Darnlake Botany Beginnings

Story by Dogger on SoFurry

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#1 of Darnlake Botany

"Go to college, Fescue Maps." That's what they all told me and this otter tends to do what he's told. I thought I wanted to be an artist and for a while I was going to be a biologist before the tests got too hard. Psychology, language arts, and biochemistry were all majors of mine at one point or another. I don't know what sort job I was supposed to get with the philosophy degree that I settled on, but I wasn't about to move back home and I needed the money. One of my professors recommended me to a friend of a friend and now I work for Dr. Harold Tuber on some sort of botany project.

The truth is I'm not really sure what I'm doing here in more ways than one. For starters I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to be doing here, I'm an assistant to a botanist and that's as much as I know. We both wear white lab coats and I tend to the exotic plants in Dr. Tuber's greenhouse. Every day my tasks consist to that of a glorified gardener. I plant flowers, water plants, fertilize soil, etc. but none of what I do seems to justify my vast paycheck. I wonder if there's something else going on here in this questionable situation, if there's something Dr. Tuber isn't telling me, but I suppose he wouldn't be the only one keeping a secret. As dull as the work can feel at times, I find myself intensely attracted to Dr. Tuber. Though I know that old english sheepdog wouldn't go for a lithe otter like myself, not that there was something wrong with my looks, but because he was married.

"Day dreaming again, Maps?"

I shook my head quickly. "No Dr. Tuber, just finished my watering rounds a few moments ago."

"Good." The thick white fur on his head bounced a little as he nodded. "Come follow me to the other side of the greenhouse then, I have something new for you today."

"Sounds great." I feigned enthusiasm as best I could.

"You may not find it very exciting, but this is going to be especially important to what we're doing here."

"...and what are we doing here?" I was starting to become curious.

Dr. Tuber simply smiled at me before turning and gesturing his hand over to a couple small buckets, filled with seeds. "I need you to plant these away from everything else, clear some soil and fence it off. Just follow the instructions and don't forget to label it too, alright?"

I simply nodded back. and he responded by ruffling through the fur atop my head with one of his large paws.

"Good boy, Maps." Giving me a happy smile before he walked off back to his own task.

He could have just called me Fescue, but the doctor seemed to prefer my last name instead. Maybe it was because we had fescue grass growing in the greenhouse, along with many other types of exotic grass and flora. Then again maybe he does like me, why else would he have hired me for such simple tasks? To be thought of as eye candy for Dr. Tuber wasn't exactly an idea that bothered me one bit. Ugh... I always do this to myself, get my hopes up for a male in a completely impossible situation, so maybe it's time to stop all that.

The day went on and when it started to get dark I wasn't even half done with my seed planting task. Each seed had to be soaked in some sort of chemical for a specific amount of time before being planted, and every seed a set distance from the other. I went looking for Dr. Tuber to let him know I was clocking out for the evening, but he was nowhere to be found. The greenhouse was quite large and with everything growing in there and both of us moving about, it wasn't uncommon for one to lose the other.

Tucked away behind the greenhouse was a private space the doctor used as a sort of study or office, sure enough that's exactly where he was. His black nose in a book and one of his paws scribbling away making notes as he read, he didn't even notice me approach until I spoke.

"Dr. Tuber? It's past 7:30."

"Already?" He pulled back his coat sleeve to look at his watch. "Ahh, so it is. See you tomorrow then."

I felt like I should say something more, but his bushy eyebrows were lifted up and he was watching me carefully now. His dark eyes made me feel a little self conscious so I simply gave him a wave and headed home.

I wonder what he must think of me, does he not trust me enough to tell me what he is researching at the greenhouse? My voice does tend to have a little lisp to it, maybe he knows I'm gay maybe he is just being coy about doing something with another male. No, no that would just be wishful thinking. He's been nothing but direct with me, work was almost always strictly business. We've only shared a few words of casual conversation, sure he hasn't always had positive things to say about his wife but just because I have a crush on him doesn't mean he wants anything to do with me.

Maybe I should try to be a little suggestive with him, perhaps rub his arm a little or give him a few extra smiles at work? ...ugh no, stupid thoughts. I could be fired, I can't lose this job. What I really should be doing is working harder, I could have stayed late and finished planting those seeds. Could have. Should have. It's not too late right? I can always go back, there's no reason I couldn't go back to the greenhouse after hours and catch up on my work, that would really impress him.

Before I knew it I was on the front step of Dr. Tuber's house, knocking on his door to ask permission to finish planting the seeds in the greenhouse next door.

"Oh. Hello Fescue." His wife had answered the door, her little nose poking through just enough so she could see it was me.

"Hi, Mrs. Tuber. Uhh... is your husband home? I thought I would let him know I came back to finish up something from earlier today."

"He hasn't came home yet, he's still in there."

I checked my own watch, it was a little past nine. "Ohh, I'm surprised. I guess I never knew he worked so late after he let me off."

She waved a paw at me and laughed a little. "Are you kidding? He never comes home until late, always working in there non stop. Work, work, work."

I chuckled back a little, just to be polite. "Okay then. I'll just go in there and let him know myself."

"Don't stay too late, wouldn't want to end up a work-a-holic like my old mongrel."

"I won't." My words ending with a smile, genuine this time.

She's so nice Fescue, what the hell were you thinking such thoughts about a her husband for?

I made my way into the greenhouse looking for Dr. Tuber. Just like the end of my shift he was no where to be found. Weird thing was my buckets of seeds were missing, so I couldn't get to work without him. After making a few cycles through the greenhouse and not being able to find him or my seeds, I decided to go back around to his office and look for him there. Once again he sat at his desk, but some was very, very amiss.

The doctor's lab coat was unbuttoned, his white and silvery chest fur puffed out proudly as his head laid back. If it wasn't for his heavy panting it would seem as though he had fallen asleep in his chair, his body looked relaxed but his breathing was that of a marathon runner's. Even more curious, I approached closer and closer to him trying to figure out what was going on. I should have said his name or made my presence known but I was too busy trying to figure out what the hell was going on with the doctor. His breathing steadied just long enough for his wet tongue to lick across his lips once before falling back to hang down his jaw and his panting continued.

When I was close enough to reach out and touch him I noticed some sort of movement below his stomach and near his groin. Once my eyes realized what they were seeing a loud yelp flew from my muzzle before my brain could stop and process it. The noise alerted the large sheepdog in his chair, almost causing him to fall back in it before he steadied himself. I swore I could see him blush even beneath the thick fur on his face and with wide eyes he just stared back at me with a look of bewilderment and more surprise than I've ever seen on anyone's expression before.

"Maps!" His high pitched exclamation a tone very far from his usual deep voice, causing him to clear both his throat and his thoughts before speaking again. "What are you doing here at this hour?"

"I... the seeds I was going to... that thing..." My thoughts were in too much chaos for me to form a complete sentence.

Both of us stood our ground in silence for a bit before he spoke very calmly back to me. "How much did you see?"

"I don't know what I saw, but there's something... on you."

"Yes. Yes there is."

"What the hell is it?"

"Do you want to see it?" His tone started to sound almost pleased.

"I don't know, I won't know what 'it' is."

After taking a deep breath the sheepdog slid back in his chair some, grasping his desk and turning it at an angle. Dr. Tuber motioned for me to come around so I could take a look at him and I couldn't help but feel a gush of anxiety wash over me as I hesitantly stepped behind the desk to look at his nether region. As I moved I saw his thick pelt of fur exposed on his thigh, then his pants on the floor, and finally the odd purple bulb that I had caught a glimpse of earlier.

On Dr. Tuber's lap sat a pot and growing out of the pot was something that resembled an eggplant. The leaves were brushed up and meshing into his fur and the large bulb-like vegetable was attached to the doctor's cock. The plant was slowly moving up and down on his salty flesh, slick and moist looking petals poking out of the opening it was using to hold and suckle his member with. I could hardly believe my eyes, a plant was sucking my boss' cock right in front of me.

"How is this even possible?" My voice stuttering with confusion.

"It's something of a little side project I've been working on for some time."

"It's just... I don't see how..."

"Maps, try not to think about it too much." His voice was even more relaxed now and it was clear he wasn't so worried about my reaction to the event in front of me.

"I guess you're right, it's just hard not to be surprised by."

"You know what though? It feels pretty damn good."

I felt myself growing excited when I heard his voice for the first time in a tone of pleasure.

"It does sort of look like it would..." Little did he know I was thinking more about his own member than the idea of the plant on him.

"You know, Maps, I have more than one of these if you want to give it a try. I can see you getting ideas already." His paw pointing to the bulge in my pants.

I was in too deep and my head was swimming with thoughts, overflowing with what I should do, what I shouldn't do, but it was too late. He thinks I want one of those things on me, but what would he think if he knew it was him that was arousing me?

I was too deep into my own head again and by the time I realized what had happened he had set his plant pot back on top of his desk and was standing with his pinkish pale member pointing directly at me. "Stay right here, I'll be back with another chair and a friend for you too." He gave me a wink and disappeared into the main part of the greenhouse. I stared back at the purple plant, it's bulb seeming to sway back and forth as if searching for something. A lime green ooze was starting to drip from the petals on it's 'mouth' and I tried to figure out if letting one of these things have it's way with me was worth another look at the doctor's malehood.

Once he came back and my eyes caught glimpse of his mostly naked body again, I knew I was going through with it. He set another pot on the desk and put my chair next to his own, giving it an inviting pat with his heavy paw. "C'mon kid, they don't have teeth, it's not going to bite you." My legs wobbled as I slowly made my way over and sunk into the wooden chair next to him. He gave me a nodding gesture toward my clothing and I returned the nod back as I started to unbutton my coat and unbuckle.

"They don't have an official name but I've been calling them smoochers for a while." His eyes locked with mine as if we were discussing the most natural thing in the world. "Just try to relax, it'll feel wonderful, you'll see."

"Yeah." A brief agreement was all I could muster as he set the pot on my thigh, then placed my own paw on the pot to steady it. His paw on my own sending a jolt through my body, his touch was so gentle and to my surprise he kept it there, using his other paw to take his own pot back down from his desk and set it on his lap. The hungry smoocher took only seconds before it found his erect cock again and slurped it down into it's purple pod once again.

I slid my pants down into the earth below me and like the canine beside me my lab coat was also open, my brown bellyfur growing cool in the night's air with my sheath throbbing a little still from Dr. Tuber's touch. The purple bulb only inches from my member and moving around as if it could smell the precum I had started to leak. I had started to mouth the phrase "please don't let it touch me." over and over again before I realized what I was doing, looking back at Dr. Tuber to see if he had noticed. Lucky for me his head was thrown back in the same position as I had seen him in earlier, the dog panting heavily and obviously enjoying himself. The last thing I wanted was for him to think I didn't want to be here, this was probably the closest thing to a sexual experience I was going to ever have with him.

Before my mind could wander any further the purple smoocher had found it's way to my cock and it's slippery petals were stating to take my member into it's folds. I started to think that maybe it wouldn't be so bad since I hadn't been with anyone for a little while and then... then I started to really feel it. I looked down to see the bulb's petals shifting over my malehood and sucking me in. I thought there were maybe only four petals inside it but on the soft flesh of my otter cock, it felt like a hundred. I could feel every slick petal sliding and shifting over me as I was pulled deeper into the smoocher. I couldn't believe what this thing was doing to me could actually feel so good.

Within moments I was completely hard inside the purple bulb, my shaft throbbing against the silky soft petals as they worked their magic on me. It's lime green fluid was starting to drool out of the purple sack and over my sheath, dripping down my furry orbs. It felt like the liquid was soaking into my flesh, it felt like it was soaking into my cock. I couldn't help but let out a quiet moan of pleasure, I was actually enjoying myself, it felt so much better than I thought it would have. Who knows how long Dr. Tuber had these things growing, but after all that time it was still making him pant like a bitch in heat and now I knew why.

"See? There I knew you'd like it." He had obviously heard my moaning.

"Yes... I can hardly believe how good this feels."

"Mmmmhmmm... I don't know about you but I'm gonna blow soon."

I lazily looked over at him and he had a huge grin across his face when his paw brushed up and down mine before grasping it tightly. Slowly his eyes fell shut and he bit his lower lip, his chair began to creek as he rocked back and forth. His large barrel chest puffed farther out of his open lab coat and he let out a gruff growl of pleasure as his orgasm finally took him over. His smoocher was making very lewd sucking noises when his cock violently pumped his salty goo into the eager flower's petals. I was expecting to watch some drizzle out of the pod, but to my surprise the smoocher let nothing escape, it had somehow either absorbed all of his semen, or sucked it down into it's vine.

Watching the object of my desire cum and feeling his heavy grasp on my paw was too much for me. Combined with the gentle yet blissful slurpings of the purple smoocher on me were to much to bear any longer. I let a moan out softly and then again much louder. I could see a happiness light up in his eyes as he watched me start my own orgasm, watched my body tense up and my cries grow louder as my sticky fluids began to pour into the plant sucking me. The petals inside moved faster once it felt me cumming and it seemed to secrete even more of the lime sap over my spasming member. The quick moving petals caressed and massaged my cock expertly over and over again until my orgasm began to subside and then so did it's motions slow down until it was just gently milking the last droplets of my cum into it's folds.

Dr. Tuber and I didn't really say much after the experience. I simply sat the smoocher back onto his desk once it had it's fill from me and we both exchanged silly smiles of post orgasm. I figured I would wait another day to have my questions answered and hope that this wouldn't be the last time I got to see his naked body. I headed home for the night, completely forgetting about the seeds I had intended to plant in the first place. I could hardly believe what I had just seen, even more I could barely believe what I had just done. Life in Darnlake certainly was starting to seem more interesting and I knew going into work the next day was never going to be the same again.

Caught in the Moment

"You look like you're going to fall asleep." "Mmmm I easily could in a bed like this." The fawn mutt stroked a paw softly atop her head. "Well, what fun would that be?" She shifted her tail a bit and moved to get more comfortable. "I know but...

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