Tender Touch (Du Easter Edition 5:8)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 8

Garret's P.O.V

I was lying on the bed, my eyes fixed on the white ceiling and my head tucked into a comfortable pillow. My ass was a sticky mess and even with all the lube that Tyson and I had used, it felt incredibly sore. I reached under myself and gave my expanded tail hole a nice relaxing rub to ease the pain. It was worth it though, getting all sweaty with Tyson. There were still a few beads of cum dangling from my fint; I would have wiped them off, but it would be a waste of energy.

It seemed like ages since Tyson had gone to the other room to get Shaun and Corbin, but I knew that he'd only been gone for a few minutes. "Tyson?" I called, shuffling about in bed slightly. "Hurry up would you!" I added. "I'm just making you a sandwich!"

Oh the idiot, I thought to myself; running about making me food. "I'm pretty sure that I should be making the sandwich!" I joked, hoping that Tyson would understand my humor. "Too late!" I heard Tyson coming up the stairs. He may have been a gentle giant, but he couldn't stop himself from making abundant noise when he moved. My brown eyes looked at the door and I stopped rubbing my ass, if Tyson saw he'd probably do it himself.

About a minute later the orca walked through the door, smiling a warm smile in my direction. "Here." He said, setting a plate with a cheese sandwich on it. "Orange cheese, just how you like it. With a carrot on the side." Tyson walked around the other side of the bed and climbed in with me, immediately wrapping an arm around my shoulder; the other hand found its way to my waist.

"You spoil me too much! But, thanks for this." I felt guilty, lying about whilst Tyson was doing things for me. I handed Tyson one half of the sandwich to compensate. "It's alright." Tyson said, pushing the sandwich back to the plate. "Mrgh!" I complained, my mouth stuffed with food.

Tyson chuckled and did as I asked, biting about a quarter of it off with his large mouth. "Where are Shaun and Corbin?" I asked, having swallowed a bite. Tyson gestured to the next room over, not wanting to be piggish and speak with his mouth full. "In their room?" Tyson nodded. "Having sex?" I smirked. Tyson smirked back at me, "Knew it! Did you walk in on them?" I asked.

Tyson put a hand to his mouth to prevent food from falling out as he swallowed. "Yeah. It looked hot, so I left them alone." "What were they doing?" I asked, even though it was a little wrong to ask about some fur's sex life. "Oral, probably just fluffing themselves up for what's about to happen."

My ears perked up for Tyson had captured my attention. "And what's about to happen?" I asked. I already had the idea that it would be something sexual. Perhaps an orgy? Or maybe they planned on taking turns with me. "Nothing too sexual, a foursome. How do you feel about?" Tyson asked, rubbing my thigh with kind undulating movements. "Sure..." I said, knowing that agreeing would make Tyson happier. "Great!" He smiled.


"When you finish your sandwich, I'll call them in." Tyson said, swallowing his final bite and wiping crumbs off of the bed. I quickly finished off my own sandwich and left the carrot on the plate for later, I may not have been all that into a foursome, but if it was going to happen it might has well have happened as soon as possible. As soon as I'd moved the plate aside, Tyson called, "Shaun! Corbin!"

I awaited anxiously in bed, twiddling my toes and snuggling up to Tyson. I'd only just lot my anal virginity, so maybe getting a foursome was jumping into the deep end, but four penises equals four lots of fun, right? Either way, it would mean paying every fur for what they'd done for me, so it would be worth it in the long term.

"Roll over." Tyson said, getting out of bed and going to the chest. "Shouldn't we wait for Shaun and Corbin?" I asked, although I wasn't about to turn down sex with Tyson. "We're not having sex just yet." Tyson chuckled, "Although I would like that. Does tonight sound alright?" "Of course it does!" I smiled.

"Actually, could you just get out of bed for a second?" Tyson asked. I did as he asked and waited awkwardly at the side of the bed, covering my sheath with my hands. Once I was up, Tyson lay down two towels and patted them to signal me. I sat on the towels for a moment until Tyson used a beefy hand to push me down onto the bed. "Relax." He smiled, "Get comfortable."

The push turned into a stroke, which did end with Tyson touching my sheath. He pressed on it lightly, making my quiver. I rolled over and buried my face in a pillow, my hands lying at my sides. I felt Tyson's tongue run down my back, a rough smack teasing my ass and a kiss falling on my nape. "Hope you don't mind a few hands molesting you." Tyson chuckled, "We're just going to give you a massage first, help you settle in a bit more. That and your ass must be a bit sore." Tyson said, rubbing a finger on my tail hole.

I giggled, "Yeah I am feeling a bit worked up. What do I owe you?" I asked. "Nothing! I don't want to take anything from you." "Don't be absurd. Every fur wants something. I mean, you've been so ind to me for ages now. So you must want something." "Okay then. I want you to enjoy this."

I gave Tyson a serious look, but soon dropped the expression when I realized that Tyson wasn't lying. "I'm just going to slap a bit of oil on you. Is that alright?" Tyson asked, taking the bottle of lube/ massage oil from the chest. I nodded and put my head back into the pillow. Soon a cold liquid oozed out onto my back, the sensation was enough to give me a semi. Next came Tyson's hands, spreading the oil across my body without working it in just yet.


"We're here!" Shaun announced, opening the door to the bedroom and casually walking in as if Tyson and I were fully clothed. "Hey! What took you so long?" Tyson asked, moving onto my arms. "Corbin wouldn't stop sucking." Shaun winked, I heard Corbin slap him and giggle playfully. "You didn't come did you?" "Nope he didn't! He was too busy wining and going 'Ah! Ah! Corbin, oh yes!'" Corbin said, almost perfectly impersonating his boyfriend's voice. Corbin's jocular nature never did fail to shine through. "Shut up you!" Shaun laughed, sitting on the bed next to me and putting a hand on my thigh. He whistled, "Nice ass Garret."

The three of them laughed and I started to feel a bit excluded, my cheeks were redder than a stop sign at that point. Those three were being so bawdy and I wasn't familiar with it, sure I could be a little horny from time to time, but I'd never go as having a lascivious conversation "Am I allowed to touch your, possession?" Shaun asked, most likely referring to some sexual part of my body. "He's not mine." Tyson chuckled, "but go ahead, the bunny won't mind." "Er! I'm my own fur, I make my own decisions." I said, wagging my tail in defiance. "Go on Shaun." I said.

Shaun's hand groped my ass, and even though the fat there (and all over my body) was exiguous, Shaun found some material to fondle. He gave my butt a few squeezes, slapped it about a bit and then took his hand away. "Wouldn't want any cum leaking out." He explained, "Tyson, can I have some oil?" Shaun asked. Tyson emptied a bit of the bottle onto Shaun's hand and next I felt a cold hand apply itself to my legs.

Shaun moved his hand across all of my legs, spreading oil like Tyson was doing. He stopped at my feet, "Am I allowed to touch your feet?" Shaun asked, "Do you want us to the massage them?" He re-phrased. "Go ahead. I don't mind." I replied, lifting my head and smiling back at the feline. "What can I do?" Corbin asked, shuffling about his feet impatiently. "Just relax as well, Tyson, can we give Corbin a massage as well?" Shaun asked, hoping to give the same treatment to his boyfriend. "Why not? Corbin, just lie under Garret for now. We can get around to you afterwards." Tyson said, wanting to focus on me.

I lifted myself off of the bed slightly and Corbin slipped under me. I lay down on the femboy's chest, he was slightly bigger than I was, so there was just enough room for me to lie on. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I could hear his tail swishing about between his legs. "Was that your dick?" Corbin asked. He giggled, "If it was try not to get it in my butt, at least not yet anyway." He winked.

The raunchy male certainly knew how to make his prey feel uncomfortable. He stroked his hands down to my nape, teasing me with licks on the forehead. "Aww, you're so cute when you're blushing!" Corbin squealed, taking my ear in hand and softly biting down on it. "Nom!" He said, "Err thanks?" Corbin giggled and let my ear go.

"When we get back to the university, will you three come down to Damien's? I'm sure he'd love you Garret!" Corbin said, hoping to coax us into what sounded like a night of alcohol, prostitutes and pleasure. "N-no thanks!" I stammered, "Prostitution is kind of weird." I said quickly, not remembering that Corbin himself worked as a prostitute from time to time. "Aww! So you don't like me?" Corbin squeaked with big sad eyes. "Don't worry! I know you didn't mean nothing by it." Corbin said quickly before I could get worked up about it.

"I wouldn't mind coming down to the club soon." Tyson said, "Although, your prostitutes might get a bit worn out and broken!" He laughed. "Good! The guys at Damien's love a challenge!" Corbin joked. "Maybe you can let me be your first prostitute." He winked. "Why not?! Don't blame me if you can't walk though." "Trust me, whatever you have, the whore can take!" Shaun joked. The three of them laughed their heads off, "Hey! I'm not a whore, I'm a slut! A mega-slut!" The three of them continued to laugh until Shaun started coughing. I however, once again felt excluded from the banter.


"Ready to start massaging him?" Tyson asked patting my back. "Ready when you are." Shaun replied. "Okay then, start with his feet and work your way up, but leave his butt for me!" Tyson winked, eager to play with my behind as much as possible; undoubtedly because he considered it his private property.

It felt nice, having two pairs of hands rub my body. Shaun rubbed the soles of my feet that had been cut and bruised slightly from the two hours Tyson and I spent in the cave. He held my left foot in both of his hands and worked them with his thumbs. Lovely circular motions that put pressure on all the places that needed attention. He pushed on them lightly, making my foot jerk slightly, but not in a painful way. He stroked across the ball of my foot, pushing the fur one way and then the other way. He'd forgotten about my heel, but that didn't matter. The worst part would have been when he started tugging on my toes a bit too hard, but I knew that he didn't intend to hurt.

Tyson on the other hand was as gentle as a fur could be. Moving from my lower back to my upper back, he ran his hands along either side of my spine several times, brushing my fur with his hands. Whenever he reached my shoulders, he fanned his hands out and kissed my back. His hands returned to my lower back and kneaded my body to release all the tension. With every second of his tender touch, I could feel my erection growing stiffer and rubbing against Corbin's body.

Corbin didn't seem too bothered at all, he giggled whenever I moaned and kept his hands sandwiched between us to avoid getting oil on them. He occasionally licked my head and asked me how I was doing, my answer was always along the lines of 'perfect.' Truthfully, everything was 'perfect.' Tyson's careful connection let me feeling content and his words mollified my angst. His abut simply ameliorated the experience.

Tyson moved onto using a much more pleasurable technique. He pushed down on my muscles, lightly, and then released a second later. A wave of pleasure rolled over me each time and made my cock wet from small slivers of pre. He used this motion across all of my back before asking, "Could you stick out your shoulder blades for me?" I did as he asked, knowing that he was only going to do something divine. My assumption was correct, he used the same technique to release all of the pent up pressure from my shoulder blades.

Whilst Tyson was doing this, Shaun was performing soothing, legato strokes from my ankles to my thighs. He was careful not to touch my ass, like Tyson had requested, so he took his time massaging my legs. The leg he wasn't working on was covered with a towel. He moved his hand across my exposed leg with light pressure, stretching out my skin as he eased into the massage.

Then, using the same kneading technique that Tyson had shown, he worked my calf. He didn't spend too long down there and had soon moved onto giving my thighs some much need attention. The flab there made it easier to massage, but it certainly made me become more abject. With the heel of his hand, he made strokes across my thighs that always went towards my heart.

Each tender touch from both Tyson and Shaun made me hornier and in the end I simply gave in to my desires.


"Stop." I demanded, without lashing out or physical stopping the pair. Tyson took his hands away in an instant as did Shaun. "What's the problem?" Tyson asked, placing a hand back onto my shoulders. "Did we hurt you?" I could have sworn that there was a slightly sniffle in his voice. "No, I'm just horny. I know that this was supposed to be foreplay and a treat for me, but could we just get straight to the main event?" I asked.

Shaun smirked and happily began wiping down his hands with a spare towel. Tyson however, was a little more unhurried. "If you wish." He said and climbed onto the bed behind me. Corbin shuffled out from underneath me, so that his cock was now in my face and Shaun came to stand by my side after cleaning his hands. "You'll like this part!" Corbin smiled at me and plunged my head into his musky crotch.

His canine scent was over-powering even for a small, normally submissive guy like him. I couldn't wait to smell one of the more masculine men, such as Logan or even Mason if he'd let me; not that he would, the guy was straighter than a corner. I breathed in the musk, it wasn't as potent as Tyson's, but musk was musk and the manly smell turned me on, making my semi into a hard on.

"Just smell it for now, Garret!" Corbin giggled, glad to have found a smaller male to dominant. With a hand, I rubbed his own erect penis. He purred softly, "That's it." Corbin smiled at me, he returned the favor by delivering a stroke to my ear. My strokes weren't adroit, but they were enough to act as good foreplay. His cock would quiver whenever I touched his tip, which I assumed was Corbin's very own sensitive spot. That was something worth noting.

Tyson pressed his hands down on my lubricated ass, it was hard for him to a grip because of the slickness of the oil, but he managed and was soon dominating my behind with his tongue. They rolled over like waves, stretching from the bottom of my pucker to the top. It felt incredibly especially when he got forceful and began to push down harder. It meant that my erection was squished against my skinny stomach, but hell it was erotic!

His hands were spread out across my tender cheeks, his curled fingers digging into my squishy flesh. The orca got kinkier and became spanking my ass, leaving me red raw, but aroused. "Mrhh!" I cried as the first slap landed across my toosh. My tail was raised in surprise, exposing my tight, used tail hole that Tyson began rolling his tongue over.

Shaun was the final one to join in on the foreplay. At first he just stood at the side, occasionally giving his cock a text book touch or a slender stroke. Then he got involved and immediately went from being a sideman to the front man. He didn't push anyway out of the way, but with willful eyes he exerted his dominance onto me by pressing a finger against my lips.

"Suck them." He ordered, pushing them inside and resting them on my tongue. I did as he commanded, sucking on his fingers as if they were his cock. I licked them with my tongue and almost lost track of Corbin's pleasure. However he took care of not only his own cock, but Shaun's as well. With one hand he jacked himself off, the other jerking his boyfriend.


Do you know what they say about time going slowly when you have an important moment? That's a lie. One moment it was just Corbin dominating me, the next three men were dominating me and Shaun was trying to get his fist in my mouth. I could only just fit his knuckle in, but there was no way that his thumb was getting in there. Already my mouth felt stretched and the edges felt rough, I could have sworn that I could have tasted blood as well.

Still, Shaun was relentless in his crusade to be kinky. He un-curled his fingers, making me gag. He stopped and pulled his fist out, there was a trail of clear spit dangling from his fist. He wiped it on the bedsheets and chuckled. "You liked that didn't you, slut?" I nodded, assuming that such was the correct answer. I was rewarded with another sniff of Corbin's musk, could I not get just a second of tranquility?

Corbin stopped jacking Shaun off to guide his cock into my mouth. The angle allowed me to have some control other how far I took it, but soon Corbin's hand forced me to deep throat. However, after seeing that I was gagging and nearly choking, he released me and gave me free will over how I wanted to do this. For the moment, I simply licked his knot and shaft, after all, I had other dicks to play with.

Behind me, Tyson was now teasing his own penis with a hand, hoping to get closer to an orgasm, so that he could let the steamy liquid out, into my ass most likely. He continued to pleasure me by lolling his tongue around my tight, fleshy ring, occasionally moving it away to dance on my actual cheek. With his hand he stretched out the skin near to it, opening me up for some saliva to dribble into my rectum.

The smacks were less common now, but still came just as hard. Each one made me stagger and gasp, but I soon picked everything back up to keep the others satisfied. "Good slut..." Tyson chuckled whenever I moaned or groaned. Shaun added a few comments of his own, each one just as lecherous as the last. "You like that don't you? Little slut." Or every fur's favorite, "Lick it, bitch!" I knew that Shaun didn't mean to offend and that it was just his libido, just like Tyson didn't intend to hurt me. If they weren't both sex crazed monsters at the moment, Shaun would be comforting Corbin and Tyson would be giving me a tender touch.

I tried to keep Shaun happy by rubbing his cock in the most pleasing way I knew; ring, middle and little finger curled slightly, so that my soft nails rubbed his sensitive shaft, index finger bent over it for support and my thumb underneath as if I was pinching it. It must have been working, because Shaun gasped sharply whenever I touched the right spot. I only rubbed the top part of his dick, where his barbs were, for now, I didn't want to make the cat come just yet!

I advanced to sucking the head of Corbin's cock, which made him pant. I'd seen enough porn to know how to give good head, you just built up, gagged a bit and no matter what! You never stopped sucking the D. Oh! And swallow, every fur loved seeing some fur swallow. I didn't give him the vanilla style blowjob. I opened my mouth wide until his head was in, clasped it shut and then pulled backwards.Occasionally I shook it about in my mouth, for the fun of it!

I made sure to make the best puppy eyes I could as I glared down his cock. Big, wide, sad eyes that could make the manliest man swoon. I kept my eyes trained on his cock, but took breaks by looking up at Corbin to see how he was doing. His forehead was drenched with sweat, I was better than I thought! Either that or it was getting too hot in the room.


I moved onto taking about half of his length into my mouth with each bob. I also upped the pace at which I was jacking off Shaun and made sure to go down to his sheath with each rub. Bob! Bob! Bob!

I deep throat-ed his cock for a second, making sure to pull back before I gagged. "Mrh..." Corbin moaned as my tongue lapped at the side of his delectable cock. I kept to that rhythm, five normal bobs and then one deep throat before I repeated the cycle. I heard a noise coming from behind me, Tyson was probably about to cum onto my back. Shaun was probably in the same position, having been fluffed up by Corbin minutes earlier.

I hurried things along with Corbin, with my spare hand I squeezed his knot and forced all of his cock into my mouth faster than before. I suckled on the straining flesh with my maw, enjoying every gasp of pleasure or approval Corbin made."Bwar." I choked, coughing slightly when Corbin's cock when too deep. "Hey! Don't choke yourself." Corbin laughed, "It might be hot, but it's not worth gagging and spluttering for me." He said, tickling behind my ears with a finger.

I felt Corbin's body tense up, his balls coming as close to his body and his cock head flaring up. I shoved all of his cock into my mouth, knot and all, causing Corbin to orgasm. He gasped sharply as the first jet splashed into my mouth. I however, gagged and got it out of my mouth before the next round was upon me. The rest of the hot milk ended up splashing onto my face, some ending up in my mouth and others running down my chin to drip onto the towels beneath.

Tyson grunted and stopped licking my tail hole, no doubt he'd devoured some of the seed he'd left behind. He furiously fapped and came onto my back, the white columns hitting all over my back, legs and butt. He didn't stop until the last drips had fallen onto my body. Shaun reached his sweaty climax soon after, "Rgh..." He purred as the white semen splashed onto my neck and upper back.

I released Shaun's cock and lay down, my head between Corbin's legs. I was disappointed that I hadn't came at all, but at least I'd be a bit more pent up for tonight.

"Aww! We overworked him." Corbin said, stroking a clean part of my head. I was hot, oily, sweaty, sticky mess at that moment, so I didn't really want to touch anyone and end up spreading it. "Sorry that I didn't cum inside of you." Tyson apologized, "I know that you wanted me to do that." "It's alright. I'm sorry that I didn't swallow." I said, turning to Corbin. "You're new to this, It'll be a while before you wont gag. I mean take Shaun for example, he must have been sucking dick since he was fourteen or something." Corbin smirked, looking over at his boyfriend with playful eyes.

"And you must have been visiting Shaun in jail, the way you ride cocks!" Shaun stuck out his tongue, but I could sense that Shaun had crossed the line. "Shower time?" I asked, cutting off the awkward situation before some fur started crying or shouting. "Can I shower with you?!" Corbin squeaked, his tail going back to wagging and his friendly demeanor returning. "Why don't all shower together? I think Garret will need a few helping hands." Tyson chuckled, referring to the fact that I was drenched in sperm.

"I can wash myself." I said, getting out of bed and almost tripping over in the process. "Too bad!" Tyson said, scooping me up in his arms like a child and carrying me straight to the bathroom. "Shaun, Corbin, can you two get the bath stuff?" Tyson asked. "Okay." Shaun said and began rooting around our room to find what we'd need.


"You treat me too well." I said, when we out of ear shot of the other two. "That's because I love you." Tyson replied, I clung to his chest, as I was afraid of falling and the last thing I wanted to do was let go. "You didn't your carrot." Tyson said, almost turning back to get it. "I wasn't in the mood for one. Maybe we can use it for some DP tonight." I joked. "No we won't! There wouldn't be enough room for a carrot and my cock. I don't want to tear your ass, ever." Tyson gave me a stern look, but soon relaxed. "But if you want to masturbate I can lend you a dildo. Or two." He smirked.

Tyson's tender touch made me feel safe and I happily snuggled up to him in his ample arms. "Nah, I don't need a dildo when I have a real one to play with." I smiled, brushing a hand over Tyson's genital slit. "You can play with my dick as much as you want, so long as you swallow." "Why not!" I giggled.

Seconds later Tyson gently kicked open the bathroom door and lay me down on the white and black tiles. The walls were a mint color, completed with silver towel racks and a sun dial hanging from the wall. White porcelain had been cleaned to perfection, not a spec of grim touched anything in the room. I felt kind of bad, dripping the musky liquid onto the tiles.

I got up to climb into the bathtub (which doubled as a shower), but Tyson pushed me back to the ground. "Not yet little guy!" Tyson chuckled, forcing a finger into my mouth. "Some fur needs to whore out a bit." He smirked. Tyson grasped my shoulder rough, keeping me in a kneeling position.

He swiped a glob of cum from my back and plopped it into my mouth, I guess that said action was now his kinky trademark. I didn't resist and sucked on his finger. I had no idea who's cum it was, but it was salty like all cum and tasted faintly of pineapple juice. I had no idea who liked pineapples, but they certainly enjoyed them because their load was sweet like sugar.

Tyson placed yet another batch of semen inside of my mouth, and with his sexually fueled aggresive tone he said "You love this don't you whore?"

It's a little big (DU Easter Edition 5:7)

# Chapter 7 # Garret's P.O.V * * * "For some fur who hates bondage, you look nice when you're tied up." Tyson said, loosening the rope that kept my wrists bound. It was a strange thing to say, but a complement was a complement. "I don't hate...

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Black leather couches (DU Easter Edition 5:6)

# Chapter 6 # Garret's P.O.V * * * The white cat, Shaun, stared at me with scintillating, yellow eyes. The shine in his feline eyes reflected both his adroit method of getting me where he wanted and his ravenous libido. He waited for my approval,...

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Warming up by the fire (DU Easter Edition 5:5)

# Chapter 5 # Garret's P.O.V * * * I walked down the chocolate brown stairs with a white towel wrapped around my waist to keep myself decent. To be honest, the 'chocolate brown' was more like coffee in places because of fading and what not. Anyway!...

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