Open Content Stream Story: An Amusing Afternoon

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This has rather strong cub content, so be aware of that when reading.

An Amusing Afternoon For Rey by Draconicon

Xu'maneem sighed as she felt her son's teeth squeeze down on her nipple again, and she lightly patted his head.

"Now, now, Casaquir, no biting."


"You'll get more milk with kneading, not biting."


The jaguar goddess-queen shook her head at her son's continued stubbornness, and turned her mind towards other subjects. Specifically, her other subjects. Looking out from the stone balcony that she sat on, she could see many of her human subjects - or perhaps slaves, slaves seemed more appropriate, as she owned them - going about their daily lives, moving from one place to another, farming, talking, bartering and -

"Casaquir, what did I just say?"

"I'm hungry."

"Then do what your mother told you. Knead, don't bite."

She shook her head at the little guy on her lap. Though he was already five years old, he was still feeding from her like this. Not that she minded, she supposed. As her heir, he should be absorbing her knowledge, at least symbolically. And she couldn't deny that it was rather comforting to give her little Casaquir this sort of treatment. It reminded her of older times, of things that she once had, and the simple joys that came with it.

Though she wouldn't trade what she had now for those things. Being a ruler over humanity was too good to give up, particularly with the sacrifices that her people made and the tribute she received. Xu'maneem smiled, licking her lips at the thought of the last tribute she had received. The young man had made a most excellent guard, and had been -

"Casaquir, this is your last warning. One more bite, and I'm going to lock you up for the rest of the day."

He growled at her until she narrowed her eyes. Even then, he only subsided into a silent sucking rather than apologizing. She shook her head, tilting back until she could look up at the sky.

Maybe I'm going too easy on him, she thought. She had critiqued other rulers for raising their heirs poorly, spoiling them and giving them gifts rather than teaching them proper responsibility and how to handle their people. Perhaps she should take her own lectures and put them to work. She was doing the five year old Casaquir little good by allowing him to keep doing what he wanted. She should put her foot down, make him learn and behave properly, rather than letting him run wild.

She blinked as she realized that he wasn't sucking on her nipple anymore. Usually he kept up his feeding until she had nothing left to give. The only other time he hadn't fed til she was dry was when -

"Casaquir, don't you - Ooooh."

Xu'maneem leaned back for a different reason as a little tongue flicked between her legs. She spread them slightly, smiling to herself as she slowly looked down. Her little kitten laid backwards on her chest and stomach, his little sac almost in her face as he licked at her pussy.

"Didn't I tell you to stop doing that, little Casaquir?"

"I want it."

"I know, my little kitten. But -"

"I want it now."

"...Oh, alright. Go ahead and lick it a bit."

It feels good, anyway, and it's not like he'll do it for too long. As long as I don't let him in me again, it won't take up too much time.

The goddess-queen spread her legs further, allowing his rasping little tongue to flick over her clitoris and then over her sex properly. She was already slightly wet from his breast-feeding, but as he started eating her out, she could feel herself getting wetter and wetter. She smiled, stroking the backs of her son's legs as he kept tasting her, nodding her head in approval.

"That's it, little Casaquir. Keep licking around there. Your mother likes that."

He didn't answer, but he never did. As soon as he got her to let him do this, he was utterly focused on getting as much as he could. Sometimes she wondered if he would drink her juices rather than her milk, if she let him. The thought was amusing...but also rather tempting. She would have to think on it further.

But not now. Now she would enjoy herself. Her fingers wandered up her little boy's legs, running past his rump down to his little sac. She squeezed it gently, and she felt him shudder, his tongue suddenly going deeper inside her. She groaned under her breath, but never let her fingers stop exploring him. They slid further up, rubbing up his sheath towards his erection.

It amazed her how quickly he'd begun having his 'needs'. Perhaps it was a result of his transformation, or perhaps it was simply the fact that he was a lusty little boy, and this only accelerated his needs. At any rate, he had a surprisingly active shaft, popping out multiple times during the day, frequently when Xu'maneem's handmaidens were around and often trying to get some 'attention' from them, the way that he tried to get it from her.

She allowed it, of course, unless there was something of great importance happening. After all, Casaquir was a prince, and was entitled to use any of her property that she wasn't using.

Still, she wished he was a little bit bigger. The goddess-queen was always just a little disappointed with the size of her son's shaft. It wasn't something he could help, she knew that; it was part of his age, and it would grow as he did. But when he was so active and so eager, it would have made coupling with him much more pleasant if he had more to offer than a meager four inches. The warriors she played with were at least twice that, if not more, so while there was a bit of fun when they were together, she never got the same satisfaction as she did with an adult partner.

Xu'maneem moaned as he stabbed his tongue inside her, her hand squeezing around his cock. He thrust against her hand a few times, and she smiled at the soft feeling of his barbs rubbing against her fingers.

"My little Casaquir feels rather excited."

"I want it, mother."

"You want what?"


His finger shoved inside her deeper and faster than she expected, and her legs spread almost before she realized it. It was just the opening her son was waiting for, though, and he darted between them, lining his cock up with her pussy and shoving in. Xu'maneem gasped, more from sheer shock than from the depth of his penetration, and he moaned as he grabbed hold of her upper legs and started thrusting.

"Oh, Casaquir..."

She shook her head. There would be no stopping him now, at least, nothing that wouldn't harm him to some degree. Xu'maneem looked up towards the heavens, rolling her eyes before looking back at her son. She lifted her legs, spreading them further and giving him better access to her pussy.

"Go ahead, little Casaquir. Enjoy yourself."

"Thank you, mother. I will."

His little claws barely got past her fur, but she occasionally felt the points of them as he humped at her, ramming his little cock in and out of her in rough thrusts. If he had been bigger, it would have been exhilerating. As it was, it was...okay. Nothing wonderful, nothing world-shattering, but still fairly fun.

It was all too easy to let her mind wander around to different plans for the day, different meetings she was supposed to attend. The thrusts bouncing her lower half up and down the chair weren't distracting; as a matter of fact, they were almost soothing, considering they weren't strong enough to really get her attention. She smiled to herself, imagining her meeting with the diplomat from one of her conquered kingdoms. They were set to discuss the tribute for the year, and she was still debating whether she needed a new handmaiden or a new warrior.

Perhaps I should ask for both this time; there is no need for a goddess-queen to limit herself, after all, she thought. And there had been a few bodyguards to the king of that land that she had been eying up back then...

Xu'maneem gasped as her son suddenly pulled out, slapping his cock against her before slamming it back in. She arched an eyebrow, looking down at him.

"And where did you learn about doing that, Casaquir?"

"The warriors do it all the time with their women."

"Yes, and their women are conquered. I am not; be respectful to your mother."

"But I want -"

"You already have what you want. Don't reach too far, little Casaquir. I made you, remember?"

He glared, but this time she forced him down, her own stare reducing him to glancing at the ground and looking sheepish. She would allow him various liberties, but treating her as less than a queen, and less than him? That would not be allowed, and she would make sure that he knew who was the queen, and who was the prince.

Besides, he seemed happy enough as he went back to humping her, and she leaned back again. The feeling of his short, quick thrusts, combined with the barbs, were slowly bringing a rising need of her own to bear. She smiled, reaching down and rubbing her clit with one hand while closing her eyes. The images of larger, bigger men filled her mind, and she smiled as she fixed on a particular favorite of hers, a nicely muscled jaguar warrior that had taken her just a few days back. It had been so good to be pinned and used, and just as good to remind him of his place afterwards, sitting on his face and making him clean up his mess. She smirked at the thought; perhaps she should do that to Casaquir if he didn't learn his place.

Suddenly he started speeding up, and Xu'maneem smiled to herself as she realized what it meant. She looked down at him, lazily rubbing around her clit as he looked so excited, so eager.

"Mmmm, are you already so close?"

"I am, mother. I'm going to...going to..."

"That's it, little Casaquir. Let it go."

And he did. Oh, he did. For a little five year old, he was certainly advanced, considering how much he put out. Xu'maneem smiled as she felt herself be filled, his seed plentiful even as a little boy. She looked forward to seeing how much he produced when he was a full-grown man, and had a cock to match.

Of course, he didn't pull out. She rolled her eyes as he started humping her again, and turned her head as an attendant stepped out. She waved her hand at the ocelot.

"Clear my appointments until sundown. My son and I will be busy."

"Yes, Great One."

The feline bowed, leaving hurriedly, but not before Casaquir turned to look at her. The goddess-queen reached up with her tail, forcing her son to look back at her.

"An appetite is good, but finish your first course before looking for more."

"But I want -"

"You wanted me, too. You'll finish me before chasing others."

"Y-yes, mother."

"Good, good little Casaquir..."

The End

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