Teenage Troubles (Edition 1, Chapter 10)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 10MaxBy the time the final nude photo of Lyall had come through Max was sprinting down the street in clothes he'd just grabbed. He was wearing a complete black hoodie and white, tea stained jogging bottoms. He didn't care that he looked like he'd crawled out of a sewer, he was more worried about Lyall and the state he was probably in. Quinn had texted Max with the words 'Lyall 's a slut!" and then the photos that Quinn had probably taken had come through.In the first one, Lyall was getting un-dressed and didn't seem aware that he had been snapped by a camera's shutter, but in the second and third he seemed well aware and very photogenic. As soon as Max had seen Lyall naked he'd gotten a boner, but his anger had taken over before he could touch himself and he'd replied to Quinn with more hate then ever. "How the hell do you have pictures of Lyall? Delete them! Now. Who else have you sent them to? Where are you now?" He bombarded Quinn with every question that so much as tip toed across his mind without giving Quinn a chance to answer.Max was now at the top of Lyall's street and he'd slowed down into a walk, so that he could read Quinn's text. It simply read, 'Better go and see how Lyall is. Probably sucking more dick." Quinn had joked. Max was furious with his so-called friend. He knew that Quinn was fucked in the end, but not so much as to send nudes of Max's love interest to him. Worst of all, Lyall wasn't answering the texts Max had sent him.Max had typed quickly, hoping to stop Lyall from doing anything stupid. Because of that, there was a few mistakes "lyall where are u?" He had texted at first. Then, "whats going on." and finally: "lyall quinn sent me photos of you. Could you explain?" Max probably shouldn't have sent the last once, since he knew that it would most likely start the rabbit's bawling. He could picture Lyall sitting in the bathroom or in his bedroom crying loudly as he picked up something sharper than his buck teeth.Max pushed out the dark and depressing thoughts and banged on Lyall's door. "Lyall!" He shouted, waking up about half of the neighborhood. "Lyall!" He shouted again. He turned on his phone and texted to Lyall, "outside now, pls come and speak to me. xxx' He didn't even care that he had put kisses on the text ,hopefully Lyall would get the point and come running downstairs to great Max.Instead, a chubby, adult, brown bear opened the door scratching his thigh. He had a beer can in one hand and a TV remote in the other. "Who are ya'?" The bear grunted, his beer gut moving about slightly beneath the white, sweaty and stained shirt. "Sorry!" Max apologized, "Wrong house. Where do the Morrigans live?" Max asked."Next door, on ya right." The bear closed the door in Max's face and went back to watching the football.Max ran across the grass of both lawns and

knocked on the door, "Lyall!" He shouted again and knocked harder this time. He tried opening the door, only to find that Lyall had locked it and probably bolted it as well. Max walked across the grass and looked around the side gate, it looked locked as well. All of the curtains around the front had been drawn as well, Max checked his phone. All of his messages had, 'Seen' underneath them.Max felt glad, knowing that Lyall was awake and still checking his phone. Max imagined him lying down on his bed, crying to himself. Quinn was probably insulting the poor rabbit more and more. Max knocked on the door lighter this time and slipped his hand through the mail box. He moved it about, hoping to catch the keys in the door and twist them to un-lock them. He heard the jingle off keys, "Lyall?" He asked softly.A message came through on his phone from Lyall, it read 'Yeah.' Max smiled to himself and kept his hand in the mail box. He knelt down and tried to look through, but the lights were off inside and the light that was being cast through the small windows weren't enough to properly light the room. "Are you still there?" Max called out.'Yeah''Why aren't you speaking?" Max asked.'Don't want to.'"That's alright. How are you feeling?" Max asked, wanting to keep his friend taking as he slowly dialed the police. His finger hovered over the green call button, but he cancelled when another on of Lyall's texts came through. 'How do you think I'm feeling?'"I'm sorry. It was a stupid question.""It was." Lyall simply replied. Max sighed. The two of them had gone back to square one in their relationship."Lyall. Can I come in?" Max asked.'The last time I let a canine in, I got raped. No.'"Good point. Are you going to stay with me for a while?" Max asked."For now. But you'll go away if annoy you.'"You can't annoy me Lyall." Max chuckled, trying to be light-hearted about this situation."Yes I can. Quinn told me that you have anger management issues." Lyall said quietly. Max was delighted to hear Lyall's voice, even if it was quiet and sad."At least you're speaking to me. What else did the bastard tell you?""He told me that you're just here to rub it in. That you were playing me all along, like he was." Lyall stated."I'd never-""You would. You're a guy. It's just what you do.""Lyall that's absurd. Stop being cynical and let me in. I'm your best-friend. I'd never do anything to hurt you.""Yet you let that deranged freak fuck my life over." Max detected tears in Lyall's voice.Max choked on air and heard footsteps going away from him. "Lyall get back here please." He begged, "Lyall!" He shouted. He felt a soft paw touch his fingers and grip them,"I'm here." Lyall answered from the other side of the door. Lyall rubbed his

fingers with Max. "I went to put my phone down. Quinn's trying to speak to me."Good, ignore everything he says. Is there anything I can do for you?""Can you kill Quinn?""If it make you feel better, i'd do it." Max joked.

 "Don't. It'll make things worse. Can you promise to get him to delete those pictures?""Sure. I'll do my best. Will you promise to not hurt or kill yourself until I get back?" Max begged. "If you say no I'll barge down this door." Max threatened."I'd like to see you try.""Don't tempt me." The two of them laughed quietly. "See? It's not all that bad.""I guess so. Look, if Quinn has only sent you those pictures I promise to not hurt myself. You have a day.""Thank you." Max started typing out an e-mail to explain the situation to the police. The two of them sat in silence until Max had finished, but he didn't send it just yet. He planned on sending it if Quinn had done the un-thinkable or if he ran out of time. "Lyall?""You know I'm still here." Lyall responded, squeezing Max's fingers and nuzzling them against his face."I know, just wanted to hear your voice. I have something for you." Max dug around in the bag he had brought."How sweet." Lyall said and waited for the present.Max took his hand out of the mail box and slipped the pair of boxers that he had kept from Lyall through the mail box. They'd lost their musk and now smelt more of Max than Lyall, but if Max was running out of time to spend with Lyall, he wanted to confess to him. He put his hand back through the mail box where it was met by Lyall's hand. "What are these?" Lyall didn't sound surprised or disgusted. "Your boxers." Max admitted. "I took them the first night I spent at yours. They smelt of you, I had to take them.""These are the ones I came in, right?" Lyall asked."Yep. They had a strong musk, I wanted to sniff them. I loved the way it smelt.""That's creepy you pervert. Thanks for giving them back.""Thanks for making them smell that way." Max smiled.Even though there was a thick piece of metal between them, Max knew that Lyall was smiling as well. "So, I guess you're about to confess to me.""You guessed it. I'll tell you anything you want to know.""Are you gay?""Yes, I'll admit. You turned me." Max chuckled. "And you?""Gay as well." Lyall admitted, kissing Max gently on the hand. "So are you saying that you love me?" Lyall asked."Don't be stupid. You know the answer already. It's a big yes." Max loved the feeling of Lyall's lips on his hand and kept it still as Lyall carried on kissing Max's hand."Thanks. Maybe I won't kill myself now.""You better not. Otherwise I'm going to be a sad and lonely fox without someone to cuddle up to.""Like I said. It all depends on Quinn. Maybe you should go and find him now." Max let Lyall kiss his hand once more before

Lyall gripped it. "Don't fight him please. I don't want you getting hurt.""I can take him. Don't worry about me. Don't hurt yourself, I don't want you to bleed." Lyall didn't respond and instead finally let go of Max's hand before pushing Max's hand out of the mail box and sealing it shut. Max sighed and opened his phone to text Quinn."Got the slut to suck me off as well, can't send you the photos, but I can show them you. Meet in transit park? He's a right slut isn't he? The little bitch, playing him like a board game" Max asked, adding in lies hoping that Quinn would fall for the bait."Nice going Max. See you there." He replied only seconds after the text had gone through. Max sighed to himself again, as much as he loved Lyall, he didn't want to go about punching his best friend, but he knew that no matter what, Quinn was walking out of this with a black eye, bloody nose, broken teeth and one shattered ego. He'd had it coming for a long time.It was pouring down and Max was standing under a pavilion to keep the rain off of himself. Most of the other furs in the park had gone home when the downpour started, which was perfect for Max. He watched Quinn walking along the field in his black army boots and his white tank top. His beige shorts completely failed to keep the ran off of his lower legs. The grey fur had become tangled and matted from the rain.Quinn was strange enough to not care about the rain at all. Unlike most furs, he didn't mind combing his fur for our on ends or showering constantly to keep his fur clean. "So you got the pictures?" Quinn immediately asked."I'll show them if you show me yours first. Deleted the by mistake." Max lied."That's not like you.""I wasn't in my normal mood." Max lied again. Max and Quinn exchanged phones. Max had taken tons of useless photos, so that Quinn would take a while scrolling through the pictures whilst Max deleted Lyall's nudes. Max taped all four of them individually and deleted them, permanently. He passed Quinn his phone back and snatched his out of Quinn's hands.Max clenched his fists and retrained himself from punching Quinn. "The next time you threaten or touch Lyall, I'll beat the shit out of you!" Max growled, grabbing Quinn's tank top by the scruff and pushing him back against the banister. Quinn simply laughed and did nothing to resist, "When did he last text you, Max? About half an hour ago?" Quinn asked. "He texted me five minutes ago. Showed him a screen shot of our texts, he wasn't too happy about the things you called him behind his back." Quinn laughed hysterically.Max froze up and thought about what he'd said. He said that he was playing Lyall... that he was a slut and that they'd had sex as well. "Think about it." Quinn whispered. At that moment, Max delivered a punch to with his right to Quinn's face, followed up by one left beneath the chin and a right again around the side of the

face.Quinn dropped the floor, blood streaming from his nose. "Go on then. Beat the crap out of me. Prove that you're stronger." Quinn put up no psychical resistance and happily let Max stomp on his back. Quinn went crashing into the boards like a meteor and only laughed harder when Max began furiously kicking his old friend. "You're a fucking sicko!" He shouted at the top of his lung, venting his anger with words and punches.He continued to beat on his friend until his own fists bled slightly. By the end of it, the side of Quinn's face was bloody and bruised. "Black and blue." Quinn simply said, wiping blood away from his eyes, so that he could continue to stare down his attacker. "What would your parents say when they saw the headlines? Fox gone wild! Beats up friend in park for vengeance. Oh sorry... Your dad wouldn't care would he?"At those words, Max finished the wolf off with a punch to the nose which not only broke it, but knocked Quinn straight out. Max was panting, a part of himself was screaming for more bloodshed, but the majority of his brain was panicking about Lyall. He opened his phone and texted Lyall, smearing drops of blood onto the keys. "Lyall?" He asked. "He never sent the pictures." He sent both texts separately and began walking back to Lyall's house, hoping that Lyall's phone had died and not the rabbit himself.To make sure that Lyall was okay, Max send the e-mail through to the police department, hoping that they'd get to Max's bunny before he did. 5 minutes passed and not a single notification from Lyall came through, not even a 'seen.' An ambulance whizzed past, followed by a police car, then another. Panic over came Max and he began to speed walk. Max soon arrived at the bottom of Lyall's street to see the two police cars and the ambulance all parked outside Lyall's house. There was a large crowd of bystanders from the street, the bear, a small white rabbit and her grandmother along with many more. The press were at the front, snapping a many photographs of the scene as they could. The police held the masses back and as Max got closer, he was able to see his small black rabbit being loaded into the back of the ambulance. His heart nearly dropped out of his body and his knees became shaky. He felt like confessing to the violence he'd just committed, so that he could be arrested and would never have to see the papers about Lyall. There were whispers among-st the crowd, 'Overdose', 'Rohypnol.' 'Passed out.' The last word made Max feel slightly better, knowing that Lyall wasn't dead. He was about to push forwards in the crowd when the old white rabbit grandmother handed who was probably her grand-daughter to some fur in the crowd and climbed into the ambulance with Lyall. After that the ambulance drove out down the street with sirens blaring. Then the bystanders walked off back home as if nothing had ever happened. Max however , stood watching the ambulance as it

carried away his boyfriend.The end! Fin!Sort of! This is just a little footnote. There will be more! Probably about another edition or 2 since there are so many questions that I've purposely (and accidentally) left un-answered. Bye for now!

Teenage Troubles (Edition 1, Chapter 9)

Chapter 9LyallLyall backed away from his computer quickly, both thrilled and disturbed by what he had seen. His own erection was throbbing in his boxers and although Lyall was yet to reach down and touch himself, he was as stiff as he could be. Lyall...

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Confessions Of A Slightly Bi-curious Orca (DU 4:8)

# Chapter 8 # Shaun's P.O.V * * * I half expected Tyson to be lying in bed with Garret, but instead he was lying in bed alone. He'd kicked his pillows and quilts off his bed and was lying in bed face down. He was completely naked, but his tail was...

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Sinful Temptation (DU 4:7)

# Chapter 7 # Shaun's P.O.V * * * I once again tried to get out of bed, only to be yanked back by the arm. "No!" Corbin pouted, cuddling up to my as held it in a death lock. I laughed and lay back down, "I need to do things today." I complained,...

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