
Story by Dogger on SoFurry

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...I stay home a lot. I guess that's just how things are going to end up when most of your hobbies and income come from being on a computer all day long. When every day is the same there are certain things that will pass you by without realizing them until the next day, if not much later. I can think of the day I was so swamped with work and gave away all of my free time to Toby on his girlfriend situation that I completely forgot to eat, as well as many other days where I simply did not step foot outside. However, there was one day where I was surrounded by friends, old and new, and I simply did not utter a single word.

(Maybe if I had talked to her at some point things would have gone better. Maybe words would have ruined it. Looking back, I'm not even sure what I would have said to her.)

I got a call in the night from Jack. He's one of my old friends from high school and there is a group of us that still hangs out every so often even after graduating and being in our 20's. Jack's a big Clydesdale horse, one of those guys who played as many sports as possible back in school. If our little group had a leader, he'd be it. Alright, so Jack calls and says that he just talked to Toby about spontaneously going to the beach for the weekend, the weekend being tomorrow morning. I wasn't doing a damn thing so I went ahead and agreed. Phone tag went back and forth from Toby talking to Clay and Toby getting back to Jack who got back to me and we arranged the trip. We picked a time, set up hotel arrangements, and said goodnight. That was the last thing I said, goodnight.

I'm a pushover, there's no point in making excuses about it. Clay is the type of dog that likes to fuck around and play jokes on everyone. He's a mutt so who knows where he gets it, but when I woke up six feet in the air being carried away by three friends, I wasn't even surprised and I knew it was Clay's idea. I just made sure Jack had my packed bag thrown over his shoulder and went along with their game. I guess you can say that Clay and I are friends, but the reality is that he's the only one that makes me feel like the one who gets kicked around in the group. He means well, at least I think he does. We just don't always get along as well as I'd hope for.

With everyone packed into Jack's car we set off on our little spontaneous beach adventure. Clay's got shotgun and I'm in the back with Toby the wallaby. Now, Toby I like. Toby is a little on the shy side, but the guy likes to talk. A lot. A lot a lot a lot a lot. Most people don't realize it but when he warms up to someone he's got a lot to say. Today being the exception. See we all still haven't figured out how due to his weird secrecy, but Toby gets a lot of girlfriends. Toby also loses a lot of girlfriends and takes it pretty hard. Half way into the drive I realize from Clay's mocking comments that the purpose of the trip was to help snap Toby out of the depression of a recent break up. I almost said something to comfort the guy, but as soon as he saw my mouth open he turned his head to the window and kind of just sighed. Best to leave him be for now, I suppose.

(There's a badger staring at me, smiling. My reflection in the mirror. Did what just happened really make me so happy? I'm not normally the type that wakes up smiling, but here I am. I never even said a word to her, but I want to. What is the first thing you say to someone you've already had sex with?)

When my eyes opened, we were almost there. I didn't realize I was so tired but I could already see the sunset giving the car's interior an orange glow. Toby was talkative again and telling Jack about how he couldn't believe his girl cheated on him with another female. Jack, of course, was telling Toby over and over how he couldn't see what the big deal was and how hot it would be to have your girlfriend also be into chicks. If I remember correctly, Clay cracked about three jokes related to rug munching in between suggesting Toby just have a 3-way when we got back home. I could tell none of them were going to help the poor wallaby, he's a dying breed. A hopeless romantic that still believes in true love and monogamy in all it's forms. Part of the reason he and I talk so much is that I love hearing how passionate he is about true love. I didn't really care before I met him, when we were all still teenagers. But now, Toby helped me see how there was more to females than just using them to get laid. I'd say I want to be more like him, but the sad irony is that Toby can never seem to hold on to anyone for too long. It's actually kind of tragic.

When arriving at the hotel I can already tell something is wrong. The car starts to shake and pulse with the sound of some party dancemix playing in the background. So as we're checking in Clay informs us that he's going to personally pay for us each to have our own room. Saying we never know what could happen and thinking he's being very clever about the situation. Jack knew, had to. His grin when he talked about it being just like the old days let me know he had been thinking about it the whole drive here. I felt like I could hear Toby mentally groaning at the idea, this was probably the last thing he needed.

(Gotta make sure I brush extra good, this is practically a first impression. Sort of. I'll just sneak back into bed and nuzzle up against her. I'll tell her how much our little night meant and that it would be nice to get to know her. Yeah. We'll go for breakfast or something. It'll be nice.)

The entire situation is not making a whole lot of sense to me. We're at some sort of hotel party... thing, but the actual beach is like ten minutes away. Yet here we are, standing in our swim trunks and standing next to a heated pool. Well, Toby and I are standing next to each other, Jack's in the pool and Clay is trying to talk up Toby to every female in sight to try and get him laid. I just want to be somewhere else, anywhere else but where I am now. Like actually going to the beach would have been nice when your fucking friends tell you they're going to the god damn beach.

Then we see them, two girls looking at me and Toby. One starts to whisper to the other and that's already trouble right there. Two felines, a short, cute little tiger and a tall, bronze lioness that could have easily passed as a model.

In standard female custom, they send one of them over to us, the tiger. Apparently to tell us that she and her friend thought we seemed cute and that her name was Tammy. I figured I should go ahead and tell her that Toby was just looking to be left alone with his friends, but to my surprise Toby spoke first. He told her that we were flattered by her offer but that he wasn't ready to get close to anyone yet after his breakup. Her ears kind of fell in disappointment and she asked him about me and pointed to her friend. He shrugged, I shrugged, and she left.

I thought that was the end of it until the other female approached us in place of the other. I didn't really want to ditch Toby, I wasn't sure what I was trying to do, but I felt compelled to give in to what came next. Like I said I'm kind of a pushover.

The lioness smiled at me, took my hand, and lead me away from the party. Just like that.

(I can hear something. It sound like she's awake. I hope I'm not too late, please let her still be in bed. I want to let her know it wasn't just sex to me, so that she knows a part of me cares. Deep breaths, just have to open the door and greet her. Simple. Start with hello, can't go wrong with that.)

I didn't know where she was taking me but this was a dream come true on so many levels. A hot female taking you by the paw and leading you off to some mysterious location, its a fantasy, yet it happened. I followed her like a lost puppy. She wasn't forceful, her grip on my wrist was firm yet gentle. I wasn't overly surprised when she led me back inside the hotel, but I was when she pointed to the key jingling against my pocket. I was flustered, lost for words. I didn't want to stammer like an idiot, so I just reached in the pocket of my swim trunks and lifted up my room key to show her.

One moment we're in the room, the next clothing is on the floor, and before I knew it, her lips clung to mine. Everything was happening so fast, it was so sudden and so wonderful.

I kept my paws against her hips as we kissed, lips locked in passion as our breath quickened and our paws began to roam. The lioness stroked along my back, clawing playfully and letting her clawtips brush just underneath my fur. I had a gentle grasp on the side of her face to lead the kiss, my second paw feeling more brave and going to stroke along side her breast. Bold perhaps, but we were naked already in a room together, I didn't expect her to run away. Her moan told me she appreciated the gesture and I proceeded with thumbing across her nipple until it felt like hardened Carmel.

I moved my head back just a bit to part the kiss and lowered my muzzle to her breast, sucking on the aroused nipple only to receive another moan from her. I could already feel my ears lusting to hear more of her voice and was intent on doing whatever I could to coax more of it from her. The lioness' touch felt like heaven against my fur. Every time her paw was on me it felt like a gentle massage, she was stroking and petting me for quite a while until I felt her push against the top of my head.

I knew what that meant and I wasn't about to disappoint her. This badger is more than just a pushover, I'm also quite the giver.

In an attempt to be more masculine, I grabbed her legs from below and dropped her back across the bed, letting her legs drape over the end. I let my tongue drag alongside her inner thigh and closer and closer to her womanhood. Slowly. Agonizingly, before playfully attacking at her labia with my lips, kissing against her folds and letting my tongue run inside her parted warmth. Those were the moans I had been waiting for and she had plenty to give in trade. I made my tongue soft and rubbed it against her clit tenderly, making figure 8's between it and her inner lips until I felt her grow wet. Then letting myself lick up her feminine oils and starting the process over and over again until I felt she was ready.

I stood up, beyond hard at this point. The situation was just so incredibly unbelievable. I had never been with a female this gorgeous before and yet here she was, right in front of me. On my bed! On my tastebuds! Yet wonderful still was her own ferocity as I attempted to mount her, she grasped my side and threw me onto the bed in her place. Her massaging paw grasping my length causing me to groan as she guided it to her maw. She took more and more of my member into her muzzle, stopping every other moment to kiss her current point of progression before suckling my sensitive flesh and slurping down my pre hungrily.

I felt my full furred balls against her chin for only a short moment until the tip of her moist tongue greeted them with a soft licking. She pulled back a moment to relax her throat and moved back down to do it again and again until she looked up at me, biting my lower lips to hold on and granted me mercy by pulling her maw off.

I smiled, she smiled. I was happy, what could I say? It felt amazing and as I watched her prowl herself over to the bed and spread her legs for me, I started to feel happy I let the guys drag me away on this trip.

(I must have still had the toothbrush in my paw, because I dropped it against the hotel carpet when I saw what was before me. There she was, straddling another male, but I can't see his face. From the moaning and the neighing I could tell what she was doing with a stallion. I'm disappointed, but not angry. I just don't want that stallion to be Jack... please be anyone but Jack.)

I mounted over her instinctively and though I loved the way she interrupted my earlier attempt, I was delighted when she put up no resistance to me entering her. She was so warm inside, such a soft and wet pussy that seemed to somehow keep enough of a grasp on me to suck me into her depths. She moaned as I hilted inside her and I felt her body quiver and her legs shake. I didn't want to give myself an ego by thinking I made her cum just from the feel of me, but my brain was buzzing with so many different thoughts it's hard to tell what brought about the next sudden wave of moisture inside her as my hips began to swing back and forth.

Her paws wrapped around me, almost lovingly, and her legs quickly followed suit. When her tail curled around my thigh, I felt addicted to her body. The taste of her, the smell of her, it was all blissfully intoxicating. I leaned in to lick at her golden neck, parting the fur to brush against her supple feline flesh. I bit her playfully as I screwed her and she clawed deeper into my back. I missed this, it had been quite a while since I fucked a female and things felt so... animalistic. Yet there was a tenderness to her too, sure it was raw and overtly sexual, but I could feel her heart beating rapidly against mine and I felt like maybe tonight wouldn't be the last time I'd see her. Each time I thrust hard inside her, I hoped more and more it wouldn't be the last.

(Walking slowly beside the pair I saw the stallion's face was foreign to me, not Jack's not even a Clydesdale. Still doesn't feel any better, I don't know why I cared so much. Sex doesn't have to be meaningless, but to her it seems to be. Oh... my lion... it was only breakfast, but I wanted it so bad with you. Yet here you are, with him, in my own room no less.)

Her orgasm hit her hard and there was no mistaking it this time, I felt the warm fluid rush over the length of my shaft and down her sculpted ass. She moaned lewdly at this point and began to slash and claw at my back as if some unknown force was trying to pull her away. Once she relaxed she started to purr loudly against me, leaning up to lick softly under my chin affectionately until my own orgasm built up.

I gave her one hard final thrust, slamming home deep and pouring every part of myself into her. My arms flexed and held her tightly against my body, shuddering and feeling everything come together in a tremendous blur of pleasure. We didn't feel like strangers at this point, we felt like lovers. We rolled to our sides and held each other in our arms for quite a while until we both fell asleep. She was so beautiful and so tender in bed. What could I have possibly done to get a lioness like this to be so intimate with me?

When I awoke she was still asleep next to me. I spent a few moments in the bathroom washing up and thinking about everything that had happened. I had such a good time with her and I don't even know her name. You'd never think this sort of thing would happen to someone like me. I don't get involved in this type of stuff on my own, mostly I stay home a lot...

(I should say something to her, but she's... occupied. Maybe Toby's views have gotten to me too much, but I really felt like something was there, or could have been there. I just wish things were better. I wish there was breakfast. At least some fucking breakfast.)

Maybe I should say something to make things better. Maybe words will ruined it. Looking at her now, there's really nothing I have to say to her. To him... maybe.

"Hey buddy." My tone calm as the stallion looked over at me, both of them clearly freaked out that I was still in a room they thought was vacant. "Make sure you don't get up to take a piss, she'll be in bed with someone else by the time you get back."

I turned around and I left, because that's what I do. I make comments and I get away. I'll find Jack and the others and see what they got into last night. Life simply goes on. Maybe I'll find a female that is worth falling in love with some day, the kind Toby always talks about. When I do, if I do, she'll be the one I have that breakfast with.

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