Sinful Temptation (DU 4:7)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 7

Shaun's P.O.V

I once again tried to get out of bed, only to be yanked back by the arm. "No!" Corbin pouted, cuddling up to my as held it in a death lock. I laughed and lay back down, "I need to do things today." I complained, trying to get my arm free. Corbin wiggled out from under the covers and let go of my arm. His blue eyes were fixed on mine. He didn't look his best, but he was still adorable.

His cream colored fur was scraggy, the tuft of hair between his ears was a little messier than usual, but at least his ears were sticking up, alert. He was listening to my every word and watching my every move. "Well, I had a job to do today. But no! This cat wanted sex." Corbin snapped back, trying not to laugh. "You're the one who kept on waking me up for more." "And you're the one who was groaning like a wimp whenever I put it in." Corbin shot back.

The two of us weren't mad with each other at all, but were just joking about as we rested. "If Damien fires me, it's your fault." Corbin pointed out with a slightly more serious tone. "Damien would have to be pretty stupid to fire such a sweet little guy like you." I complemented, bringing his hand up to my mouth and kissing it gently. "You cut my first night short. I don't think that's such a good first impression."

"Well. He was certainly happy when you showed him all that money." I said. "I only made all that money because the guys wanted to try out the new play toy." "That horse will probably be coming back for more. In fact I think he will be cumming." I joked.

"In a different fur." "Then he'll notice that you're way better in bed. There's no butt like yours." I winked. "I guess so." Corbin finally admitted. "Anal does make a lot of money too." "Hey! If you're getting involved with butt stuff, I want to set ground rules. One, no big dicks like equines or cetaceans. Two, no knots. Three, no fists and four, lube every time." I joked. Although I was slightly serious about the fisting and lube parts.

"Why not? Besides, you can't stop!" Corbin stuck out his tongue. "Because I want to keep that backside nice and tight. Feels way better when it's tight. Don't you agree?" "Well yeah. You have a point, but it's not all too good for the one on the bottom. Some furs don't like it rough." Corbin pointed out. I enjoyed our occasionally little debates, they made Corbin open up more. "I don't like it rough either little man." I teased.

"I'm more of the cuddles and kisses type." I added. "Really? With all the times you've pinned me to the bed and fucked me I wouldn't tell." "That's just the urge I get from seeing your tail hole. Would you like me to prove it?" I asked, referring to the cuddling and kiss part.

However, Corbin was rolled over and pushing apart his cheeks to expose his tail hole before I could protest. Corbin looked back at me with a blush on his face. His fur was bristled as he braced for the feeling of my cock driving into his rear end. He wasn't really too sure about what he was doing, his eyes said it all; he was terribly nervous. But that didn't stop him from wiggling his small hips slightly as he hoped to entice me into sex, so that I'd forget all about his coaxing, sexual actions.

"Oh... I wasn't really talking about your ass at all. Sorry." I apologized. Corbin let his hands fall away from his behind and withdrew into himself. "I'm sorry as well." Corbin muttered, nibbling his claws to help deal with his sudden anxiety.

Both of us were embarrassed greatly even though both of us had seen, felt, licked and been inside of each others tail holes. "Look at us Corbin. We're acting like idiots." I chuckled, hugging my fennec from behind. "Your ass looks great today though." I licked my lips and kissed his nape. I gently caressed the fur around his tail hole. I rested my finger on his tail hole. Pressing against it (but not pushing into it) I rubbed the delicate sphincter. I also made sure to rub my boner against his back as I marked him once again as my own.

Corbin purred as he felt my fingers explore him, "You're such a tease." He smiled. Corbin growled when I attempted to take my finger away from his ass, "Who told you to stop?" He demanded. I chuckled, but did as I was told. "Since when have you been all big and dominant?" I asked. "Am I being too controlling? I'm sorry." He apologized. retreating back to his former self. "No, no, not all. Don't be sorry." Although I was encouraging Corbin to be more dominant, I did take my hands away from his tail hole, but only to stimulate his balls with light pulls and squeezes. Corbin squealed with delight whenever he felt each gentle tug. He purred as my fingers attacked his balls with loving pinches.

"You really know how to tempt a guy..." Corbin joked as his tongue began to hang out of his mouth. "So do you. Do you know how many times I've got a hard-on just because you're taking off your shirt?" I asked. "I imagine you get on every time." "Every time." I repeated.

"Say... How come you never ask to be on top?" I asked, still with a light-hearted feel to it. "Oh. I just don't want to disappoint you..." His voice faded off at the end, making the last few words inaudible. "Pardon?" "I don't want to disappoint you." He repeated with a blush.

"Corbin." I said with a more serious tone. I tried to at least let him now that he wasn't in trouble by rubbing his balls and the base of his cock slowly, as if I was petting a dog. Corbin rested his hand on my thigh and sighed. "You could never disappoint me. Last night. Last night was the most fun I've ever had in sex. Every little thrust from you made me happier and yeah, I didn't cum very hard and I know that I said I wanted to sleep, but I wanted more. I wanted you to fuck me again and again until we passed it out it was that good." I admitted.

"So... From now on. Promise me that you'll take me at least five times every week." I begged. I stopped touching Corbin's parts; I was too busy thinking about the sex. Corbin bit his lower lip and thought before speaking. "I don't know what to say.... Thanks for the compliments I guess. You're good at sex as well?" His compliment was more of a question than an actual compliment. "So what do you say to my request?" I asked, hoping that he wasn't trying to avoid it.

"Once. Once every week." He answered. "No!" I nearly shouted. "Three times. Three times." I repeated. "Fine." Corbin sighed. But he soon cheered up when he realized he could get something out of it. "But... Promise me that you'll visit me at Damien's little treats every Saturday. Who knows, maybe we could make one of those sexy sexy times into an on stage show?" Corbin asked. "Whatever makes you happy." I smiled. "Now come on. This ass is going to fuck itself." I rolled over and revealed my ass to Corbin, hoping he'd jump on the opportunity.

Instead he patted my tail hole and kissed it. "Starting next week. Wouldn't want to tire myself out just yet, would I?" "I suppose not." I got out of bed and stretched. "Where are you going?" Corbin asked, sitting up. The covers fell down to show off his erection. What we'd just had was hardly foreplay, yet Corbin had made plenty of pre. To be honest, my cock had pumped out a few impressive batches over the past few minutes to rival Corbin's.

"Shower. My fur is all clumped up from all the cum last night." I explained. "Oh... I was hoping we could cuddle some more." Corbin admitted. "Maybe when I get out." "Could I shower with you?" Corbin asked, his tail wagging at the thought. "No. I'd rather shower alone this morning." I felt bad about shooting Corbin down three times in a row, but I honestly had things to do. "Okay then." Corbin lay back down and got comfortable. "I'll be waiting for you." He added.

I hurried my shower along, but I did make sure that I was clean all over; I didn't want to leave Corbin waiting, but I also didn't want him to be cuddling up to a sticky mess of fur. It only took me a good fifteen minutes to shower before I leaped out, dried myself off and walked out of the room butt naked.

The first thing I saw was Corbin, with his legs spread apart, lying on our bed. His anus was currently occupied by two of his own fingers, which were apparently giving him a lot of pleasure. He had his eyes closed, he was driving his fingers in and out at an incredibly rate, his tongue hung out and his tail swished from side to side. He also attended to his erection with his right hand. Only when I spoke did he notice me, but that didn't stop him from going at it.

I coughed before I spoke, "Okay..." I was lost for words completely. Corbin rolled onto his side and slowed down slightly. "Sorry, but it feels so nice!" He moaned. "I hear you." I winked. "Still, those fingers should be preparing breakfast." I joked, hoping Corbin wouldn't take it seriously. "I need to get them wet to turn the pages of the cook book!" We laughed for a moment and Corbin stopped masturbating, he sighed in relief and gave his cock head a few more rubs before he stopped fully.

But apparently Corbin's libido wasn't all burnt up just yet. He showed off his tail hole to me and waited for a moment, hoping I'd get the message. When I didn't, he spoke with annoyance present in his voice. "Well come on then! If I can't jack off you should at least make up for it." I smiled and approached him quickly, but thought about the results that would come from it. "But I'll get my fur in a mess." "Please! Your dick wants it though." Corbin pointed out, stroking my soft, fleshy penis. He licked it to tempt me more. "You're such a minx sometimes." I laughed. "Come on then."

Seconds later Corbin was on his back with his legs hooked over my shoulders. I went in, the lube that was already in his ass was enough to help my glide in smoothly. "Some fur isn't wasting time." Corbin laughed, rubbing my thighs with one hand, his balls with the other. I reached down and tickled his cock for him. "Thanks hun." "Y'know. I'm starting to like this new, extroverted Corbin. Keep it up and you just might earn the right to play with the big boys." "And what do you mean by that?" "Keep on being sexy and I'll let you ride the big dicks." I said with less encryption. "Joy!" Corbin laughed.

After several humps from me and a position change (we switched to missionary), Corbin's chest and ass was a sticky mess of cum as was my own chest. "Crap Corbin. We made a bit of a mess." I said, getting off of him and wiping some of his cum from my chest to place my finger next to his mouth. He lapped his own cum and blushed, "Yeah we did. It was a hard orgasm wasn't it?" He asked. "It sure was." "I know, I'm the one who felt it." I lay down next to Corbin and soon he was licking the cum from my chest.

"Hey! Stop that, you're going to make my fur matted." We laughed together and soon Corbin stopped, wiped his mouth of the remains of his meal and let me go. I wiped my fur off with a towel and tossed it to him, "There you go. I need to go and speak to Tyson now though, you can and work at Damien's if you want." I added. "Thanks, but I thought you didn't want me to though." "I don't, but I can't stop you from doing what you want to do. Have fun and you can sleep with as many guys as you want to. Can I do that as well?" I asked. "Of course, but if Tyson gives you a limp, you won't get any pity from me." "Neither will you when that horse comes crawling back for more." I said with a laugh. "Touche!" I smiled and waved good by before leaving Corbin by himself.

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Teenage Troubles (Edition 1, Chapter 8)

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