The Real Myles: A New Life

Story by LucasMota on SoFurry

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New story series! And it's gonna be a mostly gay (will have some straight and lesbian) full of yiff, slice-of-life kind of comedy with some of the characters based on real life high school friends. Some of the stories might be no-yiff, but I'll notify when that happens. The story will take place, again, in BU, this time on the Miles Standish Hall. The title comes from the residents of MSH jokingly referring to the dorm as the real one, as opposed to the Annex, the "fake one". Okay, let's hop into the story!


I got to the dorm at 11:00 am. My name is James, a generally calm human, but if you step on my toes you should probably run. My parents helped me with my luggage. My mom was a teacher. She was lecturing at what used to be my High School. Physics. My dad was a chef at a fancy restaurant downtown. He kinda looks like Walter White before turning into Heisenberg. I was staying in 626D, one of the rooms from a suite in the 6th floor at the Myles Standish Hall, at the Boston University. A couple of friends from my school were going to live there with me. Douglas, a black panther. Will, a lynx. Yuri, a really short tiger. And Carl, another human, except he was black. My room was a double. My friends said that there was another tiger living on my room. His name was Brian. From what I heard, he was a bigger, stronger version of Yuri.

We got at the door to the suite.

"Phew! Well, I guess this is it guys. College."

"We are so proud of you son." - My dad said.

"Yes we are dear. Maybe after you graduate in chemistry like you want, you can become a teacher like i did." - My mom said.

"So I have to babysit a bunch of 14 year old good-for-nothing pricks and go back to my place everyday hating myself?" My mom raised her eyebrows. "What? Don't tell me you like your job!"

"*sigh* Look honey, I know that teaching may be a bit stressful, but in the future this may be your only option!"

"...I rather sell my ass than be a teacher." I'm gay by the way. My parents and friends are very accepting.


"I could get rich if I turned into a prostitute here. I mean, the guys from the West Campus..."


"Sorry, mom..."

"Don't listen to your mom, James, you're the one who's tracing your future. You're the one who's gonna decide what's the best for you."

"....soooo, that means I can become a prostitute if I want?" They both raised their eyebrows.

"...I'm joking!"

"Anyways, are your friends inside?"

"Yeah, they should be here." I walked in and knocked the door to 626B, where Doug, Yuri and Will, on another room within theirs, 626A, were going to live. Doug opened up.

"JAYYYYYYMMMSSSSS!!!" He yelled, as he proceeded to hug me. He was a really funny guy, but VERY immature. He's going into Law School. Honestly, I just can't imagine him as a lawyer. "Was your journey difficult?"

"Not much, captain. Is Yuri and Will inside?"

"Yeah they are here, sucking at CoD as usual. They are no match for the magnificent Mr. Anselmo.

"...I totally destroyed you last ni..."


"No, I didn't!"

"Yes, you did! And don't get me started with that failure with the RC Car."

"I didn't knew you could shoot the car!"

"Everybody knows that!"

"*sigh* Alright, whatever, can I join you guys?"

"Sure, but no cheating this time."

"*sigh* Fuck you..." I turned to my parents. "Well, I guess this is goodbye. I'll visit you guys whenever I can."

"Goodbye dear, good luck with the studies."

"Thanks mom."

"And don't get too drunk on the parties."

"Heh, sure thing dad."

"And for God's sake, wear condoms!"

"Don't worry mom, I already did that on my first time."

"Good, 'cause if you don't... Wait a second, you already had your first..."

"OKAYGOTTAGOTHANKSSEEYOUSOONBYE" I slammed the door on their faces.

"...Do you think he went bottom?" My father asked.

I walked into the room and greeted Yuri and Will.

"About time you're here." - Said Yuri.

"Oh, I'm sorry midget, I didn't knew I had an appointment." He was kind of an asshole sometimes, but nobody took him seriously because of his size. He was generally a funny guy though.

"James? What the fuck are you doing here?"

"...what does it look like?"

"I thought you said you were going to Boston University."

"...and what the fuck do you think this is?"

"Uhhhhh.... Harvard?" I facepalmed while both Doug and Yuri laughed their asses off. Will was a bit slow. Really slow, actually. And was also a weird, unpredictable guy. He was harmless though. Just don't lend nothing to him. I swear to God, my Shining DVD never saw the light of day. I'm almost sure he's autistic.

"Anyway, I'm gonna join you guys if you don't..."

"EVERLAST!" Will screamed, pointing at my Everlast socks. We all looked at him, confused. At that point, we were used to his craziness.

"Umm... yeah... Everlast...."

"Should we kill him before he has any kids?" Doug whispered at me.

Carl walked into the room. "Yo, guys!" He was the nicest person you could ever find. But within that skinny body lies a dark, criminal life. He deals with illegal downloads since he was 14. And no, I'm not talking about cub. I'm talking about piracy. He was practically a black Jack Sparrow. "Yo, James!"

"Heyyy, my favorite pirate! Except if the FBI comes knocking at our door. If that happens, I don't know you."

"Hehe, yeah whatever man. You guys seen Brian around?"

"He went to get some beers." - Yuri said.

"Oh yeah, and if he comes here with anything else other than Heineken I'm throwing him out that window!" - Doug said.

"Speaking of Brian, you guys mentioned him being big?"

"Big? Just think about Yuri. Now clone Yuri and place it on top of the original Yuri. That's Brian." - The panther said.

"...and you guys now if he's like... you know... gay?"

"...didn't you noticed the fucking rainbow flag tapped to the door to your room?" - Yuri said, impatient.

"I thought that you guys placed that there! You know, as a welcoming gift."

"Wait, I didn't knew James was from New Mexico." We all looked at Will, confused.


"Isn't that were that flag is from?"

"...that's the gay pride flag, Will" Yuri said. "You were supposed to know that." We suspect Will might be gay. We never had any real confirmation.

"Well, I'm glad to know that my roommate is gay."

"Why? You're not gonna get laid with him on the first day, are you?" Carl asked.

"...what's the problem with that."

"The walls are very thin, you know."

"*sigh* I'll try to keep quiet. But my main concern is that he's big."

"Just because he's big it doesn't mean he's gonna beat your ass." Will often spills some logical phrases.

"But if anything happens, call for Batman." - Doug said. "Or Bruce Wayne."

And then we heard a deep voice from the corridor. "Guys, I'm back! And I got the beers." The big hot tiger said as he walked in the room. I just looked at him, drooling. "There you go, big guy!" He tossed the beer to Doug. A Budweiser.

"......What the fuck is this shit?"

"*giggles* You didn't told me which beer you wanted." He turns to me. "So, is this the human you guys told me? My gay roommate?"

"Uhh... uh y-yeah... uh it's uh.. your name is James... I- I m-mean, my name is Brian. NO, NO! Uh, your name is Brian and mine is James.. I- I mean you got what I'm saying I wanna fuck. A BEER! A beer! I- I want a beer." Silence in the room. Brian just smiled, shaking his head.

"......Doug, I bet you 20 bucks they gonna fuck on the first day." - Said Yuri.


"Hehehe! Just relax James, I don't bite. Well, unless you ask me to." Oh yes! I will ask you to do anything you hot son of a bitch! "Anyways, I hope you don't mind, but I placed a rainbow flag on our door."

"Oh, of course I don't mind!"

"Good! Oh yeah and uhh... I can't promise anything, but knowing that we're both gay, there might be some... activities going on in our room. So, how should we do to let you guys know? You know, in case someone decides to come in, catching me with my penis were it doesn't belong."

"Well, you could tape this on your door." Doug handed us a paper that says "WE'RE FUCKING, PLEASE DON'T DISTURB."

"*giggles* Very fucking subtle, Doug." - Brian said. "So umm, I got a couple of friends who's gonna be our next door neighbors, wanna say hi to them?"

"Sure, we can join them on the video game later." Coming out of the door, we saw a cute little skunk unlocking the door in front of us, the door to Brian's friends room. I think he's about the same size of Yuri. "One of your friends?"

"Nope. Must be their roommate. Let's say hi to him."

French Brian

I am extremely shy. For real, I have to be absolutely sure I can trust someone before opening up to him. For that reason, this day has been a torture to me. Someone came to me before I could go into my room. A huge tiger, followed by his human friend, probably his roommate.

"Hey! You staying here?" I just nodded my head. "Good! My friends will be your roommies then. Don't worry, they're nice guys. We're staying at that room back there, I'm Brian and this is James, what's your name?"

"...Brian." - I said very quietly.

"Umm... sorry I don't think I got that."

Damn it, Brian, stop making a fool of your self in front of this tiger, say it louder! "Brian."

"No shit? We have the same name! Anyways, needs help with your stuff?"

"Wait, are we really helping him? 'Cause I still got a little backache from carrying mine." - James said.

"Hehe, don't worry you lazy bastard, I'll help him. You can give us moral support."

"Huh, yeah, I'm really good at that." - The human said. I think he was being sarcastic.

We all walked into the room. "So, where you from little guy?" The tiger asked me.

"C-Chico. It's a city next to the Plumas forest in California."

"Chico? Isn't that one of the boys from that Boku no Pico sequ..."

"Don't. Just, don't." The tiger interrupted.

"Hehe, sorry, I had to."

"You're a pretty shy guy, aren't you?" I looked down, blushing.


"Awww, it's okay little guy. I like shy guys, they're cute." The tiger said, approaching me

"And plus, you are a skunk, which make things even more better." The human started to stroke my skinny body.

"Oh, you like skunks too?"

"I absolutely love them..." He sucked my right ear. I trembled. I wasn't ready.

"Uh... well... I think you guys will like me then, 'cause I'm gay."

"Oh? That is so great to hear, cutey..." I felt the tiger's big hand on my ass.

"WAIT! I- I don't know if I'm ready..."

"Oh, it's okay little guy. We won't force you to do anything. Right, James?"

"Trust us buddy, we're not big fans of non-consensual sex... unless our victims are drunk."


"Hehe, just joking bud, we won't tie you down and force our penis into you or anything." He joked.

"Oh yeah, and don't worry about my friends, they will respect you too, I'm sure of it." Speaking of them, they walked into the room as he said that. A zebra and a lion, who apparently were a gay couple.


My name is Zeke. I'm a zebra born in South Africa. I came to America when I was 5. I have a boyfriend, a lion called Simon, from Topeka, Kansas. We have a very open relationship.

"I'm just telling you, it wouldn't hurt if you switched sometimes."

"Ever seen a lion going bottom to a zebra?"


"Hehehe, I'm just teasing you babe, of course I'll go bottom to you." He kissed me. We arrived to our room, which was very crowded.

"Brian, my man! How you doing, stripes?" I said giving him a hug. Brian is very special to me. I lost my virginity to him.

"I'm great, Zeke. How's your big guy?"

"I'm fine bud, thanks for asking." - My lover said smiling.

"So, which one of these two will be our roommie?"

"Oh, this one." The big tiger said while holding the skunk on the air. "Brian, I want you to meet my friends Zeke and Simon."

"Hi there. You can put me down now Brian, thanks." He releases the little guy.

"Your name is Brian too? Cool. Say uh, bug guy, what's your last name again?"


"...okay, just Brian then. What about you little guy?"


"French, eh? Alright, I'm gonna call you French Brian from now on."

"Oh yeah, I'm James by the way. And my mouth will probably on this big guy's penis tonight."

"HAHAHAHAHA! Can't say I blame you. He was the first guy I 'invited inside', you know." I turned to the skunk. "What about you cute little thing?"

"Now now, Zeke, give him a break." The tiger said. "He's gay, but he doesn't feel like doing anything right now."

"Don't worry Tigger, we'll respect his pace." My lover said. A few moments later, the remaining roommate arrived. A gypsy horse. He is SO FUCKING GORGEOUS! He have a white and light brown pelt and long mane and feathers.

"Hey!" He said.

"So, I'm gonna be direct to you. Everyone in this room is either gay or bi." James said .

"Hehehehe... well, looks like I'm gonna like this place then, 'cause I like to play on both sides of the field."

"Oh, thank you gay god!" My lion lover joked.

"*giggles* Anyways, I'm Peter."

"Name's Brian. These are James, Zeke, Simon, and the big tiger is also called Brian."

French Brian

I was feeling a lot more relaxed now. They all looked like nice guys. "I'll be your roommate, by the way." At the moment I saw him, I changed my mind about not doing it on the first day. I was doing only with him though. Not sure I wanted to have an orgy on my first time.

"Nice to meet you, little guy." He said to me winking, as my heart melted.

"So umm, we gonna go back to our suite now. Anything you need we'll be right here at the 626. See ya guys!" The tiger said.

"Oh, and if you guys need condoms, lube, buttplugs, anal beads, gayporn premium accounts..."

"Come one, James!" The tiger said, from the corridor.

"Coming! See ya guys!" He left.

As our neighbors left, I approached the horse and hugged him from behind. I felt his hands on top of mine. "So umm... could you guys give us some privacy?" Pete said.

"Hehe... come on Zeke, let's give the lovebirds some time."

"If you guys need help, we'll be at the 619 chatting with some friends. Hit us up when you're done!" They left the room. Now I was all alone with my beautiful gypsy. He turns around to me, hugging me as he placed my head in his chest. He caressed my head.

"Sooo... wanna play?"

I looked at him, smiling. "Yes." He started kissing me. He started slowly, only giving soft smooches on my lips. "So, you know this is my first time, right?"

"Yeah... *smooch* and that's why I'll let you decide if you gonna go..."

"Bottom. Just be careful, okay. I don't feel like dying today." I rested my head on his chest again.

"Hehehe, don't worry, cute buns, I'll be careful."

I looked up to him. "I just wanna let you know that... I don't really have an interest on going top. I might switch, but I can't promise you anything."

"Sure thing babe." He placed his head against mine. "Anything for my little Brian." He started kissing my lips gently again. I licked his lips with only the tip of my tongue, which he responded with the tip of his. We both smiled like kids. Then I stuffed my tongue inside his mouth, giving him a very slow, playful kiss. We started kissing with passion. The smiles gave place to a lustful expression. We gaze at each other. He was ready to fuck me. I pulled him by his T-shirt, taking him closer to the bed, while still kissing him. I pulled up his shirt, revealing his muscular body. I stroked it with my left hand, then with my muzzle, as gentle and slower as I could. He grabbed my big tail and started stroking it on his face.

"So soft..." - He said moaning. I started licking his abs. Short, playful licks with the tip of my tongue. I looked up to him. I could see the lust coming out of his right eye. He had the left one covered by his long mane. I worked my way up to his right nipple. Sucked. Sucked, licked, gave playful bites as he gave short, quiet moans. I pinched his other nipple with my fingers. He was stroking me with his strong arms. His mane was all over my head. The nipple play got more intense. And so did the stroking. We stroke each other as hard as we could. The heat was so intense I felt the whole Myles would catch on fire. The look in his eyes literally translated to "I will fucking destroy your ass." And so did his grips. He held me by my arms so strongly I felt they would break. We kissing intensely as we quickly took off our clothes.

"Babe, if you don't let me fuck your ass right now I will toss you into the bed and pierce your intestines." I looked at him grinning and got on top of the bed, bending over.

"It's all yours babe, and untouched, virgin anus just for you." I said wiggling my ass. I looked behind me and saw him putting up a condom on his enormous penis. "I want your friend over there to have a nice, deep conversation with my friend over here." I shook my ass again.


I swear to God I never felt that way before. He was AMAZING for a first timer. Seeing he wiggle his ass like that almost made my dick blow up. I placed myself behind him as I wrapped his tail around my body. My tail was tangled with his. I gave circular rubs on the entrance of his anus. "Ready?"

"Go for it." I pierced him as carefully as I could. I didn't wanted to hurt my cute, small lover.He winced. My dick was halfway inside when I heard him wincing a little harder.

"If it's hurting you, please let me know."

"I will... *moan* don't worry."

I started thrusting him slowly. He loved it. I could tell from the cute moans. I placed my right arm around his neck, holding his shoulder, while my left hand was jerking him off. Due to his inexperience, he came fast. "Aw, crap. Sorry, I should have held it a little more."

"Shhhhh... it's okay, babe. You'll have a lot of time to work this out." I whispered before giving him playful bites on his left ear. I reached his cum with my fingers, giving it a taste. Delicious and salty. Then I gave a little bit of his own seed, which he swallowed with pleasure.

"Hmmm.... so tasty!" A little while he asked me as I thrust him. "Babe... *moan* I don't if... *moan* if it's too early... *moan* wanna be my boyfriend?"

"Absolutely yes."

"Good. *moan* I wanna have an open *moan* relationship."

"As opened as your anus?"

"Even more if you can." I replaced the soft, slow thrusts with one big, quick thrust. "AH!" He loved it. He looked back at me, smiling and biting his lips, as he backed off quickly, piercing my penis inside him.

"Oof!" He looked at me, winking. I gave him an evil grin. Now you gonna pay. I gave him three really quick and hard thrusts.

"Ah! Ah! Ouch!" He looked at me, grinning. I gave him a lustful look. He wiggled his ass to adjust my penis inside him. He placed my member as deep as he could inside him. "I do NOT want you to be gentle anymore." That's just what I needed to hear.

I started fucking him as hard and fast as I could. I got a little TOO excited, as I strongly pressed his neck with a choke, as he tapped my arm, aching for air. I let go of him immediately, as his lungs begged for air. "Jesus Christ babe, I'm so sorry!"

"*pant* It's okay babe *pant* I kinda enjoyed it *pant* to be honest *pant*"

"I'll be more careful either way, sorry babe." I resumed pounding the poor skunk in the ass, this time holding his hips.

"I wanna change positions." I took off my dick as he laid down on the bed, facing up. I jumped on top of him and quickly inserted my penis back where it belongs. I was on top of him, being careful not to release my weight on him. I fucked him really hard as he moaned. "AH! AH! YES! YESS! FUCK ME ! FUCK ME YOU STUD!! I'M YOUR BITCH!! NOW FUCK ME HARDER!!!!!"

"HERE I COME!!!" And so I came. If I wasn't using condoms the jizz would've probably come out through his mouth. He also came on my pelt. I collapsed on his side, holding him while we panted. "Phew! *sigh* So, how was it?"

"The best minutes of my life."

"Hehe, glad you enjoyed, baby. *smooch* I love you."

"Love you too, stud."

"So, should we call Zeke and Simon."

"Hmmm, I don't know, I think I'm up for a second round."

I grinned as I proceeded to kiss my lover.


"The birds will attack today."


I was laying down in the bed completely naked while Brian showered. He came into the room, still wet, also naked. "I can see you really want Doug to lose that bet."

"Hehehe... and why do you think that?"

"Why don't you ask your 9 inch friend down there?" His penis was rock solid. He didn't jerked off in the shower and probably for a good reason.

"Hmm let's see... say umm, Mr. Frinkles? You wanna hang out in the Batcave today?" He hardened his penis, making it go up as he was saying yes. "Yeah, I think Doug will be 20 bucks more poor.

"Well, what you waiting for then? Come get your prey, tiger!"

He got on top of the bed, kneeling over my chest. "What about the sign?"

"Already on the door."

"So you thought on everything, uh?"

"I was at the shower thinking about you to make my penis hard, so yeah."

"Heh. You sure it was me you were thinking about?" I said, jerking him off.

" Of course I thought about you. About you, Zeke, Simon, Doug, Peter, French Brian, Josh."

"Who the fuck is Josh?"

"A cute bull I met at an academy once."

"Oh." I started licking the huge member. The body. The balls. The tip. I gave quick circular lips around the tip that made the pre came out. He was ready. I slid the cock inside my mouth as I looked up smiling at him. He smiled back as he held my head. He started thrusting his dick into my mouth, while I just closed my eyes and enjoyed. He was moaning softly. I signed a time out to him.

"What, what's wrong?"

I took off the huge penis off y mouth. "I have two things I wanna ask you. First of all, I wanna be more than a fuck buddy. I want a relationship. I wanna be your boyfriend."

"I agree with the terms." I smiled. "And what's the second thing?"

"My anus. Fuck it. Hard. Don't be the cute and sweet tiger you usually are. Be ferocious. Like you were attacking your circus tamer."

"I'm not sure if it's a good idea to be that harsh on a virgin."

"Haha, you think I'm a virgin? Sorry pal, someone played around with my poop hole before you?"

"Awww, really? Who's the lucky guy?"

"Lucky guys. A maine coon and a black bear."

"At the same time?"

"I wish... But I'll give you some credit, you're about to become the biggest guy who ever fucked me."

"Oh? Well, let me get my winner prize then..." I passed him a condom as he didn't wasted any second. He immediately put it on his dick and started pounding me. He did just like I ordered. Hard. Fast. Rough. I wouldn't sit normally for days, but I don't give a fuck.

The door opened. We didn't realized at first. At the heat of the moment, you know? Then we both saw Doug standing on the door, with a poker face.

"What the fuck are you doing here, you fuck? Can't you fucking read?" I said pointing at the sign.

"...I just wanted to make sure you were being serious."

"*sigh* Alright, you just had your confirmation, now GET THE FUCK OUT!!!"

"Alright alright, listen! I have a proposition. You guys tell Yuri that..."

"Tell me what?" Yuri appeared behind him. He saw the sign, then the gay couple inside the room, naked, linking each other from the fun parts of our body.

"...I'll go get 20 bucks from your wallet." Doug poker faced harder.

"I'll probably kill myself within the next minutes, please tell Oprah I love her." He slammed the door of our room.

"*sigh* Sorry about them..."

"Hehe, it's okay, cutey."

"Hey hey, I told you not to be cute, remem- AH!" He thrust me before I could say anything else.



He pounded my ass without mercy. His hot muscles were all over my body. His arms griping my shoulders strongly, his abs and chest on top of me. It was paradise. "I'M CLOSE JAMES!"

"GO FOR IT BIG GUY! I'M CLOSE TOO!" And we both came. He collapsed on top of me as we both panted. I look to my side and I saw a figure. A lynx. Will. Looking at us.




"I just wanted to ask you something."

"And you couldn't wait until we're done????"

"...I did that."


"It's an emergency!"

"*sigh* What the fuck do you wanna ask?"

"What does Everlast mean?"


Before he left, he turned around. "You know, it's really important to keep our dick cleaned. I clean mine on the shower everyday. It helps to keep all the radioactive alien ants from crawling into my anus."

We just looked at him, confused.


There you go guys, hope you enjoyed! Thank you for the support and we'll see each other in the next story!

Five Nights At MARSHAL!!

James just uploaded his second FNAF video. "FUCK THIS... FUCKING GAME, GODDAMNIT!!! AHHH, IT FORCE YOU TO OPEN THE FF... the camera so that way you have to do that shit! I don't fucking wanna... play... work at... Chuck E. Cheese's anyway, fuck this...

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My friend, the skunk

I was at a party in a friend's house. It was night. We live in the city of Morgantown, West Virginia. My skunk friend was there too. Wynona. So beautiful. Big breasts, cute look in her eyes. Not very tall. Her tail was huge. I used to hug it playfully....

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Brian and Me - Final part

I can't believe it's been almost 3 years. 3 years since I met the man of my life. The happiest years of my life. He was preparing a surprise for me on our Anniversary. He wanted that year to be special. I woke up that morning to find out that my man...

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