They what?! (DU 5:11)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 11

Garret's P.O.V

Easton holiday home, 15th of February

*I * let out a hushed, feline purr as the orca's muzzle ensconced itself between my ass cheeks. Every last undulation of his tongue brought even more pleasure, every last rough grope from his beefy hands causing a gasp. That was simply Tyson's way of warming me up. Tyson's squeezes and pulls couldn't compare to how much his cock was going ravage me later on and the amount of noises I made were exiguous to how many times I would be crying Tyson's name once he'd penetrated me. I had Tyson's goals figured out from the moment he mentioned the pool; aqua sex! Blub blub blub

I was sure that he had enough tricks and surprises up his sleeves to keep me wanting and stop me from demurring. What he was doing now was a starter, his gropes, a side dish and the water soaking my fur, a sauce. Even though the smell (not to mention the taste) of chlorine was heavy in the air, Tyson must have been able to smell my musk. His nose may have been dull and his knowledge on lagomorph anatomy no better, but what else was there to keep the male between my legs? I can tell you now that taint doesn't smell likes roses, my own is no exception.

Being a lean, lithe rabbit I was an easy target for the preying fox or the less common, horny orca. Either way, I could do little to fight off my predator and with Tyson being an almost perfect example of fitness (me being a rather small exomorph) it was relatively easy for him to get what he wanted; sexual dominance. The act of rimming was extremely degrading for the fur carrying it out, but Tyson was exerting his leadership in a different way.

Normally I would be below Tyson physically, Tyson would be standing and I would be on my knees. But this time around Tyson was lower down. However, he used his strength to keep his bunny calm and seated, his tongue doing the work for a change whilst his cock itched for a bite of the action. He had a stern look on his face as he went about the rimjob, neutral, dominant, but loving. His licks were the same as well: sonorous, forceful, but ardent. He attended to my needs, my wants, as if it was his job to put a smile on my face and cum on my chest.

I knew how he was going to play ball, this might have been a warm up, but it was also a way to get me to calm down. Think of it like gay anal. There's a slim chance that the bottom will reach a full hard-on whilst his ass his crammed. He could enjoy it as much as possible, his partner could hump faster than light and go deep enough to squish the prostate, but the bottom won't get a full stiffy easily simply because the tailhole is designed to be an in-hole. At least, that's sort of how it worked for me. I was enjoying the rimjob, but it was slowly sinking my erection as if Tyson's licks were torpedos and my cock was a boat.

His tongue languidly ran over my tailhole several times, causing me to quiver. The motion made Tyson get rougher with his tongue lashes, he pressed it against my ass with more power before he flicked it up. The feeling was matchless; wet and slimy, almost to the point where it was disgusting, but the commitment involved was truly beautiful. I felt his tongue slip inside of me for just a second, and then a little further on the next round. It was as if my hole was opening it self for his tongue, begging to be eaten out before things got truly sexual (not that a rimjob wasn't intimate). My tail would twitch whenever he hit a sweet spot just like his tail would splash the water whenever a particularly dirty thought crossed his mind.

What Tyson was picturing would have been simple, but oh so very sexual. Maybe he was seeing me all dressed up in latex, after all, it was one of his little fetishes that I was yet to uncover. Or Tyson could have been imagining me begging for him, panting maybe, whilst my tongue hung out like a dog's with my chest rising and falling in rapid succession. "Oh Tyson..." I would beg, "Mrhh..." I would purr as his cock went deeper and deeper inside of my willing body. I myself, was getting worked up by picturing the venereal scene.


Tyson suddenly pulled his head back and stared at my moist tailhole. He breathed in, and then out. In and out. It was if he was brooding on something that deeply troubled on him, as suggested by his furrowed brow and stern eyes. I However, knew the orca's face inside out; I could read him like a book. His current particular arrangement of body language said that he was thinking about what how to make me squeal with delight.

"Tyson?" I asked, annoyed by the absence of his tongue. Looking backwards at him, I saw him move in with his muzzle one last time to kiss me. It was a loving kiss, passionate and thoughtful, but in no way was it intended to be sexual. "That looks uncomfortable." He said after a moment. "Do you want to come back into the water or sit on the side for a minute?" "I'll get in." I responded, rolling over and sliding into the pool.

I hardly had a minute to compose myself, he was upon me with odd tasting kisses. His hands gripped my sides like a vice, his lips explored mine without hesitation and soon I found myself returning the favor. I wrapped my arms around his chest whilst he bent down and pitted his kisses against my own. We lost track of how long we stayed there, embracing with our mouths slightly open and our tongues dancing together.

Neither of us wanted to end it, but Tyson pulled away and breathed deeply. I stared into his blue eyes, "Fuck me?" He kissed me on the forehead and stood up to his full height. His abs were nice to stare at, but his face was much better; I looked up to meet his gaze and listened out for his belated response. "Sorry, Garret." He said after a sigh. "Let's just have a good swim. Alright?" He rubbed my back with his forepaws and pulled me in a bit closer. I dipped my head down and did my best to ignore his erection. "Yeah..."

"Hey, what's wrong? Do you really want to?" I nodded in response. "Then we'll do it upstairs, after we're finished here." Tyson sounded slightly annoyed, but after a brief sigh he went back to his normal, friendly self. "I know that there isn't exactly a giant water slide or a Jacuzzi... well there is, bu-"

My eyes lit up, "There's a Jacuzzi here?!" "There sure is! We've gone past the door a few times." Tyson seemed rather comfortable whilst we talked about his family's possessions. "Awesome!" I giggled, "Sorry that was a bit childish." "It's alright. That seems to happen when you start to get excited." Tyson chuckled to himself. "Can we go there later? Just you and me?" "I don't see why not." I smiled again and glomped him. "Calm down!" He laughed, nearly toppling back into the water.

A smirk came over his face and he gripped me closely before throwing us both back into the water. In less than a second my entire head was underwater and the fear of drowning returned once again. I thrashed about in his arms, but Tyson continued sinking until he reached the bottom. Then he simply stood up with me in his arms, bringing us both above surface.

"Prick!" I snarled, striking his arms and turning my back on him. "I felt like I was dying." "Oh come on! It wasn't that bad." Tyson howled with laughter. He put his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder."Do you need mouth to mouth?" I giggled, it was hard to turn down an offer like that, "I think I'll die without it!" "CORBIN!" Tyson bellowed, turning around to find Corbin and Shaun sitting on the side. "Bastard!" I laughed, but stifled the sounds soon after.


Corbin was sitting on Shaun's chest, straddling him and facing the feline's erect cock. He had the tool gripped with both forepaws, manipulating Shaun with slow, but passionate movements. It was as if Corbin knew every inch of his boyfriend's cock, where to touch when he wanted a squirt of pre, how to make his boyfriend pant, where to kiss and as if they had a physic connection; Corbin knew when Shaun was coming close to an orgasm.

Corbin still had his trunks on, but it was very clear that he to had an erection springing on the inside of the material. His tail brushed over his boyfriend's face, tickling Shaun and riling the feline as it brushed over his sensitive whiskers. Shaun reached out with his hands and pushed the tail to one side before leaning his mouth towards it and nibbling on it. The two of them hadn't heard Tyson's shout at all.

"You two!" Tyson shouted again, this time sounding like a drill sergeant. "Stop that!" Corbin looked up to see the stout orca crossing his arms and glaring at the two of them. "You're just jealous!" He shouted back with a giggle, but stopped jerking off his boyfriend for the time being. "Later sweety." He said kissing Shaun on the lips lightly before getting up and adjusting his swimming shorts.

They were still tight against his skin, if you focused hard enough you'd be able to see the light reddish pink tinge beneath the nylon-spandex material. Showing off his voluptuous figure, Corbin stretched his lithe body and his digitigrade legs and jumped into the pool followed by Shaun who ,after some balking, climbed into the pool. "Cowardice!" Corbin teased as swam over to me and Tyson. Shaun shouted something back, which was lost as his head dipped under the body of water.

Corbin straightened himself out to a standing position when he reached us. "You called big boy?" He smiled flirtatiously, putting his forepaws on Tyson's abs and giving them a slight rub. "Could you not have sex near to the pool, please? It's a nightmare cleaning it." He answered. "Are you jealous?" He giggled, "I'm sure that Ezra would help you out if you asked nicely." I looked from Tyson to Corbin in confusion; Ezra... and Tyson?

Shaun arrived shortly after that and upon seeing Tyson's clenched forepaws and gritted teeth, he did his best to change the conversation. "Could you imagine if this was a private pool?" He asked with a smile. "It'd be full of wet pussies and white water!" I smiled, playing along; after all, I didn't want my love interest in jail and one of my closet friends in the hospital. Fortunately, the orca's foul mood was fleeting and soon he was all chuckles and smiles again.


"Sometimes I forget that your bisexual." Tyson laughed. "How? I have a girlfriend!" I smiled back, putting "Tyson has a point, you two do get a little close to each other when no fur's looking." The fennec delineated causing the three of them to laugh. "Tyson and I are just casual." I insisted with crumpled body language. "Until you close the bedroom door!" Another three sets of laughter from them, how Tyson could laugh along when the attacks were directed at him was beyond me. "I don't love him in that way!" I screeched like a banshee, causing a hush silence to fall over the room.

"We're only messing, Garret." Shaun said giving me a pat on the back, his eyes a mix of several emotions. Tyson's eyes, for once in his life, were wide. "I know. I mean, I-I do love you, Tyson, but. But not in that... that sense. I still love you though, we're just casual sex." I rambled. "That's what Ezra said!" Corbin howled, throwing his head back and laughing alone. "_ Corbin _!" Shaun snarled sharply. "Shut up!" "Sorry." He quickly responded, stopping his laughter and dipping his head down in shame. If Shaun hadn't disciplined Corbin with words, Tyson may have very well thrown a punch.

The orca went swimming off up the pool as if a grenade had been tossed into the water. "Tyson! I'm sorry!" I called after him, about to go splashing after him before Shaun grabbed my forepaw. "It's not your fault. Go and have some fun with Corbin; I'll talk some sense into him." He smiled before he kicked off. "Don't have sex though!" He shouted back, Corbin and I laughed; it was good to have a bit of laughter whenever things got a little dark.

"Think we should do it anyway?" Corbin asked with a glint in his eyes. I did my best not to laugh, but I soon saw that Corbin was indeed serious. "But Tyson will get pissed off..." I mumbled moving my eyes to watch the rippling water. "Aww! You do love him!" Corbin squealed and hugged me tightly. He pecked my cheek with his lips and gave me one more squeeze. Leaning away from him I cried, "Corbin!" I was rewarded with a lick on the side of the face before he finally released me.

"Swim down there and tell him that you didn't mean it. Kiss him a bit, suck his dick." "Corbin stop being so sexual. Tyson wouldn't want that, we're just friends." "Oh really? So friends rim each other nowadays?" "So we're a bit more than friends, but we're still not dating and I don't love him!" I shouted, causing Shaun and Tyson to turn their heads.

It felt as if my body was burning up when Tyson turned to look at me. He smiled, but didn't mean it. Behind his curved lips and raised eyebrows there was a scowl of distrust and anger. I forced a little smile back before we turned away from each other. I shuddered as if a veteran ghost had floated through me, or as if a bullet had pierced my spine.

"So how does that make you feel?" "How does what make, me feel?" I hissed. "Not dating Tyson. If he asks you out, let's face it, you'll say yes without thinking about." "I have a girlfriend, I like Tyson, but I'm not breaking Charlotte's heart just to never see him again after university." "What do you mean?" Corbin asked with intrigue in his blue eyes.

"Well he wants to run off to Ezil and swim professionally. I don't want to go there, I want to say here and raise a family." I sighed. "I hear that Ivia 's a nice mix of the two." With a scowl I replied, "With wars in the south east? A tyrant ruling the far north? And a temperature that will more or less cook me? Sounds great." I rolled my eyes and swam down to the shallow end, followed by Corbin. "I suppose you have a point. But the beaches there are great, Tyson would love them and the landscape is lovely." "Take it up with him, he won't listen to me."


We reached a point where we were too big to swim without banging our legs on the bottom. With water coming up to our sheaths, we sat down to continue the conversation. Corbin suddenly started laughing, "You and I are so alike!" I for one, failed to see important similarities. He liked swimming, I didn't, he was a lecherous predator and I was more of the helpless prey type. "Yeah we are, aren't we?" I replied awkwardly. Corbin looked into my brown eyes and had me figured out before his next blink,

"You have know idea though do you, how you and I are similar?" "No, I really don't. Sorry!" I managed a real smile this time around. When Corbin wasn't being explicit, he was actually kind of sweet.

"Well for one, our guys lead his around more than they should. I'm sure that Shaun will crack out the leash and collar the next time we're alone!" He laughed, "Don't worry. Shaun isn't one for bondage." He added. "Tyson isn't either, I've asked, but he thinks he'll end up hurting me too much." "That was Shaun's excuse when I first asked, eventually he bought a collar and leash for us when I'm feeling kinky. But I don't think we've actually used it yet. He's always too horny to bother looking for it, we both are really. What about you? Has Tyson gotten kinky with you?" "Corbin, our first time was what? Yesterday? I don't think he's going to ask me to do it just yet." "Watch out for it when he does; Shaun told me that Tyson plays rough when he's got his prey tied up." The two of us laughed and then stayed in silence, sitting next to each other.

Corbin suddenly seemed a lot more confident, his arms were spread over the side of the pool and his legs were splayed out in front of him. I however had curled up into a little ball and sat outside of his arm span.

"Anyway, you were talking about Tyson and Shaun leading us about. What else did you mean?" I asked "Well did Tyson give you any notice that he was bringing you here for Valentines day?" "Not really. He just got me to pack some stuff in the morning, say goodbye to my girlfriend and go." "Cold!!! You ditched your girlfriend for a guy on Valentines weekend? Ouch!" "I told her I was visiting family. I know that I shouldn't have, but I didn't want her to feel betrayed. I'm starting to regret it."

"The next time Tyson tells you to do something that you don't want to do, say no or tell him to explain. Show him that you have control as well. You don't have to shout at him or hit him, but make it clear that you control your body and he controls his own." Corbin said. "What are you? A shrink?" I chuckled. "No, but when your boyfriend majors in psychology you pick up on a few things." "I suppose that's true." I replied.

"You major in sociology don't you, Corbin? Sorry, I've just never asked." "Yep! I'd say I'm doing well, but my parents told me not to lie." We laughed together and paused for a moment.

"Not to pry, but, it's photography for you isn't it? Your major?" Corbin asked, I nodded in reply, "I've always like taking photos, seemed sort of fitting for me. Tyson doesn't really have an eye for it. Then again, Sports and arts don't mix do they?" "No they don't really, but your major isn't important in a relationship. So long as you kiss him and tell him that you love him, it's a relationship." Corbin smiled as sweet memories crossed his mind.

"Hey..." I said, snapping Corbin out of his reverie. "You mentioned Ezra earlier." The name alone was enough to send Corbin into a stiff panic. "I did." He said sharply, staring at the warm water with cold eyes. It was as if Ezra had committed mass murder, or a brutal war crime on thousands of innocents. He'd given trouble to a lot of furs before 'just because', but he'd never punched or harmed anyfur. He was just a frat boy who gave true fraternities a bad name.

"Why?" "Stuff." "What stuff?" "Sexual stuff." "Did you and Ez-" "No." Corbin cut me off and stabbed at me with sharp eyes for suggesting it. "Ezra fucked Tyson." "They what?!" I hissed, both surprised and somehow offended. How had I not known? "When? Why? How?" I fired like a gun. "That's all I'll say. Just ask Tyson when you get the chance." The air about him seemed frozen, as if just the thought of the snake was enough to chill blood and cause blizzards. "And how do you suppose I do that? I'm assuming that for Tyson, its a bad memory, not a good one."

The canine thought for a moment, rubbing the side of his muzzle with a forepaw. "When you get the chance, get Tyson on or against something and then jump on him. You don't have to have sex or blackmail him, just tell him everything that's on your mind and don't let him go until it's over. Then, once he knows that you've trusted him. You ask him until you have no more questions." It was a good plan, apart from the fact that there was no way I'd be able to pin the big orca against his will. "I'll let you know how it goes." I lied.

"You don't have, the two are racing over here. Look at them; trying to prove who's better." "My bets are on Tyson!" "Same here. I love Shaun, but he's out of his league sometimes." As we'd both predicted, Tyson finished first and was sitting at my side after a brief stretch. The sulking feline sat next to his own boyfriend and was rewarded with a peck on the cheek, "At least you tried." Corbin smiled. "If you let me have my way with you, I might be convinced to never tell anyfur." "Manipulative bastard." Shaun chuckled as he kissed the fennec's large ears and nibbled on them playfully.


Corbin looked over at me and winked before turning away to cuddle up to Shaun. "Hey!" Shaun laughed as Corbin climbed onto his lap and collided lips with him. I exhaled, "What were you two talking about over there?" I asked with my eyes watching the incessant display of affection. "Shaun was calming me down, getting me to talk about us mostly." "Well he does want to be a shrink, so what were you expecting?" "He lived up to my exceptions very well, he was annoying, but helpful. I might have said a bit too much." "That's alright. Shaun's trustworthy; he'll keep his mouth shut."

Tyson put a hand on my shoulder and moved closer to me. "Bunny?" He asked, he rarely called me by my pet name outside of the bedroom. I felt him nuzzle me, "I'm so sorry about storming off and shouting at our friends." His other arm came to wrap around my waist as I straddled the orca's thighs and warmed into his embrace. "I forgive you, big guy." I smiled, "Thanks for apologizing. Shows you have some brains in that big head of yours." I joked, tapping him lightly on his bald head. "Shows that you don't have any brains, teasing an orca like this." "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Getting on me with your sheath out. After all I've been thinking about this is torture." "Don't tell me that your having straight thoughts now." I smiled, kissing his neck. "If you are, be quick and think dick!" "Course not! I've been thinking of bunny butts. Thanks for that advice though!" "I imagine that I'm somehow the trigger?" "Once you see the perfect butt, it's very hard to forget about it. I've been wanting more since day one." He confessed in a lascivious manner. "If you think my ass is good, you're dumber than you look!" "It's good enough to eat after a night of fun." I smirked, trust Tyson to be bawdy.

The mood seemed happy now, with Corbin and Shaun distracted by one another and with Tyson happily getting close to me I felt secure. I felt like I open up without a care in the world and let everyfur in for once, so long as nothing bad happened. I kissed Tyson's chest one last time before I made my move.

Another deep breath. I traced my finger over his muscle lines. Dwindling the tip over the end of his six pack for a moment before I exhaled.

After postponing it long enough, I asked: "Is there a private place where I can talk to to you?"

Thanks for reading!

I got this out later than planned, but this new schedule seems to be working. I have time to work, time to write and time to just kick back and relax with my friends, so it should stick around for a bit. Anyway, I almost forgot that this was the four day mark! Next one is Tuesday night/ Wednesday morning I believe and I will be uploading part 2 of Dry Wall.

Prey Of The Wolf

# Chapter 1 ## 3rd of March, 5:13 PM ## Ezil International Prison, Death row * * * The white otter tossed and turned on the 'bed' he had been supplied with for the past month; it was hardly a bed and was no where near worthy of being called a...

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Caged Otter

# Prologue ## 5th of April, 4:30 AM ## Somewhere in Ezil * * * He was galvanized out of his slumber by a sharp pain flaring over his neck, burning his flesh and making him wince. It ached terribly, Nate assumed that he'd fallen asleep in an...

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Making a splash (DU Easter Edition 5:10)

# Chapter 10 # Garret's P.O.V * * * After one hour and several un-finished blow jobs, the four of us were siting on the tiled bathroom n a single file line. Corbin was in front, drying off his legs and tails, brushing Corbin's fur from behind was...

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