Open Content Stream Story: Ranger Ravaging Services

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Looks like Blaze has decided to offer her body to someone else again. I am seriously starting to wonder if she just does this instead of shaking hands, which, knowing her, might be the case.

Ranger Ravaging Services for Blaze By Draconicon

The edge of the dragon's cave was big enough for Blaze to worry, but not big enough to make her think about going home. The wolfess stood at the edge for a moment, though, feeling the need to collect herself.

A glance down reminded her of the three hours she'd taken to climb up, and how much faster her fall would be if the dragon inside could throw her off the edge. She could tell by the cave size it wouldn't be big enough to carry her away, but it wouldn't have to be if it was strong enough to shove her out. She squeezed the edge of her sword, the ranger taking a couple of deep breaths to calm herself.

I'll be fine. The information is solid; those guys wouldn't lie to me after a solid week in their bed...I hope.

And besides, she needed that bow.

Thus decided, the wolfess stepped into the cave. The light went out almost immediately, reducing her to activating one of her ever-burning torches. Not that it ever lived up to its name; she needed to re-ignite it every time, and she was starting to think she'd been scammed out of a few dozen silver for it.

Still, it worked well enough to get her through the first few tunnels, and it only stopped giving off enough light when she reached the central chamber. At that point, with light streaming in from several large holes in the wall, she realized it was pointless to keep carrying it anyway.

"So there you are..."

Blaze covered her mouth with her hand, but the damage was done. The sleeping blue dragon on a pile of gold and weapons opened an eye, turning its head to look at her. It wasn't the biggest dragon that she'd ever seen (that would have been the red dragon bigger than an inn), but the blue was big enough. He was taller than a stallion by half at least, and his body was much longer. He uncoiled himself from his treasure, and yawned.

"Bow-girl...what do you want?"

"Uh...I was, uh...wait, how did you know I was an archer?"

"It wasn't easy, but I guessed from the quiver on your back."


"What do you want? I was sleeping. And now I'm feeling hungry."

"Well, we don't want that...and I don't want much, I promise."

"Then what do you want?"

Well, first I need to know if it's here... Blaze glanced around the hoard hurriedly, looking from one cranny to another, before she saw it. The Bow of Thunder, a magical weapon that could bring down anything in the sky with a single shot. The bow would be invaluable against anything...anything but a blue dragon, with their damn resistance to lightning.

Still, it could work out in her favor. She pointed towards the bow, laying near the base of the dragon's tail.

"I want that."

"This bow? Why?"

"I need it."

"I understand that. Why?"

"...I can't tell you."

"Then I have to listen to my stomach and eat you. Goodbye, bow-girl."

"No, no, wait just a second!"

The dragon cocked his head to the side as Blaze slowly lowered her hands. Her fingers drifted up to the buttons and straps along the top of her leather armor, and the dragon's eyes followed.

"What are you doing, bow-girl?"

"I-I have something to trade."

"Some gem or bauble won't be enough -"

"It's not that." She held her armor up with her hands for a moment, before letting go. The leather pieces fell away, exposing her bare breasts. "I'm offering...myself."

The dragon was silent as she continued pulling off her clothes, removing her boots and then her pants before standing in nothing but a loincloth. She took a step forward, her toes sliding along the golden coins that formed the edge of the dragon's hoard. He stiffened as she took another step forward, and she saw the warning signs of lightning crackling around his mouth, and stopped.

"I promise. This isn't a trick."

"By what do you swear?"

"What do you ask me to swear on?"

"Swear by Her. Swear by the Dark Queen."

She didn't recognize the name, but she could see the reverence that the dragon held the name in. And besides, she wasn't intending to go back on her word. Blaze lifted a hand.

"By the Dark Queen, I swear that I offer my body to you, in exchange for the Bow of Thunder at your side."

The dragon looked at her in hesitation for a moment or two longer before huffing softly. He lowered his head, and the lightning ceased to crackle between his jaws.

"Then by the Dark Queen, I accept your offer, and payment."

He leaped forward faster than she could believe, bowling her off of her feet and onto her back. The dragon's head slithered between her thighs, rubbing at her sex before she knew he was there. She gasped at the feeling of the smooth but rough scales against her legs, and arched her back at the first questioning lick along her sex.

He lifted his head, but only to nudge her loincloth side. The wolfess looked down at him, seeing a head that was bigger than her arm between her legs, and a tongue longer than forearm flexing, twisting over her pussy.

"Oh gods..."

"You taste...fertile. Perhaps our deal will do more than I thought."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Roll over."

"But I -"


The roar was too loud and too dangerous to ignore. She had to obey, and she did, rolling over and presenting herself to the big dragon. She could feel his sheer bulk behind her, and she hoped that he would be gentle. Bracing herself, she prepared to feel his cock splitting her open, and only hoped that it wouldn't be quite so large as he looked.

Instead, she gasped as the dragon's tongue flicked over her pussy again, and this time she felt the whole length of it. It was slimy and warm, almost hot as it slid over her slit, dragging along it for almost a full ten seconds before it pulled away.

"Oh gods, oh gods...Do that again..."

"You don't command me."

Yet he did it again anyway, and then again after that, stroking her pussy constantly with his tongue, and leaving her dripping with her juices and his slime. Blaze panted, her fingers squeezing at the hoard beneath her. Other times, she might have been tempted to steal from the hoard, but not now. She wasn't going to tempt the dragon to hurt her, or to stop with his wonderful tongue.

She slumped forward as his tongue flicked over her clit, but it wasn't until he slammed his tongue into her that she actually collapsed. The wolf howled as she was speared on his tongue, the slick, slimy thing pushing deep inside of her. She pressed her hand to her stomach, and she could feel it moving, squirming deeper and deeper inside of her as he licked her, ate her.

"I'm gonna...I'm going to..."

He pulled his tongue out just before she could go over the edge, and the wolf cried out in frustration. She looked over her shoulder, whimpering softly.

"Why'd you stop?"

"I am not satisfied. And you cannot be satisfied before I am."

Looking back at him, she finally saw his length. It was huge, bigger than the stallions she'd seen in the stables by some measure. Everything about him was huge, and yet, despite her common sense, all she wanted was to feel it inside of her. She arched her back, pushing her ass up in the air as best she could, and shook her hips back and forth.

"I'm ready. Breed me."

"As if I would hold back now."

The dragon stepped forward, his big, powerful body above her. He was so big that he didn't even touch her back as he walked over her, instead moving around and above her so that he could position himself right. In short order, she felt his cock, the head of it hotter than his tongue was, and dripping pre like a faucet onto his treasure hoard.

"You're big..."

"And you're going to take it all."

Without any further warning, the dragon shoved his hips forward. Blaze's eyes went wide at the sudden feeling of being spread wide open, and she howled again, the cock forcing her open wider than the tongue had. She suddenly thanked the gods that she had spent so long with that adventuring party; even though the dragon was thicker than taking a knotted wolf and a bull at the same time in one hole, there was no way she could have taken this without their times together.

Her tongue lolled out, drooling onto the treasure pile beneath her as the dragon rammed his cock into her again and again. His thickness left her spread open wider than ever before, and her eyes rolled back in her head as she swiftly went over the edge. He felt even bigger to her spasming pussy, but it didn't stop him. If anything, he only slammed in harder and deeper, taking her harder.

Soon, her legs gave out beneath her, but his cock was so big and so thick that she was kept upright anyway. He kept her in place with his massive shaft, slamming into her. She could feel the base getting closer and closer, her legs forcibly spread wider and wider to accommodate his girth. It was burning away her thoughts, and she spread herself wider, deliberately, hoping to get more of him.

It worked, as his massive balls slapped against her. His pre ran out of her pussy like a river, soaking her in his scent as his thrusts grew faster, more frantic. Blaze drooled in pleasure, close to a second orgasm already, even as he approached his first.

"Fill me...fuck me...fuck me....fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me!"

The dragon did just that, humping her and filling her hard, and as the base of his cock finally pushed past her pussy lips, she came. As she twitched in her second orgasm, she felt his cock dance, twitching and pulsing inside her as he came as well. The distended belly from his cock grew worse, as she ballooned from his seed. Even with half of it getting squirted back out against his balls and belly, she still looked almost six months pregnant, her stomach painfully swollen from all that seed.

She collapsed again, starting to slide off of his cock, but he grabbed her with a forepaw. Groaning, Blaze looked up at him.

"You said I could use you. I am not yet satisfied."

As he rammed her back onto his cock, splashing much of his load out of her, Blaze wondered just what she had gotten into...and if she could get into it again.

The End

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