Fuck the Writer Story 5: The Dragon's Plaything

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Looks like FA: Wolfmage got a second story during the Fuck the Writer stream, one where their character Storm had the misfortune to run into me. Draconicon isn't always a subby guy, after all; this dragon has a great deal of fun when he feels like he wants to top, as well.

The Dragon's Plaything for Wolfmage by Draconicon

Storm's nightly wanderings were a long established habit of his, something that he could enjoy when he was feeling down, or when he just needed the quiet. It allowed him to leave behind the city lights and the noise on the streets for something softer, something that allowed all the stress from the day to melt away.

The dragonwolf had never encountered someone on his walks before. The forest outside the city was an old one, admittedly, but he'd never heard of any hermits or other people living in it. As a result, he was rather surprised to find a black dragon during his walk, and more surprised to see the other male sitting in a tree, watching him. Storm slowly came to a halt beneath the branch, looking up at the stranger as the moonlight streamed through the trees.


"Hello yourself, young one."

The formality immediately made him raise his eyebrows. The dragon sounded more like someone from a university than someone to be found out in the forests. The dragonwolf cleared his throat.

"Um, sorry to be a bother, but...why are you up in a tree? It's kind of past tree climbing hours, isn't it?"

"Oh, this? I was merely relaxing after a long walk."

"In a tree?"

"It's more comfortable than you might think."

"But...why now? Were you walking all day or something?"

"Basically, yes. I was traveling rather far, after all."

"By yourself?"

The dragon chuckled, pulling at his chest. It took the dragonwolf a moment to realize that the black dragon was wearing a set of robes, runed robes, for that matter. The silver runes were brighter when they were pulled back and exposed to the moonlight.

"You're a mage?"

"Of course. Not much point to traveling alone if you're not. Unless you want to die, I suppose, but that's so much of a minority that we won't even get into it."

"I...um...I think I'm going to go."

Magic users were notorious for being a little bit on the crazy side, and dangerous to boot. He had yet to see one that hadn't lost at least a little of their mind to the power of their magic, and this dragon seemed crazier than the few that stayed around town. The fact that he'd thought it was safe enough to travel alone, even with magic, was evidence enough of that. There were too many deadly monsters out there even for the most powerful of mages; the only reason that Storm dared to go into the forest was because it was so close to the city. Any further away and he would have stayed away in fear.

He'd taken two steps before bumping into an invisible wall. Storm groaned, rubbing his nose from the impact, before reaching out and fumbling through the air. Right there, across the path, was an invisible wall. Nothing to be seen, but plenty to be felt. He thumped his fist against it twice, to no avail. The dragon's magic - because that must have been the source - was too strong, preventing him from breaking through.

Storm felt his way along between the trees, but it was quickly apparent that the wall had him penned in. Every which way was blocked off, leaving him in a small, invisible cell about ten feet wide on all sides. He was completely trapped.

"Okay, what do you want?"

"What do you mean, what do I want?"

"Well, you obviously want something, dragon, or you wouldn't have me all penned up like this. So what is it?"

"Well, to start with, you're addressing me wrong."

"I don't have any name to call you!"

"Oh, I think you do. Just call me...master."


"Mmmm, that has such a nice sound to it."

Storm shook his head, reaching around towards one of the walls. He jumped as high as he could, seeing if he could reach the top of the 'wall' and pull himself over it. Unfortunately, it went up too high.

"You know, you're not being very accommodating to your new master."

"Well, I might be if I had a master, but I don't."

"Don't you?"

"Uh, I'd think I'd remember if I had one."

"Why don't you turn around and tell me to my face that you don't have a master."

The dragonwolf was getting annoyed enough with the dragon that he did just that. Grumbling, he turned on his heel, looked up -

  • And immediately was caught in the swirling colors in the dragon's eyes. Storm realized what it was immediately, but the knowledge came too late. The hypno-gaze of the mages might vary in strength, but as soon as one looked at them, one couldn't look away. After the eyes were caught, it was only a matter of time until the mind was as well.

Storm was amazed at how quickly the dragon took control, though. The usual weakness of the hypno-gaze was that it could take anywhere from a minute to ten minutes to fully assert control over another. For this dragon, though, Storm felt his mind and his body slip away inside of ten seconds, and that was only because he knew what was going on. If he'd been unaware, he swore he'd be taken down within five.

His body went to its knees after that, and he grunted mentally at the hard impact of the earth under his feet. The dragon jumped down from the branch, and Storm realized that he was right on crotch level for the mage.

"Now, see? You are very much a little slave for a master, aren't you?"

"I am a slave...for a master."

Oh, damn it...

He could already tell what was going to happen. Now that the dragon was on his level, Storm could see the bulge in the robes more clearly, and it was definitely bigger than average.

"Mmm, I think I see your own...excitement, too."

The dragon flicked a finger, and Storm groaned as his body responded to the dragon's magic. His pants tightened very quickly, and the dragonwolf could feel his own cock throbbing inside, threatening to push through his trousers from the sheer hardness it had. It even felt a little bit bigger than before.

The dragon seemed to like that, though, and used his tail to rub Storm through his pants. Storm groaned inside, even as his body begged for more.

"That's a good little dragonwolf. Now, what are you?"

"A slave, master."

"Good boy. And what do slaves do when they see a bulge?"

"They open their mouths to suck."

"Yes, yes they do."

Storm's mouth opened on its own, and he was forced to watch as the dragon pulled his cock out of his robes. It was at least a foot long, and throbbing already, the shaft mostly human save for the knot at the base. It was the girth, however, that left him a little frightened. The whole thing was about three inches thick, from tip to knot, and the knot at least doubled that.

"Suck, slave."

The dragonwolf's head darted forward at the command, his body obeying the mage's command. The musky flavor of hard cock filled his mouth as he bobbed up and down the shaft, taking the length towards the back of his throat without the hesitation that he'd normally show. He groaned, trying to shake his head, trying to pull back, but the dragon's control was absolute. He had no choice but to keep sucking, and keep licking that shaft.

The dragon didn't even hold him down, but his body was eager to serve, even if his mind wasn't. Storm watched as more and more of the cock disappeared past his lips, his throat gagging before his body corrected itself. He could feel it slipping in, his body feeling almost removed from him, like he was sitting in someone else's head, watching like a voyeur. The dragonwolf was almost embarrassed to admit that he kind of liked the show.

Soon, he tasted the dragon's pre, and he blushed as the flavor was...actually pretty good. A little salty, a little bit stronger than he was used to - at least, compared to his own - but definitely good. His body slurped it down eagerly, and went back for more.

Up and down, up and down; the rhythm was as steady as ever, and he only shivered a bit when he realized that he actually wanted to go faster. His body wouldn't obey him, wouldn't do what he wanted, but when he realized how slutty he wanted to behave, he was actually a little relieved. It would spare him that bit of embarrassment, at least, even if it wasn't much in the grand scheme of things.

Soon, the dragon pulled his cock out. Storm was a little confused, considering that he hadn't felt the mage cum; was the big guy just looking for some teasing rather than an actual orgasm?

"Take off your trousers and turn around. It's time to try your other hole."

Oooooh gods...

Despite knowing that this was probably going to hurt, his body was already moving. Storm blushed as his hands moved to his pants, finally untying them and letting his cock out. It swayed in the open air as he tugged his pants down to his ankles and then went to all fours, throbbing and dripping onto the ground.

The dragon mage raised Storm's tail, and the dragonwolf blushed as he felt that thick shaft rubbing under it, spreading his spit and the dragon's pre all over his ass cheeks. His body couldn't move, even though he shivered in anticipation and anxiety. There was no way that was going to fit. It was too big, too massive, too -

Oooooh god!

Storm would have collapsed if he had the control of his body to do it, but as it stood, he had to keep in position as that thick shaft pushed his hole open, gradually sinking into him. His eyes rolled back in his head on their own, something that was a little grateful for.

"You will do well, slut...you will do very well..."

Geez...what else are you...going to do...

The End

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