Darnlake Botany Vines

Story by Dogger on SoFurry

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#2 of Darnlake Botany

"Aren't you enjoying yourself? It looks like there's too much on that otter mind of yours."

"Well... yes. It's hard not to be curious about everything that has been going on here."

"Now's as good a time as any to start asking."

"I suppose so. Well, let's start with these. Why are these things called 'smoochers' anyway?"

"Ahh, well you see they were originally a present for the wife. The tip of the bulb attaches to the surface of anything and feels like sort of a puckered wet kiss."

"Feels like it."

"Haha... of course. Well, it wasn't long before I discovered that they can suckle more than they kiss. Which is why we're using them in this way."

"Where did you find them?"

"Find? No, no. I grew these, the work in this greenhouse over the years has allowed me too... ungh say gimme a moment here, Maps. I'm gonna have to cum..."

Part of me was eager for him to finish his sentence and get the rest of the details, but a bigger, much more hornier part of me had been waiting for this specific moment. I love hearing his voice when he's close, those gruff yet tiny grunts he lets out as he's cumming. It wasn't so much that he was a doctor, or even his breed as an English sheepdog, it was just something about him that was very... male. Once I hear him going it just makes me lose it and I always cum right along with him. Sometimes I'm lucky and I can feel his strong paw grab my shoulder, there was that week ago where he wrapped one of his arms around me and held me close while we shared an orgasm. The scent of him drives me crazy, and yet there is so much in the way even when I am close enough to smell him.

I let my mind swim in the fantasy of the possibilities the doctor and I could share, while in our surreal reality he removes the purple bulb from his cock before helping me remove mine. The smoochers, the plants who had for all intents and purposes just pleasured us orally, were set to the side on the ground of the greenhouse where Dr. Tuber and I sat. Just another lazy afternoon, just one more afternoon where I was too afraid to ask him all of the questions that were congesting my mind.

"There isn't much left to do here today, why don't you take the rest of the afternoon off?" The spent sheepdog stood to his feet, brushing aside the dirt on his pants before he began to button up his white coat.

"That's nice of you Dr. Tuber, I think I just might do that."

He smiled his warm smile and ruffled the fur on my head with his paw. "Good. See you tomorrow then."

"Tomorrow..." I almost let out a sigh, my procrastination was getting ridiculous.

I remember my first encounter with one of the doctor's smoochers, and I remember the next day even better. I woke up with such a determination to find out what was behind these strange new plants, figure out why he decided to share them with me. Maybe it was because I walked in on him, maybe it was be cause he was looking for a buddy to share the experience with. Every time I would feel too nervous and every time I was ready to talk he would offer me another experience with them. I wasn't about to argue at another chance to see his naked body, not to mention that the smoochers felt absolutely incredible on a male's organ.

I finished my duties, setting the smoochers back in their hidden compartment, put away the gardening equipment, and locked up the greenhouse for the night. I couldn't help but feel like if I didn't do something about this procrastination right here and now, I'd never bring myself to do it. So instead of heading home like I should have, I instead found myself at the Tuber's doorstep knocking at the door and expecting some answers.

It was Dr. Tuber's wife who answered. "Ohh hello Fescue, what brings you to our home today? I thought the boys were out of work early today."

"We are, err I guess we were. I was just hoping that I could speak to your husband before the day was over."

I often came to their home to speak with Dr. Tuber about many things work related after hours so it wasn't an unusual request, but I was puzzled to see her think for a few moments before answering.

"Of course you can, dear. Only we're going to have dinner soon and it would be nice to have Harold at the table when it was ready for once, you won't keep him long I hope?"

I shook my head. "No, not at all. Just a quick work related discussion is all."

"Alright then." She stood back from the door and motioned for me to come in. "He's in the living room, go ahead and join him on the couch. I'll have dinner ready in just a few mins and of course you're welcome to..."

I politely put up my paw to stop her, giving a smile of gratitude. "...thank you Mrs. Tuber but I promise I won't stay long."

She nodded and I entered their home, steadily making my way to the living room where I greeted Dr. Tuber with a simple wave. He wasn't too surprised to see me, but seemed to be more concerned about what was on the television at the time.

"I uhh... I really need to speak with you about something."

Concern flushed across his face. "Is everything alright at the greenhouse?"

"Yes, yes of course. It's just... look can we talk outside?"

He nodded to me, grabbing his coat as we headed back out the door, giving his wife a kiss on the cheek and assuring her that we wouldn't be long.

"So what is this all about, Maps?"

It was now or never. "I keep hesitating to ask but I have to know, the greenhouse, the smoochers, the unusual plants, what are we doing over there?"

I was slightly nervous to hear him grumble before his reply. "That's a loaded question, Maps."

"I know."

The doctor paused for a moment, stroking the white fur on his chin as he thought to himself. "Look, you know there's a lot going on that I can't tell you, it's better that way. If you knew you'd understand."

"But I don't know! So there's no way I understand." I couldn't help but protest.

He rested his paw atop my shoulder and gave me the most sympathetic gaze I had ever seen from him. "I get it, you know? Who wouldn't be curious after all... but it absolutely needs to be this way. Finding out about the plants you did so far was an accident and you've been really good about keeping that between us."

"Yes, I have."

"Of course you have." He cleared his throat and I watched his ears turn behind him. As an otter my sense of hearing wasn't as heightened as his, but by the look on his face it was clear his wife was calling him in for dinner. "We have to finish this discussion later. Look, maybe I can let you in on a little bit in the future but I'm terribly sorry, right now you already know more than you should."

What more could I say? "I suppose I'd have to understand."

"You're a good assistant and a good buddy." He rubbed my shoulder once more before returning to the house.

I stood outside for a few minutes just thinking to myself. All that waiting for nothing, I could probably be working here for another year and not know any more than I did right now. The money didn't matter, the allure of the virile doctor didn't even concern me at this point. I couldn't focus on anything else until I had some answers. They were locked away in that greenhouse, somewhere, somewhere that I've never been before but they had to be in there.

The greenhouse key was burning a hole in the pocket of my coat and I heard it jingle in my pocket with every step I took. I locked the door behind me and began snooping around. We got in shipments of plants every so often, but most of the seeds and flora seemed to come from nowhere. I had plenty of days before to assume and imagine, there was some part of the greenhouse where the doctor had to be growing and experimenting that he hadn't told me about. Of all the places, it was under his desk in the back where I first got a taste of this knowledge where I would find the door to answer every question I had.

Under his desk, below a short layer of dirt was a handle that took quite a bit of effort to lift up. I made my way down with quite a bit of strain on my muscles, though the doctor probably got in and out of here with ease, anyone who saw us together could tell that I did not match his strength. Concrete stairs lead me deep underneath the greenhouse and by the time I reached the bottom to find another door, I could tell I shouldn't be here long when it started to get dark outside it had to be pitch black under here. Of course this next door had a lock on it which took a key that I didn't have. I almost felt guilty about kicking the door over and over until it broke down, but when I saw what was on the other side, guilt melted into revelation and was washed away by the sheer wonder of what was before me.

"No. Fucking. Way." I thought the greenhouse was large, but the sight in front of me was enormous, it had to be almost twice as big. My worries of nightfall were gone as I saw hundreds of florescent lights scattered all around. I couldn't believe the colors, the various growths of plants and flowers that decorated this area in a way that was undeniably beautiful. As I worked my way down the final set of stairs I watched breathlessly at all of the miniature jungle below me. Of all my years in college, of everything I studied, I hadn't seen a single one of these plants before. They put the exotic plants above ground to shame, some were smaller than a dime, others looked more like trees than flowers. I was so taken away by the whole experience that I almost jumped out of my fur when I felt something grab and pull at my coat. I yelped out a fearful "I'm sorry!" before I realized it wasn't the doctor that had found me out, but one of the unusual plants.

Whatever it was stood over eight feet tall, it looked like a dark green vine that was curved at the tip and covered from bottom to top with smaller neon blue stems growing out of it, each stem had what appeared to be a clear droplet of dew on the tips. Before I could realize that the 'dew' was a frightfully sticky substance, I was already caught in the trap of this sticky monster. I tried to remove my coat and get away but soon the other stems were attaching to my pants and shirt. It seemed like for every piece of clothing that was removed another stem's sap would grab me and soon I was feeling the dark green vine curve more and more until it had coiled across my body, dozens of the stems gripping and holding me in place. Even the smallest struggled pulled at my fur and eventually all I could do was cry out for help as I stood there in it's grasp in nothing but my boxers.

I called out for Dr. Tuber with an almost pathetic desperation over and over. The only good thing was that the more time that passed, the less I worried about the plant hurting me. It didn't seem to be any sort of carnivorous plant, but it was keeping me held for some reason. I didn't know what to think and was regretting over and over in my mind coming down here. I just 'had' to find out, 'had' to know the truth. Now I was only going to see Dr. Tuber one more time, our final moment together would be his angry voice telling me I was fired and how he could never trust me ever again.

Before the sadness overwhelmed me, caution took over. I felt the earth below me rumble and with shock I watched as several thin vines sprouted from the ground on all sides of me. Any experience or knowledge I had in the past didn't prepare me for a moment of what was now taking place, the wet vines moved all along my exposed body as if they were searching or tasting for something. They had the same eerie movement as the smoochers but gave off a sort of earthy smell when I felt them brush past my nose and whiskers. All of the sudden they stopped trying to sense my presence and began to poke and prod at any exposed part of my body. It felt like they were trying to move me, each one like a gentle shove but the blue stems from the larger vine kept me held fast. I tried to put it out of my mind until I felt one of the vines slip under the leg of my boxers and poke dangerously close to my tailhole.

"Oh no! Dammit Maps what are you doing in the botanica!? You're not supposed to be down here!!!"

"Dr. Tuber! Please help me, I can't move." I pleaded to the best of my ability.

"The sundew has you. Just hold on okay? I'm going to get the salv so I can get you out, I promise I'll be back here as fast as I can." His tone was that of genuine concern and urgency. I was so happy he wasn't raging mad at me.

"Please hurry, I don't know what this thing is trying to do to me!" I couldn't help but whimper pathetically. I just wanted to get out of here, I wanted to go home.

The wet texture of the vine pushing under me certainly didn't help things. There was nothing I could do to fight it but try to keep my tail down but after a few seconds of successfully keeping it from poking me again, another vine pushed my tail out of the way and I felt one of them slip under my tail and into me. I clenched my eyes shut and just tried to put the situation out of my head. I tried to think of something positive, something other than what was happening to me. But all that came to mind was Dr. Tuber, his strong arms, his voice, his scent, everything about him made me feel warm and as I felt the vine push deeper into me I couldn't help but feel my member rise out of my sheath as I wished it was him under my tail instead.

All of the sudden the behavior of the vines changed completely. Once one of them rubbed past the exposed flesh of my sheath, all but two of them went back beneath the ground. There was the vine pushing into my tailhole and then there was another moist vine just arched right under my cock, as if it was waiting to catch something. Once the vine inside me hit my prostate and began to stroke it, everything came together. This sundew was trying to milk the cum out of me, and even if the smoocher wasn't originally intended to be used sexually, the sundew obviously was.

I slowly relaxed, with great hesitation. I let my eyes remain shut and my thoughts come back to Dr. Tuber again. Even if I tried to move the sap would pull at my fur so there was no other choice but to ride it out. The vine inside me seemed to become more and more slick the longer it remained inside of me and I had never felt anything hit my prostate so good. I let my tail lift higher and attempted to rock back and forth on the vine before the stems felt like they were pulling at my fur too much. I let it work it's magic for a few more moments before my tip was drooling with pre that fell down onto the waiting vine below. It reacted to the pre by lifting higher, stroking under my balls and letting it's wet texture stroke the underbelly of my exposed member. When I actually saw Dr. Tuber coming to my rescue, the sight of him and the feeling of the vines was more than enough to force and orgasm out of me. All I could do was moan as I spilled my seed all over the catching vine that seemed to twist and move in an almost delighted rhythm. I watched in awe as I saw my seed being absorbed into the vine's green fleshy outer and once Dr. Tuber found me spent and bound, the vines had begun to depart into the earth from where they came.

"Just hold still, Maps. This salv will take away the sticky substance of the sundew." He looked at me with such sad eyes as he began to pour the concoction over the stems to wash away their hold on me.

"I'm so sorry Dr. Tuber. I don't know what I was thinking."

"Don't worry about that now. Let's just get you back to the surface, then we can talk about what happened okay?"

"We don't have to. I know you can't tell me. I'm just so glad you didn't leave me down here forever."

"I would never punish my assistant like that, or my friend."

"Really? I mean... so you're not going to fire me?"

"No Maps, I won't. But there are many things we are going to have to go over when you come in to work tomorrow."

Darnlake Botany Beginnings

"Go to college, Fescue Maps." That's what they all told me and this otter tends to do what he's told. I thought I wanted to be an artist and for a while I was going to be a biologist before the tests got too hard. Psychology, language arts, and...

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Caught in the Moment

"You look like you're going to fall asleep." "Mmmm I easily could in a bed like this." The fawn mutt stroked a paw softly atop her head. "Well, what fun would that be?" She shifted her tail a bit and moved to get more comfortable. "I know but...

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