Master/Slave Stream Story 5: The Succubus' Pet

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Another sequel of sorts, this one follows the old story "The Succubus Hole", a corruption story for Sigma. It's #6 in the folder to the left.

The Succubus' Pet for Sigma by Draconicon

The languid female feline threw her toy over her shoulder, rolling herself off of her back and onto all fours as she gazed at the stunned gecko in her doorway. Sigma licked her lips, her pussy dripping from her recent orgasm, and her thoughts on nothing less than the total domination of the gecko in front of her.

"Hello, sweetie."

"Sigma, what - how did - what are you?"

"Mmm, the thing of your dreams, dear Obrum. The thing that is going to make you mine."

The gecko turned, but before he could leave, she snapped her fingers. The new magic of her new form slammed the door shut, almost hitting the gecko in the face. She leaped off of the bed, landing with her hands on his shoulders, and she licked the back of his neck.

"Don't go leaving now, lover. I have so much to show you. So much to give you."

"But -"

"Mmmm, maybe in the butt."

She chuckled at his sudden shudder before flipping him over her shoulder - something that was surprisingly easy - and sending him flying towards the bed. Obrum bounced twice before she joined him, standing on his arms gently and spreading her legs. She squatted over his face, her juices dripping down along his chin.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to give you a gift."

"I don't even know what you are! Let me go!"

"Hmmm, I don't think you really want to go."

"Oh really? What gives you - mmph - that impression?"

"Well, this, for one."

The feline used her tail to grab the erection in the gecko's pants. She smiled at his sudden hiss for breath, stroking it with her tail a few times before moving back to a standing position.

"We're going to have such fun, Obrum. But first, we need to get on more equal ground here."

"Does...does that mean you're going to change back?"

"Oh no. I'm just going to bring you to a suitable level for me."

The succubus smiled down at him, spreading her pussy lips as she spread her legs. There was only a moment's realization before Sigma sighed in relief, washing away her pussy juice on his face with something much hotter, and much more plentiful.

"Gah! Gak! Stop!"

Sigma laughed, shaking her head as her piss rained down on the gecko. He steamed from the rain of it, and his face seemed to darken, reddening from the deluge. She wondered if it was truly embarrassment, if he was humiliated and blushing from it, or if the transformation was working. It was only instinct, after all, that told her that it would.

She started stepping backwards, her hips swaying from side to side and the piss stream falling over more of the gecko. When it touched his shirt, the yellow rain started melting through it, burning it away but leaving the skin below unharmed. Well, unharmed but not untouched, considering that the same red began to bloom through the white flesh. Sigma grinned at the sight, licking her lips as the stream reached the center of Obrum's chest.

"Mmm, looks like this is working just fine."

The gecko spat out a mouthful of urine, shaking his head. He wiped his eyes, but already they were darker, redder than before.

"Sigma?! What the hell are you doing to me?"

"Simple. I'm making you a little devil. A perfect toy for a lovely succubus like me."

Obrum looked like he couldn't believe it, but the evidence was already there. The gecko's white body was turning from white to pink to red. Everywhere that Sigma's piss touched, the corruption seemed to spread. Though Obrum was already rather slender, he seemed to embody it more, growing more lithe, what muscles he had turning wiry and thin. It was an appealing look to the succubus.

She kept stepping backwards, dragging the stream down his body. By now, his shirt was completely gone, and his upper body was completely red. While the pink along his belly continued to darken, Sigma turned her body so that she faced down one of his legs rather than towards his crotch. She wanted to save that for last.

Thanking her magic for her seemingly endless bladder, the feline aimed her piss down his leg, watching as his jeans faded away and his legs were exposed. The red line following her piss stream spread along his thighs, turning the milky white flesh into something very different, very warm looking. She smiled a bit, seeing the muscles thin and form a more slender thigh, a curvier one coming down from Obrum's hips.

The effect went all the way down his legs, making his legs less manly, but not quite feminine. They were androgynous in features, slim but not quite curvy, something that left one questioning rather than laughing. Sigma did take the time to finish with a little piss stream over each toe, making the claws on them turn pink.

"Hehehe, not a bad look for you."

Obrum seemed too embarrassed to speak up, but she knew his real feelings. His cock had never gone down through it all, and it continued throbbing as she continued the transformation from the foot up on his other leg. By the time she was looking down at his crotch again, his legs, arms, and torso had changed massively, all a dark red and all of them leaner, more willowy than they had once been. Nothing outright feminine, but nothing masculine, either.

Sigma stood over him, her pussy dripping with piss and juices right over the waist of his jeans. They looked more like underwear now, with how little they covered, and she chuckled as she stroked her tail over his bulge again.

"Are you ready to lose the last part of your old life?"

" can't..."

"Mmm, all you have to do is say you don't want it, and I'll stop. Just three little words, Obrum. Can you say them?"

The gecko spluttered, shaking his head and mumbling under his breath. He started and stopped, started again to say the words, but he never managed to say all three. And this time, it had nothing to do with what she was doing.

Heh, perhaps he had fantasies he never told me about. Not that I'll have to worry about that ever again.

Taking a wide stance, Sigma spread her pussy lips one more time and let her piss fall over Obrum's crotch. Almost immediately the last bit of his jeans fell away, and his underwear followed it, melted down in seconds. His exposed cock throbbed hard under her piss stream, but no sooner had it come in contact than it started shrinking.

That got the gecko's attention, and he squirmed, his fists clenching the bed underneath as he looked up.

"What are...I thought I was -"

"Heh, slaves earn their cocks. Until you make me happy enough with you, you're going to be a cunt-boi."

Obrum whimpered, but Sigma didn't care. He'd had his chance to say something about stopping it, and he refused. He wouldn't have another one. As her slave, his body was hers to play with, and he needed to learn that.

Inch by inch, the former gecko's cock gradually disappeared, forced into his body by his mistress's piss. Sigma grinned to herself, one hand reaching down and teasing around her pussy, not quite interrupting the stream, but just enjoying the feeling of it rushing out and dominating her lover. His squirms beneath her had her wetter than ever, and she couldn't wait to use him properly.

In less than a minute, she saw the head of his cock press flat against his groin, his balls pulling in beneath it as they retreated from her. She adjusted her aim slightly, dragging one last bit of piss over his cock head - making him moan in the process - before drawing her piss stream down like a zipper between his legs. The effect was immediate and obvious, as the skin parted and revealed a dripping wet devil cunt, oozing with juices that were not just Sigma's own.

The devil that had been Obrum moaned as Sigma finally stopped her yellow deluge over him, leaving the cunt-boi soaked and dripping. And moaning, most importantly. Sigma loved seeing that; her lover moaned more than she had when she'd been impaled on the demonic toy, and he looked so desperate to get the relief he needed.

She stepped over him before squatting by his face. Her tail drifted down, the very tip rubbing over her slave's new pussy. Obrum arched his back beneath her, almost grinding himself against her.

"Mmmm, feel good down there, 'little' guy?"

"Please...I need...I need to's so hot..."

"Oh, I'll let you cum. But not yet."

"What? But -"


She pressed a finger to his lips as her tail kept rubbing over his new pussy, stroking it, teasing it. The wet tip even pushed in a little bit, making the devil beneath her squirm in desperation. It was almost cute.

"Before you get to cum, you're going to agree to something for me."

"Name it! Anything!"

"I need a nice little toilet, but toilets don't get anything of their own. They get diapers."

"...You mean, like you -"

"Just like what I wore, little slave. I get to do what I want to you, and you get to cum."

"But...that's so embarrassing!"

"It's my price, slave. Take it...or leave it."

She lay over him as he groaned, trying to resist her temptations. Sigma doubted he would last long. Even with the new sex drive along with a cunt, Obrum was still mostly male. He would need it too much to hold back for long.

And she was right. In less than ten minutes of tail teasing, he nodded.

"Fine! I agree, I agree! Just let me cum!"

"Heh, such a good boy."

She withdrew her tail, but only a few inches. Red light streamed from the tip, forming a layer that covered the devil's crotch much in the way a diaper would. In seconds, it solidified, and Sigma grinned at the soft hissing sound she heard as soon as it did.

"Mmmm, incontinent, desperate, and bound to serve me...I think I like this new you."

"Now, what...what about my orgasm?"

"Oh, that's simple." She stood up, smiling at him. She rubbed her foot against the dampening front, making him moan a few times before pulling her foot back. "Just grind against something until you cum."

"That-that's it?!"

"It's what you've earned. Later, I'll give you a chance to please me more." She let her smile show a little bit of teeth. "I would suggest you don't mess up."

The End

Master/Slave Stream Story 6: Master's Punishment

Master's Punishment for Blaze By Draconicon The wolfess lowered her head as her master stood over her, the otter shaking his head at her misbehavior. Blaze didn't protest anything he said; he had the right to chastise her. "I can't believe...

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Master/Slave Stream Story 4: In Service to the Fox Mage

**In Service to the Fox Mage for Sanmer by Draconicon** "So you are clear on your assignment?" "Yes, Sir Galra. I am to examine the tower, and check to see if it is inhabited. It it's empty, I return; if it's not, I remain to identify the...

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Master/Slave Stream Story 3: Ender of Pain: Chapter 4

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