Family Tradition VII: C-Sex Procedures

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#7 of Family Tradition

Wrex hated it. Even as the leader of the whole Krogan people, who regularly met with the Council, they still made him go through all those C-Sec customs like a lowly merc. He didn't really like those politicians but he didn't want to blow their brains out either, because most of the time they were surprisingly reasonable, even if a bit uptight.

"You'd think that all of this shouldn't be necessary any longer", Wrex groaned frustrated.

"With the Reapers indoctrinating people left and right it sadly still is", Commander Bailey, head of C-Sec and the one responsible for the Council's security replied.

"If they manage to brainwash me, they've earned it", the Krogan laughed.

"Getting into that thick skull can't be easy", Bailey deadpanned.

"Bailey, you're all right." They both got along quite well, sharing a mutual feeling of respect for their relative counterpart. The Krogan and the human did their jobs and at least tried not to be in each other's way. Sometimes, like right now, they even traded a bit of banter.

"Yeah, I know."

"You smug son-of-a-bitch."

"Let's just be decent and keep our families out of this. I'm really happy that you can finally have one."

That was unexpected. "Thanks, Bailey, you're a good man."

"I try to be. Doesn't always work." He sighed. "I'll have our newest recruit do your check-up. I think you might have met his father.

The new recruit in question was Kolyat Krios, a Drell and son to Thane Krios. After his father's death following the Cerberus attack on the Citadel he had been accepted as a C-Sec recruit. Having the son of this former assassin-turned-hero as a member of their police force was of course a bit of a publicity stunt. Since he had tried to kill Joram Talid, which had thankfully been foiled by Commander Shepard, he had alread worked at C-Sec as an "intern". There had never been a trial for his crime, Bailey covered that up. Now he was the son of a hero and the first Drell in C-Sec, becoming a bit of a sensation. Recently even a human reporter from Westerlund News had interviewed him.

"Urdnot Wrex, I'm Kolyat Krios. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Pleasure's all mine", Wrex said. "Heard what your father did. Didn't really get to know him much though."

"Me neither."

"Well, least you didn't have to gut him with a knife."

Kolyat was taken aback at the blunt answer, since Thane had also been killed with a blade. But the Krogan leader just seemed to be very direct with everything he said. The Drell took a deep breath to calm himself down. Then he asked the obvious question: "You... you killed your own father?" He had heard many things about Urdnot Wrex but this information was new.

"Would've killed me. But I was stronger. It's a long story."

"Maybe you can tell me some time."

"Nah, it's better not to let your past haunt you."

"You're very wise."

"For a Krogan?"

"For any species", Kolyat answered. "Now, if you'd like to accompany me to our examination chamber. It's this w..."

"I know the way." He had been there often enough. Wrex began to like Kolyat. He seemed to be a decent kid. Also this whole father-son talk had given him some thoughts. Dirty ones, of course. Why did he always have to be this horny? He couldn't just fuck the kid, especially not in a C-Sec room. Or could he? As soon as they had entered the room Wrex used Kasumi's program to turn off the cameras and everything else.

"So, this gonna be a strip search?"

Kolyat looked a little bit puzzled. "No, that's not necessary."

"Don't you wanna be thorough?" Wrex tried to push Kolyat in a certain direction. "I might conceal a weapon to kill the Salarian councillor."

"I... uh... I don't think that you would dishonour our mutual trust like that."

"You think you can trust me?"

"You have not given me a reason to mistrust you."

"But you're still afraid of me, aren't you? Admit it, BOY", Wrex growled and punched his fists together.

Startled Kolyat took a step back. Pushing a few buttons on the security console he found it to be turned off. Kalahira. He was locked in here and he could not call for help. He was at the Krogan's mercy. "If you kill me, please just make it quick", Kolyat pleaded, terror filling his eyes.

"What?", Wrex was really perplexed. "Kid, I was joking. why would I kill you? Just because I'm a big Krogan? Am I really that threatening?" Kolyat nodded shyly. "Look, I've killed lots of people, that's true. But I've never killed a child, let alone one who is a friend of Shepard. I just wanted to have a bit of fun."

"Oh. I... I must admit, I am not that good at... reading people."

"That's ok, never been a people person myself. Shall we get to the fun part?"

"I'm... not sure what your definition of fun would be."

"Kid, why dontcha just lemme show you?", Wrex said and started stripping of his armour.

Kolyat did not want to stare but his eyes just couldn't help focusing on the Krogan's body that got gradually exposed. Having spent most of his time growing up among priests he had become engrained with a deep sense of bashfulness. Seeing Wrex's enormous penis and four large balls left him open-mouthed and speechless.

"Better close your mouth. He might like a kiss", Wrex chuckled. "Never seen one that big, I guess."

"I... no", Kolyat stammered. To be honest he had never really seen any other male's penis.

"Well, gonna show me yours?"

Kolyat was unable to answer.

"I'd hate to see that nice uniform torn to shreds. Better lose it. Now."

The young Drell still couldn't move.

"Kid, just do it." Wrex flexed his two muscular arms. "These two guns are a lot stronger than your whole body. Lose the clothes."

Kolyat's hands acted without his brain really noticing. Soon he had taken off his uniform and stood there, as naked as the big Krogan. And they almost couldn't look more different. Wrex towered over the young Drell, standing at least two heads taller. And whereas Kolyat's toned body consisted of a lithe and slender musculature, the older Krogan was pure, powerful bulk with just the slightest hint of padding. Wrex was almost three times broader than the C-Sec recruit.

"See, that wasn't so hard. You're looking good. Could use a bit more beef, but I guess you Drell just are a bit 'slighter'", Wrex chuckled. "Speaking about hard, why don't we find out where little Kolyat hides and how big he can get?"

Wrex just grabbed Kolyat like he was weightless and sat him down onto an examination table in the middle of the room. At first glance the Drell seemed to be androgynous. But Wrex knew that the young recruits maleness just needed a little 'incentive' to show itself. He started licking between Kolyat's legs where he discovered a hidden slit. The Krogan's pointy tip at first teased the fold then soon entered it a little bit. Until the tongue's tip met a cock's tip and rubbed across it. Slowly but surely the tongue was pushed out again. Kolyat's manhood was constantly filled with blood and soon a nice meaty cock emerged from the kid's slit which was followed by surprisingly weighty balls. The fire-red colour of Kolyat's veiny penis creating an interesting contrast to his turquoise testicles and body.

"Well, boy, why'd you hide that? You should be proud that your father blessed you with nice junk like that."

"I... thank you", Kolyat stuttered.

"Oh, so you can still speak", the Krogan leader smirked.

"Yes, but... I... don't know what to say."

"Then just lay back and let old Wrex take care of ya." Wrex took all of Kolyat's cock into his mouth and started sucking on it. The Drell's brain couldn't fully process everything that had happened until now and soon completely new feelings pushed away all the irrelevant thoughts. After a while he was completely reduced to gasps and squirming. Wrex decided to offer Kolyat a bit of a change, turned him around and began rubbing his tongue along the younger aliens hole, sometimes even pushing in.

"Tell me if you're about to shoot. I want this load and I will be really unhappy if I don't get it. Make this Krogan happy and he'll make you happy. Understood?"

"Purrr... ffffect... ly."

"Attaboy." Wrex continued his assault on the Drell's rear. After some time he heard the Drell trying to vocalize some words."

"I... *ugh*... I... *hng*"

The message was perfectly clear and Wrex first swallowed Kolyat's cock and then his load which proved to be quite powerful, especially for such a young alien. Despite the impressive orgasm it stayed hard.

"How'd you like that?"

"Very much. It was quite pleasurable." The C-Sec recruit had regained access over his polished and polite vocabulary.

"Want more?", Wrex asked grinning. He already knew the answer.

"Y.... yes."

The Krogan wanted to explain the next step but then suddenly the door opened and Commander Bailey entered. He drew his gun and pointed it at Wrex.

"Freeze. What do you think you're doing here?"

"Having fun", Wrex answered. A well-aimed biotic shock sent Bailey's gun flying. Then his body was trapped in a stasis field. "Since he doesn't have a father any longer, I'd decided to step in and show him the ropes. My family has a bit of a tradition when it comes to these things."

"But that's incest! And you're molesting a minor!", the C-Sec officer screamed.

"You humans think too much. It's just fucking. You see those nuts?", Wrex asked and rubbed Kolyat's balls. "These are definitely not 'minor'. Neither is that cock. Or the load I just swallowed. And he's gonna give us at least another one, aren't you boy?"

"I... I'm not sure."

"Trust me boy, you'll shoot again", Wrex said and patted the Drell's shoulders.

"Wait!", Bailey shouted. "You have said 'us'. Do you really think I'll join this debauchery?"

"When was the last time you fucked?"

Commander Bailey didn't answer. It had been too long since he had left earth and his wife.

"I'll translate: Your balls are bluer than an Asari. Am I right, human?", Wrex asked.

"Yes", Bailey whispered, beaten.

"Listen, men, I have a deal. It's Kolyat's first time and I want him to remember it. He's gonna show my butt what he can do with that nice meatstick. You'll take his ass. I'd be too big anyway, but your human cock should fit nicely into his Drell hole. So, what's it gonna be?"

"You...", Kolyat could only stutter. "You... let me... do... you?"

"Yeah. And don't you dare going soft on me, understood?"

"Yes". Kolyat nodded.

"You ready to take him?"

"I'm not sure."

"Hey, I haven't agreed on anything", Bailey protested.

"You're in stasis, if he just sits down on your dick, there would be nothing you could do." A little threat wouldn't hurt, Bailey would sooner or later give in anyway. "But I'd rather see you work with us."

"Commander Bailey, I'd be honoured if you were my first", the quiet voice of a young a Drell said.

The C-Sec leader exhaled loudly. "Fine. But I have every single one of my people turning your lives into a living hell if this doesn't stay between us."

"Too bad you're human, that almost sounded like you've got a quad", Wrex said and freed Bailey from the stasis field. "Not gonna need those clothes."

Bailey started stripping while the Krogan and the Drell watched closely. They discovered something really interesting. The human's stocky body was completely covered in curly brown hair. It spread across his chest and wandered over his slightly rounded belly. It continued over his shoulders and arms. It was on his back. On his legs. His feet. And around his long, fat uncut cock which already stood up.

"Huh? Why are you so fuzzy?", Wrex asked. "Aren't you humans supposed to be all smooth-skinned?"

"No, some of us are a bit hairier than others. I guess, I'm what you'd call a 'bear of a man'", Bailey said, letting his hands run proudly through the bristly fur carpeting his strong barrel-chest.

"Ah, those big, hairy earth-animals. Would love fight some of those", Wrex said. And maybe fuck'em afterwards. "Did your ancestors fuck one? That why you're so fuzzy?"

"What? No. It's just a figure of speech because some men are so damn hairy that they look like they could be bears", Bailey explained. "And even if we fucked them, there wouldn't be any offspring."

"Doesn't take away the fun", Wrex smirked.

"I..." Bailey facepalmed. "I'll just pretend I didn't hear that last part."

"Well, boys, it's prepping time. Kolyat, you lick my hole like I did with yours. Bailey, you'll do his."

"OK", Kolyat whispered. He wasn't really sure about this but the things Wrex's tongue had done to him had felt really good. And the thought of giving pleasure to such a big Krogan really spurred him on. He shyly started licking the alien's rosebud. Then he started pushing his tongue deeper inside and enjoyed the manly, musky taste.

Bailey was no stranger when it came to this. He had experimented a bit while he was younger and also his ex-wife had proven to be quite kinky in bed. So the C-Sec officer knew what he did as he licked the Drell's hole.

After a while Wrex decided that the group should take the next step. "Kid, just stick it in. Bailey, you too, but go slow on the boy. Your meat's not exactly the smallest."

Hearing his cock praised from a Krogan gave Bailey quite an ego-boost. He started entering the young recruit's body. Inch by inch until his thick cock was buried to its root in Drell boy. Meanwhile Wrex's hole just seemed to suck Kolyat's cock inside, the tight tunnel sending incredible feelings through his whole system. At first he was a bit shy, the new experience pretty overwhelming. Then he remembered Wrex imploring him to not go slow and he decided to comply. He started to pound Wrex's butt hard which in turn also pushed him deeper onto Bailey's cock. The cop decided to go with the flow and soon his fuzzy balls were constantly slapping Kolyat's smooth turquoise-coloured ones.

The young Drell and the human proved to have really high stamina but it couldn't last forever. After what felt like an eternity Wrex heard Kolyat's moans getting lower. Then the young alien flooded his anus with hot cum. Wrex's own cum just flew everywhere and the Krogan kept on shooting, his juice splattering across the whole room. Bailey finally gave his balls some release and fired his seed inside the Drell's tight hole.

"So, Kolyat, how'd you like your first time?", Wrex asked.

"It was a great experience."

"Sounds about right. Your balls feeling better, Bailey?"

"I still can't believe you roped me into this but yes, I guess I needed that."

"And we will need to clean up", Wrex chuckled. "Seems to happen a lot if I'm around."

Family Tradition VI: Omegan Orgy

"Now, now, if it isn't my old friend Aleena." "I left that name behind a long time ago", the holograph of an Asari said. "And if you know what's good for you, you'll let it stay in the past, Wrex." "I always loved it when you talked dirty." ...

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Beneath the Tree

After having once again seen [lovkuma]('s three glorious animated pictures I came up with a short tale about Po and Shifu. ...

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Family Tradition V: Turian Calibrations

If some of this sounds familiar then you might have seen this: []( So, yes: Garrus. * * * A blue holograph lit up and a familiar figure appeared. "Wrex, it's...

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