Confessions Of A Slightly Bi-curious Orca (DU 4:8)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 8

Shaun's P.O.V

I half expected Tyson to be lying in bed with Garret, but instead he was lying in bed alone. He'd kicked his pillows and quilts off his bed and was lying in bed face down. He was completely naked, but his tail was down between his leg to cover the interesting parts. Still, his bare muscles were enough to turn me on slightly. He had his arms supporting his face and his hands were clenched tight into fists.

I'd barged straight in again, but for once I was glad about that; if I knocked I think he would have locked the door. "Tyson?" I asked, feeling concerned about his well-being. "What do you want tail raiser?" He growled. It sounded as if he'd been crying. "What's wrong?" I asked, ignoring his attempt at insulting me. Tyson was probably just mad at me, or himself since he hadn't properly used that term to insult any fur ever since Garret had come out of the closet. However, he would use terms like that as a joke. "Go away and get out of my room." Tyson replied with more aggression his voice.

"Tyson. Do you want me to go and get Garret?" I asked. "No. I don't care about him now, he can just fuck off." Tyson spat. "What did he do? I thought you loved him." I sat next to Tyson on the bed and stroked his naked leg softly. "Come on, you can tell me." "I don't want to." "Why not?"

"Leave me alone! Just get out, get out!" Tyson started bawling, thrashing his legs like a child throwing a tantrum. I kept my hand still, determined to see it through. "Tyson. Please just tell me what's wrong. I owe you." I begged. "If you want to repay me just leave me alone!" Tyson shouted halfway through the sentence and knocked me off of the bed with his leg. I landed down on my hands and knees, but soon got back up and reclaimed my spot next to Tyson. "I can't do that."

I waited for Tyson's next order, but instead heard him softly crying into his arms. I was shocked at first, it never occurred to me that a big manly man like Tyson would start crying his eyes out. His body remained still, but his head would jump slightly with every sniffle. "Tyson you're soaking the bed through. Tell me what's wrong, so I can fix it." I asked again. I started up stroking the orca again, each stroke coming closer to his tail hole. My plan was to try to cheer him up by teasing him, but that didn't work out.

"Get your fucking hands off of me and go back to your fairy boyfriend." He growled, once again kicking me in the side. Although I doubled over for a fraction of a second, I made sure to stay staunch to my purpose and remained on the bed. I did take my off of him though. "Look, Tyson. I will go as soon as you tell me what's wrong." I promised. "Do you need a second to calm down? Do you want me to see if Garret is free?" I asked again, forgetting that Tyson apparently didn't like the rabbit now.

At the mention of Garret's name, Tyson started crying again. "Oh Tyson!" I cried and kissed his back. I hugged him close and rocked myself against him, hoping to comfort him. "I told you not to touch me." He said between sobs. He tried to sound aggressive, but could no longer keep up the act. "Tyson. I'm here to help you. Just tell me what 's wrong." I repeated. At that moment Tyson gave into me and sat up.

I looked at the orca in the face, who had relegated himself to a sobbing mess in the hours since I'd last seen him. His blue eyes were tainted slightly with red and his face was wet with tears. I wiped his face with the back of my fingers to remove the tears. At that moment he pulled me into a hug that I wouldn't getting out of. I felt his tears drop down on to my back. "Are you going to tell me about it now?" I asked politely, wrapping my arms around Tyson's back. He hugged me tighter and sniffled before he spoke. "I-i-i fucked up." He stammered, drying his eyes with a hand and releasing me.

I sat next to him on the bed and rubbed his hand to comfort him. "What did you do?" He simply answered, "Garret." "What happened between you two?" I asked. Anything between a good pairing would always get my intrigue. "We tried experimenting with each other. I g-got everything ready. The, the lube and th-th-the condom...." He paused to get his breathe back, but only burst out in another round of tears.

I waited for him to recover from it before I gestured for him to speak again. "I got them on and, and then he started crying." Tyson answered. "Did you do anything to him? Did you put anything in him? Give him something to take or anything like that? Was he drunk?" I asked. "N-no! I didn't touch him. I asked permission. I wouldn't abuse him like that... Unless some fur slipped him something at Damien's place." Tyson sniffled. "I'll fucking kill them." He growled, but it sounded like he was crying as well. "What makes you think that? Did he seem drunk? Or high?"

"No. I would- I would have noticed it or smelt... I'd never. I'd never.. I'd never..." It seemed like Tyson was struggling to get the last few words out. "You'd never what?" I asked. "I'd never rape him..." Tyson said it as if he was realizing something. "Oh god! What if he was?" He sniffled. "What if he was drunk and I was just too stupid to notice... I fucking raped my best friend Shaun. I-i" "Tyson calm down. The two of you didn't have sex, you've done nothing wrong. No furs going to arrest you for this." I promised. "Still... If he hadn't started crying I would have gone through with it." Tyson was in-control of his emotions now and was wiping away the last of his tears.

"But you didn't and that's what matters. Besides, you don't know if he was drunk. Garret doesn't seem like the drinking type." "Yeah... I guess. Do you think some fur else could have done it?" Tyson asked suddenly. "What makes you think that some fur would rape him?" I asked curiously. "He didn't seem like Garret at all. He was hugging me like something had happened, he didn't want to let go of me." "Well did he smell of sex?" I asked. "No... My noise isn't that good." "Well... I don't think that could have happened. He was with one of our friends all last night and like you've said, the guys at Damien's place are mostly kind."

Tyson sighed, I'd finally managed to convince him that his friend was okay. "What happened after that?" I asked. "Well... He. He just got dressed and ran out crying. He said he was going to stay with his girlfriend for a bit." "When was this?" I asked. "Last night." Tyson answered. "And he hasn't been back since?" "No."

"He'll come back." I smiled at Tyson. "What makes you so sure?" Tyson sounded a little bit sad. "Because. He loves you. He trusts you so much as well. That and he'll need to get a few things if he plans on staying in his girlfriends dorm." I winked. Tyson chuckled, "Plus I don't think he can stand being away from you for so long." "He can. We're not an item." Tyson answered. "Tyson. You might be a closet case, but Garret loves you, a lot. He follows you around like a dog and he even asked you take his virginity."

"That's nothing special. We're just good friends." "You're not exactly small Tyson and isn't exactly experienced. You'd ruin his ass, but he didn't care. He just wants to make you happy. He wants to be yours."

"That does sound like Garret... Always trying to make over furs happy before himself. Y'know... he once tried to fight with Mason because he'd insulted him a couple of times. Mason socked him a few and he came running back to me to tell me that he'd sorted it out. I felt bad. He forced himself not to cry in front of me. The little idiot." Tyson chuckled. "Maybe I should go and speak to him." "If you do, bring him back here. Tell him that you love him and kiss the breath out of him. He'd love that." I instructed.

Tyson got out of bed and dug about in his wardrobe until he found a shirt to wear. It was nothing special, just a white shirt that he slipped over his large muscles and didn't even button up. He also forgot to put on boxers he was in that much of a hurry to get to his love interest. He just pulled up a pair of black trousers and struggled to get them over his erect cock. I put my hands around his waist and spoke to him, "You forgot something..." I whispered into his ear and kissed his neck to try to turn him on. "Yeah right! Boxers." He said, going back into his wardrobe to find some. He was completely oblivious to the fact that I wanted sex.

I kept back a laugh and continue my onslaught. "No silly..." I teased his cock by running a single finger down the erect length. "You and I have some un-finished business." I winked and kissed him again. "Shaun! I need to go and speak to Garret." He complained. He wanted to get to Garret, but no sane man would turn down sex. "And you will, but if you walk up to him with your erection showing beneath your clothes. His girlfriend's going to find out, isn't she?" I pointed out. "You're right again." "So... Why not let me lend a hand? Or a paw if you're into that stuff."

I didn't give Tyson a choice and instead rubbed his hard cock with grunts and moans from him occasionally. I wasn't used to his cock at all. It was bigger and wider than all the other cocks I was use to sucking and fucking with. He had no knot, no sheath and barbs. Instead there was just a slit, shaft, head and a cock hole that had started making a bit of pre already.

"When was the last time you came big guy?" I asked, revolving two fingers in circular motions as I rubbed the top half of his shaft. "Not for a while. I wanted to save myself for Garret." "Well then, you better not cum."

I rubbed his balls with my free hand and began teasing his cock head with light pinches. "I'm going to fuck you up the ass Shaun..." He mumbled as he finally started to accept my hands. "Let's move onto anal then." I purred, returning to my original teasing by stroking his length with a finger.

Before Tyson could accept or decline, Garret walked through the door. We looked at him and he looked at us awkwardly, he then stared at Tyson's cock and I could have sworn that he licked his lips. "Garret!" Tyson cried. "I can explain!" "It's alright. I don't care." Garret shrugged, trying to hide his jealousy with disinterest. I removed my myself from Tyson and stepped back awkwardly. "I just came to get a few things." "So you're moving rooms?" Tyson asked with panic present in his voice. "I'm just staying in my girlfriend's room for a few days, alright? Jeez... It's nothing to worry about." Garret said.

His harsh tone was enough to set Tyson off into tears, which shocked Garret. For the first time in forever, he was witnessing the big, manly orca shedding tears of sadness. "Tyson!" He moaned and walked over to him in seconds. He wrapped his arms around Tyson's waist and hugged him, his head barely reaching up to Tyson's shoulders. He nuzzled his friend trying to comfort him. "Stop crying!" He complained. "You'll make me cry..." He added, sniffling slightly. "I'm sorry." He apologized, letting go of Garret and moving backwards. "Don't worry, you've done nothing wrong." Garret wiped his eye and stood in silence awkwardly until Tyson found the guts to speak.

"Can we speak for a moment, please?" Tyson asked, sitting down on his bed. His penis had gone back into his genital slit moments ago and his trousers had been kicked off as well. He looked kind of strange in just a shirt, but Garret was happy enough about it. As he sat down next to Tyson, he could take his eyes off of the chiseled abs and of course, Tyson's slit. Tyson immediately moved Garret to lay on his lap, looking up at him. Garret giggled and became his playful self that I rarely saw. Tyson looked over at me, having forgotten that I was there.

"Sorry that you had to see all that soppy stuff, Shaun." Tyson chuckled, Garret reached up and wiped the remaining tears away from Tyson's eyes. "I can see up your noise." Garret suddenly said. Tyson leaned forwards and kissed Garret on the forehead, "Stop being cute, faggot." Tyson joked. "Closet case." Garret replied.

Seeing them together was adorable, the way that Garret opened up around Tyson and the way that Tyson showed himself properly to Garret. It didn't matter if their relationship was sexual or platonic, they were made for each other. Tyson may have been bigger and of the sporty type where as Garret was small and more academic, but they fit together like puzzle pieces; they just needed a little encouragement sometimes.

"Thanks a bunch Shaun." Garret smiled and for once his voice wasn't sarcastic nor was it full of venom. "Why are you thanking me?" I asked. "Tyson wouldn't even speak to me last night, now he's trying to bang me." "No I'm not!" Tyson cried. "Yes you are!" Garret laughed, "You always do this before you ask for sex."

"You're the one who asks for sex and then you start crying." Tyson stopped joking with Garret when he realized what he said. "Why did you start crying?" He asked. Garret sighed, but still answered. "I was nervous. You didn't do anything wrong, I was the problem. I'm just a little freaky." Garret admitted. "You're not a freak at all Garret. I don't care if you're bisexual or if you like feet-" "I don't have a foot fetish!" Garret interrupted. "Or if you I don't know... have a tiny dick?" Tyson joked, Garret slapped his chest playfully.

"Either way. I love you Garret." Tyson admitted. I couldn't help, but smirk feeling like I'd set this off. "I love you too, you big dumb shit." Garret snapped. "Why the hell didn't you say that sooner?" Garret asked, slapping Tyson's chest again.

"Because I didn't want furs to know that I'm gay." Tyson admitted. "Well three of us know now. Me, you and Shaun. No fur else has to know unless you want them to." Garret promised. "Thanks Gaz." Tyson winked. "Call me by that again and I'll go and shout it." "Okay Gaz." Tyson teased.

At that, Garret got off of Tyson and kissed him on the cheek. "Let's stay as best friends, alright? I have a girlfriend, so no sex, no kissing, but you sure as hell better cuddle me. And! I want Valentines presents! Lots of them!" Garret cried. The three of us laughed. I tried to slip out of the room, feeling like I'd re-payed Tyson as best I could. "Oh no you don't!" Tyson commanded getting up and grabbing me by the arm. "If Garret and I aren't going at it, I have to find some way to empty these balls." He whispered into my ears.

"Hey! I don't want to see that, I need to get back to my girlfriend. If you two makes a mess, promise me you're going to clean up." Garret laughed. "Of course we will." Tyson winked. "Shaun will lick it up." "Kinky!" Garret winked back. "Anyway bye." "Garret!" Tyson quickly shouted, "Aren't you getting what you came to get?" Tyson asked. "Oh no. I've decided to not stay over my girlfriends." With that Garret ran out of the room to let the two of us go at it like rabbits.

"So... Shaun.... What's the biggest dick you've ever taken?"

Sinful Temptation (DU 4:7)

# Chapter 7 # Shaun's P.O.V * * * I once again tried to get out of bed, only to be yanked back by the arm. "No!" Corbin pouted, cuddling up to my as held it in a death lock. I laughed and lay back down, "I need to do things today." I complained,...

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Teenage Troubles (Edition 1, Chapter 8.5)

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Teenage Troubles (Edition 1, Chapter 8)

Chapter 8MaxMax was fairly annoyed with the grey wolf showing up at his house, but he couldn't just turn him away. Lyall, Quinn and Max were all currently sitting at the dining table waiting for someone to speak. Lyall stared at Quinn, studying the new...

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