The Real Myles: Felicia

Story by LucasMota on SoFurry

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Another part of the Myles story. I'll introduce some more characters in this one. This chapter will contain both lesbian and gay sex.


Our lesbian friend arrived today. Anna, a cute black cat born in Mexico. She came with her girlfriend, an otter called Felicia. They are staying in the 614, one of the separated rooms in the dorm in which you don't have to worry about people walking in and out and cockblocking you in the process. Well, there wouldn't be any cockblocking between these two, of course.

Anna often dresses like a dude, blue jeans and hoodies and sometimes a cap, but it's not that often. But at the same time, she have a really cute, feminine personality. Of course, she still likes some stuff that normally other guys do, like violent video games and, well, boobs. But she does that in a cute, feminine way. She have a sort of high pitched voice. When she laughs, her voice echoes through whatever room we are, and it's pretty hard to make her stop. And considering she hangs out with me, Doug, Will and Yuri, you'll pretty much hear her laughter everyday. Her otter girlfriend is a party animal. There's not much you need to know about her.

Me, Doug and Brian stopped by their room to say hello.

"You absolutely sure she's lesbian?" Brian asked me, having plans for the cute cat and me.

"*sigh* Yes, you horny predator. Trust me, Doug tried."

"Then I gave up after she told me that Metallica is better than Megadeth." Doug said. Megadeth is his favorite band of all time, by the way. His favorite movie is Highlander. We often have marathons with the movie and all the shitty sequels it had.

I knocked the door the their room. Anna opened up. "JAMES!" She jumped, giving me a hug. She was slightly smaller than Yuri.

"Oof! Good to see you too, girl."

"We wanted to stop by and say hello and also ask where the fuck are those 10 dollars I lend you last year?" Doug asked.

"Oh, you still remember that?"


She noticed Brian was there. "Oh my God! Yuri, you grew up!"

"Hehehe, hey there Anna, my name is Brian, roommate and now boyfriend of this little guy over here." He said, holding me by the arms. I smiled as I caressed his face.

She raised her eyebrow, smiling. "So you like the big guys, huh?"

"Size matters, you know?" I said grinning.

"Sooo, how big?" I looked down at his crotch, then measured it with my hands.

"Like this."

"Ahem..." Brian extended it in about two inches. Anna started laughing.


"Oh God, look what you did." Doug said. "You released the kraken."

As she stopped laughing, Felicia appears behind her. Drunk as a motherfucking irish skunk. "What the ffffuck is up with all the fffffucking laughter?" She was holding a bottle of vodka.

"Oh hi there, babe." Felicia hugged Anna.

"Anna!!! My baby! I *smooch* love you so fucking much. *drinks a sip* Now... I am really fucking drunk right now if you couldn't tell, but I'm also really fucking horny, soooo why don't you go inside and put this fist of yours inside of my vagina?" Felicia says, proceeding to suck Anna's neck.

"Hehehe, slow down you perverted thing, I'm not doing anything with you on this state." She pushed Felicia away.

"Ah, your too boring. Wellll, you must be Jayymmmss, right?" If I flicked a match in front of her mouth, half of Boston would blow up. "I know you ddddon't really like the pussy, so I won't bother to bother you. As for you big guyssss." She turns to Brian and Doug. "How about you fuck me until my brain expllllodesss?"

"Hey hey hey now, slow down now, you heard your girl, no half-conscious fucking." Brian said.

"We can talk later when she's sober, though." Doug grinned.

"Ah, for fuck's ssssake, you guys are ttttoo facking boring! I'm go inside an finger myself." She walked in.

"She's really charming." I said.

"Heh, that's my Felicia. She's gonna have a really fun hangover when she sober up. Anyway guys, I was thinking of going to the movies right now. You guys can call Yuri and Will too."

"Well, I can't go today, sorry. The guys from the football team already called me for a party. You guys go and have fun." Brian said.

"I'm taking Felicia too, if you guys don't mind."

"....Is she good to go?" Doug asked.


"....She'll be fine, don't worry!" Anna said.


"Well, I'll get going then, see you soon babe." Brian kissed me in the lips. "If I don't come back tonight it's because I passed out in the quarterback's bathroom."

"Hehe, sure thing babe, just don't end up like Billie Joe over there." I pointed at Felicia.

"WAAEEK ME UUUUP!!!! WHEN OCTOBER EEEEEEEEEEEEEENDSSSS!!!!! Or, wait, was it October of February?"

"...I promise you I won't."

"Good, see you then love."

"See ya." He walked down the corridor.

"Okay Anna, if she vomit on my Napalm Death shirt I will strangle you." Doug said.

"*sigh* Anyways, you guys go ahead, we'll get dressed." She walked in the room.


"Babe, put up some pants, we're hanging out this afternoon."

"Are we going to some parttty?"

"*giggles* We're going to the movies, baby."

"Are there going to be a party in the movies?"

"*sigh* Baby, please..."


Arriving the 626, we saw another friend of us. Victor, a white human, just like me. Most of my friends can't stand him because of his, well, annoying personality. I'm probably the only person in the world who have a considerate amount of tolerance towards him. He is the most stubborn piece of shit you will ever meet. If he disagrees with you, even if you know that what he's saying is 100% wrong, he'll argue with you until you give up or until he says "Is it like that? I don't know man, but I think you're wrong." He's also really critical with the movies he watch. And by critical I mean that 80% of the movies for him are "boring" or "sucked". Think about him as a non-hipster Arin Hanson. He is also constantly teasing Yuri for being short. One of his usual pranks was to pick Yuri's cap and run around the school with it. He also had a lot of female friends in school. He didn't fucked any of them. He's currently dating a female jaguar called Ivone.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Doug said.

"Good to see you too, Doug." Victor replied raising his eyebrows.

"I'm not tall enough to look through the magic eye, you know?" Yuri said.

"Well, jump on a fucking chair then!"

"It's been a long time, Victor." I joked. We lived in the same street before coming to the Myles. We saw each other almost everyday after we graduated from High School.

"Heh, yeah, my life's been a lot less gay without your ass around this couple of weeks."

"You know, if we didn't knew you were straight, people would think you lost your virginity with me or something."

"Straight? Victor?" Yuri joked.

"Shut the fuck up, midget!"

"Anyways, we're hanging out with Anna this afternoon. We're going..."

"We're going to the zoo." Doug interrupted me. He didn't wanted Victor to go with us. "Then we gonna... jump into the bear cage... so they can eat us and... stuff."

Victor raised his eyebrows. "....Don't worry, I'm not going to the movies with you guys. I'm going to that party with Brian."

"Oh, okay. Can you keep an eye on him?"

"Sure, I won't let any intruders going into his cave..."

"Heh, I appreciate it, but I'm not talking about that, we decided to have an open relationship. I'm talking about alcohol. Keep an eye on him for me, okay?"

"He's already a big guy, you know?" Victor said.

"Exactly. He's a really big guy. Can you imagine me having to babysit a huge ass drunken siberian tiger? Not to mention you're the one who's gonna have to bring him here."

"....I'll keep an eye on him."

"Thanks. Is he still around, by the way?"

"Yeah he was going to talk with his friend..." As he said that, he grabbed Yuri's cap, who was distracted, and ran outside swinging his arms like a retard.

"What the... HEY!" He ran after him. Me and Doug just looked with a poker face.

"....I'm so glad he's not our roommate." Doug said.


*A few minutes ago*

"So, I'm going to a party at the quarterback's place, you wanna come?" I asked Victor.

"Sure, why not. Is your boyfriend going?" He asked. Yuri had already told him about us.

"Nah, he's going at the movies with Anna and her girl. And he's also taking Doug, Yuri and Will with him."

"And not Carl?"

"He's having a dinner at his parents house."


"You sure you wanna take this clown with you?" Yuri asked.

"And what does that concern you?" The human asked.

"Hehe, you should thank me that I'm taking him away from you."

"Heh, your right."

"Anyways, I'm gonna see if French Brian wants to go too, Zeke and Simon are already confirmed. See ya guys."

"See ya, big guy."

I walked out and saw my skunk friend walking into his room. "Hey, French Brian!" He stopped.


"Say umm... I'm going to a party tonight with a friend of James, wanna come?"

"Sure, I'll talk to Zeke and Simon if..."

"Oh, they are invited already, don't worry."

"Cool. So umm.... what should I wear?"

"Oh, just a casual outfit. You're not exactly going to the Oscars party."

"Hehehe, alright I'll get dressed then."

"Cool! I'll wait for you in front of the building."

"Okay." Then I walked down the corridor to the elevators.


Anna had the great idea to take her drunken ass girlfriend with us to the movies. We were waiting the movie begin outside the theater. "TURN OFF YOUR MIIIIND RRRELAX AND FLOAT DOWNNNNN STREEEEAAAAAMMMM. IT IS NOT DYYYYYIIIIIING. IT IS NOT DYYYYYIIIIIIING." Damn, she won't stop singing!

"Umm, Anna, can you please turn off your girlfriend's mind?" I said, impatient.

"Babe, can you please be quiet?"

"What??? You promised me alcohol!"

"I didn't promised you anything, babe."

"What the hell is wrong with her?" Will asked.

"Can't you see, genius? She's drunk!" Yuri said.

"Oh... I thought she was an avant-garde singer." The lynx replied.

"I wish she was..." Doug said.

Anna remembered something. "...Oh shit! It's today!"

"What? What's today?"

"Guys, can you please take care of her for me? I need to take care of something. I won't take long." She rushed down the street.

"Hey hey, wait! What the... *sigh* Great!" I said.

"Okay, we still have 30 minutes until the movie starts, we'll wait until she comes back, then we'll walk in if the movie starts." Yuri said.

"Well, that's just great! First she never pays me her debts, then she leaves her drunken otter with us to do God knows what, God knows where. She's just begging for me to hate her at this point." Doug said.

"She just have a 10 dollar debt with you man, I have to pay you like, 80 dollars I think." I said.

"I know, but still, I could be do.... wait, how much you said you..."

"OKAY, soooo you guys wanna go to Burger King after the movie?"

"I'm down."

"Yeah, sure."

"Yeah, whatever..."

"What you say, Felicia?" She blacked out. Unconscious, resting her head on my shoulder, snoring. ".....I'm gonna kill Anna. I'm gonna fucking kill her."

I gave the otter a few taps on the face. "Hey? Hey? Felicia? Felicia, wake up!" No response. "WAKE UUUUUUUP!!!!" I grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. "For FUCK SAKE!"

"So, what now?" Yuri asked.

"I don't know, I don't fucking know. Call 911 maybe?"

"You wanna call the emergency over a drunk otter?"

".....You're right, that's stupid."

"We should fuck her." Will said.

"Are you fucking... really???? You wanna fuck the drunken, unconscious girlfriend of your friend?" I said

"....Yes I do, why?"

"Well, I don't know, maybe because I'm NOT REALLY INTO RAPE."

"It's not technically rape..."

"Well, it's not technically right either!"

"Ughhh! Well, we still have a lot of time until the movie starts, I say..."

"I say we should go after Anna." I interrupted Doug.

"WHAT? Do you even know were she is?" Yuri asked.

"Look, I have an idea of where she is, she prob...." I looked at Will and I noticed he was filming the unconscious otter with his cellphone.



"If you don't erase that video right now your head will end up under a bus tire." He stopped filming and clicked erase.

"*sigh* I have an idea where she might be."


I just remembered something. It's lesbian night today at the Paradise. I hate to leave the boys with poor Felicia like that, but how could I resist a night filled with estrogen? I was talking to a hot lioness named Carla sitting next to the dance floor.

"You're really cute you know that, kitty?" She said to me as I blushed.

"*giggles* Well, thank you madam, and you are incredibly hot!"

"Oh? Is that so? Tell me, are you seeing someone?" She said putting her hand over my shoulder. Her breasts are soooo big!

"Nope, not really." Sorry, Felicia. I'm sure she won't mind, she was interested in another girl named Jennifer anyways.

"Really?? Say um... wanna have some fun?" She said stroking my breast as I gave a short moan.

I leaned forward to her. "Absolutely yes..." I kissed her. Her right hand was caressing my face, while his left one caressed my arm. She is so hot. She is really tall, but have a really feminine body. Her personality really reminds me of Brian. Big and confident, but at the same time gentle and sweet. I gave a big grip on her breasts as she gave me a a moan. She looked at me lustfully and gave me a really passionate but short kiss.

"Let's go to the bathroom." She stood up taking her purse and them took me by my hands to the bathroom. She took me to a stall, putting her purse on top of the toilet. There, we proceeded with the passionate kissing, as we took off our clothes. I wasn't wearing a bra. She was. A white one. It looked so great on her. She's such a great kisser. I was getting so wet. I gave another strong grip on her breasts. Another moan. I hugged her as I rested my face on her huge melons. I started stroking her boobs with my face. It felt so great. I fondled her as I started to suck her right nipple. I heard a playful growl. I licked and sucked her nipple as I pinched, caressed and fondled the other. Then my hand slid down her body, through her belly, reaching her panties. I found my way inside, to her wet pussy.

I played with it with my fingers as she started giving stronger moans. I stopped sucking her and got back to the kissing. My middle and ring fingers got inside her for the first time. I took them off and gave it a suck, inviting Carla to taste her own juice. Then we got back to the kissing, as my fingers went inside her again. I moved them back and forth. She held me tight as my head rested on her breasts again. She was moaning so much. I took off her remaining clothes. I got a little too excited and placed my hand, ready to go in. So I slowly started to insert my hand inside her, until it was completely inside the lioness vagina. I started fisting her slowly. She absolutely loved it.

"AHH!! AHH!! YESS!!! YESS!!! OH MY GOD, ANNA, YOU'RE SO.... AHHH!!!!" She was almost reaching orgasm, so I stopped. I didn't wanted that to end so quickly. "Say Anna, I got something I wanna use."

"What's that." I said as I took off my clothes.

"Well, we don't have dicks, soooo...." She took off two dildos from her purse. "We gonna have to improvise." I grinned.

"I want the black one." She smiled. She gave me the other dildo as we stood in front of each other. I placed it in front of her pussy. "Okay, here I go."

I inserted it inside her. It was already pretty wide because of the fisting. She pierced my pussy with the other dildo. We both moaned as we held each other closer. She started going faster. I did the same. Both of our pussies were so full. We started moaning really hard as we reached full speed.

"AAHHHH! AHHHHH! AHHHHHH! YESS!!!!!! YESSSSS!!!! HARDER!!! HARDER!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" She reached her orgasm. I reached mine two seconds later. We panted as we held our faces close to each other. We smiled, then she gave me a kiss.

"That was great, kitty." She said.

"Thanks. You were great too, girl." She smiled. "Oh, by the way, I'm going to see a movie right now, wanna come?"

"Sure girl, let's get out of here."


We arrived at the Paradise Night Club. It's one of the most famous gay night clubs in the East Coast. They often have special Lesbian Nights, which was the case today. Doug and Will were carrying Felicia's half-conscious corpse.

"Are you sure we can get in tonight?" Yuri asked.

"Yeah, no problem. It's lesbian night, but anyone can get in." All three of my straight friends all looked with their mouth opened.

"Woaaaaaaaaaaah..." All three said. That night, the club was living up to it's name for those boys. Lesbians. All over the place. Dancing, kissing, hugging.

"Hehehe, don't get too excited guys, you know that 90% of these girls are not into dudes, right?"

"But the other 10% are either bi or straight friends, right?" Asked Doug.

"Uhhhhhhhhh.... yeah, but..."

"I'll see you guys later..." He let go of Felicia and ran to the dance floor, as both Will and the otter collapsed to the ground. I facepalmed and sighed. As I help Will and Felicia to get up, a mare approached us. Amanda, a lesbian andalusian mare I met in the club once. She always hangs out in the club at Saturdays. She's a great friend of mine.

"James! I didn't expected to see you tonight, how are you?" We hugged each other.

"Well, I have some problems here unfortunately." She saw the poor otter resting on Will and Yuri's shoulder. Felicia was really famous in that club too.

"Oh, I see.... shouldn't it be Anna taking care of her instead?"

"Yeah, I know! Where is she?"

"She just got out. She was with a lioness."

"Are you fucking... *sigh* that's like the sixth partner this year alone!"

"Seventh." Yuri corrected me.

"Wait, there's another one I don't know?"

"Yeah, she hook up with Linda after the New Year's Eve."

"Wait, Linda is a lesbian????"

"So, you guys are going after her then?" Amanda asked.

"Yeah, do you..."

"James, my arm is starting to go numb." Will said.

"Shut up! Anyways, do you know where she went?"

"Umm, no."

"What you mean no?"

"What? I'm not fucking Google Maps!"

"Didn't she told you anything?"

"Why should her?"

"Because she's your fucking friend!"

"Do you inform your whereabouts to your friends 24/7?

"Well... *sigh* Look, if you don't know where she is then we just gonna drop this package here and..."

"Absolutely not."

"WHY NOT??" Will asked.

"Do you know how many times she got drunk here? If the manager sees her drunk here again, he'll kill her."

"*sigh* Fine! Let's just get Doug and get back to the movie theater..."

"Can't we call Brian to help?" Yuri suggested.

"Holy shit, you're right! I'll call him after we leave. Anyways, good to see you again Amanda."

"You too buddy, say hello to Anna for me!" We got to the dance floor and found Doug dancing with a tigress. And I knew that tigress very well.

"Uhhh, Doug..."

"Just a minute... RELAX! DON'T DO IT..."

"Doug, we're leaving."

"Okay, you guys go ahead. WHEN YOU WANNA CUUUUUUM."

"Uhhh... Doug, this is not the kind of girl you think she is."

"What you mean?"

"Let's say she comes with.... special features." She's transgender.

".......Okay, uhh.... sooo... thanks for the dance, uhh.... I had a great time with you, see ya!"

"See you around, big guy." She said with a deep voice.

We turned around and left the club. Outside I tried calling Brian. No response. Then I called Victor.


"Oh thank God! Victor, where the fuck is Brian?"

"He's behaving, mom..."

"For fuck's sake, I'm serious! I need him right now! We have a problem here with Felicia."

"Last time I saw him he told me he was going to 'suck a lion and a zebra and a punt returner at the same time'."

"*sigh* You let him drink, didn't you?"

"Don't worry, he's not THAT drunk."

"Well, can the other Brian help then?"

"He's also with the zebra, the li..."

"Alright, alright! You come then!"

"Sure, just tell me where you are and... Oh finally! Sorry dude, the quarterback is back with more beer. Good luck out there, see ya!" He hangs up.

".......Okay, so there's three more people in my 'To Kill' list." Doug said.

"...*sigh* So what now?" I asked

"Let's just take her to the theater already, we'll take her to the dorm ourselves." Yuri grumbled.

French Brian

I sucked the zebra's penis as big Brian sucked the lion. We were at the punt returner's place. His name is Ron, he's a jackal from New Mexico. He was offering his penis to Zeke, who was sucking with pleasure. With his right hand, Brian was jerking me off.

Eventually, the tiger let go of the penis and went behind me. He lubed up his dick with his own saliva and pierced me without wasting any time. Deep and slow, just like I love it. Now Zeke had two dicks to suck, as Simon knelt down beside him. Ron looked at me smiling, as my big tiger friend pounded me in the ass.

"Little guy over there seems to be enjoying it."

"Heh, you're right." Said Brian.

"Mind if we switch, big guy?" He asked Brian.

"Come here, buddy." Brian got off my ass, as the jackal got behind me. He grabbed my tail and started fucking me. Meanwhile, Brian cleaned up his dick and gave it to Zeke.

Peter finally arrived. He was working on a female skunk he met at the party. "I'm here guys. Simon, your ass is mine."

"Hop in here then, pony." My lover went behind the lion. He pierced him with the dick that just had some fun with a female skunk a few minutes ago.

A few minutes of fucking and sucking later, Ron stopped and asked Peter:

"So, horsey, what about that surprise you told me earlier?"

"Oh, right, it's already downstairs by the way."

"Good! So, French Brian, can you go into the bathroom for a second?" Ron asked me.

"And no peeking!" Simon said.

"Okay, I hope it's a good surprise."

"Oh, it's a great surprise, honey."

So I went to the bathroom and waited. After a couple of minutes, Peter yelled:

"Alright, come out now honey!" And so I came out. What I saw made my jaw drop. Ten guys. Among with my lover and my friends, there were five other guys. I don't know their names, but they were a bull, a white lion, a polar bear, a shire horse and a white tiger. All of them with their dicks hard. I walked out as the huge shire closed the door to the bathroom and embraced me from behind. "There you go, little guy. Ten guys with their dicks throbbing just for you." He said.

"You can do whatever you want with any of us." The lion added.

"You have complete control over us." Zeke said.

I was overwhelmed. I had 10 dicks at my disposal and I didn't even knew where to begin. So I took a deep breath and turned my head to the shire. "I want you inside me. Deep and slow, just take your time. As for the others, you guys are free to do whatever you want, as long as we're all connected to each other. I want one big eleven guys orgy. I doesn't matter if it's fucking or sucking, as long as we're all connected, you guys got it?"


"Alright. Let's begin then." The big shire got me to the center of the room, where he started fucking me. The polar bear went behind him. Then Simon behind the bear. The jackal and the white tiger went down to suck my penis. Brian went on top of the jackal and Zeke on top of the white tiger. Peter gave his dick to Brian suck. And finally, the bull went behind Peter and the white lion went behind Zeke. It was a collective of fucking, sucking and moan. It was by far the best night of my life.

We tried every combination possible. I got fucked gently by the shire, more roughly by Peter, gently again with the white lion, deeply by Zeke. I sucked Brian, sucked Ron, sucked the bull, sucked the polar bear, rimmed Simon. And I also fucked too. Brian and the jackal.

In the end, I had an idea. "Alright guys, let's form a train." I pulled the shire behind me. He was the best that night in my opinion. Then they formed a train behind him in this exact order: Simon, the bull, Ron, Zeke, Brian, the white lion, the white tiger, Peter and the polar bear. Then I called the bear closer to me. I wanted to fuck someone too. And then we started fucking each other. A complete circle of fucking. Eleven guys including me. I kept remembering those wild orgy stories that always sounds too good to be truth. Now I was living one of those stories. I was going to be one of those guys that people will think I'm bullshiting them when I tell what happened.

The shire started gentle with me. I didn't. I started going deep and fast into the bear right away. I looked at Zeke and he was kissing Brian with passion. I decided to do the same with my new friend, the shire. His tongue was really big. And he was such a great kisser too! "Hold me as tight as you can." I ordered the big horse. And he did that. After that he started to pound my ass faster. And that created a chain event. I started pounding the bear faster, which started fucking Peter faster, which started fucking the white tiger faster, and so on.

After about an hour of fun, I finally came. I never felt that much cum coming out from me at once before. Then I felt the shire blowing his warm load inside me. Then we all started coming. Don't know for sure which was the order, all I know is that Zeke was the last.

After that, we all collapsed in the floor after that, all snuggling each other. Ron and the bull started sleeping right there on the floor, exhausted. We all were exhausted. I took a deep breath. "Holy shit, that was the better 60 minutes I had in my whole life! Whoever have this idea, I will bless you forever for this."

"It was Zeke and Simon's idea." Peter said.

"Thank you so much, guys!"

"Don't mention it! You're a nice guy, little Brian. You deserved this." Zeke said.

Then Peter whispered in my ear. "So uh... I'm gonna look for that skunk I fucked at the party, you can join me if you want."

I grinned. "So, guys, it's been fun and all, but me and my lover here have some stuff to do. See you guys! Call us if you guys want some more of my ass."

"Hehe, we'll do that, thanks little guy." Simon said. And so we went back to the party, looking for our "prey".


We were halfway through the movie. Felicia was still unconscious.

"I swear to God I'm gonna have a nice conversation with that cat when we see her again at the Myles." I said to Doug.

"Is it still a crime to punch a woman even if she's a lesbian?"

".....It's a crime to punch anyone, Doug."

The movie we were watching was a comedy. At one of the jokes, the whole movie theater laughed. That's when we heard a very familiar laugh.

"HAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Someone laughed her ass off two rows ahead from us. Anna. And she was with the lioness Amanda mentioned. I looked at her. I wanted to jump on that cat's throat and strangle her. I nudged at Doug and pointed forward.

"What?" The panther, clueless, asked.

"Look who's down there." He saw Anna. She was kissing her new date.

"What the f... that motherfucker! I'm going there."

"Wait! I'll go." I stood up and walked to where they were. The theater was half-empty. I sat down at Anna's side. She didn't saw me yet.

"I hope this seat is not taken." I said, hiding my normal voice with a deeper one.

"Oh no, sir, don't worry."

", are you alone?"

"I came with my girlfriend. The lioness by my side."

"Oh, I see.... is she your first?"


"Right. What was the other one before her? I mean, if it's okay for me to ask."

"Oh, it was an otter, her name was..."

"Let me guess, her name was Felicia?" I revealed my true voice, turning around to her.


"........babe, could you excuse us for a second?"

"A-are you okay?"

"Yeah yeah, this is just a friend."

"I have pepper spray in my purse if you want."

"NO! It's okay, we're just gonna talk."


I left the theater with her. I had my arms crossed, looking angry at her.

"Okay, I can explain!"

"Oh, please do that! Please explain why the fuck did you abandoned your drunk ass girlfriend with us and then showed up out of fucking nowhere with a lioness."

"...Okay. I just wanted to go to the lesbian night to have some fun with my friends, but then I saw Carla. She was in the middle of the dance floor, shaking her body to the most cliche gay and girl power songs you can except from a lesbian night at a gay nightclub. I just... I just couldn't help it! I fell for her."

"Oh yeah, you also fell for Linda, for Lucy, Kelly, Diana, Catherine with a 'C' and Katherine with a 'K'."

"Yeah but.... wait, who's Diana?"

"....The dalmatian."

"...Oh, right! Look, I know you heard this before, but this time I got it! Carla is the one, I'm sure of it!"

"The last girl you say that was 'the one' ended up playing Weekend at Bernie's with us."

"*sigh* I'm sorry about Felicia, James, but..."

"Oh yeah, about her, what the fuck do we do with her?"

"Look, just look out for her and then deliver her to our room, okay?"

"Yeah, but what about after she wakes up? You know, she's not gonna be very happy that you cheated her with fucking Nala from The Lion King."

"She's gonna be fine James, she just wanted me because of the sex anyways. So, will you deliver her for me?"

"Why don't you and Carla do it?"

"You wanna make Carla carry around my ex on our first date?"

"*sigh* I swear to God, you're the worst best friend in the world."

"*giggles* You have to thank God that it was Felicia who got drunk and not me."

We got back inside to watch the rest of the movie. Carla and Anna left shortly before the movie ended. I don't know if she was avoiding us or she wanted to have some fun with Carla. Probably both.


We got back to my room. I found that Carla was also living in the Myles, at the second floor. We were kissing on the bed when we heard the door knock. "Coming!" I walked to the door and opened it.

"Special delivery!" Doug tossed Felicia (still unconscious) to me and closed the door immediately.

".....Babe, I want you to meet my ex, Felicia."

"....She's pretty cute."

"Yeah, she is."

"So umm... we're not gonna waste an opportunity to..."

"We're not fucking my unconscious ex."

"Damn it."


There you go guys! Hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for the support and we'll see each other in the next story! ;)

The Cat in The Shower

My name is Rick. I'm a 22 years old Jaguar born in Ada, Oklahoma and studying at the University of Dallas. I'm at the College's wrestling team, meaning I have a good amount of muscles to show up. And I'm also bisexual. Not gonna lie, it's good to have...

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The Real Myles: A New Life

James I got to the dorm at 11:00 am. My name is James, a generally calm human, but if you step on my toes you should probably run. My parents helped me with my luggage. My mom was a teacher. She was lecturing at what used to be my High School....

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Five Nights At MARSHAL!!

James just uploaded his second FNAF video. "FUCK THIS... FUCKING GAME, GODDAMNIT!!! AHHH, IT FORCE YOU TO OPEN THE FF... the camera so that way you have to do that shit! I don't fucking wanna... play... work at... Chuck E. Cheese's anyway, fuck this...

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