Fuck the Writer Story 3: A Winning Hand(ful)

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The third Fuck the Writer story went to FA: Wolfmage who got the pleasure of getting the white wolf Greta as her partner for a story. As you can see, Greta is no stranger to kinky fun, and even seems to welcome opportunities on the bottom side.

A Winning Hand(ful) for Wolfmage by Draconicon

"You don't seem that worried about losing, Greta."

"Heh, I could say the same about you, Kaelin."

Either you're joking around, or you can't see worth shit, the dragonwolf thought as she looked at her hand. Kaelin could feel several sweat drops running down her forehead as she looked at her cards, rearranging them again and again as she wondered if she'd reached a bit too far. At this point, she had three of a kind, but she had no idea what Greta might be holding onto.

She looked up past her cards. The white wolf opposite her lounged on her chair, her posture far more relaxed than her gambling opponents usually were. Then again, she was usually winning a bit more.

It had started out as a friendly game of poker. No strings attached, no money on it. But then Greta had the idea of turning it into strip poker. Considering that the dragonwolf had been a bit interested in seeing the other female nude, Kaelin had agreed, even to the point of each loss being a permanent loss, with the clothes thrown off to the side and unable to be earned back.

That had been almost forty minutes ago, and now they were down to their underwear, each.

"Sure you want to keep your bet, Greta?"

"Kaelin, I don't bet anything I don't plan to keep. You ready to lay 'em down?"

"Alright, fine."

Taking a deep breath, Kaelin lowered her cards to the table, fanning them out to show the three Jacks facing up.

"Three of a kind."

"Heh. Go figure."

The dragonwolf winced as Greta leaned forward, shaking her head. I shouldn't have agreed, I shouldn't have agreed, I shouldn't have -

"It looks like I lose."


"I lose, Kaelin. Heh, looks like I shouldn't have made that bet, after all."

The dragonwolf stared as the arctic wolf stood up and reached behind her back. The black bra she wore hit the table, and after a few seconds, so did the crotchless panties that Greta wore. Kaelin stared at the pile of clothing on the table before looking up, unable to believe what she was seeing.

It wasn't that it was unpleasant, by any means. Greta was a very attractive female. She had a moderately large set of breasts, each one pierced at the nipple with steel barbells. They were rather large ones, too, with the little bulbs on the ends nearly two and a half centimeters in size, and tugging on the nipples constantly. Glancing down, Kaelin could see another piercing through the wolf's clit, hanging down almost four inches between her legs, ending in a little bell at the end.

The fact that Greta was wet enough to make the metal piercing shimmer wasn't lost on the dragonwolf, either, and Kaelin smiled as she stood up, clearing the cards away from the table. She sauntered around it and grabbed Greta's hand.

"I think it's time that I took you back to the playroom, then."

"Heh, I was hoping we'd get around to that sooner rather than later."

"Were you hoping to get tied up, too?"

"Eh, tying up, getting tied up; does it really matter which?"

"Oh, I think it does."

As Kaelin pulled the last rope into place, she smiled down at the white wolf.

"So, you still think it doesn't matter whether you're the tie-er or the tie-ee?"


"Heh, I thought you'd have second thoughts."

She tugged the ropes again, this time pulling them a bit tighter around the wolf's body. The constriction of several of them made Greta's breasts really 'pop', just enough rope going between them to keep them from smooshing together, and enough around the tops and bottoms to force them outwards. Kaelin smacked them lightly, and the wolf grunted, arching her back at the sudden impact.

"You look really good tied up. Maybe you should stay a hanging decoration."

Greta rolled her eyes, but Kaelin allowed it. After all, even if Greta was more or less her slave for the night, it didn't mean she had to be a monster about it.

The dragonwolf looked over the different restraints, making sure that they were all in the correct places. The main support came from a series of three different ropes looping around the wolf, holding her up a bit like a hammock from a central point in the ceiling. The other ropes were tied into it, so that while Greta could swing around, she couldn't slide against it and either fall out or get burned by the friction.

They looked like they were arranged about right, and so did the other rope bindings around the wolf's legs and head. The wolfess could look no other direction but up, and her arms were tied tight behind her back. Her legs were forced wide open, her piercing hanging down almost against her rim, while her wet slit was kept perfectly exposed to the open air.

"You know, Greta, I was feeling pretty darn nervous at the table. I mean, seriously, who would have thought I'd actually get nervous gambling with someone like you, but I did. I thought I'd end up just like you are now."

She ran her hand along Greta's stomach, watching as the wolf moaned. She dragged her finger over the wolf's left breast, squeezing the engorged nipple until her little slave moaned and whimpered. Chuckling, she dragged her finger further and further up until she reached the wolf's gag, tapping her finger against it.

"I'm glad you lost. And if I didn't know better, I think you're glad, too."


"Don't pretend it isn't obvious. Look how wet you are. I can smell it from up here. I bet you wanted to get all tied up like this."


"Deny it all you want, Greta. You're going to be tied up like this all night. And I'm going to enjoy using you."

She pulled her hand back and walked around the tied up canine. It was a beautiful sight; perhaps she should talk to the wolf at some point about volunteering to become living art, to let her body be seen like this constantly. Considering how much Greta was showing off her body during the card game, she had to have some sort of exhibitionistic streak. The wolf would probably enjoy it.

Not as much as she seemed to enjoy being under her mercy, though. Kaelin smirked at the dripping juices from the wolf, reaching down and dragging her finger through them. The feeling of Greta stiffening under her touch, the way the wolf rocked her body forward to try and take advantage of her nearby finger, was quite arousing. More, it was quite the power trip for the dragonwolf.

She flicked her finger against the wolf's thigh, shaking her head.

"Ah ah ah. You don't get anything until I get what I want, Greta. Remember? That's what being a slave is all about."

The wolf groaned, but Kaelin didn't give in. The idea of having this female all to herself, the way that she was in total control, was an immense high. She grinned, stroking her finger in soft lines around the white wolf's thighs, tracing her claw through the fur and on the skin below. She circled Greta's pussy, then went down the other thigh, then back up and down and around to the first. The more she touched, the more the white wolf dripped, and the more the room smelled of the wolf's needs.

Kaelin pulled her hand back, licking the juices from her finger after teasing her slave for almost ten minutes. Normally she wouldn't wait so long to have her fun, but she enjoyed seeing the wolfess squirm more than she should.

Nevertheless, it was time for her to enjoy herself. She reached out grabbed hold of a small egg, flicking on a little switch. It started buzzing almost immediately, and Greta's ears perked up.

"I want to make sure that you're properly motivated to do what you're told, slave. The better you do, the more of these you get inside of you. One isn't enough to get you off. Neither is two. If you can earn at least four, then you might get off. Knowing you, though...you'll probably need at least seven."

She shoved the egg inside, the small thing barely more than a vibrating bullet, but shaped more like an egg. Greta immediately started moaning, shivering from her own need, and Kaelin slowly walked around the wolf again. The sight of the dripping, drooling waterfall coming from the wolf's pussy made it all the better, and Kaelin was licking her lips once more as she finally took Greta's gag out.

"Time for you to show a little appreciation, girl. Lick your mistress."

No sooner had she straddled the wolf's face than the tongue came into play, and Kaelin grinned. The wolf was obviously no stranger to eating pussy, and that wide tongue played over her pussy lips faster than most ladies she enjoyed. Kaelin spread her legs out wider, standing on her tiptoes as Greta darted her tongue all over.

"That's it, slave. Keep on giving your mistress the pleasure she deserves. Make me cum, and I'll give you another egg."

"Mmmph, yes mistress..."

"Good girl. Don't forget to call me that."

"Slave won't forget, mistress."

The wolf was good, the dragonwolf had to give her that. Greta had her panting in short order, and Kaelin leaned forward, resting her hands on the wolf's breasts. She squeezed and clawed at them, smacking them together every now and then to watch them jiggle. Kaelin panted, her pussy dripping over the wolf's tongue, and she groaned in need.


She howled as Greta's tongue forced its way inside her, licking at her inner walls and spreading her open at the same time. The dragonwolf leaned forward further, her head almost resting on Greta's stomach as the eager wolf continued eating her out.


Back outside, a chance wind blew at the cards left on the table. It wasn't much, but it was enough to push them over. The three of a kind was flipped face-down, while Greta's hand was flipped face-up. The last jack, as well as the ten, queen, king, and ace of the same suit, stared up at the ceiling as the moans continued to come from the back room.

The End

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