Worship for his 'god' (DU Easter Edition 5:3)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 3

Garret's P.O.V

The two of us, Tyson and I, simply strolled down the beach barefoot. The sand felt soft beneath my paws and that was satisfying to me. Every last nano-meter of the sand was warm and the water had made it adhering, but squishy. With every paw fall it scrunched under my weight, leaving my paw prints visible in the sand. But when the waves came back up, the evidence dispersed into the nothingness.

I knew that grains would get caught in my fur and that would mean a lot of scrubbing, but the idea of walking down a beach at sunrise with Tyson seemed majestic. Tyson had his left arm around my shoulders, holding me close as we walked together. His other hand was limp at his side carrying a towel bag, where as both of mine were folded across my small body.

That was another difference between us, Tyson was fine with any fur touching him, where as I still got that little freak out whenever Tyson got close to me. Part of me wanted to run up the beach, away from him, yet another part of me wanted to squeeze him until my arms were numb. Another part? Well... another part wanted to fuck him on the beach. Maybe it was a little strange, having sex on a beach, I mean, sand would get up your ass and on your dick, but imagine having your first time in such a romantic place. That was exactly how I planned to loose my virginity; on a beach, with Tyson.

I was already half there, having convinced Tyson to almost come outside half naked. He was shirtless and happily showed off his titillating muscles to me every now and again. He'd tense, or flex his arms whenever he caught me marveling or yank me into his six pack to kiss it. On the bottom half of his body he was wearing only his mocha cargo shorts. On the other hand, Tyson had only just coaxed me into leaving the house without a jacket and sandals. I'd decorated myself with a dark blue Hawaiian style shirt that was adorned with a red and white floral pattern, along with a pair of loose fitting jeans.

Tyson had made me roll up the legs on the blue jeans, so that they ended just below my knees. It was fair though, after all, we were walking with waves lapping at our feet. The occasionally huge one would reach my ankles, which would have soaked my the jeans through. I shuddered as a cold wave ran over my feet, concealing them for a brief few seconds to unveil them when the time was up. Maybe I was being childish, but I wanted to shout 'Peek-a-boo!' whenever I saw my feet again.

It was force of habit in truth. When I was six, my parents brought home a little sister, who I loved dearly. Just like me, she ended up developing a love for paws, but I'd say that I helped out a bit. When she was a toddler, she hated having her eyes covered, so I used to play the infamous game of 'Peek-a-boo' with her paws instead. She got just as much amusement from it.

My sister must have been twelve when Tyson and I went on that vacation. I remember having to phone her up before I left to tell her that I was going away for a few days and wouldn't be able to call her. I'd promised to send her a post-code, but that might be a little hard considering there probably wasn't going to be a post office tucked away in Tyson's house. Which was why I'd taken my camera with me. I hoped to snap a nice photo of Tyson or me near the beach, or even a sun set, but so far the opportunity hadn't presented itself.


Then again, it was only something like 6:00AM, so I had at two days left to get a nice photo. I could always just get Shaun or Corbin to take one of Tyson and me. But if I mailed that one, it would mean coming out to my parents. Which was something every gay kid dreaded and dreamed of. My parents would never really care about who I loved, so long as that fur wasn't a dick to me and I was happy. Oh, and they wanted grandchildren by the time I reached thirty. A boy and a girl is what they wanted I believe. The girl's name would have to be something along the lines of 'Rosie' and the boy's name was up to me.

If Tyson and I ended up dating long term, I would probably send off the post card and follow home with it, so that I could come out to them in person. My sister already knew of course, when I'd fallen for Tyson I'd phoned her up and she'd given me a long lecture on 'gay safety.' I'd been instructed to use lube, use a condom and avoid wearing skirts. She didn't care that I was bisexual. Sometimes I wondered if she'd contemplated homosexuality as well, after all she acted way too old for her age and knew too much already.

Most brothers would worry if they knew that their sister knew all about sex, but I didn't. I trusted that she wouldn't get involved with drugs and sex until she was at least fifteen, which was the age I'd lost my straight virginity in a dark alley way. I won't go into that too much, but I'll say that it involved a saucy little minx of a vixen who couldn't keep her legs shut for more than a minute.

"What are you thinking of, Garret?" Tyson asked, looking down at me with a smile. I looked back up at him and took in his details again, the way the light reflected off his bald head, his loving, but strong blue eyes, his everything. Even with the aroma of the seaside about, I could smell Tyson's artificial musk. I shouldn't have been surprised, he sprayed it on himself all the time, so I was used to smelling it. Yet I still got a semi from it. That was how men should be; muscular, musky and most importantly, they needed to have a big succulent dick.


I felt my own cock stiffening inside of my underwear just from the thought of holding his rod. I was almost certain that Tyson was taking me to some special place to take my virginity or to convince me to do something sexual with him. No matter what he wanted, I'd probably consent to it without regrets. "Just family and stuff..." I replied, kicking up sand and putting my hands in my pockets. I didn't really want to admit that I was thinking of what Tyson was packing under his shorts.

Tyson took my right hand out of my pocket and wrapped it in his. He allowed his arm to hang limp at his side, so that I could skip along. I managed 10 skips before I lost my footing and fell flat on my face. After quickly getting up, I giggled and wrapped my arms around Tyson's waist. Hugging was a good replacement for conversation. Tyson forced a cough to stop his laughter before getting his words out "When we get married. We're going to have two kids. Two-" "Two boys and one girl." I blurted out with a giggle. "But only if we get married."

The whole of Tyson's demeanor changed, he frowned down at me and almost with a snarl he said "What do you mean if?" I was lost for words completely. I tried to be tardy with my answer, but when Tyson's thick arms wrapped around my waist and squeezed I became hurried. "Well.. I-I have a girl. You know that." I answered with trembling hands at my sides. "So? We can still have trysts." Tyson glared. "But I love her..." I whimpered like a puppy.

Tyson kneeled down to my level, the air turned tense and he lost his exuberance, it was almost as if he was about to give me a lecture. Instead he scrunched up his eyes, raised his eye brows and stuck out his pink tongue. "I'm just messing with you kid." Tyson chuckled. He opened his blue eyes and looked at me to catch the tears welling up in my eyes and my quivering lip. My voice broke, "Oh. I didn't realize." I forced a smile, which only made Tyson notice my fear sooner.

His blue eyes became wide, almost like he was surprised at my tears, but soon his face became much more controlled. He snapped his eyes into their usual shape and his face lost expression. He squeezed me tight, putting his chin on my shoulder to stop me from seeing his own tears. "Sorry." He apologized. I buried my face into his muscles and relaxed, "It's alright." I smiled properly this time and was the first to pull out of the hug.


The two of us continued walking down the beach, hand in hand. I had no idea where we were going, but up ahead I could see the beach coming to a close and a rock formation sprouting towards the sky. "Who would you choose though?" Tyson asked. I didn't answer at all mostly because I didn't have an answer. Tyson replied to himself, "I'd choose your girlfriend. I mean, you two can have a family. A blood related one. The two of us can only adopt or get a surrogate to carry for us. That's not family to me, well. At least not a true one. The adopted kids could just get up and leave at eighteen for all I know..." Tyson carried on until he ended with a sigh. "Sorry for bringing that up." He finished.

I stayed in silence to let Tyson continue his solo conversation. "If you paws start to hurt tell me." "Why would they hurt? I'm walking on sand and it's hardly burning me." "I know you don't have paw pads and where were going, you might cut open your paw." "You don't have foot pads either, and a little scratch is going to hurt me." I lied. I was generally a complete pussy when it came to blood. I could just about stand seeing some fur-elses, but when it came to my own leaking out I was a sniffling mess.

"I used to walk down here all the time. I'm used to getting a few cuts and bruises." "Where are we going any way?" I asked. "See those rocks?" Tyson asked, pointing ahead to the formation I'd seen earlier. I nodded, "Well around them there's a little cave. Inside there's a little pool of water, I want you to see it." Tyson explained. "What if it isn't there?" I asked. "It will be. It's never changed before, my brother and I love the place."

Before I could answer, Tyson picked me up and placed me on his shoulders. I grasped my arms around his neck and clung on for dear life. "Tyson!" I cried, biting down on my tongue slightly. I hated heights with a passion, especially when I wasn't stable. "I've got you, don't worry." Tyson's hand clasped to my ankles to keep me steady. "We need to go into the water a bit, I don't want your paws getting even wetter." Tyson explained. My eyes were still closed, but I agreed with trepidation.


I could hear the swishing of waves and Tyson's feet stepping on a solid surface soon after. Then everything became quiet and I was set down on something smooth, but hard. I opened my eyes to find myself sitting in a cave lit only by the sunlight leaking in through the opening. I was at the edge of a mini pool, it wasn't too deep, but it was wide enough to be a Jacuzzi. The water inside seemed clear enough to be safe and there was nothing deadly looking inside of it. No urchins or crabs.

I was slightly disappointed. I expected crabs and little fish to be scurrying in the water and I expected to be walking down into darkness led only be instinct. Instead the cave was relatively small in width and length, but the height of the roof was lost in darkness. From the opening on the cave I could see way out into the deep blue sea. I could still smell the sea, but I could just about hear the waves.

Tyson sat next to me onto the rocks, with his feet in the water. He tossed the towel bag to the side for the moment. "Put your feet in, water's lovely." Tyson smiled. I dipped them in to find that Tyson was telling the truth. The water was warm, but not boiling. Cool, but not freezing. The presence of my toes sent out ripples through the water, I'd always been fascinated by that. Tyson put a heavy hand my thigh and rubbed, smiling at me. I cuddled up to the big guy and rested my head on his arm.


"Stop being cute." He demanded with a chuckle. "No!" I pouted, playing the part of a bratty child. I kissed Tyson's six pack and licked across the lines. Each lick was an undulating movement, intended to be sultry. "You're such a minx some times." He smiled, stroking down my skinny arms. I carried on caressing his six pack with my tongue, my hands clasped onto his pecs. I lightly twisted his left nipple with two fingers and rolled my fingers around the knob. "That's it." He smiled, "Worship your god."

His omnipotent, artificial musk slipped into my nose. It filled my synapses with the pleasurable scent and aroused an even thicker erection. Even with the fingering last night, my balls felt heavy and full of delicious cum. It wasn't going to end up in Tyson's body anytime soon, but hopefully I'd be able to blast it out onto my chest in the hottest way possible.

I moved my mouth upwards to suck on his other nipple, the hand there moved down to poke his abs to keep him aroused. "You must have spent days lifting weights to get these muscles." I complemented, licking his other nipple playfully. "They're so big..." I giggled. Tyson smirked at my almost sarcastic complements. "Come on, start feeling up my arms." He ordered.

He flexed them for me and I willingly stroked across them with both my hands and tongues. I massaged those muscles until my hands felt sore and once again moved down his body. I got off of the small platform and took of my jeans, so that I could kneel in the shallow water without getting too wet. The water barely covered my knees, so my white briefs weren't getting wet anytime soon.


I stroked along his thick thighs, squeezing the muscle in my hands. I couldn't even get my hands around the top half of them. I carried on moving down being encouraged by Tyson's hand patting my head. I soon reached his feet and froze in my tracks. Tyson continued to rub my head and with his other hand rubbed my ears. "Garret. Come on... I know you're not comfortable with feet or paws anymore, but I sort of want to feel you touching them again. If you want I can start kissing your ears. You don't have to even kiss my feet." Tyson said, trying to coax me into worshiping his feet.

I sighed and plunged my hands under water to rest on the top of his feet. I lightly touched his feet, stroking the hairless skin with my fingers. Like Tyson had said to me, he began fussing with my ears. Stroking down the whole length of them with pinched fingers and fondling the ends. I giggled and started pulling on his toes softly.

Tyson wriggled his toes after I'd finished playing with them. I then sat there, poking and massaging the soles of his feet until Tyson pushed me face underwater! His action galvanized me and bubbles rapidly surfaced around my head. Tyson pulled me out and let me take a deep breath. I coughed up some water and wiped my eyes. Before I could complain Tyson plunged my head back under.

However, this time around I was prepared for it and tried to relax. I guessed that Tyson wanted me to kiss his feet or something, which was what I did. I pressed my lips against his feet with force and moved my kisses up and down until I ran out of breath. Then Tyson pulled me back and shuffled backwards. "Good boy." He chuckled, happy that I'd gotten the message.

I wiped my eyes clear of water again to see Tyson waving his foot in my face. I sighed and got down on all fours to lick the bottom of his feet. They didn't smell bad, if anything they smelt of salt, but that didn't bother me. They tasted like salt as well. They felt smooth, but were in a way they were hard; like the rocks I was on.


After I made his feet even wetter with my saliva, he pushed his big toe inside of my mouth for me to suckle on. I looked at him with submissive eyes, almost begging for something more than toe to suck on. But at least it wasn't a cum soaked finger. Before I could continue suckling on just his big toe, all of his toes were forced inside of my mouth.

"Mhh!!" I cried in defiance, my tail wagging behind me. I tensed up my body out of fear and did my best not to bite him. I clenched my eyes shut and tried to at least bare it for a few seconds. "Come on Garret, just un-hinge that jaw and suck the foot." Tyson chuckled, un-aware that he had scared me.

When he noticed that I wasn't going to get his foot in my mouth, we re-gressed to have me worshiping his big toe instead. "Good boy!" Tyson laughed, finally taking his toe out of my mouth. He spread his legs open with his hands resting on the slate of rock. He left me panting for breath and spitting out copious amounts of saliva. "I hate you sometimes..." I spat, trying not to sound harsh enough to receive punishment.

"Really?" Tyson smirked and gestured to the large bulge in his shorts. "I think you need to worship your god some more."

It's called foreplay (DU Easter Edition 5:2)

# Chapter 2 # Garret's P.O.V * * * "I'm getting to that part, Garret." Tyson the orca chuckled as his hands moved away from my sheath. "It's called foreplay." "Don't use my saying against me!" I snapped. "Besides, I'm horny enough already. If you...

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The Orca And The Rabbit (DU Easter Edition 5:1)

_Just a quick little note before Edition 5 begins, :P. I've started putting in little numbers in brackets: (1), these are for book marking purposes only. So if you need to tab off the page, it'll be easier to find your place again. I think there's...

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Sudden vacation (DU 4:10)

# Chapter 10 # Shaun's P.O.V * * * "We're here." I said to Corbin, gently flicking one of his big ears to wake him up. Corbin was sleeping on my lap in the back of the taxi, it was only 6:00PM and already he was drowsy. "We are?" He asked, opening...

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