Fuck the Writer Story 1: Drakina's Toy

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The first of the Fuck the Writer stream stories went to FA: Nataraj as he was paired with the hermaphroditic dragoness Drakina, a needy lady who tends to keep a fair number of slaves around to feed her lust.

Though she's never had someone like him before.

Drakina's Toy for Nataraj by Draconicon

"Wake up, toy."

"Mmmph...five more minutes..."

Wait...toy? was all he had a chance to think before something fleshy, hot, and hard slapped him across the cheek. Nataraj gasped, blinking and shaking his head a few times as he woke up from his nap.

"Heh. Much as fucking sleeping guys is fun for the surprise, I'm not trying that with you. You sleep like a log, and snore louder than a chainsaw."

Right...toy. The lizard groaned as he looked up, his eyes going from the large purple cock in his face up to the big breasts that almost obscured the speaker's face from him. Almost; he could still make out her lips, and he could still hear what she was saying, so it wasn't like it mattered too much.

He shook his head a few times as he pulled at his arms, the sudden snaps back against his sides reminding him that they were tied down. His legs were pulled apart and his heels pressed against his ass cheeks, leaving him exposed back there. His head was kept tilted back, his throat in line with his mouth for...obvious reasons, considering what was bopping him repeatedly on the nose.

"Mistress wants to be sucked?"

"Oh, such a bright, clever lizard. All those months of sucking my cock must have finally given you some brains."

He would have responded with some sass - he did like sass, and he loved sarsaparilla - but the cock in his mouth would have to do. She shoved it in before he could stop her, and she started thrusting back and forth almost immediately. Nataraj lowered his eyes down, not quite all the way, but just enough to relax as he yawned around her cock.

"I didn't kidnap you for yawns, lizard, I kidnapped you for sucking. Now suck."

Fiiiiine, he thought as he closed his lips around her cock again. With the lip-seal going, he could taste her cock more, so at least he was starting to enjoy himself. A musky cock was a nice treat to wake up to in the morning, but he preferred to get it sleep-fucked into his mouth, not have to work for it.

The dragoness above him sighed.

"Well, this isn't working. Let's change things up, shall we, slave?"

Nataraj yelped, his mouth opening wide as he was suddenly flipped upside down. The mistress's other sex was suddenly in view, something he tried to ignore in favor of the cock in his mouth. Mouth and throat, now, as the mistress pushed forward enough to sink the tip into his throat. He gagged slightly around it, particularly as she rested a hand against his neck and pressed his throat down against her cock.

"That's it. Just gag for a few seconds while I make some adjustments."

Well, there wasn't much he could do about that. He did gag, repeatedly, and each time it woke him up a bit more. He would have preferred some coffee over a regimen of gagging, but he supposed it worked.

He jumped as a shock went through his cock, the lizard moaning around the cock in his throat as something started pulling, squeezing his shaft.

"If you're not going to wake up for my cock, maybe you'll wake up for yours, lazy lizard."

Hey, not my fault that you decided to use your cock as an alarm cloooooooock - fuck that's weird... Nataraj groaned as his cock felt like it was swallowed up in a milking tube, or something very like it. the feeling was like a constant swallowing around his cock, almost like a blowjob, except better, never ceasing, never varying.

"Let's just keep that going. I don't think that toys need to get off, do you?"

He groaned at the announcement, already imagining how big his balls were going to get from the forced chastity. He could feel them dangling down already, feeling heavy and swollen due to the fact that he hadn't been allowed to cum for nearly three weeks. If she was going to keep that up, they were going to be positively huge in no time.

Yet, the lizard couldn't complain. Mostly due to the cock down his throat, but he generally couldn't. He was a lizard toy, which meant that he had to get fucked. Whether it was by dragons or someone else, he needed it.

So he submitted as she started fucking his throat again, ramming her cock down it again and again. Her taste got stronger as she used him, forcing her cock all the way down his throat and into his chest. He groaned around her, swallowing as best he could, but it got very hard, particularly when she rested her hands on his neck and chest, forcing him to feel just how thick she was, feel just how much space she was taking up.

"That's better, lizard. Start swallowing more, or I'll just have to make your neck tighter myself. You don't want that, big boy. Trust me."

No, no I don't, he thought as he swallowed as commanded. It got her moaning more, and judging by the juices running down her legs, she was starting to get pretty close to climax. He just hoped that it wouldn't take too much -

The sudden spurt down his throat caught him by surprise, and he spluttered as he was filled with dragon cum. He gagged as she pressed down on him, her cock slowly sliding out of his throat even as he struggled to swallow all that cum. The taste was saltier than what he would get from a pure male dragon, but the taste of dragon was still very strong, very powerful. His cock throbbed slightly from it, jerking in the strange tube that was constantly sucking at him.

As she pulled back until only her cock head was still inside him, he felt the familiar tingle of magic around his mouth. Nataraj blinked, seeing the mistress's purple magic flowing down her cock and over his lips. It left him curious, but it wasn't like he could ask what was going on.

It wasn't until she pulled out that he realized what she'd done. His mouth was stuck in an o-shape, his lips puckered and pursed, looking like the opening of a sex toy. He tried to open his mouth, tried to speak, but all that happened was that his lips twitched. Not even opened, but twitched. The mistress's cum - what was still in his mouth - started to drip out before she plugged him up again with her fingers.

"Ah ah, toy. Swallow. Don't you go wasting your meal, now."

"Mmph, mff-msss."

"Good boy."

As soon as he'd swallowed down the rest of her cum, she walked around him. As he couldn't turn his head, she was quickly out of sight, but not out of mind. Her hand rubbed down his side as though he were a stray horse, one she might frighten if she weren't careful. The thought was ridiculous; any horse that she frightened would be one she was about to fuck.

Like that guy that was hung up last week. What was his name again? Horace? Herman? Eh, he's long gone anyway. The mistress used her slaves until they were dry, and then sent them somewhere else. Nataraj was honestly not sure how he had avoided the same fate, but he suspected it was due to his lizardly awesomeness.

Of course, when the mistress got behind him, he forgot about that as she rammed three fingers under his tail. Nataraj gasped at the sudden penetration, though not from any particular pain. It was more the surprise than anything else, something that he hadn't quite been ready for. He wiggled his hips back and forth, as much as his bonds would let him, and heard his mistress chuckle in response.

"Oh, you want my cock again?"

Kind of, I guess. Do I?

"Well, I don't mind letting you have it. As long as you keep giving me what I want."

The lizard groaned as she pulled her fingers out, only to replace it with her cock. The big thing never went soft, at least as far as the lizard had seen, and he doubted that the dragoness ever stopped using it on people. Even now, their little 'playroom' was filled with four other toys besides him, and as he looked at them out of the corner of his eyes, he could see that they had all been used before him, at least a few times, judging from the cum drooling from their mouths and asses and pussies.

He groaned as he was suddenly filled with the full length of the dragoness's cock, and he tried to guess which species it was today. It felt longer than the wolf length that she'd used the day before, and definitely thicker than the bull that she'd used a few days before that. He was pretty sure that it flared as she pushed in deeper, too.

Horse? Feels like a horse.

He gasped through swollen lips as she slammed her cock in deeper, his body rocked back and forth in his bindings. His balls slapped back against him, and he groaned as she hilted herself, her body almost crushing them against his pelvis from the high pressure thrusts.

"Heh, does the little lizard want to cum for his mistress? These balls certainly feel like you want to. Such a full load. I bet you'd make one hell of a mess."

Gods above, just...cum in me and stop! It didn't matter. She kept thrusting, kept filling him and keeping his balls between her scales and his. It didn't 'hurt' so much as it simply ached, a dull ache on top of the need to cum, on top of the immensely filling feeling.

The dragoness sped up, even, and he curled his toes at the heavy pleasure beneath the ache she was leaving him in. His cock throbbed, trying to spit cum or even pre through the magical tube she had him in, but it was no good. Whatever she'd done prevented even that, and it made his balls swell all the further as he was denied in all ways.

Suddenly she came, and Nataraj moaned as his belly began to swell with her seed. It was a familiar feeling; even when she was running low, the mistress always came buckets, and he was used to a swollen belly after she was done. It was a little bit more annoying, laying on his back rather than having it dangle beneath him, but it wasn't as bad as it had been the first time, when he hadn't been so flexible.

Panting softly, the lizard felt some measure of gratitude when his mistress pulled out of his ass, even when she smeared her seed over his soles. Even the feeling of his ass molding into some other type of hole - he couldn't tell what - wasn't that bad, considering she was pulling out of him now and giving him a chance to rest.

As she walked into view - Horse cock, I called it - she reached down and thrust one of her fingers in his mouth again.

"That wasn't bad, slave. A nice little meal for the morning. I'll be back in an hour. Make sure that you're a little more enthusiastic for the next round."

He could only grunt, sucking on her fingers until she left. The other slaves moaned as she closed the door behind her, but he took her commands seriously. He'd be ready, and he'd make himself the best slave here.

Maybe then I'll get a chance to actually see the good stuff, he thought. I'm tired of the kiddie kinks, let's see the fun stuff.

The End

Fuck the Writer Story 2: Scooped off her Feet

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