It's a little big (DU Easter Edition 5:7)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 7

Garret's P.O.V

"For some fur who hates bondage, you look nice when you're tied up." Tyson said, loosening the rope that kept my wrists bound. It was a strange thing to say, but a complement was a complement. "I don't hate bondage, I just try to avoid it a bit. Besides, Shaun wasn't rough with me at all." I stated, smiling at the cat who sat on the opposite side of the living room. He exchanged a wink with me before running a hand through his boyfriend's tuft of headfur. Shaun's boyfriend was a more than beautiful fennec fox who was certainly used to the land of sex.

For one, he made his living working in a strip club and occasionally engaged in the now legal act of prostitution. I'd seen Corbin dance before and saying that it was titillating was an understatement. His cream colored fur wasn't very appealing to me, but looks aren't everything are they? His blue eyes reflected his calm, timid nature that I so often saw, but I knew full well that once he was inside of a bedroom he became a sexual beast. I hadn't really seen him whore out myself, but Shaun had told me all about both his own and Corbin's sexual escapades.

Shaun was currently sitting on the sofa further away from the stairs with Corbin sprawled out across his lap. Corbin was nibbling down on a piece of toast and had gotten crumbs all over the place. It may have been Tyson's home, but he didn't care about mess. He'd even been kind enough to wipe Shaun's cum off of the sofa and get it out of the carpet. To me it was always like he was doing too much, in the little time since he came downstairs he'd un-tied me, cleaned up the mess Shaun had left and prepared a fruit salad for both of us. There's nothing like a good healthy breakfast to start the day!

The bowl was sitting on the coffee table whilst Tyson got rid of the rope. "There." Tyson said warmly, placing the rope on the coffee table. He gave my wrists a rub where the taut rope had been. "Nothing else is there?" "Nope, that's all." I responded. "Really? He didn't put anything up your butt did he?" He asked sticking to his usual earthy ways. "No!" I chirped, giggling and settling down on Tyson's lap. I leaned forwards and grabbed our bowl before coming back to Tyson's ample arms. "He has a name you know!" Shaun joked. The four of us laughed and fell silent for a moment.


"I wish you'd put something in my butt though." I said seriously. Corbin and Shaun didn't know whether to laugh or not, I'd said everything seriously and they knew the situation between Tyson and I. Tyson's hands left my waist to plop a grape into my mouth. I bit half of it off with my buck teeth and left the other half for Tyson. He swallowed his half of the grape and replied. "Soon Garret. As in, about an hour soon." In the most amorous way possible, I said "Really?!" I snapped my head around to see if Tyson was lying. "Hope you don't mind if we do it in our room. I haven't cleaned the sheets, so it won't be that romantic."

The bed could be as stained as it could get and I'd still be happy, so long as Tyson was on top. "Can we go now!" I whined, nearly knocking the fruit bowl off of my lap. "No." Tyson said calmly, "Eat your strawberries." Tyson demanded, plucking one out of the container and bringing it towards my mouth. I pushed his hand away, "But you've put sugar on them!" I complained, ducking and dodging to avoid the sugar that had been lathered on the berry.

Meanwhile Shaun and Corbin were watching us bicker like an old married couple, trying to contain their laughter. Tyson gave up trying to force me and brushed off some of the sugar before trying again. "Open wide!" He said, shoving the food into my un-willing maw. I chewed it quickly, after all, it would be surly for me to spit it out.

Once again the orca tried to feed me another strawberry with an ample amount of sugar on it, "Ah!" I complained. Tyson glared at me, annoyed with my picky eating habitats, but still he shook off some of the cubes and placed it on my tongue for me to chew. "This isn't all for me, Tyson. Eat some of it yourself." I said, worrying that I was preventing the orca from eating. "Do you want me to leave the carrots alone?" He asked. "Sure, you can have the strawberries though. I know you like them." I smiled up at him even though I was being so greedy that it was nearly rapacious.

Tyson handed me a snippet of a carrot to chew on whilst he carefully picked out his own little selection. He liked to be refined and do things at an adroit level, his size certainly didn't impact on his finesse. I, on the other hand, had already made a mess. Little shavings of carrots, fallen sugar cubes and juice had gotten down the towel which Tyson had wrapped around my chest just before he made the fruit salad.


All four us continued to chat on about current events and how we were going to spend the day.

"So tomorrow I have a beach day planned for all of us, so do what you want in the house today, then we'll pack up Monday morning, clean a bit and be on our way!" Tyson said. "Oh! And we'll have to shower after the beach, and probably tonight as well." Like I said, the man rarely left out details. "Okay then." Shaun smiled, not letting Corbin decide for himself, but Corbin didn't seem to mind; the fennec was busy nibbling on his tail. He had between his legs, the tip just inside of his mouth and his hands gripping on it to keep it in place.

"That's good then." Tyson responded quickly. Just like Shaun had just controlled Corbin's life, Tyson had just made the decision for me. "Off." Tyson said, as if commanding a dog. I shuffled off of him, taking the fruit salad bowl with me. "I'll let you finish it off. I'm going upstairs to put fresh sheets on our bed. Shaun can you help?" Tyson asked. "Sure." Shaun said, getting off of the sofa, but not before kissing Corbin on the lips passionately. The two of them went upstairs, leaving Corbin and I on our own.

Corbin stopped playing with his tail, relaxed and let out a sigh. "He's fit isn't he?" Corbin asked. "Who? Shaun or Tyson?" "Both of them to be honest. Shaun's fitter though." Corbin winked, hoping to start a friendly argument over who was better. I decided it would be best to avoid the clash and instead changed the subject.

"What's that on your finger?" I asked, fascinated by something shiny. "The couple ring I bought Shaun. He gave it to me when he asked me out, I wear it everywhere I go." Corbin said, smiling at the memory. "That's so sweet!" I smiled, "Does Shaun wear his?"

Corbin jerked, his body becoming rigid before he sunk back to his slacking state. "Is that a no?" I asked. "He just doesn't want to lose it." Corbin explained quickly, dangling his arm over the side and looking at me with his blue eyes. He didn't seem entirely convinced by that statement either. "But wouldn't it be safer to attach it to a necklace or something?" I asked. "No, he's clumsy. He's kept it in his memory box."

"Why? Is he not committed to you anymore? He should be wearing it no matter what! Unless there's a real risk of damaging or losing it of course." I added, contradicting my last statement. "Then again, he isn't that committed to you, is he?" I asked, knowing I was stepping on thin ice. Corbin took a deep breathe, exhaled slowly and then answered. "No he isn't. We broke up a few weeks ago. I think that's why he's starting to get so clingy." Corbin said.


I was shocked deeply. I couldn't imagine Corbin and Shaun ever splitting up. Sure they'd argue a bit, but breaking up seemed a bit extreme. "What happened? Why are you still wearing the ring? Why does he carry on cuddling you and treating you like a boyfriend?" I asked with question after question jumping off my tongue.

Corbin's answer was belated, which was reasonable since most furs would want to keep their relationship history clandestine. "There was a misunderstanding with my boss. Shaun freaked out, fought him a bit, Jiyeon got involved and that made things worse. We had a big argument at home. He..." Corbin choked on his words, but recovered quickly. "He tore up a few of my clothes and then broke up with me. That night was a complete mess." Corbin finished and sat with me in silence for a second.

"He didn't hit you did he?" I asked sharply. "No!" Corbin yelped as if I'd stuck a knife between his shoulder blades. "He wouldn't do that to me now." "Now? What about back then?" I asked. Corbin stayed silent and tried to avoid my gaze. "Corbin... Look me in the eyes and tell me. Did he, or did he not, raise a hand against you? Yes, meaning he did. No meaning he didn't." I was leaning off the couch at that point. "Yes." Corbin admitted, eyes on the floor.

"He what?!" I bellowed, but soon quieted down when I remembered that Tyson and Shaun were only just upstairs. "He hit you?" I hissed. "Yes." Corbin repeated. "I was asking for it. I threw a few things at him and tried to bite him when he tore up my clothes." I grumbled in annoyance, Corbin didn't see it as a terrible thing, but I treated it like he'd punched a child. "What clothes did he tear up?" I asked. "Oh! Just one or two of things I used to wear at the club. A thong with a heart on it, a maid outfit and one of my jumpers." "But you love your jumpers!" I exclaimed. "With the way you treat them, you'd think they were your cubs."

Corbin chuckled in a light hearted manner, "Yeah I do don't I? Anyway, none of it matters. Shaun paid for it all to be replaced and we're back together. We won't make the same mistake. Can you not tell any fur about this? I don't want anything to happen to Shaun." Corbin asked. "I won't." I sighed, knowing that in a sense I owed the cat a lot more than I had. "I promise not to say a word about this." "Thank you." Corbin smiled and relaxed once again.

"How's your girlfriend?" He asked after a brief few moments of silence. "She was fine when we left. I need to speak to her when we get back though, explain to her where I've been." "Bet she won't be happy at all. With you sleeping with guys and all." Corbin said. "Yeah, but I won't tell her. Will you?" I asked, wanting to make sure that he'd keep quiet.

"No, I'll shut up about it. Hey! I guess we both have a secret of keep about each other now." Corbin laughed. "Yeah we do, don't we?" "So now I can blackmail you a bit! You promise that I get a turn with you tomorrow and I promise that you'll get a turn with me. Deal?!" Corbin asked. "You don't need to blackmail me into that!" I winked, getting up to take my bowl into the kitchen. "Let me get that!" Corbin said, shooting up and taking both his plate and my bowl without another word. "Oh, okay." I said quietly, watching the naked fur walk into the kitchen.


Before I could follow Corbin, Tyson called from upstairs. "Garret! Corbin!" He said, projecting, not raising his voice. My amatory scurry brought me upstairs in a few seconds I barged through our bedroom door to find a very... romantic scene. Tyson had replaced the cream bed sheets with white ones, so that the stains we'd made wouldn't show up so easily. The lights were turned off, the only light coming from small candles that smelt faintly of roses. On the pristine sheets there were red flower petals scattered about, he certainly knew how to be cliche.

Tyson was sitting on the edge of the bed, with his pink cock exposed to me. I almost started drooling. Shaun was sitting next to him and I became worried that I'd walked into a threesome, a foursome when Corbin came upstairs. "I hope you don't mind Shaun and Corbin doing it in the same bed as us." Tyson laughed, "We're just going to have a bit of fun first. After all, it is valentines day." Tyson pointed out.

I noticed that a few white towels were sitting on the chest, along with lube that could be used as massage oil lying on the pile. Tyson got off of the bed and walked over to me. He placed his hands on my hips and let me bury my face into his neck, "Don't be afraid, Garret." He whispered, so that Shaun couldn't hear what could demean the relationship Shaun and I shared. "I'm not!" I whined, placing my hands of Tyson's muscular body.

He squeezed me lightly and kissed the top of my head before leading me by the hand to the bed. Shaun moved out of the way to greet Corbin, who had just appeared in the door way. I payed no attention to what he was saying, it was none of my business. "Just get comfortable near the edge of the bed whilst I get ready." I nodded and got down on the bed. For now I rested my legs off the side of the bed, I could always just raise them when Tyson wanted me to.

Seconds later, Tyson came back and rubbed lube onto my tail hole. "Don't want you getting hurt now do we?" Tyson asked, smiling at me in his usual cordial manner. "Shaun, Corbin. Do you guys want to go off and go your own thing? I don't think Garret wants some furs watching him." Tyson said, glaring at the two furs glaring at my naked body.

"That's alright." Corbin said, who grabbed Shaun by the hand and dragged him out of the room. There was no doubt that those two were going off to have sex. I lifted my legs up for Tyson, showing off my tight tail hole to him. I tried to play it coy by blushing and making eye contact with him for a few seconds. "Don't be nervous." Tyson said, kissing my chest to support me.

I lifted my legs up for him, bending them at the knees and Tyson got closer and closer to me. I could feel the tip of his penis touching my tail hole, but not going inside. The feeling was intense, just the two of us in a silent room. We'd been in this situation before, but this time it would be different. "If I hurt you too much, just tell me to stop or pull out, alright?" Tyson asked, his big eyes full of affection. "So we have a safe word?" I chuckeled. "Yeah. It'll be, 'Tyson get the fuck out of my ass.'" Tyson laughed at his own joke. "That might be a bit hard to remember." I smiled, "But I doubt I'll need it anyway. You can go ahead now..." I said, bracing for the feeling of my tail hole being rapidly stretched.


He started off slowly and once the tip of his long cock was in, he stopped. "Alright?" He asked, stroking my thighs with his large hands. "I'm fine Tyson..." I purred. "Just do it a bit harder, for me?" I asked. Tyson smirked and that was all the permission he needed to start getting kinky. He brought my left leg down, so that my paw was touching the floor. He then slammed a hand down on my leg to keep it there and raised my other leg as high as possible, "Ahh..." I moaned as Tyson pushed more of his juicy cock inside of my tight hole.

Where as I was making all sorts of aroused noises, Tyson stayed mostly silent, but occasionally gasped whenever there was too much friction. "Mhh... Tyson?" I asked. "Yes sweetie?" "Are you going to go balls deep?" "Do you want me to?" "Yeah... That would be a nice way to spend valentines day." I smiled, hoping to spend all day in bed with Tyson.

"Well then I will, but if it hurts too much or if you scream I'm pulling out, alright?" "I won't scream. I might gasp a bit though." Tyson chuckled and tried to do as he'd promised.

In all honesty, it felt like a train was forcing it's way up my ass, but I knew full well that if I made a sound that hinted at agony, it would be over before I knew it. I gasped, exhaling when Tyson started to go deep. "Mrrr..." I whined, reaching out and touching my own cock with my hand. I played with muscle, manipulating it by dancing my fingers across it.

A searing pain shot through my body, signalling that Tyson was balls deep. I stopped touching myself for just a second to let Tyson, who was more than willing, feel my cock a bit. It felt great, having another hand to help out and soon my balls were churning away to make some cum. Tyson began pulling out, before shoving his whole length back in.

My head would jerk back whenever he went balls deep, mostly because the sensation was new and I was yet to experience anything going that deep inside of my body.I closed my eyes and made sure to make some kind of aroused noise, so that Tyson didn't think he was hurting me. I felt my cock becoming wetter and wetter as I became accustomed to the feeling of him cramming me.

"What's wrong?" Tyson asked when I let out a sharp gasp. "It's just a little big... that's all." I explained, managing to smile at my love who in return humped me just that extra bit harder.


"Man..." Tyson groaned after a few more humps. "You're tighter than I expected." He said, gritting his teeth as he kept up a fast pace of fucking my ass. "I'm gonna cum..." I responded, simply too thrilled to be able to process what Tyson had said. I rubbed along with his humping, my fist clenched around my cock as I pumped and pumped.

Tyson shoved his cock inside of my ass as fur as he could go, his balls slapped against my rear and my cock head flared up. Seconds later my chest was a sticky mess of white goop, my ass in the same situation. Tyson pulled out and shook the last few globs onto my chest. "How was that?" He asked, kissing my forehead. "Mrr...." I was still zoned out, my hand still resting on my cock, the other on my chest. "You're so adorable sometimes." Tyson said nuzzling me.

He got a towel from the chest and started cleaning the cum out of my fur. "I hate seeing you all sticky. That and we still have a day ahead of us." "You're right." I replied, trying to get up. "Ah-ah! No!" Tyson said, pushing me back onto the bed. "Don't get up yet." He ordered. "My bunny is going to spend this morning in complete relaxation. Now, stay here! I'm going to go and get the others." He left the towel with me before dashing off, ardent about treating me to something special on valentines day.

I relaxed in bed, after all, if I played my cards right I might end up with his cock filling me for the second time in one day; and that!... would be treating me.

Black leather couches (DU Easter Edition 5:6)

# Chapter 6 # Garret's P.O.V * * * The white cat, Shaun, stared at me with scintillating, yellow eyes. The shine in his feline eyes reflected both his adroit method of getting me where he wanted and his ravenous libido. He waited for my approval,...

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Warming up by the fire (DU Easter Edition 5:5)

# Chapter 5 # Garret's P.O.V * * * I walked down the chocolate brown stairs with a white towel wrapped around my waist to keep myself decent. To be honest, the 'chocolate brown' was more like coffee in places because of fading and what not. Anyway!...

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Touching hidden places (DU Easter Edition 5:4)

# Chapter 4 # Garret's P.O.V * * * I stood paralyzed in the cave, my feet beneath the shallow water. Tyson was grinning at me, relaxing with his hands spread out behind him, his legs spread out in front of him. His feet were resting in the water,...

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