String 'im Up

Story by Muskwalker on SoFurry

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A rainy day at home, tinkering.

I called it home, anyway, the little falling-apart shack on the edge of the foothills. I don't remember...paying for it, or even moving in, specifically. It was just shelter, and nobody else complained, so I guess that was all right.

As for what I was tinkering with... most days lately, it'd be myself. I'd had a taste of an upgraded self once, and frankly I was kind of obsessing.

Maybe that doesn't make sense. Well, let me try and explain. You're probably a fleshy person reading this. Imagine if you'd spent a day as a genius and an athlete, charismatic, powerful, feeling like you could do anything... and then had to go back to your ordinary self. Knowing that it was possible and what it was like, wouldn't you spend the time trying to build yourself back up to that level?

So I tinkered with myself, starting with the cosmetic aspects while I researched the deeper changes. My physical frame wasn't really a point of complaint, though I had worked on evening out the fur to look more like an organic tanuki. I could have gone for full coverage, but I did like to stand out a little.

I'd used a stencil to carve the exposed wood with an old-timey motif, to match the style of the original words I felt etched there.

I'd tried to liven up the porcelain mask that covered the front of my head, but after a couple of attempts I realized I didn't trust my skill at decorating an attractive face, so I left it plain.

Tonight I was just in the middle of modifying my limb attachments so they could be interchangeable with any of my ports when I heard a ringing at the door.

A ringing at the door, and a heartbeat pounding in anticipation.


The voice at the door sounded slightly worried, as if he wasn't sure he had the right place. I opened the door and heard the outline of the rain around the tall and lanky fur standing in the doorway.

"Marvelo?" The stranger entered the door and shook off some of the rainwater. "Musky sent me. He said... um..."

There was the sound of a piece of paper being waved in front of my face.

"You'll have to read me that one," I said.

"What?" It usually took people a moment. "Oh. Um." He handled the paper with some confusion, his heart beating a little faster as he took in what it said before reading it aloud.

Dear Marvelo, I am sending you this cat for the purpose of your experiments. If you could also make a few of the usual improvements and send him back I'd be much obliged. Menu code 320. Hash 2068ccc82aec7649926f4b8b07f8d311. Love, Musk.

The cat read off the long string of digits accurately, at least confirming that he hadn't tampered with the essential content of the message.

"What's your name, cat?"


"Do you know what you're in for?"

"No, but I'm looking forward to it!" The enthusiasm of being ready to go along with anything certainly marked him as one of Musky's friends. The sound of his maleness plumping up with excitement only corroborated the statement. (It was good to hear things others couldn't, sometimes.)

"Come in to my workshop, then, and let's get to work."

My workspace was set up in what was originally the shack's kitchen. I didn't need it for its original purpose, of course, but there was still running water, knives and other tools that'd been left, and a working oven--more than enough for casual work, anyway.

The cat tapped on my shoulder, making a hollow sound. "So... you're mechanical? What's that like?"

"You'll find out soon enough."


"Menu code 320, you had. That's a full-body change, very helpful for me. I get to take you apart and see how you work, and putting you together gives me insight into how I work."

"You're... going to tear me down and put me back together?"

"After a manner of speaking."

"That--is actually kind of hot." Kanada wrapped his arms around me and I could feel his stiffness grinding into my back. "Do we get to fool around while we're doing it?"

"You want to be a machine?"

"I like to change."

I chuckled, and turned to face the cat, who promptly began grinding his cock against my belly. "And how do you plan on fooling around?"

"Hmm, well, I guess I could explore..." I could feel him examining me, fingers tracing over my body. His paws ran down my sides, cupped the bulge that was supposed to suggest my genitals, traced the curves of my face--"Do you, um, get anything out of it if I do this?"

He traced the eyeholes of my mask with each hand. My body jolted a bit at the unaccustomed sensation, which was strange though not entirely unpleasurable.

"Ah--sorry," he said.

"It's all right. Um... you could just unload in my ass, you know."

"Oh, yeah?" He slunk around behind me with feline agility and I felt him nosing under my tail. "Oh, wow. Does this--" I felt fingers probing my waste port, and I pushed back on them to feel them go deeper.

"Unf yes," I said. "Exactly that." I didn't have the mating drive that organic people had, so it wasn't too distracting, but a pleasurable experience is a pleasurable experience.

"Awesome. Let's do this then." I heard him climbing up onto the work table, and I joined him there, straddling him.

The work table was a sturdy butcher's block more than sturdy enough to support the two of us. I took his cock into me slowly, the mechanisms in my ass clicking softly as they adjusted for the intrusion. The cat under me rumbled softly as I rested my weight on his hips, his heart racing.

"Don't get too excited," I said, reaching for my toolkit as he started grinding into me. Despite the disclaimer, my ass tightened around his shaft, milking it eagerly. Traitorous mechanism. "The first change is the biggest and it'll take a lot out of you."

I pulled out an ampoule of a viscous liquid and opened it carefully, grinding my ass over the cat's cock as I filled a syringe. I tried to keep it steady but it was difficult with his hips rocking under me, so I worked a little more slowly to enjoy the sensation without any slip-ups.

"Can you confirm this looks right?"

"Hey, drugs too? I--"

"Inanimation potion. Keeps you from dying as you stop being organic, so it's in your best interest to please confirm to me that it's the right potion and still good. It should be light blue and a little gloopy." I rocked on his dick and shook the syringe so he could judge how the fluid moved.

He gasped a little and I could feel his length flexing inside me. "It--it's extremely light blue and it's sticking to the sides."

"Good." I leaned forward and jammed the syringe into his shoulder, ignoring his cry of protest and pushing the stopper in till the full dose was given. My ass tightened around his cock as his erection flagged.

"Ow--c'mon, man, give a guy a minute to brace himself."

"You're going to be a toy. A puppet. You're going to have to get used to things happening to you without your input."

His softening dick snapped back to full attention in my ass as the thought sank in. Lucky for him--his dick wouldn't last, after all. I started grinding on his shaft, stroking over the curve of his belly as it started to change into a firmer material.

"Mmm... feel that change, cat? All that fluff and flesh giving way. Soon you'll have a sturdy wooden frame like me." I knocked on his chest, which was already mostly there, and it made a hollow thumping sound. The cat was now nearly empty.

I ground back and forth on his length, my asshole whirring as it adjusted to his motion in and out of me.

"How's it feel being ridden like a toy?" He already couldn't answer, his head having metamorphosed into a solid block of wood. "C'mon... let loose the last of that organic stuff... I can feel it churning in your balls..."

I slammed down hard on the cat's cock as it fired its load into me, filling my rump with the last remains of his living matter as his cock turned to wood inside me. "Mmmm... now there's the stuff..."

"Now for some polishing up," I said, getting up off his cock and wiping it clean. On second thought, I grabbed it and unscrewed it from its base for safekeeping. "This isn't something you'll need anyway. You'll be a good puppet without any distractions. Distractions, distractions..."

I went for the puppet cat's head and knocked at it. Still not quite hollow yet, but from the feel of it, the articulations were taking shape. He'd be able to talk again any sec--

"Ugh, what stinks?"

"Organic stuff. You get used to it, from our perspective. There shouldn't be any left though, so I'm not sure why..." I shrugged. "Sometimes it just doesn't all clear out, and we've got to empty you out by hand."

I grabbed his head between the ears and ignored his yelp, giving it a firm twist till it started to come loose, and then unscrewed it fully from his neck.

He noticed the detachment with some alarm. "My head comes off? Or... wait, I guess it's my body that comes off?"

"Shh," I said. "Most things will come off. Don't worry about thinking about it too hard, we're going to empty that little wooden head of yours." I reached in through the neckhole to scoop out the offending material, only to find that it was not brain matter that I held.

"Eeagh! What the hell do you keep in your braincase, cat?"

"Oh, uh, I didn't put it there... that's left over from a big get-together we had the other day. I was, ah, sort of a centerpiece, you might say."

I shuddered a bit as I emptied out the contents of the cat-puppet's head into a jar. (He'd be able to keep it as a nice memento.) I sealed it up and the uncomfortably organic smell faded.

"By the way, you should know your digestive tract is going to be a little different. Basically, you aren't going to have one. Anything that goes in this end--" I poked his articulated jaw with a finger-- " going to end up coming out the other end. And vice versa. When you're self-powered you probably will want to stay away from food in general, unless you enjoy making a mess. Actually..."

I hopped off the table and snuck off to my bedroom, bringing back a large pack of diapers that Musky'd left behind one day. "You're going to need this. Stay padded most of the time and you'll be good. If you can get a plug the right size for your port, that'll be best. You should probably wear both, just to be on the safe side."

I heard a slight clacking noise that sounded like the puppet opening and closing its mouth, trying to muster up a question. "Self-powered?" he managed, after a couple of moments.

"Oh, right!" I said. "I almost forgot. You're still a bit too animate. Just one piece missing..."

I pulled out the wooden dick and balls that had been attached to him few moments ago. "Waste not, want not," I said, as I gave it a couple of twists, reshaping it till everything was in line. I rolled him over and pushed the dick into his back head-first, feeling it push in and become part of his machinery, starting to rotate slowly with a gentle ticking noise.

"Hey, what are you do-" he started, stopping mid-sentence as he wound down.

I took hold of his balls and twisted them, turning the makeshift key to wind him back up.

"-ing back there?"

"Making a windup toy out of you. When you're wound up like you are now, you can move and think on your own, more or less. If no one turns your crank, well... then you'll just be a mindless puppet."

I heard the scrape of wood against wood as he tried to turn his own key, with a slight whimper as he found himself unable to reach it. "That'd be too easy, silly cat. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll see plenty of use though."

I moved my paws along his figure, feeling out its simple wooden lines, exploring its orifices. "That mouth and rump of yours have a pretty comfortable lining-even better than mine! Musky and his boys'll love you."

The ticking slowed again and I leaned in to nuzzle at his ear. "And good toys love being loved."

The puppet fell silent.

I pulled out some spare string and wired him up, connecting arms, legs, tail, and head to a crossbar for convenient control, and held him up and made him dance a little, just as a test. I heard the clack of wood on wood as it moved mindlessly for my amusement.

When I was satisfied it was functioning properly, I bundled it up in a large crate along with the diaper pack and a short recording, ready to ship the next day.

Musky, Thanks for the cat. He was fun to work with and I'm sure you'll enjoy him. If you find more like him, send them my way. Also sending back some of your diapers, I know you're stocked but he'll need them too. Looking forward to our next time together. Yours -- Marv.

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