Making a splash (DU Easter Edition 5:10)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 10

Garret's P.O.V

After one hour and several un-finished blow jobs, the four of us were siting on the tiled bathroom n a single file line. Corbin was in front, drying off his legs and tails, brushing Corbin's fur from behind was Shaun, I sat behind Shaun brushing his fur and Tyson sat behind me brushing my fur. Tyson was gentle with brush, moving it slowly, but efficiently without hurting me. He was the first to finish brushing out all of the lugs and knots in my fur, he threw the brush into a wicker basket and ran a hand through my smooth fur.

"Hurry up, Garret. Maybe you can finish the blow jobs you gave all of us." Tyson winked. "Prick." I teased, "Corbin started it!" I heard him giggle from the front, he was probably thinking about how easily he'd made my knees buckle and my body surrender to his sexual regime. "Well you didn't put up much a fight." He said, "All I heard were moans and groans." "Shaun had his hand over my mouth!" I complained. "That was me actually." Tyson admitted, "Why did you start licking my hand?" He laughed. "I thought you'd be grossed out." I grumbled.

"Cheer up, Garret." Shaun said, "You don't have to give me a blowjob. Unless you want to of course." He added. "Thanks, Shaun. But if I'm going to be giving Corbin and Tyson one it wouldn't be right to leave you out would it?" "Who said that? Shaun and I are going to the pool, so you and Tyson can have some alone time." He winked back at me with his usual libidinous nature. "There's a pool here?!" I cried in amazement.

I knew that Tyson's family were loaded (most furs who attended the university were) , but not loaded enough to have a holiday home that they didn't use on the expensive side of the east coast of Veden with a private beach and swimming pool. "Yep. It's not that big though." "So! It's a swimming pool! I guess you're going to be given Shaun a few lessons in there." I giggled. "That was just a ploy so you didn't know that we were having sex behind your back." "Oh I knew! I wanted to catch you both red-handed and then I'd go and get Corbin and every fur else! It'd be such a laugh." I smiled.

"Right up to the point where Mason would punch my face in." Tyson said, killing the light hearted mood. "Buzz kill much? I'd only get the non-homophobic furs." "Still. I didn't want anymore furs to know about my sexuality." "Why not? They won't bug you or ask for sex all the time. One or two might ask on occasion, but it's not like Callum or Luke will come barging down the front door naked." I said. "They knock first." Shaun added. The four of us laughed, but Tyson soon straightened up and gave us answer.

"I guess I'm being a bit cynical, but I don't want word getting out that I'm banging my best-friend when he has a girlfriend. You'd be ruined!" "Okay okay. I'm not going to tell any fur. Now about the pool? How big is big?" "Enough to drown annoying rabbits in. Maybe big enough to make a rabbit stew." Tyson joked, he ran a finger along my neck, pretending to slit my throat. "Sounds delicious! I'm just kidding. I'm not a cannibal." "It'd be a feral one." "Do you have the money to find and buy a feral rabbit? Because I don't." "Good point."

"The pool 's underground and it's probably as big as the two bedrooms put together." "That's huge!" Shaun and I gasped. "How is that 'not big'?" "Well I have spent most of my life swimming. Besides we never used to use it a lot, my brother and I used to go swimming in the sea." "Only because you two would have been strong enough not to be dragged out to sea." I said. "The tide isn't that strong. I'm sure you could get back to shore if you put effort into it." Tyson rolled his eyes, he looked at me and then re-phrased. "Actually, it probably would drag you out. A lot. As in, the sharks would have to get you."

"There are feral sharks in the water?!" I squeaked, remembering all those silly horror films with sharks as the antagonist from when I was a kid. "No!" Tyson laughed, "The coastguard around here are mostly sharks. So my brother and I call them 'the sharks.'" "Oh! You could have clarified." "Why isn't a pool as big as two rooms big to you, Corbin?" Shaun asked. Shaun and I looked ahead at him.

"My family has a big holiday home in Ezil, there's a big pool that has its own staff and I used to go there every summer holiday." Corbin answered, a far of look in his eyes as he imagined what sounded like as close to heaven as you could get. "Now that I think about it, the bar staff were fit. There was this wolf, he was ripped, used to give me these looks. The sort that made you feel all warm and fuzzy, not the sexual kind though-"


"He sounds fit." I purred. Almost as if I'd pulled a trigger, Tyson's hands shot around my waist, but soon withdrew back to his sides. "He was! Anyway. We weren't near a beach, so all of my brothers and sisters and I of course, used to splash around in the pool. Jaz never swam with us though, she was always reading some big, chunky book."

"Why don't you go there anymore?" I asked, without realizing that I was stepping on thin ice. "Reasons." He simply replied. He looked Shaun in the eyes, not a hateful look, but an understanding look as if the two were sharing a dark secret.

"They'll see reason soon enough." Shaun sighed, stroking his boyfriend's back because he'd finished combing his fur. "Not with my grandparents alive and well." "The old gits will die soon! Then we can go and see them." "Shaun!" Corbin gasped, stifling a giggle. "They're still my family. At least in blood they are." "Jaz and Berry still like you." "Jaz and Merry." Corbin corrected, giggling at his boyfriend's mistake.

"She was plump like one though!" Shaun howled, a smirk spreading across his face. "Shaun!" Corbin laughed, "What are we going to do in pool?" Corbin asked. "Ahh mess about like cubs probably." Tyson said, "Might get a little naughty if we want. Unless you lot plan on saving the sex for tomorrow." "Who do you think we are?!" Shaun said, "We'd never say no to good half hour of sex." "Try not to get cum in the pool then. The cleaning staff won't be happy to find that the water's gone white. Or brown." "Eww!!!" Corbin shuddered.

"Is every fur finished brushing?" Tyson asked. "Yep!" Shaun and Corbin said in synch. I however, had been distracted and had mussed up Shaun's fur. "Ohh..." I mumbled, quickly brushing over the mussed up patches. If Shaun hadn't noticed before, he did know. "I forgive you." He said, standing up, "The pool water will muss all of my fur up, so a little bit of mistakes on my back doesn't matter." He smiled, patting down a few of the patches.

Corbin stood up with him and hugged his boyfriend from behind, rocking him about. "Should we go and get our swimming shorts?" "If you want, but I plan on swimming naked. Feels way better. The chlorine might sting your man parts a bit though." Tyson answered. "Thanks for the warning." I smiled, "I'll try to keep my lipstick away. But that'll be hard with a hunk showing off his muscles." Tyson stood up and pulled me to my feet with him. "Is any fur else starving?" Tyson asked, patting his stomach.

"Only a bit." Corbin replied. "Shall we go and have dinner then? Might be a bit early, but you can't really have fun on an empty stomach, can you?" "I suppose not." Shaun answered, "What are we having?" He asked. "Something light. Let's go and get dressed first, I hate dining naked."


Tyson stuck to his words and about an hour later the four of us were sitting down at the table with burgers on our plates. Tyson was wearing a red, white and black plaid shirt with all of the buttons done up. The shirt was tight against his muscular chest and the top button looked like it was about to pop off. Nevertheless, Tyson still looked formal and casual at the same time.

I was wearing the lemon shirt from yesterday, Corbin was wearing a red jumper that ended just after his crotch and Shaun was wearing a blue t-shirt. All four of us were wearing blue jeans, but by far Tyson looked the best. They might have been a little tight for him, considering he walked awkwardly and looked like it hurt to sit down.

It didn't take long to eat the succulent meat that Tyson had prepared for the four of us. Then Tyson hurried us all towards the swimming pool.

As Tyson had said, the pool was underground. The way down to it was a small hatch in the pantry; then there was a short climb down an iron ladder. At first the whole room was dark, I couldn't even see my own hands in front of me. Almost as if Tyson could see in the dark, he reached out towards the wall and clicked on the light switch.

The entire room came to life, revealing: blue, scintillating water, white tiles that were free of water and grey, un-finished walls. The pool itself was completely clean, some fur must have given the room a once over before the four of us got there. Without a word, Tyson stripped down to the nude and tossed his clothes aside as if they were dirty rags. Hypnotized by the body of water, Tyson dived straight into the deep end head first and surfaced gracefully a few seconds later.

Corbin, who was very experienced in the art of the strip tease turned his back to Shaun and slowly took of his jumper. The feline watched, licking his lips and fondling the bulge in his jeans. I don't blame him, Corbin was being very alluring. After dropping the woolen jumper to the tiles, he walked over and let the cat run a spare hand over Corbin's bare chest. He giggled and began stripping down Shaun without a care in the world.

Soon the two of them had their fur exposed to the air. Shaun was completely naked and sported an erection that his boyfriend marveled over. Corbin was wearing tight swimming trunks which made his erection quite obvious. He got down on all fours next to the water's edge, he dipped his hand into the water and made sure to push out his ass for Shaun and I to see. His tail swished a bit behind him, he lifted it and looked back at the two of us. He giggled and pulled down the waist band ever so slightly, before releasing it. The material snapped back in to place.

Corbin was confident with swimming and was happy sliding into the middle section of the pool. He waited for his boyfriend to join him. But Shaun was almost terrified by the thought of drowning and instead of diving, he simply slipped in and waded out to the fennec. "Scaredy cat!" Corbin giggled, splashing water at his boyfriend. "Hey!" Shaun laughed, returning a splash. The two of them started playing with each other, diving and splashing, wrestling each other and spraying each other with jets of water.


It was awkward watching the three of them strip down and Corbin's little performance sparked an erection quite quickly. I did my best to cover it, but my efforts were fruitless when I stripped down. "Are you coming in or not?" Tyson called, before diving back underwater. I was terrified by water as a whole, I only just knew how to swim and floating had always been difficult. But I wasn't about to the three of them know that.

I stripped down and dropped my clothes at the side. I was dumb and hadn't worn my trunks, so I was left with only my loose fitting boxers on. They used to be white, but had since become dis-colored to the point where they were a depressing grey. Tyson gazed at my erection and certainly wasn't subtle about how much he liked it. "Why don't you take off your boxers?" He shouted before once again submerging, his large tail propelling him along.

I sat on the side of the deep end and kicked the water with my feet. The liquid was ice cold, how the other three could stand to be inside of it was beyond me. A pair of hands held onto my ankles and yanked me in. In less than a second my entire body was submerged. Eyes shut tight and my mouth shut even tighter, I flailed about in the water as I desperately tried to get back to the surface.

As soon as my head breached the water, I gulped down breaths of air and did my best to stay afloat. Bear in mind that my best isn't exactly good. I kept on going back underwater by mistake, which made me kick a bit harder to get above the water. "Calm down, Garret." Tyson said, rising out of the water next to me and holding me, so that I didn't need to try to float. "Sorry that I pulled you in. It was just a joke." He apologized, taking me back to the side of the pool. "It's alright." I mumbled.

Shivering, I climbed out of the pool and sat on the side. Tyson put a hand either side of my legs and stayed in the water. "Are you alright?" He asked with undulating ripples of water emitting from around him. I nodded, "Sorry." He said again, running a hand over my wet legs. "I didn't know that you were hydrophobic." "I'm not afraid of water. I'm just a bad swimmer." I admitted, "Can we go to the shallow end? I'll feel a bit safer." I requested. "Aren't you a bit old for the shallow end?" Tyson laughed, but changed his opinion when he saw how terrified I was. "I think it'd be better in the middle. Besides, Corbin and Shaun are there." Tyson re-phrased. "Okay." i forced a smile

He pushed away from the side and swam down the length of the pool faster than I could walk. I got up and nearly tripped over as I skipped down to the middle. I climbed in and found that the water wasn't as bad as I'd always thought, but maybe it was because I had a big pair of arms wrapping themselves around my waist.

The water was just up to my nipples, but on Tyson the water had only just reached his waist. "See?" He asked, pulling me closer to him. "You won't drown and if you do you have an orca for a lifeguard." "Well then, I think I might drown myself to get you to save me. Wouldn't mind getting mouth to mouth from you. Don't worry though, I'm too much of a coward to try that." I said, resting my head on Tyson's chest and nuzzling him. "And an idiot. I hope you realize that your boxers are see through now. I can see your erection." Tyson said, moving his hands down to rest on the waist band of my boxers.

"Really?!" I cried with embarrassment, looking down to find that he spoke the truth. I blushed and averted my gaze. "Mind if I take them off?" Tyson asked, sliding a hand down to get his fingers on the inside of the waist band. "I don't think I really have a choice." I smiled with a flirtatious look. "You do for once. No point in scaring you even more." "I'm not afraid!" "Yeah you are!" Tyson said.

My boxers moved down to expose my cock. "Am not!" I argued in a childish manner. My boxers were now around my knees. I lifted my leg to get them off and ended up falling backwards into the water. Tyson howled with laughter as I sunk slightly into the water. He grabbed me and snapped me back up to a standing position before I could panic. He snickered, "At least your boxers are off."

Tyson threw the wet material to the side of the pool, they landed with a wet slap. "Are you still as horny as I am?" Tyson asked as his thick hands claimed their spot on my cheeks. "You're always horny." I giggled. There was a flirtatious atmosphere in the room that played with our hormones. "Not always. But I am when you start getting naked." "But yes. I am." "Good..." Tyson smirked and pulled me in close. "Is your asshole wet and slippy?"

I giggled, "Yes." I blushed. "Good. Come on, up!" He said moving to the side of the pool. I climbed out, but when my hands were resting on the side and my first leg was cocked over, I felt Tyson grab my thighs. "Stay." He ordered.

I looked back at the orca to see his head coming dangerously close to my tail hole. I giggled; Let the fun begin!

Wasting water (DU Easter Edition 5:9)

# Chapter 9 # Garret's P.O.V * * * "Well... This is kinky." Corbin giggled, wrapping his arms around Tyson's thick neck. "Let the little rabbit go now, Tyson. I think you've scared him a bit." He continued. Tyson removed his fingers from my mouth...

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Tender Touch (Du Easter Edition 5:8)

# Chapter 8 # Garret's P.O.V * * * I was lying on the bed, my eyes fixed on the white ceiling and my head tucked into a comfortable pillow. My ass was a sticky mess and even with all the lube that Tyson and I had used, it felt incredibly sore. I...

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It's a little big (DU Easter Edition 5:7)

# Chapter 7 # Garret's P.O.V * * * "For some fur who hates bondage, you look nice when you're tied up." Tyson said, loosening the rope that kept my wrists bound. It was a strange thing to say, but a complement was a complement. "I don't hate...

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