The Cat in The Shower

Story by LucasMota on SoFurry

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Another gang-rape story. This time on a shower, with a cat being the victim. Contains scat and watersports.

My name is Rick. I'm a 22 years old Jaguar born in Ada, Oklahoma and studying at the University of Dallas. I'm at the College's wrestling team, meaning I have a good amount of muscles to show up. And I'm also bisexual. Not gonna lie, it's good to have the attention from both boys and girls from the Campus.

That day, I was heading to the showers to wash the sweat I got from working out. Until I saw something curious. There was a cat. About a feet smaller than me. Sitting under the shower on the corner. Crying. He was sitting on a fetal position, hiding his face behind his knees. I noticed a trail of feces on the center of the shower leading to him. Someone did something to him. And I had an idea who it was.

There were three guys on the football team. Christian, the main quarterback, a spotted great dane. Pablo, a huge white lion, middle linebacker. And finally, Frank, a black bull, the biggest of the three, who played as an offensive lineman. Most of the guys from the team didn't cared if you were gay or not. But those three were an exception. "I'm telling you man, because of that fucking Michael Sam now there's gonna be more faggots going into football." Pablo said.

"Heh, yeah... and we can't do shit about that 'because the big mean homophobes are taking our freedom away! Boo hoo!' Fucking queers..." Christian added.

"Hahaha! You're right. Their the ones who are taking OUR freedom away. Fucking faggots. Now you can't say the slightest thing about them that everyone flips the shit out! I wish I was born in Russia..." Frank said. I was at the shower behind them, clenching my fists. I wanted to kill them so much. The cat I saw that day was by their side. The three started a discussion with him. I think the bull caught him taking a peek on his member.

"Fucking lost something, faggot?" The cat was at the swimming team. I never saw a cat like him swim the same way he does. He was so fast. And, unfortunately for him, also small and skinny.

"I bet he wants to suck your dick, Frank." The lion said.

"You would love that, right? YOU FAG!" He grabbed him by the neck, ready to punch.

"HEY!" I decided to intervene.

"What you want, kitty? Is this your boyfriend?" Christian asked.

"No, he's not, but that's none of your business." I turned to the bull. "And you Frank, really brave of you, trying to hurt someone half of your size." He let go of his neck.

"And what does THAT concern to you? Fag lover!"

"What I'm trying to say is if you hurt that cat, or anyone else, I will give you guys a beating you will never forget." They must be big, but they're not stupid. They knew I wrestle. They knew they didn't stand a chance against me.

"...Fine." He turns to the cat. "That's not over, queer!" Then to his friends. "Alright guys, let's leave these scumbag liberals alone." I watched them as they left the showers. The cat rushed through me, ready to leave too.

"Wait! Where you going? Are you alright? What's your name?"

"I... I'm sorry, I have to go." He the left, scared. I followed him to his place without him noticing. I didn't wanted him to be jumped by those guys on his way home. That second day I found him on the shower, however, was different. I wasn't there to protect him.

"*sob* Why do I had to be a fag... *sob* I didn't asked for this... *sob* I didn't asked for this..." He said softly, crying.

I sat down beside him. "Hey..."


"Hey hey hey hey wait!! Wait! It's okay buddy, I don't wanna hurt you!"


"Please buddy, don't say that about yourself! You're not that, okay? Please, don't ever say that word again..." I said, hugging him.

"*sob* But it's true, I'm a pathetic faggot, they're right about me..."

"Shhhhhhhh.... don't say that, okay? You're a good person. It doesn't matter if you're gay or not, alright? Don't listen to these fuckers." He hugged me as he cried his eyes off. When he was done, he let go of me, sobbing as he looked down. "What's your name?"

"*sniff* Zack."

"I'm Rick. I don't know if you remember, but I saved your ass the other day from those three football players." He was so scared he didn't even recognized me.

"...It was them who hurt me."

"What did they do to you?"

"....I don't know if you wanna listen to this."

"I can take it. Just tell me everything." He took a deep breath as he started telling me about what happened.


I was here taking a shower. It was empty. I didn't heard them coming in. I was facing the wall, washing my fur. "Hello there." I turned to my left and he was there. The bull. I gasped. I turned around and they were there. All three of them, surrounding me.

"Where's your spotted boyfriend now, fag?" The lion said.

"Say Pablo, it's been a while since you haven't got laid, right?" The dog said.

"That's correct."

"Wanna give this little guy some love?" My eyes went wide open. They were about to rape me. I tried to run, as the lion choked me by my neck.


"No one coming fag, shut up." The lion said

"Yeah, there's not a single soul in this part of the Campus right now except for us." The bull added.

Pablo tossed me into to the wall, pinning me against it while he grabbed me by the neck. "So, we can do this the easy way or the hard way." I punched him in the face. He barely felt anything. "...The hard way then." He gave me a huge punch in the stomach. Then he tossed me to the ground like I was nothing. They started kicking me in the legs and stomach. I'm still feeling the pain. I tried to get up, only to find the lion jumping on my back, giving me a choke with both of his arms. "Okay, here's the deal. We gonna do whatever we want with you and you're not gonna say anything. If you try to do ANYTHING to stop us, I'm gonna put you to sleep and you'll only wake up 7 feet under the ground. Got it?"

"G-got it..."

"Good kitty..." Then I felt his penis going in deep and hard.


"What? I thought you liked this kind of stuff!" The bull said.


"Hahahahaha! Now, who's getting pierced here again?" The dog said, giving his penis to me. I didn't had no choice. I started sucking him. The bull slapped the lion's face with his dick.

"Want some too, big guy?"


"Hehehehe.... relax pal, today's this kitty's day."

I sucked both of them as the lion pounded me in the ass. He was not one bit gentle. "Alright, I'm filling this kitty's ass!!!"

"Show him who's boss, big guy!"

"RRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWRRRRRRR!!!" I felt his warm cum inside me. Then I felt his cock sliding off me.

"Alright Frank, your turn." The bull went behind me, as I was still sucking the dog. The lion gave his dick to me. It was covered in semen and shit. "Clean up your mess." I licked the semen and my own shit from his dick. I tasted awful. "STOP WITH THE DISGUSTED FACE, FAG!" He say slapping me. I started weeping. I cleaned up his penis. "There you go, buddy. Now open your mouth. I got a present for you." I opened up, as he started urinating on my mouth. It was warm and the taste was horrible. "If you spit even a single drop I'll make you swallow your own teeth!" I felt another squirt of piss on my eyes. It was the dog. He pissed all over my face and my head, then at my back.

"Yeah Chris, mark your territory." The bull said, laughing. Then they stopped pissing, as the bull started pounding my ass harder, eventually coming. My butthole was white as their seed leaked from my insides. Finally it was the dog's turn.

The bull also gave me his dick covered in shit to me, as the dog fucked me. Then the bull decided to mark my mouth as his territory too. "Hahaha... Jesus Christ, he stinks so bad!" The lion laughed.

"Heh, yeah, wait till we give him our 'surprise'"

After a couple of minutes, the dog also came as the others just watched. They didn't dared to put their dicks in my mouth after all that watersporting. Then the dog stood in front of me. Another shitty dick. More piss to drink.

"Pin him down on the ground, boys." The dog ordered.

The bull made me trip, making me fall on my ass. Both the bull and the dog knelt down on my arms, pinning them down. The next moment I saw the big lion's ass in front of my ass. "You gonna open up your mouth and eat his shit, kitty!" I opened it. I saw his poop coming out. I closed my eyes. Then I felt it falling on my tongue. The taste and the smell was even worse than my own shit. He shit a bit more inside my mouth as the bull shut it tight. "Swallow it. And if you vomit, we'll kill you." I had to do it. I had to eat it.

"I think there's more coming guys!" Then I felt more shit falling on my face. They rubbed his shit all over my face.

"Hey guys, I think I'm gonna have to use the potty too." The dog said. He positioned his ass on my face as the dog took his place pinning my arm. His shit was watery and smelled even worse. I almost vomited. And finally, it was the bull's turn. They kept the worse for the ending. He farted on my face, as an unbelievable amount of shit squirted from his ass. It was pasty, smelled worse than the previous two combined, and buried my entire face on it.

"Woah, Jesus Christ man! Have you been eating tacos again?"

"Heh, you guessed it." They turned me around and rubbed my face on their shit as they laughed at me. Then they turned me around again and rubbed their shit all over my body, including my dick. My fur went from white to brown in a few seconds.

They washed themselves as they were ready to leave. "See you around, fag! We'll take you to our dorm to mess around with you someday!"

"Yeah, we'll buy a horse dildo just for you!"

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" They left. And there I was. In the middle of the showers. Alone. Scared. Humiliated. Covered in shit. Crying. I crawled my way under a shower. I could barely stand up. I opened up the shower and washed the shit off my body. And that's where you came in.


I was shocked. Shocked, disgusted, angry. "...I'll make them pay. I promise you." I hugged him tight as he sobbed on my shoulder. I felt something for him. It was something more than sympathy. I fell for him. We glared at each other. I was ready to kiss him. As I moved forward, he stopped me.

"WAIT!!" I stopped. "I... I'm sorry but... I have a boyfriend. I'm really sorry Rick, we don't have an open relationship." I was a little sad, but at the same time I was happy for him. That he have someone he can count on. We washed the remaining shit from the showers as I turned to him.

"I'll take you to your boy's place, alright?" He nodded. "Just showed me where it is okay?"

We arrived at their place in my car. His lover was on the front door. He had a cellphone on his hand. He looked worried. It was a white rat who goes by the name of Harry. He was a little smaller than the cat. As I parked the car in front of his house, He opened up the door, getting out of my car. "Zack? ZACK!" He rushed to hug his lover. "Jesus Christ, babe, where were you? You were supposed to be here an hour ago! I tried to call you but.... why are you crying, babe?"

The rat looked at me and then back at his boyfriend. "Did something happened to you?"

"*sob* *sniff* Some fucking assholes... did some stuff to me in the shower... *fists clenching*"

He opened his eyes wide as he hugged his cat one more time. "Oh my god, honey..." He was crying really hard. "Shhhhhh, it's over now baby, I'm here for you now."

"*sob* It's not over, they told me they would take me to their dorm to rape me again!"

"Shhhhhh... don't even thing about that! Me and your friend won't let them."

"He's right, Zack."

"I hate them! I FUCKING HATE THEM!!! WHY THE FUCK DID THEY DO THAT?? I NEVER DID ANYTHING TO THEM!!!" I placed my hand on his shoulder, then I rushed into my car.

"Where you going?" The rat asked.

"I'm going after them." I searched the whole campus after them. Until I found one. The bull. I tailed him into a bathroom. He was in the urinal when I came behind him and chocked him. I was a few inches bigger.

"Hey, what the fu- AHHHH!" I fell down on the ground with him, pinning his legs. "WHO THE FUCK IS THIS? WHAT YOU WANT FROM ME?"

"Do you know a cat named Zack?" He started trembling.

"L-l-look man, i-i-it wasn't my idea!"



"Listen to me! If you don't tell me where your fucking friends are I'm gonna give you a nice little bear hug that your backbones will NEVER forget!"

"OKAY, OKAY! They are at our room, you know where it is, right?"

"Yeah, I do know... I don't need to ask you to never hurt anyone in your life again, right?"

"I... I won't, I promise!"

"Now, I would give you the same treatment you guys gave to Zack, but since you've been a good boy to me, I'll just give you this." I gave him a blood choke. He passed out five seconds later.

I knocked the door of their room and hid on the wall next to the door. The dog opened the door. He turned to his right and I gave him a choke before he could do anything. "This won't hurt anything." I pressed his neck against my chest, giving him a nice, warm blood choke. I took the dog inside and closed the door. The lion was getting out of the room's bathroom. A choke wouldn't work because of all the mane. So I improvised.

"Who is it Chris?" I gave him a punch right on his nose, knocking him out. I picked my cellphone. "Hello, Kevin? I need a little help here in the dorm. I need you to bring me two of your 'toys'. Yes. No, the big ones. No, they are for... some friends."

My friend arrived shortly after. Kevin. A gay shiba dog, about the same size as Zack. He have a kink for... let's say... rubber male genitalias.

The lion and the dog woke up. They both had their hands tied down to their backs. Their mouths gagged.

"Morning boys." They looked back. "So, is this what you guys wanted to use on my friend?" I said holding a huge, real sized horse rubber penis. Kevin also had one, the biggest one in his collection. They looked scared to us, trying to scream but unable because of the gagged mouths.

"Shhhhh, don't worry, this will be over soon. So there they are, Kevin. Homophobes, your favorite kind of people in the world, right?"

"Oh, I absolutely LOVE them! Especially when they are like this, tied down, unable to do anything."

"Do you know what they did?"

"What's that, Rick?"

"They raped a poor, defenseless cat."

"Oh, but that's just wrong, guys! You guys have been very naughty, now it's time for you to pay." He said placing the big rubber member behind the lion. I went for the dane. "You're all mine, doggy." So we started inserting the dildos inside them. Their scream were gagged by the underpants stuffed in their mouths. "I do NOT wanna be in your skins right now."

Kevin was really enjoying that. He was abused by homophobes in High School. Called names. Beaten up. Even gang-raped. He tried to commit suicide when he was 16. He gave the lion a deeper, quick thrust. In other words, he slammed the horse cock into his ass. "HHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" He gave a huge muffled scream.

"Oops, my finger slipped." He grinned.

We fucked them for about 30 minutes. We didn't had to worry about the bull. I heard him saying he was going to his mother's house that day. They both came a couple of times. Can't say if it was because they enjoyed themselves, or because their prostate did. "Say umm, if you guys want us to stop, just muffle the Star Spangled Banner for us.

"NNNNNGHH NGHH NGH NGH NGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The lion immediately muffled. We stopped, but we kept the dildos on their asses. I went to the lion.

"You know why you're in this situation, right?" He just looked at me, crying. "Will you ever hurt anyone in your life again?" He nodded negatively. "Good. So, your bull friend will be here in about 6 hours. I hope you guys don't mind, but I'm keeping you guys like this until he arrives. You know, to show him I'm not joking. You guys can try to set yourselves free, but I doubt you guys will. Kevin, I hope you don't mind, but I'm giving them your toys as gifts."

"No problem man, I have 5 of these anyways."

"Good. Say, can you lend me one of those wolf dildos of yours?"

We left the room as our rapist friends gave us muffled painful screams.


A whole year passed. My friend Zack was still dating his rat lover Harry. They are thinking of moving out to California.

As for the rapists? I saw two of them one day. I was walking down the street when I saw Christian. Hand in hand with another guy. A german shepherd. They looked happy. The dane looked at me, scared. He ran to the other side of the street with his lover.

I walked a couple more of blocks when I saw the lion walking out of a store. He looked at me surprised.


"Hey... behaving yourself?"


"Good." I resumed walking.

"Wait!" I turned around. "I umm... I just... I mean, I..."

"*sigh* Just get to the point please."

"I wanna... fool around with you."

"....Not a chance." I started walking. He followed.

"Are you sure?"

"A hundred percent."

"I mean, I'll do whatever you want. Top, bottom, it doesn't matter as long as you..."

"I SAID NO!!!!" I say as I turned around, angry. "If you want a fuck buddy, go ask your bull friend!"

"He got AIDS."


"He got it from a prostitute last week." From what I heard he died two years later from pneumonia.

"...Well, I'm sorry to hear that. *sigh* Look, I don't wanna fool around okay? Just, please leave me alone." I turned around and resumed walking. I never saw any of them two again.

And you may be wondering what happened to me. Well, not much. I'm still looking for my guy. Or my girl. I could ask Kevin for a date, but I don't know. He have enough "friends" to keep him busy.


And that's it for this story! If you guys enjoyed it, please check out my other rape comics, "Jumped in the Bathroom" and "I saw the moon for the last time". Thank you for the support, have a nice day!

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