Sudden vacation (DU 4:10)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 10

Shaun's P.O.V

"We're here." I said to Corbin, gently flicking one of his big ears to wake him up. Corbin was sleeping on my lap in the back of the taxi, it was only 6:00PM and already he was drowsy. "We are?" He asked, opening his eyes and stroking my leg with a finger. I ran a hand through his colored fur and answered him with a calm, soothing voice: "Yes." I kissed my fingers and then lightly pressed them on his forehead.

Corbin was wearing a large, white jumper because it was cold outside, but I was wearing a blue Hawaiian shirt. Where as I was wearing tight black jeans, Corbin wore jogging bottoms. I tugged on the fabric of his trousers, "Come on. Get up." I said softly.

He got up and yawned, he would have stretched if there was room in the taxi. Garret, Corbin and I were all piled into the back, whilst Tyson sat up front. It was un-comfortable for all of us. The taxi itself smelt horrible and there was hardly enough room for my legs before Tyson had pushed back seat to accommodate for the length of his legs. Corbin was lying with his head on my lap and his feet in Garret's. Garret didn't mind too much about being used as a foot stool, but to make up for it he'd occasionally wiggle Corbin's toes or massage his feet for him as he fell asleep.

The four of us got out and Tyson paid the taxi driver the toll who drove off once we'd gotten our four suitcases out of the back. Yep, we were on holiday. Well sort of.

It was the Friday before Valentines day and Tyson had surprised Garret, Corbin and me with train tickets to the east coast of Veden. We'd been dropped off near to Tyson's family's coast home, which was seated just before a cliff over looking the east sea. From the bottom of the path that lead up to the home, it looked beautiful. Even under the veil of darkness I could make out the white planks that made up the house and the black tiles on the roof.

Tyson took both his and Garret's suitcase and dragged them up the path, leaving Garret to cling onto his arm. I tried to take Corbin's suitcase from him, but he slapped my hand away. "I can take my own suitcase, Shaun." He pouted, annoyed that I had tried to put more work on myself. We stayed side by side as we walked up the path and looked towards each other to check if we were still there until we reached the house.

As I'd already guessed, the walls were white and wooden as was the door. All of the windows had their blinds and curtains drawn to stop people from seeing in and the door was locked tight. Tyson took out a key ring and un-locked the door with an iron key before putting them back in his pockets and opening the door. "Now you guys, don't make a mess! There's a beach that my family owns nearby where you can do the messy stuff. There's only two rooms with doubles beds, so Shaun and Corbin you'll share and Garret and I will share." Tyson smiled at the little rabbit clinging to his arm and in return Garret kissed his arm. Garret yawned loudly and rubbed his eyes like a tired child. "Straight to bed, huh?" Tyson asked. Garret nodded in response.

"What about us Corbin?" I asked. "Cuddles." He simply replied, "Tyson?" Corbin asked. "Thanks for bringing us here." He smiled. "No problem, cutie." Tyson looked over at me and stuck out his tongue to tease me. "Could Shaun and I have sex without condoms, if we clean it up?" Corbin asked, pulling a sweet face. "Sure, knock yourself out." Tyson laughed. "I was just kidding about the no sex thing." Tyson added.

"Could we?" Garret asked, tugging on the sleeve of Tyson's yellow t-shirt. "Could we what?" Tyson asked, looking down at Garret. "Could we have sex?" Garret blushed and rubbed his shoes against one another. "Oh Garret." Tyson smiled, "You don't have to ask." "Thanks." Garret snuggled up to Tyson's skin and closed his eyes. It was adorable seeing such a timid fur put his full faith and trust into some fur else.

"Shaun, Corbin, just leave your suitcases in the entry-way; I'll take them up to your room tonight. And try not to stay up to late having sex, early morning beach sex is way better." Tyson winked. "I'm looking forward to it!" I said. All four of us laughed.

Several minutes later I was being pushed onto the bed by my fennec, his muzzle pressed against adam's apple. His ears were forward as he focused, his tail wagged behind him. "Are you trying to intimidate me?" I asked, rubbing the tuft of hair between his ears. Corbin didn't answer and instead carried on nuzzling my neck.

I put my arms around his waist, both of hands resting on his ass. His hands gripped to my shirt, determined not to let go until the morning sun. "Can we have sex now?" Corbin asked. "Oh, so is that why you're being so sexual all of a sudden?" I asked. Corbin nodded and nuzzled me again. "Then how could I turn you down?" I smirked and rolled over, taking Corbin with me.

Now I was on top of him, I pinned him to the bed and sat on his legs. "Hey! Get off of me!" He laughed, trying to move his arms to push me off. "You wish." I replied. "If you have to pin me down at least cuddle with me a bit." Corbin demanded. "So now you don't want sex?" I asked. "Don't kid yourself. It's called foreplay." Corbin stuck out his tongue. "I know that. But can we save the sex until the morning?" I asked. "It's six at night, of course we can't. I want to spend some time with Garret tomorrow anyway."

"How about now then?" I asked. Corbin smiled and started pulling down my jeans. "Some furs eager..." I joked, petting the tuft of fur between his ears. "We haven't had sex for a few days, of course I'm going to be energetic." The tip of my penis was looking out from the rim om my boxers, "And when we did have sex, it was just you giving me oral..." Corbin purred and stroked my sensitive head. "I thought you liked blow jobs." "I do, but not when they're coming at me every five seconds. You didn't even let me take a break!" Corbin laughed. "Sorry about that." I chuckled.

I got off of Corbin and let him get ready. I watched him get changed as he un-dressed himself and scurried off down the hallway to get the lube. Meanwhile I un-buttoned my shirt, but didn't take it off when I noticed my cock throbbing. I pulled my boxers down to my ankles and played with myself for a bit until Corbin came back.

He immediately walked over and squeezed some onto my cock before climbing on top and lowering himself down onto it. He shut his eyes tight, but soon relaxed once it had gone all the way. "What's wrong? Too big?" I joked. Although admittedly I was finding Corbin quite tight myself. "No, it feels just as good as the first time." Corbin smiled down at me, "You look like your having a tough time though." Corbin smirked and reached forwards to stroke my body.

"Well this did happen quickly... I mean, you didn't even let me get un-dressed." "You should have un-dressed when I was out of the room." Corbin snapped. "Ah..." He softly groaned when he rose back up along the length of my cock. He stopped just before the pull out and went back down, exhaling as he went. He ended at my sheath and repeated the cycle again, rocking backwards and forwards this time.

I helped him out by raising my thrusting against him as well. "You're so deep, Shaun." Corbin purred to me, reaching out to support himself. "A-are you going to cum inside of me?" He asked, still with his eyes closed and his ears back. "Do you want me to?" I asked in return. "Fill me." He simply answered.

I reached out with my hand and softly stroked his penis, because he was too busy focusing on riding my dick. "That feels nice..." Corbin smiled. My other hand gripped his back side roughly, my middle finger rubbing around his filled anus. "Shaun, could we see if Garret will do DP?" Corbin suddenly asked. "We could use a dildo." I was slightly annoyed by the fact that Corbin even wanted that. "But that won't cum." Corbin pointed out.

"Corbin, this our time." "Why are so possessive all of a sudden?" He asked. "Because your mine." "I know I am, but Garret's such a nice guy." "He has a girlfriend." "Who will never know, please can we ask him? I'm the one being penetrated."

"Tomorrow. I'm going to cum now anyway..." I admitted, gasping. "Me too." Corbin started riding me faster before plonking himself down hard and crying out as me milk filled him. His own cum shot splashed up my chest, ending just before my chin. My seed leaked out down my cock.

We stayed in that position for a second, breathing heavily and panting. Corbin slowly got off of me and began licking the cum from my chest. "You're such a cum slut." I chuckled. "Do you want me to stop?" He asked. "Do what you want, knock yourself out." Corbin smiled and lay next to me without licking me clean now. "We can have a shower tomorrow morning."

"Can we shower together?" Corbin asked, putting his head down on my shoulder. I wrapped my around around his body again and closed my eyes. "Together."

The end

Teenage Troubles (Edition 1, Chapter 10)

Chapter 10MaxBy the time the final nude photo of Lyall had come through Max was sprinting down the street in clothes he'd just grabbed. He was wearing a complete black hoodie and white, tea stained jogging bottoms. He didn't care that he looked like...

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Teenage Troubles (Edition 1, Chapter 9)

Chapter 9LyallLyall backed away from his computer quickly, both thrilled and disturbed by what he had seen. His own erection was throbbing in his boxers and although Lyall was yet to reach down and touch himself, he was as stiff as he could be. Lyall...

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