's just get the milking done and over with."

"Heh, it's not going to be that easy."

"Sure it is. Pumps, breasts, on, milk, go."

"Oh, didn't we tell you? The Warden said that we can have our fun with you while you're all tied up and occupied."

The dingo blinked. That did put a bit of a different spin on it, she had to admit; considering how long it had been since the guys had been able to use her pussy, and how long since she'd really enjoyed that, it might make this session a bit more interesting.

"Alright. Let's get this show on the road."

"Heh, still a whore, Hayley."

"You know it. It's why you love me."

The guards worked quickly. Pumps that were slightly bigger than her breasts slid over them without any real trouble, with tubes leading off of them to several large tanks on the far side of the room. They were rather empty now, but...well, she doubted that she would fill them in one visit. She really, really hoped that they didn't expect her to be able to fill them, at any rate; it'd be like asking a mouse to try and fill up a gallon with his seed.

Fred reached out to the machine and flicked a switch. The pumps suddenly activated, squeezing at the base of her breasts and applying an immense amount of suction to her nipples. The dingo hissed, clenching her teeth for a moment as the suction sucked up nothing for a few seconds before the milk finally started flowing.

"There we go. Not sure what the old goat wants with mother's milk, but hey, different strokes for different folks, huh?"

"Oh for the love of god, you had to say it that way, Fred?"

"Hey, I ain't judging."

"Me neither, but..."

"Hey! Boys!"

The guards looked down at her, the dingo pointing to her mouth.

"I don't have anything to suck here. I believe I was promised fucking?"

Laughing, they went silent and started unzipping their pants. Though Hayley was looking forward to getting fucked the most, she also generally wanted a good taste of the boys again. They'd been assigned to the other side of the prison for far too long, and she'd missed the specific tastes of their cocks and their cum.

The zebra was the first to go behind her, while Herbert and Johnny whipped their cocks out in her face. They smeared their cock tips against her face several times, leaving her fur marked with their scent. If she'd been a cat, she would have purred as she stuck her tongue out and licked over the shafts. The remaining bits of musk on them left her grinning, knowing how much they'd been wanting her, and she slurped down Johnny's cock without the slightest hesitation, taking him all the way to the root before he could say anything.

"Fuck, this girl missed our cocks alright."

"Y-yeah, she did..."

"Heh, what's the matter, Herby?"

"I just...didn't expect her to miss it that much."

"Don't overthink it, Herbert. She's a slut; she just enjoys this sort of thing."

More than you know, Freddy, more than you know. She continued to slurp as the bull rocked back and forth, her hand wrapped around the buck's cock and giving it a hard handjob. She could already feel him throbbing between her fingers, already leaking all over her hand. He'd blow pretty hard, she was sure; having his seed running down her back or over her face was going to be just great.

But not as great as that zebra cock was going to feel between her legs. Her eyes widened as her prison jumpsuit got ripped through the crotch, a thick, heavy cock head pressing against her pussy. She spread her legs further, as much as her restraints would let her, as her pussy started dripping to the ground.

"Heh, been missing it that much, Hayley?"

She popped her head off of Johnny's cock, stroking it hard as she turned around.

"More than you know, Fred. Now fuck me silly; maybe it'll make me let out more milk, too."

"Heh, you got it."

As he rammed in, the force of his thrust shoved her head down the buck's cock this time, taking the slender but long shaft deep down her throat. The constant suction around her breasts, combined with that huge cock inside her pussy - the biggest she'd had in months - and the feeling of the hard bull cock in her hands took her over the edge for her first orgasm.

The first of many, she hoped.

The End

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