Warming up by the fire (DU Easter Edition 5:5)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 5

Garret's P.O.V

I walked down the chocolate brown stairs with a white towel wrapped around my waist to keep myself decent. To be honest, the 'chocolate brown' was more like coffee in places because of fading and what not. Anyway! I'd just gotten out of relaxing bath, so I was a little groggy. I spent about an hour in the bath, Tyson had only just woken me up. It must have been somewhere around nine in the morning. "Corbin?" Shaun called over the noise of the roaring fire and rowdy television.

I nearly fell down the stairs upon hearing Shaun's voice. It wasn't like I was afraid of him, or loved him; my heart belonged to Tyson and my girlfriend. It was just that I had a few bad memories of him. After recovering from both the shock of Shaun's voice and the near fall, I responded. "It's Garret. Corbin's in the shower." "Oh." Was his slightly rude reply. I continued down the stairs, making sure to keep the white towel tight around my waist like the strong grip I had on the wooden banister. The towel would rub against my sheath every now and again causing un-comfortable friction, I longed for Tyson's hand to be there instead.

The faded carpet soon became a strong chocolate brown, how it should have been, as I got into the living room itself. The stairs led into the living room, so the walk was bound to be small. Shaun was lying on a black leather couch, with his legs on the arm and his head on the other. Both underneath and on top of him there were red blankets, two of them to be precise. There was another couch, on the left end of the carpet. It had been striped of its blanket, presumably by Shaun.

Between the two black leather couches there was a dark brown coffee table on a mocha carpet. Tyson's family really did like brown... Really, really! Liked brown. On the opposite there was a live fire, but the chances of it spitting and lighting up the place were slim, a metal grate and a marble surface for it to stand on were the valued protectors of all burnable objects in the house. Near to the window there was a white TV, very modern and ludicrous since every other piece of furniture was red, brown or black.

Shaun patted the leather next to him, inviting me to sit down. I looked around at the dark red walls as I thought of an excuse. I couldn't just walk out... It'd be rude! With a quiet sigh, I sat next to Shaun and looked at him. His fur was snow white, almost as light as Tyson's white skin. His yellow eyes were protective, like Tyson's and although he wasn't ample (in a size way) like Tyson was, his embrace was certainly accommodating enough.


He snuggled up to me when I sat down next to him, "I'm sorry about all the shit I've given you." He apologized with a warm, smooth tone. He kept his hands tucked under the blanket, but I could feel something brushing against the fur on my thigh. It didn't seem to be making its way towards my groin, but I got the feeling that it would get there sooner or later. "It's alright." I squeaked almost terrified by his touch. Shaun heard my whimper and moved away faster than lighting, his movements were accompanied by yet another apology. "Sorry about touching you as well." He let his legs hang off the side of the couch. "It's alright." I mumbled again.

Shaun suddenly started laughing, his tail squished between his legs. "What?!" I asked, looking at the cat with confused eyes. He got control of himself and narrowly avoided kicking me with his legs during his laughing fit. "Nothing! It's just... It's just this isn't going anywhere is it?" Shaun asked with a playful glint in his eyes. I was shocked by the way Shaun was acting. I'd always been told that by furs that he was a haughty, egoistic, voracious 'cock muncher' as Mason always put it. If anything he was the haughty one!

Although Shaun was a 'cock muncher' it wasn't in the bad way Mason had used it. He might have given Corbin a few public blow jobs every now and again, but he certainly wasn't haughty or egoistic from as far as I could see. The boy, the man even, I saw before me was a jocular, boisterous fellow who happened to enjoy the company of men. Tyson's talk must have straightened Shaun's attitude out rather well, either that or he was being very wily.

I gave Shaun the same smile that I would give Tyson when I was feeling a bit nervous, "Yeah... It is isn't it?" I chuckled. A sudden rush of cold air came over me, making me shiver slightly. I drew in my bare paws, my knees to touch my chin and wrapped my arms around them. The white cat got up from the couch quickly after that and took the blanket that he'd been lying on out from underneath him. He was certainly being risque, the man was naked! I blushed and look away, trying not to eye up his sheath.

With his tail curved like a question mark, he threw the blanket on top of me, straightened out and then got underneath it with me. He tucked the second blanket over our legs. I was now in front of Shaun, meaning that Shaun was against the back of the couch. He wrapped his arms around my torso and explained himself, "Just trying to warm up. I'm not going to rape you, again." He smirked. "You didn't rape me..." I responded, trying to beat down my instincts of bite and run away. Shaun shrugged his shoulders, not wanting to spoil the mood by arguing with me.


"Say, how come you got out before Corbin? He went in a few minutes before you." Shaun asked. "He didn't. The shower in your room is broken, so Corbin hasn't been able to shower yet. I think he went in with Tyson." I answered, putting my hands over Shaun's comfort myself. "Think they're going to have sex?" Shaun asked out of the blue. "Pardon?!" I asked with surprise. "Tyson, Corbin, shower, naked = anal." Shaun joked. I snickered at his lewd joke. "I guess so."

"Corbin really likes it rough." Shaun suddenly stated. His bawdy way of speaking was alien to me, but I still tried to run along with him. "We'll he'll get it rough from Tyson." I laughed. "Tyson gets a bit rough when he's feeling randy." "I bet you've felt that first hand! What's it like having a big dick like his cramming your ass?" I hesitated to answer, worried that Shaun would give me derision. I swallowed down my trepidation and answered him straight.

"I don't know. We haven't had anal yet. I guess I'm technically still a virgin." I sighed. "Ah well. That doesn't matter! Tyson's probably just waiting until he feels secure." "More like waiting until I feel secure." I corrected. "Garret, every fur admires Tyson. That brings a lot of pressure and worries. He wants to have sex with you, I mean I've seen the way he looks at you, but he's afraid. He's afraid that he'll mess up or people will judge him for it. Or that he'll ruin your life if it gets out." Shaun went on. "Don't be stupid. Tyson isn't afraid of anything." I felt like a child who was telling their peers about his Dad, and exaggerating everything. "That's absurd. Every fur is afraid of something." Shaun said in an almost venomous tone. My ears flopped down in shame, giving up entirely.

"What about you? Would you love to take a dry dick? Or have them to tie you up like a roast?" Shaun licked his lips at the raunchy taught. "No!" I cried, shocked by Shaun's questions. "That would hurt. I don't want to be tied up ever." I lied, knowing full well that I wanted nothing more than to be tied up by Tyson. "Chicken!" Shaun joked.


"Do you like it rough?" I asked, rolling over to look at Shaun. Shaun chuckled in the same way Tyson did whenever he planned on making a response belated. "Err, no not really. I think there's a fine line between energetic and rough sex. That and rough sex...hurts." Shaun mumbled awkwardly, embarrassed by how cowardly he was being after accusing me of being a chicken for holding the same morals. "No shit!" I sneered. "So I guess we're both complete pussies!" Shaun howled. The two of us laughed at the friendly exchange of banter.

"Do you think you'd do it if Corbin wanted it?" I asked. "Well yeah. Anything to make it up to Corbin for how much of a dick I've been since we started dating." "That's sweet. I think I'd do the same if Tyson or my girlfriend asked. Not because I need to repay them, but 'cus I love them." "What do you see in Tyson?" Shaun asked. "Not because he's a sexy fucker or anything, but like personality wise." Shaun asked. He really did make all of his sentences both verbose and lewd.

"Well he's sweet... He's strong and handsome... He likes my personality!" I went on and on, listing things until Shaun cut in. "He-" "Could you be anymore gay?!" He asked laughing. "But yeah, I see where you're coming from." "I guess that was a little gay." I snickered, rolling back away and snuggling up to Shaun. I'd been too cynical assuming that Shaun was a complete prick, that and it was a little cold, so it was now his job to warm me up. Shaun smirked and flicked my bath towel off of my legs and onto the floor, he then wrapped his arms around both of my arms and waist to prevent me from picking it up.

"Uhh..." I shivered, but soon adjusted to being exposed. "What do you see in Corbin?" I asked, wriggling in his hold to get my arms free. "The little guy just needs some fur to look after him. I want to be the fur who does that for him." Shaun admitted. "That's too cute!" I squealed. I quickly snapped my hands over my mouth, worried that I'd annoyed Shaun. Once again I'd assumed wrong and the cat's visage didn't pull any sort of aggressive or annoyed expression, but instead smiled at me.

"I haven't really been a good boyfriend to him though, have I?" Shaun looked down at the floor in front of me. "Oh shush! We all make mistakes, besides you've changed. There's no damage done." I re-assured Shaun. "He's working in a strip club to make a living. No damage there!" Shaun said sarcastically. "He likes his job though and he's being payed to masturbate and have sex with furs, that's a win in my books." "But what about the being groped and looked at like a sexual toy every day?" I asked. "I suppose that's a bad thing." I answered, admitting to my defeat, once again being too quick to back off.


Thump! "Uhhh!!! Tyson!"

The sounds of Corbin and Tyson fucking upstairs vibrated through the ceiling. Shaun bit his lip to contain his laughter, I however didn't know what to make of it. After all, I'd always been a very orthodox guy and was yet to experience the kinky stuff. Tyson must have been boning the fennec hard, he continued to squeal and giggle as the thumping sounded like a gong.

Thump! Thump Thump!

"Has Tyson ever given you head?" Shaun asked, continuing the sexual theme of our conversation. The sounds of his boyfriend being taken by another man didn't bother him at all, had they split up? "Er... No." "Ever given him head?" Shaun made a lurid gesture of a cock being thrust into his mouth. "Gah! Ummm!" He cried, smirking at me as he puffed out his cheeks. "No!" I squealed. "Well. Yeah actually. I have." I felt my own cheeks start to burn up.

"Tell me about it! Did-" _Thump! Thump! "-_you choke, gag? Swallow?" Shaun asked, firing off questions faster than I could answer. "No, no and no. It wasn't deep throat. I just sucked his tip and then he came on my face." "Oh, so you're one for bukkake? Man! A foot fetish and a fetish for getting sticky. I guess you'd be in heaven if a few guys came on your feet. You really need counselling, who knows? Maybe there's a support group out there for you." Shaun snickered.

Shaun hadn't meant for it to be rebuke, but I still flinched out of fear and withdrew. "It was only once." I whimpered. "I'm sorry." Shaun sighed, running a hand through the soft fur on my arm. He spotted the bronze spot on my shoulder and rubbed it. "You're fur 's lovely." He complemented, moving down the couch to kiss the spot. "Thanks? I mean... It's sort of boring to me. What do you like about it?" "The bronze spot." Shaun replied, kissing and worshiping it more. "It's beautiful." Shaun nuzzled the soft fur with his face this time and relaxed more. To be honest, the feeling of some fur pressing their lips against my body both relaxed and aroused me. Tyson must have felt that way when I worshiped him.

"There are more." I stammered, feeling a cold kiss wedge itself between my shoulder blades. "Where? I want to see them." Shaun demanded in a voice that wasn't controlling at all. "On my butt." I answered. Shaun chortled and I soon joined in. "I'm not kidding! I have bronze spots on my butt!" I repeated, even though it wasn't really funny at all. "Can I see then?" Shaun asked. "Wait you weren't joking?" Shaun shook his head to say no. I smiled at him and skipped out of bed.


I clambered off of the black leather couch feeling vivified by Shaun's request. I was no longer feeling cold either, the blanket and Shaun's embrace had warmed me right up. I leaned over the coffee table and kept my tail down, so that he couldn't see my tail hole. My tail wasn't long enough to hide my balls, but that didn't matter too much. I arched my back and looked over my shoulder to see the naughty cat touching himself under the blanket. "Oi!" I scowled with a smile on my face.

"Hah." Shaun's laugh was more of a nasal exhale than a out right laugh. "Sorry! Your butt looks nice with all those little spots." "Thanks again, but they're not that great." I stressed, still pondering why the cat even liked looking at my backside. I ameliorated the view by raising my tail all the way, Shaun whistled upon seeing my virginal pucker. "Looks better now!" He laughed. "I bet it does down." I blushed, glad to be receiving the attention from him.

My hands, that had been covering my erect penis, traveled to my ass cheeks to pry the pliable flesh apart; giving the feline an even better view of what I was packing. "So it's true! You are a horny little guy." Shaun said, winking at me. "Too bad you're taken." Shaun yawned and took his hands out from under the blankets. He kept his eyes fixed on my asshole.

Worried that I'd caused Shaun to be disinterested, I responded quickly. "I might be taken, but I still want some fun!" Shaun shot up from the couch with a gorgon look in his yellow eyes. The slits glared at me, ravenous for sexual action. "Really now?" Shaun asked, pushing off from the couch suddenly and getting behind me in seconds. "I'd be happy to sign up for that!" He smirked, wrapping his arms around my waist and touching the base of my cock.


A burning sensation shot through my cock, tickling my senses. "Shaun!" I cried, peeling away from him and almost falling over the coffee table. "Calm down." Shaun said, stroking my belly with his hand. "I'm not going to rape you. I don't want a repeat of last time." He continued, stopping the oscillating movements sooner than I wanted. "Errr!" I complained, like a child who'd candy had been taken from them. With a chuckle, Shaun continued to stroke my stomach. "You know..."

He said after a brief pause, "I still haven't re-payed for that pawjob you gave me. Could we do it again some time?" I nearly choked on air. Out of every fur he could ask; "Why me?!" I squeaked. "Because. You do it better, and for old times sake of course." Shaun winked, hoping to remind me of our first sexual encounter. "Still! I don't have a foot fetish. You know that!" I pouted. "Don't kid me! Tyson told me about what you guys did in the cave, sounded like you were having fun touching Tyson's feet." I winked. "Only because he asked me to! I don't like feet. I don't have a foot fetish!" I repeated, shouting the statement and writing about in Shaun's arms to be free. "Get off, get off, get off!"

He squeezed me and kept me still, "Okay, okay! Calm down." He said, whispering everything into my ears. "Calm down..." He repeated. "I'm not going to hurt you. I was just curious." He explained. "See?" Shaun asked, taking his hands away from my body. "Let's sit down." He said, sitting back on the sofa as he waited for me to join him.

I was about to bolt for the door when I caught the sad expression he had on his face. An expression made by guilt, regret and a little bit of love. The friend kind of course, not the 'marry me!' kind. I sat down next to him and soon had Shaun's arms wrapping around me again. "See?" He asked again. "Yeah, sorry about the freak out then." I said, scratching my wrist and looking down at the carpeted floor to avoid awkward eye contact.

"It was my fault. How else can I repay you?" He asked. I thought for minutes, I could get him to bend over, but that would mean losing my virginity in a sense... I could suck his dick, it would be good practice for Tyson, but he had barbs, so there was that. I could always get him to toss me off, but I was worried that he'd be too rough and end up making me sore. Before I could decide, Shaun was on his knees in front of me and was pushing his lips against my sheath without hesitation.

I'd been eschewing Shaun since our first encounter, so having his tongue make oscillating movements around my sheath was both strange and morally wrong. "Shaun! P-please!" I stammered, trying to push the cat away. The feline persisted to 're-pay' me and grasped my legs to keep both him and me in place. He took his mouth away from my body for just a moment, "Oh be quiet, you know you want it!" Shaun smirked, glaring up at me with wild eyes. "Besides, I think you need to warm up a bit."

Hey! Quick footnote. Sorry for the small chapter, I had nothing ready for today, so I cut this one short. I'll try to get ahead now, so I have something ready for tommorow. They're should be some kinky stuff on the way. ;)

Touching hidden places (DU Easter Edition 5:4)

# Chapter 4 # Garret's P.O.V * * * I stood paralyzed in the cave, my feet beneath the shallow water. Tyson was grinning at me, relaxing with his hands spread out behind him, his legs spread out in front of him. His feet were resting in the water,...

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Worship for his 'god' (DU Easter Edition 5:3)

# Chapter 3 # Garret's P.O.V * * * The two of us, Tyson and I, simply strolled down the beach barefoot. The sand felt soft beneath my paws and that was satisfying to me. Every last nano-meter of the sand was warm and the water had made it adhering,...

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It's called foreplay (DU Easter Edition 5:2)

# Chapter 2 # Garret's P.O.V * * * "I'm getting to that part, Garret." Tyson the orca chuckled as his hands moved away from my sheath. "It's called foreplay." "Don't use my saying against me!" I snapped. "Besides, I'm horny enough already. If you...

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