Open Content Stream Story: Perverted Parole Hearings

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Sanmer's come up with another one in the prison. It seems that the sluttiest dragon in the prison is up for parole. Will he stay or will he go?

Perverted Parole Hearings for Sanmer by Draconicon

"Shake that tail, Hesith!"

"Heh, yeah, shake that money-maker!"

"You're coming back to the showers with me later, you little slut."

"Oh, all the things I'll do to you, and nobody will see. White scales are the best."

The white dragon grinned as he was teased by the various orca guards, occasionally indulging the prison guards by turning and raising his tail, giving them the shake they wanted. It always got a good whoop out of them, and he knew they'd be eager to give him the cock he craved later if he let them have a taste now.

Slipping past several of the guards - and giving them a nice stroke of their cocks on his way - Hesith wondered just why all the dragons complained about being here. Well, all but a couple, but they were the minority. What was there to complain about? They were sheltered, fed, got all the sex they wanted; they should have been happy. He knew that he loved it. The white dragon could write a dozen alphabet books with the names of all his partners, and never repeat a single name.

Admittedly, the fashion choices were limited, he thought as he looked down at his cock. Orange and white simply didn't go together outside of candies, and while he was sweet, Hesith wasn't candy. He would have preferred something like a green sleeve, or a red one, or something that enhanced his white scales rather than looking like a traffic cone coming off of his crotch.

Still, he supposed one had to make sacrifices. And he knew about sacrifices.

His grin and tail drooped slightly as he thought back to his life before the prison. Maybe that was why he could enjoy it and the other dragons couldn't. With what he had left behind, this was a vacation.

Maybe Roluth would eventually see it that way. His roommate was so dead set against pleasuring any of the orcas that the other dragon was permanently hard. Hesith swore that his roommate was almost at a -8 with his score. Much more, and he'd risk some of the chastity madness that other dragons dealt with.

Not that I'd say no to a good humping from him, but he needs to take care of himself better, Hesith thought with a sigh. Now...what was I here for again?

He looked up at the door to the Warden's office, putting a finger to his chin as he tried to remember why he was there. The guards hadn't sent him along, nor was he here to play a little prank. He wasn't interceding on behalf of another prisoner, so...

Oh lord, is it that time of the year already?

He didn't even bother to knock. With it being time for the hearing already, Hesith didn't think that a knock was warranted. Not to mention that he needed to set his preferences for treatment right away.

The Warden sat at the far end of the plain room, a simple wooden desk between the fox and Hesith. The dragon noted the various metal tiles along the floor and ceiling. The Warden always claimed that they were simply there for aesthetics, but Hesith knew better. He smiled, stepping gingerly into the room and avoiding the worst of the nubs in the floor tiles.

"Hello, Warden. So good to see you again. Oh, and you're sporting the open lab coat today. So stylish."

"Thank you, Hesith. I see that you're right on time...but entering without knocking. How impolite."

The grin on the fox's face matched his own, and Hesith sauntered across the room, smiling at the Warden the whole way. His cock throbbed in the sleeve as he felt it get turned up a few notches, and he licked his lips as it bounced.

"Mmm, am I? Naughty, naughty me. Making such a bad impression for my parole hearing."

"Indeed. If it were anyone else, I'd have to send you back to your cell. But you've been such a good inmate, perhaps you can convince me to let you go still."

Hesith stifled a giggle as he reached the desk, leaning on it and letting his hand wander around. The fox kept so many knick-knacks along the top of his desk. There were little buttons, pieces of machinery, miniature calendars detailing various scientific charts. It would be so easy for a clumsy dragon to -

"Oh, dear, how clumsy of me."

Hesith pressed his hands to his face in mock horror as a calendar plummeted to the floor, crashing off of the metal tiles. It bounced twice, the fox watching it before slowly bringing his head back up.

"Ooooh, destruction of property."

Sanmer stomped on the calendar, hard enough to snap the casing for it.

"That is a mark against you, Hesith. Any more of those, and we'll just have to throw you back into your cage for another few months. Dear, oh dear, how will you survive?"

It was so hard for the white dragon to keep a straight face, and the way that Sanmer was grinning from ear to ear, it was a wonder that the fox could talk so naturally as he did. The dragon certainly could barely keep from bursting out into giggles at their little charade, despite having done this same thing almost a dozen times already.

"I'm so sorry, Warden. I promise, I'll be a good dragon."

"You better be, or I'll throw you into the orca locker room to be used for a week."

"Ooooh, then I better be a very good boy for the Warden."

Hesith grinned, pulling himself onto the desk. He was very careful, of course - after all, he wanted to play, not actually damage anything - and managed to knock the sturdy things off of the desk, hearing each one of them smash down individually. The white dragon grinned as cheekily as he could at the Warden, leaning back a bit and spreading his legs as they hung off of the desk.

"Oh dear, clumsy me. It looks like I made another mistake."

"Yes, yes, you did. So many mistakes, Hesith. One would almost think you didn't want to leave."

"Oh, no, sir, I am a good dragon. I don't want to be in prison forever."

"Well, it looks like you're going to be waiting a bit longer."

"Oh, no, did I do a bad thing?"

"Lots of them, Hesith. I'm afraid you'll have to be punished."

"Oh, then punish me, sir. I've been a bad, bad dragon, and need to be taught a lesson."

It was a practiced dance between them, at that point. Hesith slid off of the table, assuming the position and putting his hands behind his back. In the same movement, the Warden had a pair of cuffs out, and they slapped against his wrists with a small clip.

"Oh no! I've been tied up!"

"And you're about to get more tied up. Turn around."

Hesith did what he was told with a giggle, presenting his cock to the fox. A series of vibrating eggs and straps slid down the length, making him moan as they were turned on. He leaned forward as he always did, and the fox slid a hood and gag over his face, pulling it down tight so that it couldn't slip away.

"Don't think your behavior makes up for your mistakes, prisoner."


"See? Talking while gagged. I'll have to punish you even more."

Hesith couldn't see the next thing that the fox pulled out, but he didn't need to. It always went in the same order. The interview, the throwing away of his chance to get out, cuffing and vibrators, hood and -


The dragon rocked as his ass was spanked by a paddle, almost falling over before he caught his balance again. He felt it hit him in quick succession, bouncing off of one ass cheek before smacking against the other.

"You are a bad prisoner, and bad prisoners must be spanked!"

"Mmmph! Mmmph-rrr!"

It took all he could muster to not giggle between the spanks. Even when he yelped from the quick paddling, he found it so fun, so silly to be used by the smaller fox behind him. He kept his head down and his ass up, hopping around to keep his balance as his ass started to burn from the repeated impacts.

Soon, the Warden forced his tail even further up, hooking it into the strap at the base of his hood. It held it up well, though it nearly overbalanced the dragon and sent him falling. He would have fallen over, were it not for the hands grabbing his hips.

"You know what else happens to bad prisoners?"


"They get fucked by the Warden."

After taking so many orca cocks up his ass - and not all of them lubed - Hesith was more than ready for the fox's cock. It was bigger than a lot of foxes, and it went in nice and deep, but it wasn't the hole-ripping width of a full orca in a lustful frenzy. That made it all the better, though; it was a nice, deep fuck without needing to worry about whether he would be walking away later.

He spread his legs as much as he could, considering the fox was already on him, and he felt the shaft slide in deeper as a result. Furry balls bounced off of his, and the dragon moaned against his gag, showing how much he loved it.

It didn't help that the cock sleeve was getting lower and lower numbers, though. The Warden must have been hammering that button, the sleeve sucking on him and squeezing him like mad. His need was ridiculous; he hadn't felt like this since the week he was laid up in the infirmary and couldn't get a good fuck.

The longer the fuck went on, the worse it got, though the feeling of the knot slamming against his ass was making it better. Well, it slammed against it once, and then it slid in, popping in and out of his hole wetly.

"Such a slutty prisoner. I've got my knot all the way hard, and I can still pop it in and out."

He didn't even blush. It was precisely how he liked to behave, and he loved the feeling of the knot sliding in and out. It was like the one time a prisoner had smuggled in some anal beads and the sluttier guys had taken turns with them. The feeling of the expansion, the popping feeling of them sliding in and out, was much better than the steady slip and slide that was a regular cock fucking them.

However, it couldn't last forever. It never did. Soon, he felt the Warden slamming into him harder, faster, and the dragon squeezed down as much as he could. The sudden pressure pushed the fox over the edge, and Hesith drooled slightly at the feeling of fox cum flooding his hole. His cock throbbed, wanting so badly to cum, particularly as the knot popped out of his ass, and the last few shots landed on his rump.

"Heh...the guards are right. White scales hides all that cum."

Even that didn't make him blush. He just smiled.

"Alright, back to your cell. You get forty points for that, plus what I took away for that bit of fun."


"Nah, you can keep that on. The guards will like fucking you with a few more toys."

Mmmm, I think I'll like that too, Hesith thought as he made his way to the door, using his tail to unlock it before going down the hall. It wasn't that hard to find his way; he just needed to follow the cat-calls.

The End

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