Fuck the Writer Story 4: A Golden Opportunity (For Fun)

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The fourth story of the Fuck the Writer stream went to FA: Taiko , and he had the chance of putting his character (the Golden Panderer) up against my mongoose character, Prince Saunak, a rather late-born heir to a far off king with a ridiculously relaxed attitude on life. Good heavens, I love writing this guy.

A Golden Opportunity (for Fun) for Taiko by Draconicon

Prince Saunak was very conscious of the panda's constant clock-watching. It was rather hard to miss; every time that the mongoose looked up, this 'Gilded Panderer' was glancing at his watch or at the clock on the far end of the room, and seemed more than a little antsy at the prince's hesitation.

"My dear fluffball, I'd almost think you were nervous?"

"Hmm? Ah, I - no, but who wouldn't feel a few nerves around royalty?"

"Considering what you're selling me, I doubt anyone would feel nervous. Particularly when I would swear this is cast from your own body."

"What are you implying?"

"Oh, merely that you're very endowed."

The prince tossed the golden dildo that he'd been offered into the air a few times before rolling it up his arm and across his shoulders. The Gilded Panderer winced as he played with the gold shaft, and moved with surprising speed with Saunak let it fall from his hand. The panda slid across the floor pointlessly, as the mongoose caught it on his knee, standing on one foot as he looked down at the trader.

"Oh, don't you trust me?"

"I am just trying to be cautious, your highness."

"I'm always careful, your girthiness."

"Is that a crack at my weight?"

"Not at all. It's a compliment to your cock."

"Why do you keep going on about that?"

Saunak chuckled at the panda's confusion, but more at his blush. He kicked his leg up, catching the prodigious golden shaft as it came back down in his palm, idly rubbing it as the panda stood up.

"I'd think you'd be honored. A prince complimenting you."

"Not that. Why do you think that's a cast of mine? It's an ancient -"

"Oh, please, don't insult me when I've been telling you such nice things."

The mongoose stepped forward, pressing the dildo against the panda's groin. The trader jumped, but the point was already made. It flowed right down the panda's leg if it was held at the right angle, and matched the slight bulge in the other leg. Saunak smiled to himself, spinning it around to balance the dildo on its head, holding it by one fingertip.

He saw another glance towards the clock, but the prince let it go. The dildo spun slightly on his finger, and the panda started to sweat.

"So...so are you going to buy it or not?"

"Ah, don't get me wrong, oh Mr. Large and Sweaty. It is a magnificent little sculpture. A tad small, compared to what I'm used to -"

"It's eight whole inches! And thick!"

"Oh, don't be so childish. It's fine, just not the biggest I've seen. Or used, for that matter."

I wonder, are you going to strangle me, or punch me? Saunak wondered as he looked at the panda. It could be either, based on the way the merchant was glaring at him, sputtering under his breath. Saunak flipped the dildo again, letting it rest in the palm of his hand.

"Size and color aside, Mr. Fluffy Buns, there is no way that this is an ancient artifact."

"Why? Just because it fits on a bear like me?"

"Well, that, and the lack of rust, the lack of tarnish, the fact that it looks brand new -"


"- and the fact that it just evaporated out of my hand kind of gives that away." Saunak dropped his hand to his side, cocking his head at the panda. "So, do you have an explanation, or are you going to make me chase you down?"

The panda stared for a second before turning around and running out the door. The mongoose sighed.

"Why do the big ones always run?"

"You know...you run very fast for a man of your size."

"Could you please stop standing on my ass?"

"Hmm, in a few minutes. It's a nice cushion after chasing you down so many streets."

Digging his toes into the panda's rounded rump, the mongoose let himself enjoy the fatty bit on top of the muscles. It was a rather comforting sort of feeling after running barefoot along the harder streets of this strange city. He never understood that bit of modernization; why make it all paved when dirt felt much more comfortable underfoot?

The panda, however, probably wasn't enjoying it so much. Saunak wouldn't have cared that much - after all, the man was a thief and a liar - but if he was as decently endowed as the dildo showed, the mongoose could show a little compassion. After a couple of minutes, he stepped down from his fleshy pedestal and helped the panda to his feet. He gave him a warning look against running, and then brushed the big guy off.

"So, I believe I am owed an explanation."

"I don't think -"

"Let me stop you right there." The prince lifted his hand, waving at a passing police car. The panda slumped forward, shaking his head.

"Alright, alright. Just...hold on a bit."

"Good day, officers. Thank you for all your hard work, and all those lovely views of men in uniform. Oh, not you, though. Ugh. Please go home and change."

The car drove off, though not without some confusion on the police officers, he could tell. He turned back to the panda, cocking his head to the side.

"I'm listening."

"Look. I'm the Gilded Panderer."

"Oh? Really? Who would have thought you were that? Oh, wait, me. You just said that ten minutes ago."

"...You really are a foreigner."

"Ah, a royal foreigner."

"Yes, yes, royal. I'm kind of a name around here. The Gilded Panderer. It's why I came to you; most people know that the gold is fake."

"Ahhh, that makes sense. So you make it?"

"Quite literally. I create it. Doesn't last for long, though."

That would explain all the clock watching, he thought. The Panderer kept talking, something about royalty and hoping for a big score. Saunak started tuning him out around the time that he started mentioning needing the money for some big problem, the mongoose instead looking the panda over a bit more thoroughly.

He wasn't that bad looking, honestly. Though definitely chunky around the middle and in the chest, there was more muscle there than was immediately apparent. His body was fairly masculine, and he had all the nice bear traits that the prince enjoyed with the bear members of his harem. He nodded absently at the continued rambling from the panda as he looked down at the panda's pants. They were long, but more like sweat pants than tight ones, and the prince couldn't help but notice the enticing bulge in them. It wasn't the biggest, just like the dildo hadn't been, but he did like the look of it.

"-...and if I don't get the money, I'll -"

"Could you hold that thought, please?"

"What do you -"

Saunak took a step forward and shoved his hand down the panda's pants. The Gilded Panderer gasped, almost jumping out of his pants at the sudden intrusion, but Saunak didn't really pay much mind. Even as the people around them stared and some started whispering, the mongoose grasped around the panda's cock, giving it a firm squeeze.

"Hmmm, a nice heft there..."

"What do you think you're doing?!"

"Oh, shush."

Reaching further down, he stroked his fingers over the panda's balls. They were nice and big too, but that wasn't the reason why. Instead, after rubbing his hands over the panda's sac and cock a few times, he pulled his hand back out, and gave his fingers a slight sniff.

The scent of musk coming off of them left him grinning. It wasn't too heavy, unlike some of the slobby bear's he'd seen. Non-offensive, but very manly, very strong. It had a bit of a bite to it, unlike the softer musks of goats or some felines, but it wasn't a painful, just something new. A bit like a salted dark chocolate; bitter, but pleasantly so.

"Hmmm, you'll do well."

"What the heck are you talking about? Seriously, are they all as insane as you where you come from?"

"Probably; I'd say that Shakti and Girisha definitely give me a run for my money. Now that I think about it, Sati too...Hmm, more than I thought, actually."

The panda blushed. With a new, much more prominent bulge in his pants, the Panderer pointed down the street.

"Uh, look, I'm just gonna go, okay? Why don't you enjoy that smell, and I'll just get out of your - GAK!"

The mongoose grabbed hold of the back of the panda's pants before he could walk more than two steps away, shaking his head. He gave them a sharp tug, and the bear was forced to come back to avoid ripping through his pants.

"Nah, I got a better idea. I'll find us a hotel, and you'll come along with me."

"What, as some sort of hostage?"

"Where do you get these wild ideas?"

"Where do you get off shoving your hands down peoples' pants?!"

"Details, details. You'll come back with me and give me a nice cock to suck and ride."


"Of course, you'll be paid for your time. I believe that a few hundred dollars is the going rate for a day of pleasure, but I expect the best, naturally. So, I will put out $10k if you deliver on the best experience for a prince. Viagra and other enhancements are available, naturally."


"I'll take that as a yes. One moment."

Turning his back on the panda as the con-man muttered about turning whore for the night, Saunak pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened it. No sooner had he done so than a call was coming in, from Windsire, no less. Sighing, the mongoose answered.


"What did you just do? The police scanner just blew up from how much they were talking."

"Relax, it was just a stroll through the streets."

"A stroll doesn't end up with five stalls broken and four cars overturned."

"We have the money to pay it off. Just keep ten k back."

"...Why? Do I dare ask why?"

"Oh, I just found a nice bear -"

"Say no more."

"Who has a very nice cock -"

"I said no more."

"And smells quite nice -"


He smiled, putting the phone away.

"Works every time."

The End

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