Open Content Stream Story: Slave of the Crystal King

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Looks like someone got the bad luck of being captured and put under Sombra's control.

Or is that good luck? I always get it confused.

Slave of the Crystal King for Sunkit by Draconicon

David wasn't sure what was going on, but he had the feeling that today would be anything but typical. Being pulled through a portal wasn't that unusual, when one lived in a city where people were transformed on a daily basis, but being pulled into a world where there were no two legged beings, but only four legged, talking ponies? That was new.

The human looked out his cell window at the ponies walking around. Most wore a green or purple collar around their neck, something that signified some sort of status between them. The purple ones seemed to be the ones in charge, from what he could see. At least, he didn't think that the green ones were ordering the purple stallions to fuck their faces.

David turned away with a blush, shaking his head. Much as he had seen more sexual things before, seeing it like that was...also new, to say the least.

Glancing about his cell, he realized that he was likely in the minority here, not just due to his species - there were no chairs, after all, or anything resembling purely humanoid furniture - but there was nothing sized to him either. He was almost twice as tall as the hay pile he assumed was a bed was long, and it didn't look like he could fit through the window, either. He was honestly surprised that he had fit through the door. Maybe they'd just pulled him into the room directly; it would have seemed more likely.

He shook his head one more time, looking down at the floor.

"Okay, you've been summoned here for something. That means that someone wants you. Which means that either I did something, or I will do something, or I'm doing something that they were interested in. What?"

It didn't exactly give him a lot to work with. After all, despite living in an interesting place, it wasn't like he had an interesting life. He went to work, did his data-entry job, and then went home to spend time online. Usually playing around with various people, but when he was unlucky, also just having fun

And it was always pony art...Maybe I offended someone?

It was a thought. Not much of one, but a thought. He doubted it was the case, though. None of the ponies seemed to show any sign of being ashamed of sex, though he saw a few that were gagging when they were being used. No, it wasn't like he had been putting them down by imagining them that way. So what -

Clop, clop.

David looked up at the sound, and stared at the pony standing in the doorway.


Looking at him was the one and only King Sombra, complete with the green eyes and purple waves coming off of them. The horse stood taller than most he'd seen, though he was still shorter than the human would be when standing. His armor gleamed, and his fangs looked sharper than ever.

Despite himself, David looked even lower, down between the stallion's legs. He caught himself, but not before the King saw what he was looking at.

"Heh. So the seers were not lying to me."

"The - what?"

"You are the one that I've felt looking at me."

" felt me..."

"I've felt many hungry gazes towards me over the years, but never one so ravenous as yours. It made my sheath stir with a need of its own. See?"

The King smirked as he turned, standing with one of his hind legs a bit back. The fat sheath against his belly swelled, the head of a large horse cock - large even for the King's form - starting to spill out. David blushed, even as he felt his own cock start to swell in response. Sombra's smirk deepened.

"I see that they were right to pull you into this world. You will be a fine slave for the Crystal King."

"Slave? I never -"

"You have no choice."

The King's horn flashed, and out of nowhere, a series of black crystals joined together, flashing in rapid succession as they formed a half collar. It shot across the room, slamming hard against David's neck. He slumped back, grabbing hold of it out of instinct as the King formed the second half.

"You've hungered to be mine in your other world. Now, I shall make it a reality."

As the other half of the collar went flying towards him, David felt like time was slowing down. He reached out with one hand, but even as he did, he knew that it wasn't going to be fast enough to stop it. It was too fast, and he was too close to the king to get away. As it flew at him, spinning through the air, David closed his eyes and waited for his fate to be sealed.

He felt it click against one half of the crystal collar already around his neck, then the band pressed against him as it sealed shut. The two halves formed a seamless whole; there'd be no removing it without removing his head.

The impact of the collar closing threw him to the ground, and as he fell to all fours, he felt his balance go with it. Even lifting one arm nearly threw him to the ground again; trying to stand up was impossible. He needed to keep all fours on the ground, or he would be flat on his stomach or side.

Or flank.

Wait...where had that thought come from? David shook his head, groaning as he looked up at the King. His body quaked as Sombra stepped into the room, finally looming over him as he came to a stop just a few feet away.

"What are you...doing to me?"

"I told you. You will be my slave. And I can't have a slave that's taller than me, now, can I?"

"Then you're -"

"Yes. I'm making you like me. Lesser, of course, but like me."

David didn't have a chance to respond to that as the collar shocked him, hard. He collapsed forward, his eyes cast to the floor again, but...did it look closer? It felt closer. And it was harder to lift his head than before.

As he pulled his head up, it felt like there was more of a swing to it than before. Carefully balancing, he managed to bring his hand up to his neck. It was...longer. Definitely longer. As he swung his head from side to side, it was less that he was shaking it and more like he was bending his neck, now more than three hand-widths long, and growing longer.

His face was likewise changing. Even as he stared ahead, he saw his mouth and nose pulling forward, stretching out and growing wider. It was so strange to see his face changing, but also, strangely...arousing.

David blushed as his clothes were burned off by the next burst of power from the collar, keeping him on the floor as they turned to ash around him. His body was completely exposed, and he could feel Sombra's eyes drifting over him, looking at everything that he had and leaving nothing to the imagination.

"It seems that I will have a relatively well formed slave. The collar won't have to do as much as I thought."

I didn't know you could do this at all.

David groaned once more as it felt like his body was condensing, his pony head and neck shrinking with it. Everything seemed so much bigger, including Sombra, who loomed over him like a mighty warrior. He flinched back from the King, but only received a smile in return, another circuit around him showing off the King's generous endowment.

His body continued to change with each shock of the collar, starting with his hands and feet. They throbbed as they were flattened out, his fingers and toes disappearing into one big solid mass, before his hands and feet were morphed into his legs and arms. It felt like they ended with a big, numb stump, leaving little for him to feel or experience through them.

On the plus side, he was able to 'stand' on all fours again, rather than laying down. He shakily pulled himself up, then groaned as his body twisted again. Blue and brown fur sprouted from his body, leaving him dusted in the colors from head to toe, the brown along his back and the blue along his chest. His head ached as something pressed against his forehead, and then broke through.

David went cross-eyed as he looked up at the horn that had broken through his forehead, but he barely had a chance to look at it before another, smaller black collar closed around it. He felt a numbing pressure against his forehead before his mind was filled with a hot, heady sort of sensation.

"You may be a unicorn, but you'll never have magic. You will serve me, and you need no magic for that."

David groaned, the heated feeling in his head making it hard to think, and making his body heat up as well. Even as his tail sprouted from above his rump - a rump that was bigger, and more generous, than it had been before his collaring - he felt it settling down between his legs as well. Panting, he arched his back, pushing his rump up in the air as his human cock retreated, pulling into a forming sheath even as it started to change form to something more appropriate to his new body.

A hoof settled above his tail as he reached the ending portion of his transformation, and David shuddered from the powerful feel of it. He turned his head, looking back at the King. Sombra smiled back, patting him.

"The collar did its job well. Tell me, slave, what do you think of your new body?"


Sombra chuckled, a deep, closed mouth laugh that mocked everything.

"Yes, the horn crystal is working out as well. So hard to think, isn't it, slave? So hard to conceive of anything but what I'm saying."

"I don't...I...what?"

"Don't worry. You don't need to think to do what I need you to do. You just need to obey your King."

" king..."

"That's it. Now put that rump up."

David did as he was told, though he couldn't quite think of why. And as the throbbing touch of the King's hard cock pressed against his rump, he still didn't understand. He just knew that he needed to serve. Service felt good, service felt right, service -

Service feels BIG! he thought as the King slammed in.

The End

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