No One With Horns

Story by Dogger on SoFurry

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High school can be a very confusing time for some, but Aaron and Stregato seemed to have a good idea of what they wanted. Both were young bucks, attending a private school that was almost entirely made up of cervines. Aaron was like most of his peers at the school, having a very lithe and agile build to him. What made him stand out were his soft eyes and gentile nature, while most of the other boys were more rough and wild in there association, Aaron was more quiet but it wasn't because he was shy. Stregato stood out from the others quite a bit, his shade of brown fur was darker than the rest and his build was much larger. Not only was he a few inches taller than Aaron and most of the other deer, his frame was quite a bit thicker and his big chest and arms made him a perfect candidate for the school's football team.

Aaron and Stregato were both avid football players. Stregato played football because he loved the sport with a passion and wanted to impress the females with his superior physical ability. Aaron played only football because Stregato played football. The two were best friends and grew up together. Stregato's family moved in just a few homes down when Aaron was only eight years old and the two seemed to take to each other almost instantly. Whenever the larger buck had something personal to talk to about, Aaron was the only one he felt like he could trust.

Once the two began to mature they began to notice different things about one another. Stregato's voice became very deep and made him sound like an adult at a young age, his shoulders broadened, muscles and proportions became more defined, all the usual traits that come about with maturing. Aaron's voice never went deep, he still sounded like a teenager but there was a certain feminine quality to his voice that caused him to hear snickering sometimes in the back of class. It was obvious to everyone and certainly no shock to Stregato when his best friend told him that he liked males. Before Stregato even mentioned his interest in does, Aaron was already expressing an interest in Stregato.

Stregato felt a deep connection with his best friend, but not of a sexual nature. He would always thank Aaron for his compliments and do two things. Just as when Aaron first came out to him, Stregato would embrace him in a warm hug and say the phrase, "No one with horns." After the years together they both knew exactly what this meant and it became something of a running joke. Aaron would help laugh away his sexual tension for his friend by coming up with some sort of suggestive idea and the two would chuckle at the phrase.

If Stregato mentioned feeling too tense Aaron would tell him, "Think you'd play better if I pawed you off before the game?" Stregato would reply, "No one with horns gets to touch my cock."

"Want me to suck you off while you think about that cheerleader?"

"No one with horns is allowed to taste my malehood."

"Maybe I should sit your front while we watch this video."

"No one with horns will be riding my lap."

To a bystander it may looks like Aaron was always hounding Stregato for sex, but the two were comfortable with each other and knew where one another stood. It was common for the male deer to tease each other with little comments here and there, the two were no exception.

Things do change over time, interests and feelings change. Desire grows and sometimes a friendship can burn inside someone so much that they can't help but wish for something more. One day in the locker room, Aaron fell in love with Stregato. The darker male wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary, just putting away his football uniform and changing back into his dress clothes. Aaron wanted to finally do something with another male so badly, but the only one he ever cared for was Stregato, and now he was feeling a deep love for his friend. The thought of seriously asking Stregato scared him and so he approached the strong buck in his usual teasing manner, hoping to stand on the edge of the line without crossing it.

"Hey, Streg, what've you got planned for the rest of the day?" Aaron's voice was a bit more timid than usual.

"Oh, I dunno. I was supposed to get in touch with that doe with the green eyes, you remember?"


"Yeah that's right, Cindy." Stregato gave a bit of a smirk at his forgetfulness. "Anyway, she never gave me her number and hasn't been coming to the games like she used to. It's not like I can just wait around forever for her to just give it to me."

Aaron saw a chance. "You won't have to wait for me to give you my number, stud."

"No one with horns is ever gonna have my number." Stregato stuck his tongue out at his lithe friend.

"Oh yeah? Then what's this?" Aaron pulled out his phone, showing Stregato his own number and chuckling along with this friend as Stregato pretended to fight Aaron for the phone, both giggling together when Aaron hit 'dial' and Stregato's ringtone began to play in his locker.

"Alright, alright. So what's your point then, you wanna hang out today?" Stregato reached into his locker and finished getting dressed.

"Sure, we could uhhh..." Aaron got distracted by his friend's body, started to wish the two had been born at least a couple decades ago when it was still common to use the school showers. "...maybe you can come over and go swimming or something."

"Yeah that's cool. I actually have to do something for my dad first but then I can come by. You probably need to get your chores out of the way too huh?"

"Nope." Aaron shook his head. "Did you forget that too?"

"Oh yeah huh? Parents gone for a few days still. Alright I'll just call you when I'm done."

"Great." Aaron smiled and touched gently on Stregato's strong upper arm. He felt something surge though him, the feeling was very clear. He hoped he removed his touch before Stregato started to feel too weird.

Stregato had to cut the grass and move a few things around in the back yard for his father. The second he was finished he called up Aaron and the two made plans to have a swim together and maybe rent a movie after. Stregato changed into his swimming trunks and draped a towel over his thick shoulders, not bringing anything else as his friend only lived a few homes down. He was at the door almost instantly but seemed a bit surprised when he knocked and heard a faint "You can come in." from Aaron. Normally the smaller buck would just answer the door, but for some odd reason it was unlocked and Aaron was off in the back of the house somewhere.

Stregato made his way in, already comfortable in Aaron's house to walk around with his eyes closed. It was a good thing too because the sun was starting to set and every light in the house was off. "Aaron, where the hell are you?" "I'm in the pool room" came another faint response. Stregato took a left through the family room and another right to the room where Aaron's family kept all of their pool supplies, finally seeing his friend's frame in the darkened room and flicking the light on. "Aaron what are you doing in the dark with your... oh shit..."

Stregato felt like his jaw had hit the floor from the sight of what was in front of him. Aaron was standing in the room with his face pointed at the floor in embarrassment. Stregato mouthed the words 'what the fuck' slowly as he made sure his eyes were seeing exactly what he thought he was. His best friend was naked in the middle of the pool room, there was a handsaw lying on the floor, and next to it were both of Aaron's antlers. His proud horns discarded on the floor.

"Aaron what have you done!? Your antlers... this isn't like getting a hair cut you know. Everyone at school is going to see this. Everyone's going to call you a doe, why would you do this!?"

Aaron felt his eyes start to tear up, but tried to hold back too much of his emotion. "I know... they'll all laugh at me probably."

"Probably?" Stregato walked over to his friend and lifted his muzzle up. "No dude, definitely. Do you have any idea how many fights I'm going to have to get into just to keep everyone from talking shit about you for the next semester? I mean it's bad enough they already make fun of your..."

"You said no one with horns." Aaron blurted out the phrase as if he had been choking it back for the past hour.

Stregato's voice became more quiet. "...this doesn't make you a doe Aaron."

"I thought we were always just kidding."

"Sometimes I was."

"But not every time?" It was finally starting to sink in for Stregato.

"Not every time, no. Not now either."

"Did you just do this so you could suck my dick or something?"

"I dunno. Maybe, errr I guess.... I didn't plan it out I just know I want to be closer to you, okay?"

The two stood silent for a moment that felt entirely too long, until Stregato finally lowered his towel and spoke. "Okay. I guess I can kind of understand. I mean you're pretty gay ...and let's face it I'm totally gorgeous." The two laughed at the comment, it wasn't one of Stregato's greatest but it finally broke some of the awkward tension in the room. "So can I get a hug then?" Aaron asked as he moved himself forward toward his friend's large chest with open arms. "Well, wait... I mean hold on Aaron you're naked and I'm..."

Before Stregato's words could stop him, Aaron already had his arms wrapped around his strong friend. Wanting to comfort Aaron in his embarrassingly tender moment, Stregato dropped his towel and wrapped embraced his long time friend in a hug. Suddenly they both felt it and Stregato tried to pull away before too much was noticed. His face grew hot from a blush, but Aaron managed to keep the large buck closer so he could be sure he felt what he did. "You're getting hard?" Aaron's voice was almost one of shock. "Yeah, yeah okay so I never had someone want to suck my cock so bad they would cut things off for me... and I guess you do kind of look like a doe." Stregato admitted.

Aaron slowly felt more bold and let himself slip to his knees, grasping his friends swimming trunks and pulling them down to his ankles. "Aaron! What do you think you're doing, C'mon dude cut it out..." Aaron's gaze was already mesmerized by the sight of his friend's maleness in front of his muzzle. He had never seen it before and spoke almost monotone as he gazed into the thickly furred sheath and large orbs before him. "No one with horns, right Streg?"

Aaron let his nose fall down onto the powerful cervine's balls to sample his scent. It was so musky and good. Aaron nuzzled the large buck's sheath and instinctively let his slender tongue out to lick and taste it. His tongue curling into the tip of Stregato's sheath and flickering softly over the growing tip of his friend's malehood.

Stregato felt like he was seeing stars, his brain felt like it was being pulled in two directions. He had never seriously thought about doing anything sexual with Aaron before, and here he was with his cock in his friend's muzzle. As much as Stregato talked a big game and hit on does, this was his first blowjob and the sensations made his knees weak. He reached down and grasped Aaron's shoulders for support as he steadied himself. It felt like his entire length was wrapped in a soft and moist satin pocket. Every time he looked down and saw Aaron hornless and licking across his shaft, it made him harder and his member began to cry with his pre. Aaron's tongue treating the fluid like the most generous gift and accepting it as praise inside his muzzle.

"Aaron, I... ohh it feels... okay, I admit it feels good."

"I want to make you feel good Streg." Aaron's voice a very happy tone as he licked Stregato's cock like a long sucker. "I'll stop when you tell me to, I promise."

"I don't want you to stop." Stregato's words felt like a warm embrace over his entire body.

Aaron started to learn more about his friends body as he pleasured him orally. Stregato's shaft was much longer at full mast than he ever imagined, quite a bit more than his own. He had to let some of it fall from his muzzle so he could manage it properly, trying to get used to the tip in his throat and desperately wanting to please his friend. His lips and tongue began to ache from strain but he fought through it, feeling along his friend's strong furred thighs and rubbing over his balls. He wanted to give Stregato a memory that he could treasure forever.

Stregato grasped Aaron's head and rubbed along one of his ears softly. The darker buck's hips giving tiny thrusts back and forth, his inexperience making it difficult for him to feel like he could hold still from all the attention his cock was getting. Aaron was nursing on it like a little fawn trying to get milk from a mother. His touch was so... loving. He could see that his friend was not only fascinated by his male body, but also that he was straining himself to give as much pleasure as possible. Stregato felt a deep connection to his friend at the moment and then seconds later a roar of warning from his groin.

"Aaron you might want to pull back, I'm close." Stregato saw his friends eyes open to look up at him for acknowledgement, then close again as he muttered. "Mmmhmm" around his friend's shaft. "Ugh... Aaron you don't understand, I'm going to cum, like now." "Mmmhmm" Aaron repeated the phrase again, and before Stregato could give off another warning, his length throbbed and rippled inside the lighter deer's muzzle as he shot off and began to fill it with rope after rope of his heady seed. The warm fluid thick and bitter on Aaron's tongue, but he showed his dedication to his best friend by letting it all shoot to the back of his maw before he gulped it down with greed.

Aaron nursed the cock in front of him for a few more moments before letting it fall from his muzzle. Looking up at Stregato with very thankful eyes. "Thank you so much Stregato. You have no idea how much that meant to me. You're a pretty heavy cummer, you know that?"

Stregato leaned down and gave Aaron's nose a soft kiss. "I hope that's a good thing, but I really feel like I should be thanking you, that was the best feeling I've ever had."

"So I was your best then?"

"You were my only."

"Ohh..." Aaron's voice trailed off, feeling even more special. "I'm glad I could make you feel good."

"You did. I think I'm glad it happened, I mean I still feel a little odd about the fact that my cum just went down your throat but... I dunno maybe I could get used to it."

Aaron nodded. He was worried he was too forward with Stregato. "So where do we go from here?"

The larger buck shook his head and gave his best friend a somewhat confused look. "I don't know, this is so new to me. Let's just... we'll go swimming like we planned, rent that movie, and just go from there."

"You wanna sleep over after that?" Aaron's chest felt heavy with hope.

Stregato nodded slowly. "I would love to."

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