The Guard's Bitch

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 2

3rd of March, 5:31 PM

Ezil International Prison, Death row

His blue jeans fell to his ankles. "Get over here, bitch." Adam snarled sadistically, baring sharp, savage fangs that would easily rip into Nate. The camera tore away from the wolf's purple, prodigious, distended dick to lour at the cowering otter who was doing his best to conceal his own potent erection with crimped legs. "No!" Nate screeched as tears welled up in his eyes. "Fuck off you creep!" Covering his eyes with his arm, Nate cursed everyfur and everything. He cursed the prison warden for letting corruption flow through the prison's veins, he cursed the wolf operating the camera and Adam for betraying him. Finally he cursed himself for drawing so much attention to himself, perhaps he deserved to be raped on the last day of his life.

Whilst keeping his military style boots on, Adam kicked off his jeans and lunged at the sniffling otter with the denim in his forepaw. He folded the jeans over once, made it into a loop and lashed out at Nate with it. The rough denim snapped at Nate's heels harmlessly, but still the otter skittered away until his back was pressed against the wall. "What did you just say?!" He bellowed. "Fuck off was it?" The makeshift whip hit Nate square in the chest. He doubled over as air rushed out of him. The second whip snaked down his spine, then two more to his sides and a final one on his exposed ball sack. He screamed in pain and fell to the concrete floor. His sight was blurred with tears, his mouth tasted blood and dust, but all he could register was the pain coursing through him. "That's what I though." Adam spat a big wad of flem into Nate's air and rubbed it in to bring further humiliation to the boy. He struck the jeans onto the concrete next to Nate, a harsh cracking sound ripped through Nate's ears making him cower.

Adam punched Nate across the face. "Look up, bitch!" He spat into Nate's face when the otter moved his head. Nate made a whimpering sound to express his disapproval, but all Adam did was chuckle and toss his jeans aside. "You'd better not fuck up, I doubt that the prison will care if you show up to your execution with a few missing fingers." Adam threatened as he waved his rock hard bone in front of Nate's face. Pre dribbled from his hole, hanging down as a thread. Before Nate could lap up the little treat, Adam whipped his cock across Nate's cheek. "Please!" Nate whined, but all Nate got was a hard slap around the face.

Scowling, Adam grunted something and walked away towards he duffel bag that had been brought in. The wolf took out a key and replaced it with his baton. "Stand up, bitch." Shakily, Nate got to his paws, expecting to be abused further. Instead, Adam unlocked Nate's handcuffs and smacked the cold metal against Nate's ass. Nate yelped in surprise as a cold pain shot through his body,but didn't protest any further for his own safety. "Nice ass." The wolf licked his lips, this time slapping a forepaw against the exposed flesh and squeezing roughly. He jiggled the cheeks around until he could see Nate's untouched pucker. "When your dead I'm gonna break into the morgue and fuck this little thing." He growled with enough volume for the camera to pick up on it. With that comment that left Nate physically shaken, Adam went back to the bag.

He returned a second time, this time holding a leash and collar. Nate hated everything about the pairing, from the tightness and roughness of the durable leather that rubbed his neck raw underneath the snow fur to the shortness of the leash that kept Nate at Adam's heels unless the leash was dropped. Nate lifted his head up, baring his neck to Adam in order for his collar to be clipped around his neck. "Good boy." Adam tightened the collar until Nate felt as if he was choking. "I do like it when my pre knows how to behave." Adam gave Nate a unnerving smile.

The wolf began to toy with Nate by running his forepaw over the mustelid's twitching cock. He got the member between his rough paw pads and slowly pulled his forepaw up, squeezing Nate's cock as he did to extract several whines from the slut. Adam pushed down on the tip of Nate's cock to force it to bend until it couldn't move any further; still, Adam insisted on torturing his bitch and continued to push until Nate was panting to relieve the pain. However, Nate couldn't deny the intense pleasure he got from having his sensitive dick played with.

Adam knew exactly what the mustelid wanted. He needed to release his sperm and breed whatever he could find, be it pussy, ass, maw or sheath. So long as it tightened around Nate's member he wouldn't care. Whilst he had been thinking about Nate's primal urges, he had begun to exert so much pressure onto Nate's cock the otter was whining to be released. "Please sir!" He begged and begged, his knees shaking and his forepaws clasped onto Adam's wrists. "What is it boy?" Adam looked down at Nate's tip and imagined that the pre that was being leaked was sticky otter seed. But Nate wouldn't experience the pleasure of an orgasm anytime soon. Recommencing the otter's torture, Adam traced on of the veins of Nate's cock flesh with an un-sheathed claws. The swollen sponge convulsed under Adam's touch and when Adam pushed down on Nate's base, the otter broke into a fit of gasping as a sharp pain ran across a sensitive spot. Globs of pre leaked out onto the tiled floor. Nate was furious with himself, but also very ashamed; he shouldn't have been spilling pre over the treatment, even if it was nearly impossible to hold his orgasm back.

"Tut tut... You've been waiting this whole month to pop one, haven't you?" Adam licked his lips as he thought about how pent up the mustelid must have been, how much seed would spurt out should the wolf allow his pet to orgasm. He wondered how many times he could fuck the otter's lips before Nate became too worn out to continue. "Yes." Nate answered, looking down at the two cocks whilst his was being played with.

"Am I allowed to come?" Nate asked with a toneless voice. Adam rested his forehead on Nate's as he looked down, pinching the tip of Nate's cock. The canine thought about letting the otter orgasm, having him dump it on the camera lens to let the viewers get a good look at how much cum an otter could make. He contemplated if it would be a good idea to try to get a bit more out of his pet: put a cock ring on him, numbing cream, a vibrator? Make him hold back until his dick was bursting with white liquid? He licked his lips once more and gave the otter's cock a squeeze. "Can I?" Nate asked again with desperation as he felt his balls stirring. "Of course not my pet."

Having released Nate's penis, the wolf asked with his masterful smirk "Do we know what to do next?" There was hardly any need for a response, Nate knew the drill. Undress for his master, let the master play with his cock, undress the master, play with the master's cock and finally, suck the master. He began un-buttoning the guard's dark blue shirt. With lightning reflexes, Adam slapped Nate across his short muzzle causing his head to jerk to the side. "Bad boy." Adam snarled, baring his fangs. "You do not touch the master without permission." "I thought you wanted me to..." Nate mumbled with trembling forepaws. He withdrew them both and crossed them over his stomach. "What would you like, Master?" Nate asked, looking up with his eyes at Adam who was now smiling. "On your knees. Kiss my boots." Nate's eyes lit up in surprise, but he soon shot onto his knees before he received punishment.

Adam's boots were made of thick leather and smelt so heavily of shoe polish, the scent was unbearable. The river otter ran his tongue over the toe cap of the boot. Adam clearly got no pleasure from having his shoes licked, but he simply had to make Nate lick his shoes in order to establish even more dominance over his pet. "I want them sparkling by the time you're done!" The leather tasted horrible, it was a mixture of dirt and shoe shine. The stench burnt Nate's nose whenever he inhaled and the accompanied taste was beyond appalling. The otter would scowl at his master whenever their eyes met, but something deep down in Nate quite enjoyed worshiping Adam's shoes. Next the dirty sole of the shoe was pushed down onto Nate's lips, forcing him to lick the bottom picking up all sorts of grime. In Nate's opinion, whoever could enjoy watching somefur having a shoe shoved in their mouth was a sick fuck. Adam, having gotten Nate down on the floor, made a 'roll-over' gesture by twirling his finger and then pressed his shoe down on Nate's bare ass. It was hardly painless. His semi was compressed against the freezing floor as his ass was squished. Adam balanced himself on Nate's ass making the otter scream in pain and thrash about, but Adam was going to show mercy. He kicked his boot into the back of Nate's shoulder, crippling the otter for the moment. Adam took the chance to walk over Nate's back, occasionally letting a stray boot land on Nate's spine. He jumped off at the other end and as Nate tried to recuperate from the pain, moved back to his original spot. Adam moved the tip of the shoe towards Nate's tailhole, pushing against it and wriggling his paw about. "Oh!" The otter moaned, he could hardly deny that the cold feeling was indescribable as it rubbed against his flesh. The tip was rubbed against his taint before moving back up to push on the pucker, finally Adam stopped to jerk off at the sight of his rather innocent otter bitch. Nate continued to lie down, he hadn't been told to get up and therefore knew better than to do more than twitch. He put his forepaws behind his back in submission and waited for his fate.

The camera ignored the otter once again to zoom in on the canine's penis, capturing every movement Adam's forepaws made. It was a rather majestic sight, watching the fur slowly rub his forepaw over his shaft. Pushing from the sheath to his tip and cupping his balls with his spare forepaw, his tail wildly flying about behind him.

After 5 minutes or so, a warm sensation spread itself across Nate's back, burying into his fur. The scent came just afterwards, a rather arousing musky scent that was much better than the horrid smell of cleaning agents that swarmed death row. Nate's own cock throbbed intensely, the heat of Adam's cum against his body made him want to shoot his own load for the camera. He'd drink the liquid if he had to, so long as he was allowed to pop one.

Nate didn't have time to revel, he was forced onto his knees and faced with Adam's erect cock. The orgasm hadn't enervated the wolf much, if at all. He still continued to dominate over his pet, forcing him to do the deed until Adam's prostate refused to churn out more seed. "Clean it!" He demanded with a vicious snarl, shaking his cock to make the dribbles of leftover cum wobble and shake as they hung from his tip.

The otter tongue was underneath the spooge in just a second, like a shark waiting to snap up its prey from beneath. It wobbled violently and then fell into the maw of the otter. He smacked his lips to get more taste out of the exiguous, but delectable, jizz. He rose up slightly more and took over completely, pushing Adam's cock into his mouth and sucking what was of the orgasm. In mere seconds Adam was left with a spit covered cock and more fuel for his libido.

He jerked on the collar roughly, causing Nate to stagger and nearly headbutt the wolf. "Sniff it!" Came the next order. Nate leaned in slightly, just to get a slight whiff of it, but before he could even pick up the smell a forepaw forced him to get much closer to the tool. He gagged and choked on the musky fur as some entered his nose, tickling it and almost making him sneeze. It was if the pair were reading each others minds, Nate knew exactly what Adam wanted. Fondling his own, ee took the cock between his lips and slowly moved forwards, going deeper and deeper into his maw until...


"CUT!" Will bellowed, turning off the camera.

Nate pulled away aggressively when Adam dropped the collar. The otter breathed in sharply, as if he'd just gotten to the surface of water after nearly drowning. Adam was down on his knees next to his friend within the second, getting the collar off before another word was said. "I didn't hurt you did I?" Adam asked with genuine concern, his hands on the otter's shoulders. "No, I'm fine." That was all Adam needed. He flung Nate into his arms and hugged him like an octopus strangling prey. "You did great Nate!" Adam laughed. "I didn't do anything. I sat there and let you pull me around." "No, you sat there and looked like a incredibly alluring and vulnerable otter bitch." Adam smiled. Helping Nate to his feet, Adam hugged the otter once again. "Why are you hugging me so much?" Nate asked. He returned the hug, kissing his friend on the neck.

"I'm gonna miss you little man." "I won't miss you, but I will miss doing this." Nate teased. "If you'll miss it that much, I could get you a bail or postpone your execution. I am the head guard after all." "No I don't want you to waste money getting me out, I deserve this." "What you did doesn't deserve he death penalty. It was a mistake." "Oh well, I'm not just going to back off now. Anyway, if the head guard bails me it won't look right. Just make sure my letter goes where it needs to be and make sure you post this video." "Well... It'll be split into three parts and then posted. Sound good?" "So long as a portion of the money goes to my family." Nate smiled and kissed Adam on the lips.

"Can you two stop kissing and get ready?" Will hissed, tossing Nate a white towel and his jumpsuit. "You should have been in execution about 10 minutes ago." "I know, I'll just say that I was busy." Nate mumbled as he wiped his back. Meanwhile, Adam buckled his jeans and began getting Nate into his jumpsuit. "It doesn't matter too much, I'm your escort so the other guards better fuck off." "You don't have to protect me." Nate smiled. "I have to, you're precious to a very powerful fur with cash to splash. He told me to make sure that nothing happens to you."

The sentence spiked Nate's curiosity, "Who asked you to do that?" "They also ordered me not to tell you. But they said that they're close to you." "Boring! Who is it? Please tell me!" Adam put a digit to his lips and got off the floor. The wolf ignored Nate's pleas and continued to make sure everything was where it belonged. "Ever been tazed?" He asked picking up his tazer from the bag and clicking it to his belt. "Adam! Who told you? At least tell me what they look like. Their race? Their last name? Do they have a big dick?"

The two of them laughed and finally Adam shattered slightly. "Well, I do know the answers to all of those questions. As you know, I only allow myself to be hired after I've seen the client naked." Adam joked. "He's large, muscles all over, says you're very important to him and he'll be coming to see you today. Said he should be here for about six, so eat slowly." "I will! I want to know who this dick head is now." "If you knew who it was, you wouldn't call them a dickhead."

He went back to the table to clip his baton to his belt. "No need for handcuffs. You're not dangerous are you?" Adam smirked, "You tell me." The otter responded with an off look in his eyes. With a sigh, Adam approached his friend and reassuringly put a forepaw on Nate's clothed back. "For a guy who accepts his own death, you're not good at letting go of others." "It's only been a month.... Besides. It's hard when it's your own fault." "Up you get!" Adam smiled as he helped Nate to his paws. Nate received a loving embrace in which he was lifted off of the ground to nuzzle Adam's face. "You sound like a novel right now, with all these cliches." "I used to write. I can't help it!"

Giving the otter a once over with his eyes, the guard nuzzled his bitch, squeezed the otter's thighs and moved him out of the room.


It only took a few minutes for the pair to reach the cafeteria, where Nate's last meal was waiting. They waited in the corridor just outside as Nate composed himself, "Are you alright?" The wolf asked, pulling the otter in close and kissing the top of his head. "If you want to get out of this, just say the words and I can have it postponed. I promise." "It sounds like you're the one who doesn't want this to happen." Nate smiled weakly, avoiding the wolf's eyes. "I don't." He kissed the otter on the lips, "I'll miss you." He said once again, "And the way you suck dick. And how nice your ass looks. And how you cuddle..." "I get the point!" Nate giggled. "Is there anything you don't enjoy about me?" Nate giggled. "The way you look when you're sad.Tell me what's wrong. I don't want you to be anything, but happy, when you're about to die."

"Well it's just that I've never had anal with a guy." Nate smirked knowing that it was a stupid thing to be sad over. "Really? Why didn't you say so when we were in the private room? The viewers would have loved to see a bit of rough sex." "This is a private room." Nate smirked, bending over and leaning on a wall. He reached backwards to pull on the hole in his new jumpsuit (that had been intended for his tail) to reveal his fleshy ring. "Tempting." Adam smirked, observing the virgin tailhole closely as he stepped slightly closer and lightly pushed a finger against the pucker. He rubbed it, "How could I let my best friend die a virgin?"

Before the wolf could even unbuckle his jeans, incomprehensible shouting came from the corridor behind them causing the pair to snap up and stop being raunchy. "I'll go see what it is. Might be a riot. Remember to eat slowly!" Adam said with haste, exiting through the door leading to the shouting in a hurry. Nate pouted as he crossed his arms, it was rare to see Adam abandon anything sexual so quickly. He stopped sulking a minute or so later and pushed open the door to the cafeteria.

The prison's designer must have loved white tiles, because the cafeteria (and more or less every room in the prison) contained thousands of them. The whole floor was covered in them, each white square riddled with grime; yesterday's lunch, molds and probably one or two teeth, the cafeteria floor had it all! The walls were no better and the tables were much worse, apparently the prison's budget couldn't afford a cleaning staff.

Fur wise, the cafeteria was empty, aside from the two furs who were on the opposite of the cafeteria, huddled around a table. Both of them were guards, armed with tazers, batons and a basic firearm should the need arise; or they were simply taunting at Nate with his real life nightmares. He kept his head down and his hands behind his head, no doubt they'd feel the need the shoot should he run over to them. Hell, the fact that he wasn't cuffed would be enough to provoke a beating.

"Oh look, today's honored inmate." The first, a fox, smirked. He said in a raspy voice, "Come to die?" The two guards, the other being either a ferret or a mongoose, laughed their heads off.. Nate rolled his eyes and sat opposite the fox guard, they glared at one another until the second guard stood up and left without a word.

"I'm hoping that the chefs have poisoned your food. I think it'll be hilarious watching you die because of something you love." "I like the meal, not the poison." Nate said causing the fox to scowl at him. It looked like he was trying to give Nate a heart attack. "I'm allowed to shoot you if you threaten me." "Go ahead, there are cameras in each corner of the room, probably a mic to pick everything up as well. I doubt a coward like you would want to go to prison, let alone death row." Nate smirked, those words would get the fox worked up. "I've got a wife and kid waiting at home, so does Rich," He gestured to the second guard who was now returning, "Both our wives want you dead and the kids know that you deserve it. Oldest thinks you deserve it since you're gay, I agree." "Give them my regards." Nate smiled. At that point the fox gave up, knowing full well that Nate wasn't going to break anytime soon.

A moment later the ferret/mongoose returned and sat next to the fox. He set the food down in front of him and allowed Nate to reach out and take it. There was a silver spoon protruding out of the black bowl, stuck in a pool of mashed peas. "Where are the peanuts?" Nate asked, instantly spotting flaws with the dish. "Inside." The second guard grumbled.

Nate pushed down on several areas and felt nothing solid, "No they're not." "Well done genius. The chefs didn't put them in because they thought you'd get a reaction. For some reason, somefurs care about you." "And instead of the peanuts?" "Carrot." The second guard half-smiled, amused by how frustrated Nate looked. He knew that the otter could hardly do anything about it, he simply didn't have the time or money to fight a legal battle over peanuts. The ferret/mongoose set a carrot down in the dish, un-cut and shaved of its visible impurities. "A carrot? A carrot, for peanuts?" Nate asked, slicing the end of the carrot off with the spoon and scooping up mashed peas with it. He plopped the spoon into his mouth and sucked it clean of the food, bit down on the carrot and then swallowed. In all honesty, it didn't taste all that bad; not as good as mashed peas and peanuts, but better than mashed peas on its own.

He was about to eat more, when a rather dirty, but funny thought crossed his mind.


He used his fingers and reached out for the carrot, picking it up by the chopped end and dipping it into the mashed peas. At no point did he stop making eye contact with the fox, what better way then to make him uncomfortable? He kept his lips slightly open and eventually pushed the tip of the carrot inside of his maw after playing with it. He sucked off the substance until it was clean and then pushed it back inside of the peas.

"Fucking faggot." The two mumbled under their breaths. The two guards looked to one another for support, found none and then went back to being terribly unnerved. They couldn't really shoot Nate, nor could they run away or shout at him. Either three actions would get them fired and they weren't ready to give up their jobs just yet. "It's rude to stare." Nate responded, smirking at the fox as he pushed the carrot back inside of his mouth.

"You're staring at me!" The fox growled with wild, uneasy eyes. Nate took the carrot out of his mouth to show of the thin coating of saliva he'd given it, "No. I'm eating a carrot and looking in your direction." "Really? Because you're acting like it's a dick." The second guard snickered. "That would explain why I have an erection. What about you two? Want me to suck yours?" Nate smirked again as he opened his jaws to bite down on the orange twig. The fox gritted his teeth and Nate slammed his own set of teeth down, biting the carrot in two.

"I'm gonna enjoy watching you squirm!"

The fox's face was red with both anger and embarrasement. The fox figuratively crapped himself after that. His raged expression deteriorated into one of fear as he hung his head. He quickly blurted,"I didn-" "Am I correct in assuming that you are Nathaniel Todd?" A gruff voice asked, paying no respect or attention to the terrified fox. "Yes." Nate responded, chewing up the last bite of his carrot and swallowing. "May I sit?" "I don't see why not."

The bench strained under the added weight of another fur. Nate kept his head down at his food, interested by the new voice, but his gut told him that the owner of the voice was a fur best not tangled with. He heard the click of two locks that most likely belonged to a briefcase, "Would I be able to convince you to sign these documents?" Several A4 sheets of paper, loaded with information and official looking sentences were set out in front of the otter. "What for?"

The voice wasted no time in getting to the point. "Should you refuse to sign, nothing will happen. However, if you sign there are many perks to be obtained." "Such as?" Nate asked with a peeked interest, not knowing would bug him for the last few minutes of his life. "Well. Excellent food, a place to sleep, furs to be with, a secure home and more importantly; life." "I already have a life." "One that will soon end. A precious creature such as yourself shouldn't be allowed to die, but the decision is yours after all." A hand ran itself across Nate's arm, causing him to shiver.

"Please don't touch me." The hand withdrew with haste, "My mistake. I forgot that we do not know each other. I have all the documents in order, your birth records, background, linage papers and what not. Simply sign the final page and everything will be fine." Nate imagined the owner of the voice smiling the way dentists would when they were about to drill into your teeth.

"No thank you. That sounds shady." "Now, now Nathaniel." Nate hated how the fur knew his name. "What would your boyfriend say? Would he want you to roll over and die because of what happened, or carry on?" At this point the otter was much paler than normal, his eyes small and his body motionless. "Carry on." Nate mumbled. "Pardon?" "Carry on." He moaned a bit louder.

"So then, will you sign and let yourself live?" A pen was pushed onto the papers. Almost as if he was being controlled, Nate moved the papers aside until he reached the final one. Surely enough, at the very bottom there was a line waiting for a signature to claim it. He pressed the tip of the ballpoint pen against the paper and slowly wrote out N.Todd, N.Bleak. He lifted the pen from the paper and a cold chill rushed over his body. His head rolled to the side before he blacked out, his eyes catching a slightly glimpse of black and brown fur.

"Congratulations, my pet."

Dry wall: Part one (2/4)

# Dry wall ## Thorpe Household ## 5th of March, 7:16 PM * * * "I'm home!" The ebullient lion thundered, there was a loud chuckle and then the door closed followed by the lock clicking into place. "Chad? You home?" The lion called. The liger, who...

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Dry wall: Prologue (1/4)

# Dry wall ## Thorpe Household ## 5th of March, 4:04 PM * * * An invasion of memories caved their way through the liger's mind. No, they weren't memories at all, they were just fantasies influenced by memories. Fantasies that would be either made,...

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They what?! (DU 5:11)

# Chapter 11 ## Garret's P.O.V ## Easton holiday home, 15th of February * * * **I ** let out a hushed, feline purr as the orca's muzzle ensconced itself between my ass cheeks. Every last undulation of his tongue brought even more pleasure, every...

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