Darnlake Botany Botanica

Story by Dogger on SoFurry

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#3 of Darnlake Botany

There was no waiting this time, no letting weeks go by before the next serious conversation. The very next day that I came into work Dr. Harold Tuber was waiting for me in the back of the greenhouse in his office study. We said our usual greetings and hellos, but since his desk was already pushed up against the wall and the hidden entrance to the botanica was up, I knew this wasn't going to be another dull day of gardening. We were getting to the serious subjects now.

"Don't say anything now, follow me and do what I do. We can speak once we're inside."

I wasn't sure if that was a good sign or not after what had happened yesterday, but I nodded my head and followed him downstairs to the room before the actual botanica. Dr. Tuber started to remove his lab coat and hung it on a coat rack, then began to unbuckle his belt. In yesterday's haste I hadn't noticed earlier, but this area seemed to be more of a changing room than anything else. I also started to unbutton and remove my coat, when to my surprise I saw the doctor now completely nude in front of me, hanging up his pants. He saw my astonishment and simply pointed at my pants, then again at the rack with his thumb.

I hung up my clothing as quickly as possible, trying as hard as I could not to stare at the doctor's well built body, he was no bodybuilder but that English sheepdog has a very masculine thick shape to him. I knew if I looked at him my sheath was going to start getting ideas, so I kept him in the corner of my eye and tried to wait for him to open the door. I felt guilty for kicking it in the day before and even more so when I saw it was being held shut crudely by a pile of bricks. I vaguely saw him reach into a cupboard to take out a satchel that he threw over his shoulder before giving me a nod, and kicking the bricks aside so we could enter the botanica.

On our way down the final set of stairs I couldn't help but stare at the plants again while my paw slid down the railing. They were even more beautiful in the morning and the ultra violent bulbs that lit up the botanica gave the place a certain marvelous glow to it. I couldn't help but especially notice the plant that had got me yesterday, the sundew was back in it's upright position, blue stems poking every which way and ready to grab someone into their hold. When we were on flat ground again I followed the doctor alongside the wall to something that resembled a laboratory. He took a seat on something similar to a park bench and motioned for me to sit across from him.

"Everything I tell you and show you here today remains between us. Not your friends, not my wife, no one. Understand?"

"Yes, Dr. Tuber."

"Good. Let's get the obvious questions out of the way. This is a controlled environment, there is to be no clothing or accessories worn down here. You've seen me naked before and I've watched a smoocher slurp down your otter cock so there shouldn't be any surprises between us, hmmm?"

I nodded back. "I don't mind."

"Consider this your orientation to the botanica. We're going to start with Venus and what she can do."

I returned another standard nod. "Alright, who is she?"

"She... well technically she isn't exactly female, but that is how I've been referring to her in my research. I call her Venus because when she was discovered she was mistaken for a single Venus Flytrap without any marginal teeth. I was visiting some islands in the southeast to collect exotic plants for research and staying in a small village with some of the natives there. The home across from where I was staying had an elephant family staying there and that flytrap growing behind their house. I was always intrigued by carnivorous plants so I managed to catch a spider and attempt to feed it to the flytrap. When I noticed the marginal teeth were gone I was curious to see how it would feed, but when I set the spider inside the flytrap wouldn't even attempt to close around the 'food'."

I was worried the doctor was going to get lost in another one of his stories so I tried to help him along. "So what does that plant have to do with the botanica?"

"Everything. I started to notice some nights when I went to use the bathroom outside that the flytrap was closed, other nights it wasn't. I spent a few days observing it but the flytrap would never close when I was around, only when I was away. Then one night I was out again to use the bathroom when I saw one of the teenage son of the home pawing himself off over the flytrap."

"Are you seriously going to tell me that..."

"Yes, Maps. I know how it must sound, but the flytrap closed after it felt the elephant had ejaculated over the opening."

Part of me was wondering if he was just screwing with me to get some sort of twisted revenge from yesterday, but another part of me was curious about the plants in the botanica and to see if he really was telling the truth. It did make some sense, the behavior of the vines that came up next to the sundew obviously knew how to manipulate a male to orgasm. I'm still sore from the vines pushing against my prostate.

"It does sound very unusual of course, but you haven't lost me yet. Please continue."

Dr. Tuber folded his paws together and leaned over the bench table, speaking in a lower tone. "The flytrap was designed to live off of semen. I took it home and tried to keep it alive, but no combination of soil, water, or sunlight was enough to keep it from wilting. It wasn't until I started also feeding it my own cum that it would begin to look healthy."

"How is a plant designed to ingest any animal's sexual fluids?"

"I haven't figured that out yet. What I do know is that it does eat more than just cum."

"A type of insect?"

The doctor shook his head. "No, it consumes other plants."


"Indeed. But more so is that every plant it consumes is another plant it can create. I had it growing in the greenhouse, next to the garden by the eggplants."

I figured I could put the pieces together at this point. "So... it ate one of the eggplants and then grew a type of new plant hybrid of it's own? Is that why the smoochers look like eggplants?"

The sheepdog's eyes lit up and he smiled proudly. "Yes! That's it exactly, Maps. The flytrap was probably not the first incarnation that Venus could take. Look around here, every plant every flower, it all came from that flytrap, they are all part of her."

"So if we were to feed Venus an orange for example, she could create her version of an orange tree?"

"Yes, but we would never feed her anything like that which could be harmful to us. Orange trees have thorns and every plant that Venus hybrids grows in a way to collect semen. If we let her grow thorns she may try to get her meals by threat of pain rather than pleasure."

I took a moment and thought of the potential hazards. "So that's why we're not wearing any clothing, so no seeds or loose leaves are accidentally brought into the botanica."

"Maps, could you imagine if she got a hold of a rose bush, poison ivy, or something worse like larkspur seeds?"

"Should we... I mean, should you really be growing something this potentially dangerous?"

The doctor rose to his feet and hovered over me. "Maps, we have to! Venus allows us to double the species of plants already in existence. Though her we may be able to cure new diseases, create new foods, or..."

"...invent living sex toys?" I couldn't help but be a little playful.

"Hey, I never said there weren't some personal perks to this type of research. But that reminds me, I should show you the pods."

Until the doctor rose to his feet and started to walk back out into the botanica, I had forgotten that he and I were both completely in the buff with the exception of his satchel. He continued to stay across the side wall of the botanica as he made his way around. When we were almost to the other side he stopped at a patch of five very swollen pods. They had to have been at least seven feet tall and wide enough for any fur to fit inside comfortably. Looking them over I noticed a sort of puckering at their tips and a small sixth pod that seemed to still be growing next to the others.

"You see that tiny one, about the size of a baseball? She made that for you, Maps."

"Oh sure." Sarcasm.

"No." He looked directly into my eyes. "Seriously, your otter spooge went into one of her vines and now she knows there is a sixth male in her presence. She grows a new pod for each male that she has tasted. You remember that teenage elephant? Well, one of those belongs to him. That means after you and me, there were three other males."

I shook my head in disbelief. "Okay first of all, how can anything grow something that fast? Even if she could wouldn't she need a lot more semen? Are you telling me there is another one of these Venus things out there?"

Dr. Tuber grabbed my shoulder firmly, almost painfully so. "Slow down, Maps. She was weak when I brought her here but now after five or so years she needs very little semen to keep herself going. We're right next to the lake so between the wet soil and the lights down here she has everything she needs to grow as fast as she can. As for there being more than one Venus, I'm sure there is at least one more. As careless as the first ones who grew her were, there could be dozens more. Right now all we know is that we have one and the original was started somewhere else."

"Well then how are we supposed to..." The doctor cut me off with a greater squeeze on my shoulder.

"No more questions for now, Maps. I want you to get a feel for one of the pods here so you can see some of the pleasures that can come from the botanica. Venus may not have yours ready for a while but I've used all five others before and they don't discriminate."

A nervous gulp was all that I could choke down. "You mean you want me to climb inside one of those things?"

"Certainly after so many times with the smoocher your worries should be second guessed by now. Even with the sundew I was there to keep things in control." He gave me a look that clearly showed me he wasn't about to take no for an answer.

"I guess I shouldn't be so nervous anymore. What is it going to do to me exactly?"

"Ohh it's an incredible experience. Well, first it takes your... no, actually I think you'll enjoy it better if you find out for yourself."

"Are we going to share one together?"

It was obvious by his expression that the idea never had dawned on him. "Oh, I'm going in one too but I don't think you'd want to be in such a tiny space with another male right? Are you really that scared about this?"

I could tell he wanted me to do this, but I also couldn't help miss another opportunity like this. "Yes, I am scared. I want you in there with me." It was a brutal struggle to keep a straight face and keep my grin down.

He studied my expression for a few moments before giving in. "I guess we can try it."

I watched as Dr. Tuber went over to one of the pods and poked a couple fingers into it's opening, the stimulation caused the pod to throb and almost pulse like a beating heart. It's clenched entrance was now opening up enough for him to scoop his paw around inside of it and pull out a jelly like substance, bringing it quickly to his muzzle to taste it. "Alright Maps, you first." I slowly brought myself to the front of the pod and peeked inside. It seemed to be mostly hollow except for a few tubes hanging every which way and it was covered with a sort of pinkish nectar. The entire inside smelled heavy and sweet, similar to strawberries. I let out a surprised gasp when I felt the doctor smack across my rump. "In you go buddy."

It didn't seem like a body was meant to fit inside the pod, but the more I pushed and climbed inside the more it accepted me into it. Once I was completely inside of it, I could barley see the doctor throw his satchel to the ground and start climbing in himself. My sheath began to feel tight and with much embarrassment I began to grow very much aroused at the sight of his body climbing over and then next to mine. I started to see what he meant earlier, the pods really weren't made for more than one person, so we were very, very close together. I tried to cover my excited and exposed member with one of my paws as he and I shifted to get comfortable, our arms kept fumbling about until I felt him rest one of his large arms over my shoulder and pull me close to his chest so I could rest my head there. Soon we were cozy and comfortable and I watched with wide eyes as his sheath began to thicken and the tip of his cock began to show itself.

As the scent of our arousal began to mix with the sweet aroma of the pod, I continued to watch as the doctor's shaft pushed out of his sheath and his length began to thicken and ooze with pre. If only a few more seconds would have passed I'd have felt the sensitive flesh of his malehood against mine, but he pulled it away and inserted it into one of the pod's many hanging tubes. The tube quickly attached itself to his member and slid itself all the way down, practically inside of his sheath and I watched almost too eagerly as the rest of him filled the tube, making it bulge at the bottom from his growing knot. After the tube was secured on his crotch, he leaned over me to grab another and helped slide it over my member. His barrel chest rumbled in a bit of a chuckle when he felt my precum spurt out across his paw when he touched my cock and slide a tube over my member.

"Feel good?"

"Mmmhmmm." My mind was swimming, I was lost for words.

"Go ahead and give some of the sap on the pod a few licks, the stuff'll make you hornier than you've ever been. It's meant to be an aphrodisiac. Probably meant to lure some unsuspecting male in by it's scent and while drinking the nectar he gets horny enough to stick his cock in one of the pod's tubes."

I did as requested and started to lick along the outside of the pod's walls to gather some of the nectar on my tongue. It was almost too sweet at first, but the more I had the more I liked it. As soon as I started to get my fill I felt the sensation of the tub pushing it way into my sheath and swallowing my member down into it's grasp. After a few moments the tube got hotter and hotter and a very slick lubricant was damn near pouring out of the tube and ran inside of my sheath before dripping down my balls. I thought the doctor could feel it too because I felt the muscles in his chest tense up and he began to let out a very lewd moaning. I watched in shock at the tube covering his cock, it looked like veins of some sort were dancing around inside of it and when my eyes darted back to my own tube I could see two thin vein-like objects flowing out of where the tube met the pod and moving toward my cock from inside the fleshy tube casing.

Instinct told me to jump back but the doctor's arm kept me held down as he rocked back and forth. I felt his tongue fall out of his muzzle and onto my forehead as he started panting and the sight of him in sexual enjoyment just melted the rest of my fears and hesitations away. The veins in the tube started to meet my member and slide on the underneath of my cock, like I was being licked by two very thin tongues. It was at this point that I felt the pod's nectar kick in and my lust felt like it was thrown into overdrive. Before I realized what I was doing, one of my paws was rubbing against Dr. Tuber's strong chest and even after I realised what I was doing, my body had no intention of allowing me to stop. I wanted to touch his body, so I just kept on touching it as I felt the little tongues start to dance around the tube and entwine around my cock.

"Not getting too hot for you in here is it?" The doctor wiped his brow as his panting grew louder and louder over me.

"It's good, I like it." I hadn't realized we were both sweating a little at this point, I thought that wetness in his chest was part of the nectar, but once he said something I did notice a wetness on my shoulder from his underarms.

"It's almost like getting a blow job in a sauna hmm?"

I chuckled at the thought, but everything was making me smile at this point. "Maybe if it was covered in jelly, look your fur is turning pink." I grasped a tuft of his chestfur to illustrate my point.

"Mmmm so it is."

At the same point our tubes let out another random hot splash of the pod's lubricant through the tubes, causing us to both moan respectively as it washed over our suckled cocks, giving the tongues inside even more freedom to move about. I felt the doctor's grasp on me tighten, and he pulled me closer into his chest with both of his strong arms. I thought he was going to shoot inside the tube at first but then he just held me. I couldn't figure out why until I looked into his eyes, I saw some sort of a need mixed with hesitation.

"Something wrong?" I finally asked him.

"Nothing, it's just, sometimes this nectar can make you do odd things. I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable."

"It's okay, I'm very comfortable."

"Don't you think it would feel good to have a body to hump and thrust against with these tubs on us?"

I was amazed he was being so blunt, but then again he did ingest much more of the nectar than I did. "Maybe, but I'm not must of a thruster." I didn't realize what I said until it had left my muzzle. I had to correct it as quickly as possible. "I mean... I'd rather relax here but if you wanted to use my body to umm... thrust, you could." I sure as hell hoped he was in more of a lustful daze than I was.

"Are you sure?" I could feel his hips quivering in anticipation.


With uncertainty out of the way he lifted me on top of his body and began to thrust into the tube, I could feel the firm tip of his member poking into my bellyfur as his hips rocked back and forth. My mind went crazy as Imagined what it would be like to bottom for my boss, he had nice fluid movements to his thrusting and the drool dripping off of his tongue and inbetween my neck and shoulder made me feel like I was being taken by some sort of beast. I felt the tub on my cock grow tighter as the tongues seemed to form a sort of 'O' shape around my shaft and was now gripping the flesh up and down on top of the tube's gentle suckling motion. Neither one of us was going to last for much longer at this point and when I saw a droplet of nectar drop from the pod's ceiling and land on the doctor's nipple between one of his strong thrusts upward, I lost it.

A big part of me hoped that it was the feeling of my lips on him that caused him to shoot first, his muscles flexed across my back and he howled out so loudly as he came that I was almost worried someone above ground was going to hear it. When I felt my own orgasm rise I tried to hold it back, but the tube's fluids splashed against me again and it felt warmer and warmer the closer I got, until the sperm was being milked out of me. I felt the two vein like tongues of the tube slip out at this point and caress my balls tenderly as I fed my otter spunk down the tube and into some unknown part of the pod. When Dr. Tuber rolled me back onto my side I saw two purplish appendages caressing under his balls as well.

"Mmmm thanks for that buddy, felt great to let my hips get a little exercise. Just imagine, Maps. After a hard day of work you could come down here any time you wanted to and relieve a little stress in the pods."

When I tried to respond I still realized my muzzle was attached to the canine's nipple. I pulled off of him slowly and lowered my head in embarrassment. "Oh uhh... I'm sorry I..."

The doctor gave my shoulder a gentle pat and shook his head. "No, I know. The nectar makes you do things sometimes, I won't hold it against you. Hell, just wait until your own pod is finished, it does even more to your senses when it's custom made."

He was so comfortable with me, a voice in my thoughts was screaming for me to tell him how sexy I thought I was, and another was telling me to just be happy with what I had. "I will have to try the new pod then, maybe you could come in there with me too?"

"Don't tell me you're still afraid of what the plants in here might do to you."

"No. I just... I like that I can experience them with someone. With you."

The doctor gave me another bearhug and looked at me with a warm smile. "You know what? I think I like doing all of this better with someone too. I'd be happy to, Maps."

We laid inside the pod for quite a while, there wasn't a whole lot of work going on that day. Dr. Tuber lead me to a set of showers he had next to the botanica's lab and we washed the nectar out of our fur. We spent time in the pods just about every other work day after that, and he slowly started teaching me about each of the plants down in the botanica. I felt closer to him than ever and the secret we shared seemed to makes us more friends than coworkers. Work was good, life was perfect, and it stayed perfect until I got a call that woke me up at four in the morning.

"Come into work now. Right now. We have a big problem."

Darnlake Botany Vines

"Aren't you enjoying yourself? It looks like there's too much on that otter mind of yours." "Well... yes. It's hard not to be curious about everything that has been going on here." "Now's as good a time as any to start asking." "I suppose so....

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Darnlake Botany Beginnings

"Go to college, Fescue Maps." That's what they all told me and this otter tends to do what he's told. I thought I wanted to be an artist and for a while I was going to be a biologist before the tests got too hard. Psychology, language arts, and...

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Caught in the Moment

"You look like you're going to fall asleep." "Mmmm I easily could in a bed like this." The fawn mutt stroked a paw softly atop her head. "Well, what fun would that be?" She shifted her tail a bit and moved to get more comfortable. "I know but...

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