Open Content Story: The Hateful Falcon

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Another story with David of the Park of Mirari universe, where he catches a new person to make into a bodyguard.

The Hateful Falcon for Sunkit by Draconicon

David enjoyed his work as one of Rannoi's head officers over the Park of Mirari. Keeping watch over customers and troublemakers, like a head of security, wasn't a job he'd seen himself as having before his transformation. He'd seen himself as someone creative, perhaps an artist, or a programmer, something where he could do something different and not have to be dealing with people. Not a bad life, not an anti-social one, just not one where he was lording over hundreds, thousands, occasionally millions of people.

Perhaps the power that came with his transformation had changed him a bit, because he actually liked it. He enjoyed having the power to determine the fates of different Transformed and other people that visited the Park. He enjoyed the responsibilities that came with watching over the place to leave his master time to work on his own projects. And he definitely enjoyed the perks.

The twin tongues of Star Fox and Star Wolf running up and down his cock left him grinning. His bodyguards were well trained in the arts of giving pleasure, and considering they were based off of some of his favorite video game characters, had elements of their personality as well.

Particularly Star Fox. The guy had been so much of an annoyance when they'd first met that David had been hard pressed to not do something worse to him. Erasing his mind and giving him a new body and personality had been the best punishment he could come up with. Star Wolf, on the other hand, still had elements of his human mind and personality left, though they were kind of meshing with the Star Wolf side now.

"Good boys...very good boys."

Of course, not all the work done by the head of security was sitting around, getting blowjobs from his bodyguards and enjoying lazing around naked in his office. Heh, if that was all it was, David wouldn't have called it work. But he also had to keep an eye on the park proper, watching for anyone trying to get in that shouldn't, and making sure that the people in the park were behaving until they could be brought into the fold.

The otter flipped a few of his viewscreens around, and chuckled at the sight he found on one showing the south parks. Star Wolf lifted his head from the otter's cock.

"Something funny, man?"

"Heh, a little. It looks like we might have someone joining our ranks before too much longer."

"Who's he gonna be? You got a fair number of guys left."

"I'm thinking someone...feathered."

The otter smiled to himself, reaching over to one of his other consoles and typing out a small message to the master of the park. Much as he had the authority of Head of Security, he needed his master's permission to actually indulge in the transformation punishments.

As soon as he had the return message giving it, he stood up.

"Stay here, boys. I can handle this."

The two game characters nodded, remaining on hands and knees with extreme hard-ons, as the video screens showed a human customer shouting in one of the game-themed shops down on the south park...

"Hey! You can't do this! I was just expressing my opinion, assholes! Ever heard of freedom of speech?"

The masked park employees threw Jim into the holding room, a blank, empty chamber that was more like a prison cell than anything else. They shut the door on him before he could push back through, and he ran over to it, grabbing the bars in the window.

"I know my rights! You calling security? I'm calling a lawyer! He'll have me out in three minutes!"

"And if you keep shouting, he'll be putting you back in two minutes later."

Jim whipped around, his back to the door as he looked into the darker parts of the room. A pair of eyes, faintly glowing, looked back at him.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"I'm David, head of security for the park. I hear that you've been causing quite a stir."

"Hmmph. Not my fault that all the losers in there got offended. They were defending a shitty-ass game, and a shitty-ass bunch of characters."

"Really? And which game was that?"

"That Star Fox game. It hasn't been good since, well, ever, but those fanboys are still talking about how it's the greatest thing ever." Jim snorted. "Bunch of ass-hats. There ain't nothing good about that game."

He almost swore he saw the eyebrows raise over those glowing eyes. A shiver ran down his spine, but Jim didn't back off.

"They gotta wake up and see the light of day, man. That game is for losers. Why they even sell it in the game shops here, I don't know."

The man on the far side was still silent, and Jim felt another little shiver down his spine. He reached back, rubbing the back of his neck as he tried to figure out why the other guy was so quiet. As he touched his neck, though, he froze.

"What the..."

Jim dragged his fingers along his neck again. There it was; his skin prickled lightly, and his fingers felt something soft, almost...feathery.

"What the hell?"

"Something the matter, Jim?"

"Yeah, I - wait, how do you know my name?"

"Oh, I know a lot, being head of security. About your name. About that buried part of you that hates anything that's popular. The part of you that likes to be a jerk, just to get attention. The part of you that really should have died inside long ago, but still lives on to be a living pain in the ass to everyone you mean.

"I know all about you, Jim. And that's why, with my master's permission, I'm going to change you for the better."

This guy's a psycho, Jim thought as he pressed back against the door. He hammered against it, shouting.

"Guys? Guys! There's another guy in here, let me out!"

"They're not going to let you out. They follow my orders, not yours."

The figure stepped out of the shadows, and Jim stared. Standing in front of him was a two-legged otter, walking like a human, talking like a human...and better endowed than most humans. Already sprouting from his sheath was a cock bigger than Jim's own, and still growing.

"Get away from me, you freak!"

"No, I don't think I will."

The otter raised his hand. A gold light surrounded it, and Jim fell to his knees, shoved down to them without any chance of resistance. Groaning, he threw himself from side to side, trying to get up again, but all he managed to do was move his head around as the otter continued to advance.

He only stopped when David grabbed him by the back of his head, the otter's cock so close to his lips that he could almost taste it. David chuckled.

"The change has already started. Look at your arms."

Unable to resist the temptation to look anywhere but at the cock in front of him, Jim did as he was told. The sight of the blossoming blue - and in some places, red - feathers made his eyes go wide.

"What the - mmmph!"

Gagged by the otter's cock, Jim was pinned in place as the otter started fucking his face. With each thrust from the otter's hard cock, he could feel that prickling feeling on his skin spreading, running down his chest and back, and up along his legs. It was everpresent, inescapable.

David smirked as he watched the feathers growing into his new little toy. It was still strange to think of them that way - as toys - but it was the only thing that seemed to fit. They weren't individuals; they were his playthings.

And this one needed to learn his place. Making a ruckus in one of the park's shops was bad enough, but making a mockery of one of his favorite game franchises was something else. The otter had to teach him a lesson.

As the feathers filled in, splitting open some of the human's clothes, David let loose with more of the transformative magic, letting it flow through his cock into the prisoner's body. The feathers blossomed further, with a thick bit of lean muscle beneath them. Clothing ripped, falling in strips to the floor, but that was nothing compared to what was happening with the human's boots.

The toes of the boots had been stretching for nearly a minute before they started ripping, and soon, the first of several claw-toes popped out. Ripping through the front of the boots as though it were nothing, the talon cleared the way for the rest of Jim's newly enlarged feet to break through. The boots fell apart quickly, revealing skin rapidly scaling over, thinning down, turning from feet to talons.

"Mmm, nice sexy bird feet..."

Much as he enjoyed looking at them, he almost liked seeing the tail feathers grow in more, covering the former human's blue and red rump. They fanned out quickly, and David chuckled at the thought of what Jim's ass looked like now. Probably a mix of a peacock and a big red target mark.

The human's face was the last thing to change, with the lips slowly molding around David's cock, forming an edge that would have been painful were it not for the magic molding it to a rounded edge instead of a sharp one. This was one bird that wouldn't need to rip and tear; he was there to suck, and only to suck.

"That's it...lose the human...become...Falco Lombardi."

The sight of the human becoming totally avian, seeing him lose his humanity and even his identity, was enough to push David over the edge. The otter came down the bird's throat, and even as he did, he felt the resistance in Jim's mouth become Falco's eager compliance, his cock milked rather than resisted.

When he finally pulled out, the character looked up at him, chuckling and smirking. David smiled back.

"What is your name?"

"Falco Lombardi, big man."

"And what is your job?"

"Fight and fuck, of course. You want to try my ass?"

Okay, so it wasn't quite perfect, but he'd been wanting more of a toy this time, too. I can work with this, he thought as he stroked his cock, gesturing for the bird to turn around.

The End

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