Our Wives

Story by Dogger on SoFurry

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West Huddleston - Male Grizzly Bear

Victor Naplot - Male Large Black Bear

Karen Huddleston - Female Polar Bear

Emelia Naplot - Female Grizzly Bear


"Alright buddy, it's your turn."

I scratched my head thinking some, trying to find a good question. Victor and I were playing a game of back and forth personal questions. Never hurts to get to know a little bit more about your pal and it's even more fun when you're both on the verge of getting drunk. "You and Emelia have been married for a couple years now, you two ever think about starting a family?"

"Aww.. c'mon that's such a pussy question. From one bear to another you should have bigger balls than that." I must have given him an uncomfortable look because his voice went slightly more serious after that moment. "Sure, O'course. Every male wants cubs whether he knows it or not." Victor nudged my arm with his bottle of rum. "Karen go off the pill or somethin'?"

I simply shook my head no.

Victor nodded. "My Emelia's still on those things too, but situations never work like they're supposed to." His large belly wobbled a bit as he chuckled to himself. "So... you know... no need to go wishin' for something that's bound to happen any day just by pure accident. It'll happen when it happens."

I nodded to myself, accepting his answer. "Alright you ask me a better question then. It's your turn, Victor." I watched him for a bit as he thought, slowly closing and relaxing my eyes as I finished off the last beer.

"Alright I got something for ya brown bear." Victor had one eyebrow cocked and one of his large sausage like fingers pointed right at me, everything about his body language told me some sort of trouble was around the corner. He was going to ask the question that would set my world on fire. "Any female you want, 'cept your wife Karen O'course. If you could put that ursine pecker between the thighs of any female you've ever met, then who would that lucky gal be?"

"Alive or dead?" I felt like I had to stall for time and I figured he'd be too drunk to notice.

"Mmmhmm..." The black bear muttered while taking another sip from the bottle.

I thought to myself, taking a moment of caution before speaking. "...what about married or unmarried?"

Victor's grin started to reveal itself. "Now we're talkin'. Got somethin' good on your mind don't you, West?"

"I'm not so sure if I should answer that..."

"Now you damn well better. I ain't sober enough to start convincin'."

"Alright, Alright... it's your wife, Emelia. I don't know why but she..." If I just said that out loud, then I must have been somewhere past simply getting drunk. Drunk was half an hour ago.

"...'cuse me? My Emelia? You wanna run that by me again, West?" His voice was different. His words so quiet that it made me feel like I had just made a horrible mistake.

"It's uhh... it's just a compliment to her, Victor. I wasn't meaning to be disrespectful."

The big black bear just eyed me for a moment, once enough time passed for the tension to turn uncomfortable I tried to stand and sort my empty beer cans out. However, before I got the chance I felt Victor's paw on my shoulder force me back into a sitting position and he scooted right next to me. His large black arm wrapped over my shoulder and held me into his bulk so close that I was worried he would feel how strong my heart was beating nervously in my chest.

"You know, West... that's an awful bold statement to be telling a bear you've been usin' his wife as yer pawin' off fantasy."

"I just wanted to answer your question, Victor. I don't know what to say, maybe I went too far, maybe we drank too much tonight. I just know that I'm sorry for what I said about your wife."

"Sorry?" He gave me a surprised look. "West, I've been spillin' seed to thoughts of your wife ever since the two of you moved in next door. Can't blame a bear for havin' thoughts now, but I can blame that wife of yours for a big stain on my shower curtains."

My eyes went wide. It felt like my brain had just flipped a U-turn. One second I was worried I'd have to fend off my best friend in a drunken fight, the next he's hugging me with a smile and telling me nasty thoughts he's had about my wife. "I was worried for a second there that you'd be angry."

Victor flashed me a warm smile. "It's alright buddy, I'm a bit surprised too. Ain't no harm in thinkin' though. Thoughts are just thoughts, only thing that's changed is now you know I want to fuck yer wife and you wanna fuck mine."

I hugged him back, giving the black fur on his back a good scratching to show my appreciation for his open mind. "Well, I'm just glad you're not upset. It is nice to have that out in the open."

Victor leaned closer to me, his voice was a whisper now but he was close enough that I could smell the thick scent of rum coming off his breath. "Return the courtesy then buddy, keep that mind of yers open when I tell you that I given the opportunity I would happily fuck your wife, if given the chance O'course."

I wasn't sure what to say about that. I didn't feel especially comfortable with the thought of Victor and my Karen getting together though. "I'm not angry at the idea, Victor. Though I can't say I would be very happy if Karen were to actually cheat on me, especially if it was someone I felt was a close friend."

The black bear nodded a couple times before speaking again. "Thinkin'... maybe... just maybe... you wouldn't be so cross with me for screwin' your wife if you had just finished screwin' mine." His voice had that eerie quiet tone to it again. He was serious.

I couldn't believe what he was insinuating. My eyes widened at the reality sinking in, I was caught off guard. I couldn't force myself to speak if I had wanted to.

"Tell you what, West." Victor gave me a couple pats on the shoulder before he stood up and collected his rum bottles, one empthy, one he was still sipping from. "Imma go sober up for the night and you can let yer thoughts settle."

I nodded back, still unable to formulate thoughts.

"I'll leave it to you to bring it up again, buddy. See you around." Victor gave me a wave as he headed home.

"Yeah..." I finally muttered out as the large bear staggered drunkenly back home. I gathered my cans and went back into the house. Conversations like this is why drinking with Victor never gets old.


Weeks passed and never a morning went by that I woke up without thinking about my conversation with Victor. It was always the first thing on my mind. It was a Saturday so I figured Karen was probably out running errands since she wasn't in bed with me and had let me sleep in. Unsure of what to do with my free time I first headed into the shower to wash up. Against my better judgment, I kept my paws strictly to cleaning and decided I'd save my strength for Karen sometime during the day.

Before I could finish drying off I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly tried to dry off my fur until I heard the door open followed by voices. I guess my wife was home afterall.

"Hello there Mrs. Huddleston, is that husband of yours around?" Victor greeted my wife with a new friendliness every time he saw her now. That sultry smile across his muzzle always reminding me of his intentions. Even though I couldn't see it from the bathroom, I still knew it was there.

"I think I just heard him leave the shower, Vic. I'll let him know you're here." She let the black bear in and pointed him in the direction of the kitchen. "There's fresh orange juice in the fridge. Why don't you grab a couple glasses and I'll tell him to meet you out on the deck?"

"Sounds like a fine idea ma'am. I'll do just that." I could hear his large body shuffling around in the kitchen as I finished drying off.

Instead of getting dressed I just grabbed a robe and threw it on, might as well be lazy on my day off. I saw Karen in the living room, she was hunched over the coffee table with a bunch of notebooks and papers. Still studying for her night class no doubt. Karen was a polar bear and a very thin one as far as polar bears go. When we got married we made an extra vow to each other to keep looking our best. She'd keep herself thin if I kept myself strong, said she didn't want to lose my grizzly bear muscles. Our bodies fluctuate here and there but so far though five years of marriage we've still honored our promise to each other.

"Hey, Honey." I gave her an affectionate kiss on the cheek. "I heard about Victor from down the hall. I'll let you focus on your studying."

She simply smiled back giving me a bit of a nod to show she understood. Letting me walk another few feet away before I heard her clear her throat as if I had forgot something.

"Ohh yeah... good morning too." I smiled over my shoulder, letting her know I hadn't forgotten.

Karen shook her head with something of a playful smile. "Good morning to you too, West. Go ahead he's out waiting for you."

I opened the screen door to step out onto the deck in the backyard. Victor was sitting across a small table, kicking out a chair for me on the opposite end. Before I could say a word I saw him motion to the two glasses of orange juice and pull out a tiny bottle of vodka from his pocket. He was shaking it out in front of me so that I could see what he was getting at.

"Victor, it's ten o'clock in the morning."

"Why is everyone always sayin' that? Who cares what time it is, we gonna screwdrive these or what?"

"Alright fine. I guess I'm not doing anything important today." I shoved the excess of my robe to the side as I took a seat across from him.

"Good bear!" The black ursine grinned as he unscrewed the small bottle of vodka and spiked the drinks. "Don't worry, we're not drinkin' for no reason. There's somethin' to be celebrated." He put the drink to his lips and took a long sip of it before leaning over so I could hear his lowered tone. "I've been talking to Emelia."

"Oh?" I felt my heart thump at the very mention of his wife's name these days.

His expression broke out in a smile that he tried to hold back before letting an uncontrollable chuckle escape. He was trying to regain his composure, Victor was actually trying to be serious for a change. Someone like Victor trying to act professional always made me nervous. "Alright, here's what's goin' on." It felt like I could tell what he was going to say before he even spoke. "Emelia and I, we talked about you know, that whole your wife my wife thing. Now, I know okay, I know. I told you I was goin' to let you take yer time and... hell I dunno what I said, I was fuckin' drunk. Point is, she likes the idea and she likes you."

What? I couldn't believe it, I couldn't tell if it was Victor's finger pointing right at me when he finished with the word "you" or the dead serious look in his eye. What are you supposed to say to a bear who's just told you that his own wife wants you to fuck her. "Wow..."

Victor took another sip of his spiked drink and cleared his throat a bit. "Look buddy, I need this said. A couple weeks ago this was just some fantasy. My blood's been boilin' like never before, it's excitin'." I nodded in a subtle agreement as I watched his eyes light up. "Okay so then you and I get to talkin' and I think great! Right? I mean not like it was gonna happen but hell, maybe. So then Emelia gives me the green light and now I think this can really happen. You know what I'm gettin' at, buddy? This could be real. Only one more that's gotta give consent."

His speech felt practiced, it was too put together. Victor was serious, he really, really wanted this. It gave my heart another jolt to watch those eyes of his begging me to speak to Karen, I could see the lust. "If we were to actually do it instead of just imagine it, we could never take it back. It would be a part of our relationships forever."

"Hopefully." Victor flashed his big bear grin.

"I'm not so sure that this is something I want to have permanently on my..."

"I want to fuck your Mrs." Victor shook his head some after blurting out, I'm not sure if he was being that blunt intentionally. "I'm damn sure and I'll deal with what comes on account of that." The black bear made a motion toward my open robe, taking note that my erection had started to show itself. "Don't tell me I'm alone on this one."

"...alright, and I want to fuck yours too." My words stammered a bit as I tried to cover myself. I needed an excuse to think for a moment and to get some pants on. "Look, let me just go back inside and get dressed. When I come back we can keep talking."

"Go ahead, I'll be here." The big bear took another sip of his screwdriver before letting out a loud belch, grinning and motioning to me proudly with his glass as he saw me reenter the house. "No forgettin' to talk to Karen though. I know yer the nervous type."

I nodded back at him before opening the screen door and going back inside. To my surprise, Karen was in the kitchen, digging inside the fridge right next to the screen door that connected to the back yard where we were sitting. I felt a sort of sinking feeling, questioning what just happened. What did we just say? Did we say it loud enough for her to hear? Shit... "Hey honey, I'm just going to throw some clothes on." I kept walking and talking until her words stopped me.

"I thought Victor wanted you to talk to me about something." Her tone was much more calm than I would have expected under the circumstances.

"Oh that. You know Victor, we're just bullshitting about..." I tried to speak in a more joking manner, but she clearly saw right though it."

"I heard you two. I know what you're up to." Karen walked right up to me, resting her hands on my hips and looking into my eyes. "I'm not going to get mad, okay? I don't know what I'm feeling about this but until I do, I don't want to discuss it now. Just give me some time and I will let you know what I plan to do about this. It is a lot to take in."

There was no way I could possibly wipe the guilt off of my face. Victor and I were caught and Karen seemed... oddly indifferent. Wishful thinking wanted me to believe she was considering our sexual situation. Simple logic told me that she was trying to decide if she should divorce me or not. "Of course. Whatever you want, Karen. I'm just so sorry you had to hear about it this way."

I couldn't help but think about what a stupid mistake I had just made, every time I put on a new piece of clothing I thought of another thing I could have done better, smarter, more discreet. Victor's loud mouth sure didn't help things. What was I thinking anyway? I was perfectly content with Karen, we could have lived our whole lives together just fine. Sex was great, it was still fun, why risk a healthy relationship with something dangerous and catastrophic?

Now fully dressed, I saw Karen was back at her study table with a drink and a half a sandwich for an early lunch. I didn't see disgust in her eyes when she looked at me, hopefully that was a good sign. I made my way to the back, still unsure about what I was going to do with Victor.

"Welcome back, buddy. Yer wife gave me the other half of her sandwich, maybe she does like me." Victor seemed unusually optimistic. Though if Karen was upset with the situation, she should have been furious with Victor too. If she still offered him food after all that then maybe this was going in a completely different direction.


I had never felt so uncomfortable in my life. Here the four of us were, eating the evening's dessert. At least our wives maintained a sort of uneasy quality by staring at the table, but Victor was smiling and making conversation like nothing out of the ordinary was about to happen, Victor was also an idiot.

Going over the events in my head I still couldn't figure out how this whole thing pieced together. Victor and I have a drunken conversation one night. Then we talk about fucking each other's wives in broad daylight to the point where Karen overhears us. About a week later Karen tells me that she discussed the situation with Emelia and the two of them had the same feelings about the other's husbands too, but she wanted to wait until winter was over to be absolutely sure. So here we are, not even two months since the drunken conversation, and four... or maybe at least three rational adults have agreed to wife swapping. Something felt off, it was all a little too easy.

"Well, seems no one else here quite has my appetite, what do you say we move this 'party' over to the bedroom?" No one would ever guess this was taking place in our house instead of theirs. Victor never had any trouble making himself at home where ever he was. "West, how do you feel about escorting my wife, and I'll take Karen?" At least he was making some effort to be a gentleman about it.

I took Emelia's paw in my own, following Victor and my wife down the hall and into our bedroom. Emelia was a grizzly bear like myself, she had a bit more padding on her but no where near as much as Victor did. She had those sexy curves that I didn't see on many female bears these days and she carried them in a way that made it impossible for me to keep my eyes off of her. Every time I saw her eyes bat in my direction I always looked nervously back at Karen for some sort of clarification. I didn't want to seem rude, but none of us knew what was appropriate behavior for this sort of situation.

"I like that you're nervous." Emelia whispered softly into my ear as we walked. "It's different... it's cute." Her words made me feel bashful, but I tried to keep my emotion very masculine and not seem over eager. Victor was about as masculine as bears come and I didn't want to seem like any less of a stud if I was going to become his wife's suitor for the evening.

"So here we are!" Victor's voice boomed in an almost triumphant tone. "Seems to be everyone's nervous. That includes me too O'course, believe it or not. So, I say we shed our clothing down to the fur and try to relax a bit. Everyone knows what we're here for, anyone gonna waste the night away bein' shy now?" Once five seconds of silence hit Victor's ears, we watched as he removed his shirt and started to unbuckle his belt. The rest of us began to undress bit by bit, looking at Victor's progress and trying to at least keep up. My cock was still nestled away in my sheath due to the unfamiliar situation. Victor having half a hard on proved he either wasn't nervous about the tension, or he was starting to get off on it.

The black bear eyed my dangling bits with a sort of wink and a smile. "Heh... what'dya know, West? Guess I was wrong about yer balls on our drinking night." Just when I thought to myself that his commentary wasn't helping, he finally said the words that I had been waiting to hear all night. "Go ahead, West. You have my blessin' tonight, give my Emelia a kiss and do it right. She deserves to be treated like a lady."

I nodded, it would be rude not to at this point and it was the start of what I had been craving for so long. I couldn't help but grin and Emelia had a very shy smile across her muzzle. While her expression was somewhat innocent, her body language was not. Her hips swung back and forth in a very sexy sort of walk as she approached me, wrapping one arm behind my neck and let the other pet and stroke across the fur on my chest. Part of me wanted to look to Victor for a final confirmation, but his wife's gaze wouldn't let my eyes leave her and they soon fell shut as her lips met mine. Our kiss felt so... beautiful, it was very tender and burned with a sort of forbidden passion. I still could not believe I was here in this moment, this was Victor's wife and she was kissing me as if I was her lover. I suppose for tonight, I was.

"She seems to have taken to you, buddy" Victor's words snapped me out of Emelia's trance for a moment. I wasn't sure how long we had been kissing, but Victor's folded arms told me a bit too long. The black bear had a raging hard on at this point. At first I was wondering why he wasn't busy kissing Karen, but then I realized that Victor was waiting for the same thing he had given me. A blessing to take my wife.

The words didn't come out easy. "Of course I give you my blessing as well, Victor. For tonight, Karen's body is yours to share." I had never seen Victor move so fast, he practically shot toward my wife and locked his muzzle against her's. At first her expression mirrored my own in surprise, but then I saw her swooning in Victor's arms. Watching her white fur meshing against his black fur gave me an almost uncomfortable feeling, but once I felt Emelia's leg wrap around me and her juices soak my fur to the skin, I remembered where I was.

Emelia was wet, so much that I could detect it by scent alone, if the trail of female fluids from her mound wasn't obvious enough. It couldn't have just been from the kiss, she must have been thinking about this moment all night long. I leaned down to kiss her again, but her head dipped downward. Her paws slid from my pecs to my belly, and kept going south. Her head followed the same route as she kissed and licked over my body. I started to feel my nervousness melt away as her lips kissed the tip of my sheath. I felt her tongue wiggle inside my sheath for only a brief moment, quickly overshadowed by the feeling of my cock growing inside of her muzzle. Her lips popped on and off of it wetly before she sucked me down to the root. My eyes were rolling back inside my head from the pleasure she was giving me, the female grizzly surely knew exactly what she was doing. The movements of her neck and muzzle were and smooth and seductive, her paws were manipulating my heavy balls and I could constantly feel her tongue flicking against the underbelly of my member. She slowed down only to speak for a brief moment, words I never expected to see coming from her muzzle. "Karen, you never told me your husband's cock has such a virile flavor, his pre is making my mouth water." It felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest. I'd have never guessed that Emelia said such things during sex.

In response I only heard a moan from Karen. It was a sound I was not used to hearing coming from another male pleasuring her. She was laying across the bed that Emelia and I were standing across from, and buried between her thighs was Victor's large snout, slurping away at her sex. He wasn't just licking her, I could hear his muzzle sucking and gulping, she was wet enough for him to be drinking down her juices. There was something so raw and exciting about this situation. All of us felt like four pieces of a puzzle, put together in a way we were never meant for but somehow still fit. The imagery was blowing my mind and being able to stroke Emelia's soft ears as she swallowed another muzzle full of my pre was more than a dream come true.

"That's good, stud. Why don't you get comfortable on the bed." Karen? Karen was saying this to Victor? I watched as the large black bear removed his muzzle from my wife's pussy, washing his lips with this tongue before grabbing a few pillows and making himself comfortable by resting his paws behind his head. I felt Emelia's muzzle leave my loins as she motioned over to the bed. "You should get comfortable too, West. Lay next to Victor so Karen and I can take care of our husbands." I heard the two females giggle together as if they were teenagers at a slumber party. Something felt out of place, everyone's behavior was so out of the ordinary. Then again it could just have been the situation. They must have been thinking the same thing about me when I first kissed Emelia.

"Doing alright, Buddy? Someone's got few words for having their muzzle free this whole time." Victor gave me a smirk as his tongue wiped more of my wife's taste from his nose. I felt his hips nudge me a bit as I laid on the bed next to him, flat on my back. "Mmmm... polar bears, huh? Karen's got such an exotic flavor, I couldn't get enough of it."

Under different circumstances it would have felt completely unacceptable to lay on a bed naked with my best friend, both of us completely aroused. But here we were and I didn't have time to say much back to Victor before I saw our wives climbing on top of either of us. "It is exciting Victor, I'm not sure what to say but I'm glad things fell in place the way that they did."

"That's what we like to hear." Emelia's voice was a soft whisper in my ear as she hovered over me, giving the inside a soft lick before grabbing my lower flesh and gently guiding it towards the wet insides of her womanhood. "Your husband is a bit longer than I'm used to, he looks like a fun ride." Every one of her expressions eager as she spoke to Karen.

"Mmmm he does. Though Victor's got a nice girth to him, don't you, stud?" Victor's expression was almost bashful at Karen's mention of his cock. When I watched Victor's member disappear inside my wife, I felt a tinge of jealousy. It was that same jealousy that charged me with enough courage to wet my cock inside Emelia's welcoming pussy and pull her to me to force my shaft to hilt inside her. Then something strange happened, I saw his wife smiling back at me and heard a beautifully blissful moan glide from her muzzle to my ears. My excitement was gone. My jealousy was gone. I felt something new once the two mixed and it was another feeling all together, like a color I had never seen before. It warmed my body and fueled my lust, whatever this was I liked it and I wanted more of it.

With this new warmth, I felt like I was looking at the situation with new eyes. Karen's rhythm was always a sort of soft and gentle when she was on top. She was attempting to delicately massage Victor's member inside her pussy, letting things grow more and more wet until it drove him crazy, just like she had always done with me. Though Victor was bucking his hips in a much more wild fashion, trying to get as much of his cock inside Karen as possible. If you were to just watch their torsos it would seem as if their style of fucking was a complete conflict, but their hips told another story. Karen's rhythm allowed Victor a new, seemingly random sensation each time he would buck up into her, sometimes deep, sometimes just enough to wet the tip of his bearhood. It was new to both of them and the grunts and groaning they were making together told me it was working for them wonderfully.

Emelia's take on this position was to pin me down and ride me hard. I could tell the black bear's bucking had influenced her technique because she made it almost impossible for me to thrust back into her. Not that I wasn't loving it, she kept me pushed hard against her cervix and rolled her strong hips against me. She was trying to keep her thighs flexed against me too, but while balancing she would always lose her grip for just an instant. I took that opportunity to thrust hard and it always caught her pleasantly by surprise. I was greeted by a widening of her eyes and an increasingly loud moan. I kept my paws on her hips to steady each surprise thrust, gazing over at Victor and my wife on occasion to see what they were up to. Victor's paws were firmly clasped over Karen's white furred breasts, rolling the nipples up and down with his thumbs.

Victor and I can both pace ourselves during sex, we get to the edge of our orgasm and can hold it there for quite some time. As guys, it was never something we talked about before, but it was clear after we both kept things going for a while. Neither female was about to complain, though I did see a growing need in Emelia's eye that I knew was going to turn into something lustful sooner or later. "You want to cum, don't you West? Inside me? It'll feel good and you have no idea how badly I want to feel it." It wasn't just her voice, Emelia's body felt like it was calling to me. I felt my own body begin to start to take off the brakes as I allowed the pleasure to begin taking me over.

Victor's arm nudge me. "You should cum inside her, buddy. It'll feel good. O'course I plan on doin' the same to yer wife here. They want it, they're on the pill, why shouldn't we enjoy ourselves?" Victor smiled warmly, he was soaking in every moment.

"Oh, we're not on the pill anymore." Emelia spoke first, then Karen. "We stopped taking them so we could be ready for tonight." Victor and I looked at each other in disbelief, then back at our wives.

My gaze locked on Karen, being swingers for the first time on top of my impending orgasm was clouding my mind but I'm pretty sure I just heard what I thought I heard. "You can't be serious..." It's true that my wife and I were often aroused by role play of impregnation, but this didn't sound like pretending.

"We are serious, West, Emelia and I both want this." Karen's voice didn't shake a bit. Did Emelia talk her into this? Would Karen ever suggest such a thing? Could they really have planned this all along?

Emelia caught my gaze again, a wide grin across her brown muzzle. "Tonight's the night we're ovulating. We waited until we were both nice and fertile before taking our husbands to bed." Wrapping her paws behind my neck and licking inside my ear again after she spoke. "It'll be so hot, West. Your grizzly cock shooting into my grizzly bear womb. Cum inside me, I know you want to."

Time itself seemed to stop. Wave after wave of thoughts crashed against my consciousness. Carnal urges wrestled with logic, responsibility fought against desire. This should have been discussed, we should have all sat down and made sure that this was exactly what we all wanted. Victor and I are both very strong bears, we could have removed our lovers from our laps and settled this like rational adults. So it was unfortunate that time did not actually stop. Victor never was much for thinking and the instant his brain felt the rules change he gave me something of a panicked glance before grasping the hips of my wife and started thrusting up inside her with more passion and earnest than he had all night.

My eyes bulged in disbelief, but it was starting to sink in. I looked back and forth between all involved and it finally hit me. Victor was now actively trying to impregnate Karen, my Karen. Our wives had this planned before the night even started. It was clear that Victor had fallen victim to their game and now there was no turning back. I couldn't get off of Emelia in time to stop him if I wanted to, he was too close to cumming now. But if his seed was to be planted inside my fertile wife, there was no way I was going to just lie here and let his own wife's womb go unanswered for.

The situation had gotten to me, so much that I beat Victor to the punch and came inside his wife first. There was a deep carnal thrill to this experience, not only was I with another bear's wife, I was breeding her. The first few jets of cum that flowed up through my urethra were pure bliss. Lost in my orgasm I found myself enjoying the experience far more than I expected, each time my body shook I felt a sense of forbidden pleasure shake with me. It clearly did something for Emelia too, her orgasm had forced enough female juices to come from her that I could feel the wetness dripping from my balls. With eyes still shut, I felt her stroking my head, telling me what a good bear I was to seed her egg.

Though the orgasm had numbed me to everything outside my own head, I still heard Victor give a very audible groan to signal cumming. It wasn't clear which one of us he was signaling, but he made it very obvious to someone that his sperm was being released. Karen no doubt was cumming right along with him as he got her pregnant, but I wasn't worried about that now. I wasn't worried about anything.

I kept my eyes shut and just let the pleasure wash over me. I was gone to my sanctuary and in here there are no worries of tomorrow. I knew that once I opened my eyes, all of this would become a reality and we would all have to answer for that. Though I'm not quite ready for everything to all sink in, not yet, I just want to enjoy this feeling a little bit longer. Responsibility can wait until the end of decadence.

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