Teenage Troubles (Edition 1, Chapter 8.5)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 8.5MaxMax sat down at his desk and logged his computer on. He looked at the time, '2:43.' Lyall had left about half an hour ago, so he should have been home and at his own computer. Surely enough, as soon as Max turned on the video chat system, a friend request from a 'Lyall Morrigan' pinged through. He eagerly clicked 'accept' and a call from Lyall came through only seconds later.Max turned on his cam and Lyall did the same. Lyall was sitting on his bed, presumably with his laptop on his lap with his back against his white wall. He looked sad. "Hey." Max said with a wave, Lyall managed a smile and muttered his response "Hi...""What's wrong?" Max quickly asked, worried that Quinn's words were getting to Lyall."Nothing.""Lyall, I need to go for a shower soon, but I have time to speak to you. Can you please tell me what's wrong?""Why do you care about me so much?!" Lyall snapped.Max kept his cool, something that he was starting to get better at, and answered Lyall's question with a lie. He wanted to say, 'I love you', but somewhere between thinking and saying his words became: "I'm your friend." Max added to the end, "I think you're my best friend.""Well thanks.""What am I to you?" Max asked."I like you." Lyall managed to say, he blushed slightly as he spoke and covered his face with his sleeves to try to hide his embarrassment."In what way?!" Max asked with haste, hoping that Lyall was about to admit to loving him."As a best friend. You haven't pushed me away, yet." Max sounded disappointed."Don't be so cynical. I won't hurt you, promise.""Thanks."Seeing that Lyall was bored with the conversation, he decided to take a daring leap. "Lyall. I know that I asked you this before, but, are you gay?""No! Why are you so convinced that I am." Lyall pouted. He glared at Max through the camera, trying to fake anger."You're just so down all the time. I'm worried that I'm doing something or you're just sad because you need to say anything.""Well I don't need to say anything.""If you do, ever, need to say anything. Promise that you'll tell me. And if you ever get some thoughts that you are gay, please tell me. I'd like to help.""So you're gay as well?" Lyall covered his mouth with his hand. Max's heart skipped a beat."Hah! I knew it." Max cried. Max coughed and before Lyall could turn off his camera he spoke again. "Sorry. I know that you got your words mixed up. What did you mean to say?" He asked. Lyall chuckled slightly and then spoke, "I was supposed to ask you, are you gay?" He asked. "I mean, you do bring it up a lot." Max's heart skipped a beat again."No. I'm not." Max lied. Although Max claimed to be brave, it was hard for him to admit to his own sexuality, especially to the guy that he loved."Okay then.""I'm sorry

about Quinn." Max said."It's alright, he's just a prick.""He didn't give you any shit when you got outside the house did he?" Max asked, trying to establish if his friend was okay or not."Yeah he did. He followed me back home." "He what?!" Max shouted, furious that Quinn had done something."No! No, it's alright. He, he stopped stalking me a few blocks back. I haven't seen him for a good 20 minutes or so. I've bolted the door, locked both doors drawn the blinds and I have the phone next to me. I'm fine." Lyall smiled. "Don't worry about me.""If he tries anything, tell me." Max growled."I will. Do you need to go to your shower now?" Lyall asked."Yeah I do. Thanks for reminding me." Max stood up and made sure to move his laptop slightly, so that the camera could clearly see his bed. "Could you stay on please?" Max asked."Sure. Have a nice shower." Max pretended to click on the 'stop video feed' button, but purposely missed. He took his head phones off and muted the computer, so that he wouldn't be able to hear Lyall at all.Lyall turned of his camera, "Gone already?" Max asked to himself."No! I'm still here." Lyall answered, "Just turning off my cam for a second."Max walked out of the room and quickly stripped down to the nude. He'd already got a semi just from thinking about Lyall. About half of his young cock was peering out of his sheath, he gave his sensitive cock a rub and quivered from the strange feeling. He kicked his clothes over the banister and gave himself a few more gentle touches before walking back into his room and sitting down on his bed. He let his legs hang over the side, he spread them apart, so that Lyall could look at his dick for a few seconds. He looked out of the corner of his eye to see the 'video feed' button still flashing, meaning that Lyall was watching. Max smirked and leaned back to support his weight with a hand. He flicked his cock again and almost doubled over. For a teenager, he hardly ever masturbated, sure he'd sometimes be overcome with such lust that he had simply had to attend to himself in private, but his last urge had come at least a month ago.Max still watched porn from time to time. It didn't interest him, but whenever he was curious about how certain things worked in the wonderful world of sex, he'd pull a porn site and look through a few flicks. Which was also how he knew exactly what he was doing. From all the porn he'd watched of the female or male solo variety, he'd noticed that their genitals were always pointed towards the camera, even if they weren't looking at the camera.Max put a pillow behind his head and leaned against the wall as he built up to tossing himself off. His knot was out of his sheath now, his colored cock was waiting to be serviced. He rubbed his inner thighs and tickled his balls, he even rubbed his nipples in attempts to turn himself and his watcher on as much as possible. He often

twisted his body, so that Lyall could see his muscles clearly. After a few moments of rubbing his body, he moved onto stroking his penis. It wasn't anything to sexual yet, only pats and strokes on the sensitive parts to keep himself hard.He leaned back further now and happily moved his cock about between his fingers. Pleasure overcame him now and he couldn't stop himself from panting or to stop his tail from wagging between his legs. He then gripped his cock, his thumb further up than his other fingers and made it stand up. He planned for Lyall to at least see the length of his cock or at least for Lyall to be turned on. In all honesty, he wanted Lyall to jack off as well. He'd never confess to doing that, but Max did want to ask him.He moved his hand up and down along his length, squeezing his knot when he reached it. He rotated his thumb around on his pink flesh as his hand rose and fell. He wanted to do much gayer things. He wanted to go and find a dildo to fill his ass with or if he couldn't find one, his fingers would be enough to satisfy this newly found lust. Apart from that he wanted to put something in his sheath, maybe a finger or something cold. Finally.... he wanted Lyall. Even if Lyall was just lying next to him or holding his balls in his small hands, that was enough to make him cum harder.Max squeezed and rubbed his balls like lamps as he came closer and closer to his climax. Seconds later, his cock head flared to  life, his balls got as close to his thighs as possible and a white liquid shot out of his fint. He sighed with pleasure as him cum splashed down onto his bare chest, the fingers on his cock caught some collateral and the final few drops ran down his length and onto his balls. He lay in his bed panting until he pushed away his lazy attitude and climbed out of bed.He was about to check if Lyall was still around when he heard the sounds of the call ending and a message coming through. Max leaped with joy. He bounded over to his computer and checked the message, "I need to go for a shower." it read. Max's head filled with dirty thoughts, maybe he'd came on his chest as well and needed to clean himself off. Either way, Max knew that Lyall had at least stayed for the show. That was all the evidence Max needed to be convinced about Lyall's sexuality.He sucked his fingers clean and reached under his pillow to pull out Lyall's boxers. He sniffed them, his nose filling with Lyall's faint musk. Each sniff reminded him of Lyall's matchless figure, his beautiful blush and his shy way of speaking. He planned to return the boxers tomorrow or as soon as possible, so that he could confess his love for Lyall and his sexuality. Then if Lyall denied it, he could bring up the video chat, which hopefully would be enough to make Lyall admit.Max stuffed the boxers back under his pillow and went for a shower where he would ultimately begin to toss himself again, once again because of the

thought of the Lyall.

Teenage Troubles (Edition 1, Chapter 8)

Chapter 8MaxMax was fairly annoyed with the grey wolf showing up at his house, but he couldn't just turn him away. Lyall, Quinn and Max were all currently sitting at the dining table waiting for someone to speak. Lyall stared at Quinn, studying the new...

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Teenage Troubles: Chapter 7

Chapter 774 Murnan Road, City Of Fait08:04 AM, 11th of AprilHe began panting like the twinky boys he had seen in porn as Max's cock hovered in front of his tight, virginal pucker .It lanced into Lyall's un-sullied ass. "Uhh!" He moaned with more...

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Special attention (DU 4:6)

# # Chapter 6 # Shaun's P.O.V * * * I softly lowered Corbin on to our bed and climbed in next to him. I wanted to have sex with him there and then, but Corbin knew how much time we had and decided to take it slowly. We lay on top of our bed...

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