Dry wall: Part one (2/4)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Dry wall

Thorpe Household

5th of March, 7:16 PM

"I'm home!" The ebullient lion thundered, there was a loud chuckle and then the door closed followed by the lock clicking into place. "Chad? You home?" The lion called. The liger, who was currently chained up in the bedroom sat up on his knees. He'd seen porn before and knew how: a fuck boy, a pet, a slave, a cum dump, should act. He sat on his knees with his paws behind him, curved wrists and tongue lolling like a dog's might. All he had to do was submit. Submit, the word echoed in his mind. "Where are you?" Adrian called out.

"Your bed!" He replied, smiling uncontrollably. The submitting part would be easy, he may have been fresh meat on the gay scene, but Chad had lived with Adrian for a while now and knew what the big lion wanted, needed. "You should never tell a gay man that you're in his bed!" Adrian's laugh caromed off of the walls and upstairs. Downstairs, the closet door opened, boots and shoes were placed inside before the door was closed gently. "Why shouldn't I?" "Well! Somefur might get the wrong idea."

At this point Adrian was walking down the landing at a fast pace, right paw, left paw, right paw, left paw.....

"I'm sure you'll get a few ideas!" Chad snickered in his mind, worried that saying that particular sentence out loud might frighten Adrian away.

Laughing, the stout lion flung open his bedroom door with hands resting on thighs and his elbows pointing out. "WHAT THE FUCK CHAD?!" He shouted, peeling away as he opened his eyes to gaze open the naked liger. Chad flinched and cowered, dropping his obedient posture and curling up. "I'm sorry!" He cried in shame as his tail tucked under his body. SLAM!

Chad was once again alone in the room. "Ade? A-are you still there?" He squeaked, worried that he'd scared off his best friend by being too overt about his desires. The muscular feline, Adrian, breathed out slowly, recalling his calm nature and his friendly tone. "Yes, Chad. I'm still here." Adrian adjusted his trousers to accommodate for the growing bulge. "Okay." Chad replied as he also did some adjusting of his own, he hadn't expected such a negative reaction because of something that Chad found sweet and smutty (In the good way of course).

"Do you want me to come back in? I think we need to talk a bit." Chad nodded in response, forgetting completely that Adrian couldn't see what he was doing. "Yes please." He quickly blurted.

Adrian immediately opened the door and stopped just inside of the frame. He flicked on the lights and closed the door behind him. Fortunately for Adrian, Chad had now tucked his legs to cover his fun parts, the bioluminescent tail tip just poking out between his paws. "How long have you been like this?" Adrian questioned, searching about for the key. "The key is on the floor somewhere." Chad said, hoping to not have to answer Adrian's question. The lion looked up at him when Chad balked for too long, "How long have you been like this?" He growled. "I put it on just after you left!" Chad squeaked.

"Three hours?!" Adrian cried bringing the key off of the floor and immediately unlocking the padlock around the collar. "You're not supposed to wear this for more than an hour, Chad. You could have hurt yourself!" He took the collar away from Chad's neck slowly before tossing it closer to the wall. "Is your neck sore at all?" Adrian worried, putting forepaws onto Chad's neck and shoulders. "No, I'm fine." Chad beamed.

Adrian clutched Chad close and after a few seconds of surprise, Chad put his forepaws on Adrian's chest and gripped the black t-shirt. "Why did you chain yourself up for fur's sake? Hell, why would you even want to do something like that?" "I thought you would have wanted to see me like that. I wanted to help you out." Came Chad's whimper, this took Adrian by surprise.

Adrian slacked his grip on the liger and sat down on the bed to cuddle with him for the moment. Their bodies lay just next to one another and Adrian (To Chad's delight) constricted his two thick arms around Chad's neck and chubby waist. Only a few seconds after making contact, the arm around Chad's neck lowered to jiggle his stomach. This amused Adrian, but Chad drew his forepaws closer to his breasts and blocked from from view. Noticing how embarrassed Chad had become, Adrian stopped the motion and kissed the liger lightly.

"Well thank you. I did enjoy the sight ever so slightly. Next time, promise you'll ask me first." "I promise." Chad smiled, snuggling up and resting his head on a pillow. He looked over at Adrian's light brown mane, the way it was puffed out with pride brought attentions and gasps wherever it went. He caught the stern look in his friend's eyes and knew he was in for a tongue lashing. "You need to be more confident about your body." Adrian stated. Chad remained silent, but did lower his forepaws.

"What did you mean by, 'help you out?'" Adrian asked immediately after the first 'response.' "Well since, since-since January." Chad choked, "You've been all alone. A-and I know you haven't 'done the deed.' So I thought you might want some help." "So you've been wanting to fuck me?! Dude!" Adrian laughed, "Then again nothing's better than anal, top or bottom!" The lion howled. "No it's not like that!" Chad struggled to get his words out at the moment and after a sigh he crawled over the bed towards the edge of the bed.


Looking back, he saw that Adrian was observing him with intrigue. What had intrigued the lion?: The sexual pose? Chad's naked body? How submissive Chad was being? Or maybe Adrian was simply finding Chad's sudden display of desperation strange. Chad had never asked to sleep with the lion, never kissed him, never held his hand and made sure to dress properly around Adrian (Sometimes because he felt it was wrong to tease the lion and sometimes feeling jealous or embarrassed.) Yet there he was, lying on his front and waiting for Adrian's response. Chad fumbled around with his forepaws until he managed to get a grasp on his ass, the fur wet with his sweat. He pulled, opening the crevice wide to show off his virginal tailhole. No words, no sounds, but Adrian had known what Chad was trying to do from the moment Chad began to move.

Both of their hearts were racing, cocks throbbing and guiding their owners to take the fun option. For Chad, his erection was enough to convince him that he wanted this. On the other side of the field, Adrian was troubled as his morals and lust vied for control. He'd only been joking earlier but now that he'd been presented the opportunity, he didn't want to go through with it. "I'm sorry Chad." He said, taking Chad's forepaws away from his ass and pulling Chad up to a standing position. The liger's ears flattened, his whiskers drops and his heart sunk.

"I haven't got any lube at the moment. I couldn't stand it if I made you bleed." "I'll be fine!" Chad snarled, determined to get what he wanted. "No. You. Won't." Adrian snarled back. Chad's ears flicked back against his head in both surprise and fear. He crumpled himself up and brought his head close to his knees and submitted to Adrian. "Chad! Stop that!" Chad straightened up immediately, but was still smaller than Adrian. "Look. I know you won't believe me at all, but the first time hurts; a lot. My first time taught me a lot. My partner and I used about a quarter of the bottle and I was still crying out whenever he went deep..."

Chad drifted, imagining a submissive Adrian lying on a bed as a cock was driven into his ass. The lion cried, his own erection pulsing against his chest. "Yes! Yes!" Chad had heard Adrian (or maybe it was Evan) making those noises whenever the pair were having sex. It was strange, hearing the sexual cries of another male, but certainly got him hard and made a little wet patch in his boxers. Sometimes his emotions would get the best of him, he'd be sad about Adrian sleeping with another guy and would throw his earphones in to block out the sound or he'd be furious and leave the house to prevent himself from screaming at Evan. It felt ridiculous whenever he got emotional over it, he didn't control Adrian whatsoever and therefore couldn't tell him what to do and what not to do.

He hoped the first time with Adrian would be exactly like what he imagined. Chained against the wall, his ass drilled by the lion's chalice and then made to clean off the cum from Adrian's cock with long licks of affection. Then Adrian would make the bondage tighter and force Chad to submit to a rimming, a fingering and if the lion was feeling daring, a fisting. Normally Chad would never allow himself to be fisted, but Adrian had rather large mitts and it would be a shame not to put them to use. "Chad?" Adrian snapped his fingers, Chad looked at him with blank eyes as he left the reverie. "Pardon?" The lion sighed at the liger.

"Nothing. Look, we're not having sex without lube, you'll bleed, you'll cry and more importantly you'll be in pain." "But I'll enjoy it! I don't want my first time to be all happy and joyful, I want it to be rough and I want a big guy to do that to me! Please!" He whined again, begging his heart out. The lion gave another sigh and squeezed his friend's shoulders, "Go back to your room, get dressed, freshen yourself up, I'll put dinner on and then we can have a nice long talk about this alright? No shouting, no insults, just a good talk about all of this and..." Adrian hesitated as if he was about to start coughing up a hairball. "And our relationship." He finished quickly before helping Chad off the bed. "I don't like this at all, it's not normal for us." He said.

In truth, he enjoyed seeing Chad naked. Chad had a fine body, it may have been out of shape, but bodies were pliant when it came to molding. Adrian did his best to hide his erection, he kept close to Chad, but not too close and loosened the waist band on his jeans. He wanted to reach down and coax Chad's sheath into releasing the pink member, so that he could rub their cocks together until their groins became white messes. Maybe Chad would be up for licking one another clean; they'd probably get hairballs and everything would taste funny for a while, but (In Adrian's opinion) it would be very hot and sexy.

"Oh." Chad simply responded and leaned in to kiss his friend on the cheek. At first Adrian moved in as well, cocking his head slightly to the left as Chad moved his, but then his morals snapped their jaws and Adrian shot back. His forepaws jetted out to push Chad back in order to prevent the special poignancy. Chad's eyes teared up, everything was supposed to be perfect. Adrian should have been pinning Chad to the bed by now and both of them should be moaning from pleasure. He shuffled over to the door

"No! Stop this!" Adrian scowled and turned around to fumble around in his wardrobe in order to cover up his arousal. He did his best to push his ass out and lift his tail, but it wasn't terribly obvious. However, Chad did catch sight of Adrian's pucker. The fleshy ring was tense and tight; it truly did need a bit of stretching. Adrian prayed Chad would be brave enough to cop a feel, alas, the liger simply hung his head and left the room. The lion breathed out in distress, "Messed it up again..." He mumbled.


Upon reaching his own room, Chad slammed the door and locked it with tears already flowing. All sorts of negative thoughts were swimming through his bed, 'Fucking moron!' they all screeched in various different ways: 'You knew he'd say no, maybe he would have said yes if you asked like a normal fur!', 'Little slut! You just wanted to show off your ass!' , 'Desperate bitch! Should have stuck with your forepaws!' are just some of the things he heard. There was no place in his mind for the good thoughts.

He curled up on his single bed in the exact corner and sniffled silently. He was waiting for Adrian to come barging in to drag him out onto the street where his naked body would receive silent or voiced derision from every passerby. Or for Adrian to call up Chad's friends and tell them all about how slutty he'd just been. He flinched when he heard the lion's knock on the door, two knocks instead of three. "Chad, can we skip the dinner and talk now?"

Chad refused to answer, if he spoke or uttered a sound Adrian would pick up on the tears and burst out into laughter. "Chad." Came his soft voice for a second time. "I know that you skipped breakfast and lunch, you can't miss dinner now. Come on, I don't want you starving." The lion's voice was a pleasing drone that slowly convinced the liger. After a wait that was close to five minutes, Adrian sighed and walked away to leave Chad to pull himself together. Chad waited until he heard the stairs creaking until he opened the door and peered out.

Two heavy paws grabbed at him and yanked him out onto the landing. He cried out in fear and surprise as he was pinned to the carpet by a sweaty, naked lion. "Heh! Knew you'd fall for it!" Adrian smirked as he straddled the smaller feline. He was sitting directly on Chad's sheath so, should the young liger become aroused, Adrian would be feeling a slight push on his tailhole. "G-get off!" Chad screeched as he writhed about under the weight of the male. Adrian laughed harder this time as he held Chad's forepaws in his, "Calm down! It's not like I'm going to hurt you."

The liger, after his levels of panic diminished, opened his eyes and smiled. "Hi Ade!" He chirped as he gave up all resistant, aside from squeezing his friend's forepaws to keep them together. "Are you going to stop being miserable?" Ade asked as he briefly released a forepaw to wipe away the remains of Chad's tears. "Yep!" Chad responded and hoped that the lion on top of him wasn't noticing the growing erection. "I promise to cheer up and come downstairs." "Good, now go and get dressed. Fully clothed. I don't want some paparazzi peeking through the window to see the two of us butt naked in the kitchen." "Is that because you want to release your sex tape after next season?" "Fuck off!" Ade playfully slapped Chad on the side of the muzzle causing the liger to yip in surprise.

The kittenish slap then moved onto a tickle that danced under Chad's armpits. "No! No!" He howled as he once again struggled to get free, "Get off you bitch!" Chad would demand between his uncontrolled laughs. "Why should I?!" Ade howled. "Because!" The two of them continued playing like kits for another minute or so until Chad was panting for breath and Adrian's arms ached. "Bastard." "You love me really!" Adrian responded in a less than serious way. Chad's ears flicked and his eyes opened to be faced with a barbed cock.

He froze in his tracks, stunned not disgusted. Aside from his own, Chad had never seen another cock in person, especially one which was as mighty as Ade's. Each barb flicked in response, they were all equally sensitive (i.e very!) and the length itself was even better. Just a touch below his barbs would cause Adrian to gasp and double over, the reaction turning more and more intense the closer the touch got to his sheath. Touching the inside of Ade's sheath must have been able to make Ade squirt pre or the golden, white juice itself. The cock head was even more beautiful, rubbing it would trigger rolls of pre or a grunt from the owner. Chad couldn't wait to be rammed by its glory. He couldn't wait to cry out as his walls were pushed apart and he knew that he'd beg for more as the muscle was raked by the prickly barbs along Ade's cock.

"What's wrong, never seen a big cock before?! Don't worry too much, 8 inches only hurts when you tense." Ade winked, thrusting his cock out towards Chad's muzzle to entice him. Chad mumbled in response, "I... uh. No. I haven't. Does this mean we're having sex?" Chad asked, having swallowed his fear of rejection. "Blowjob, frottage, rimming, handjob. Anything that doesn't involve me putting something up your ass is fine, so long as you think you can deep throat an eight! Don't try it, please." "Well I won't know until I try, will I?" Chad chirped. "If you do, you'll probably choke on it and end up passing out." "Seems like a good way to go!" The two chuckled together until a cold rush through out his body galvanized Chad into reaching out and just touching the lion cock.


"F-fuck Chad!" Ade gasped, doubling over as he bit his lower lip. His forepaws clutched onto Chad's arm, but slowly slacked the grip until Chad was free to move about again. Already the change in his body had taken over, personal space no longer existed and Ade's face hovered just in front of Chad's; both of Ade's yellow eyes were wild with lust and need. His brow was wet with sweat and his mane began to stick together as Chad inched a finger along the length.

Chad had never done anything like this! He had no idea what he was doing and more importantly, what he was going to do when it was all over. Jerking off his friend was a solution, but only for a few minutes and when the afterglow wore off there would surely be some probing questions to answer; and that was if he did everything well. If he messed up, well then, Chad was beginning to think he'd be sitting on the street begging for the rest of his life. Chad had masturbated before, but that was a long time ago when his teenage self was horny and young, now he was simply a chubby liger who was looking for a mate to cuddle with. Fucking, or more like being fucked by, Ade was a steeping stone that he needed to cross before he felt it was right to snuggle the lion and kiss his neck for pleasure. Yet, something in his mind was telling him that touching another male's cock was better than a hug or a kiss.

"Some warning next time, eh?" Ade smiled and corrected his posture, leaning back now slightly, so that Chad had better access to the lion penis. It was all in view now, from his sheath to the very tip, his balls to his fint and every last millimeter of the sensitive sponge that was just waiting to come. Chad's fingers brushed over the barbs and then the lion practically collapsed.

One moment he was all high and mighty, the next his sweaty mane was pushed against Chad's face. "A-ade!" Chad cried, struggling underneath the weight. Adrian was then kissing along Chad's shoulders and neck in the most arousing way. He nearly suffocated Chad with his death grip as he squeezed the liger close and began breathing in his scent. The larger feline breathed, "You smell..." "Disgusting?" "Manly." Ade corrected. "Your musk, your sweat. They're exactly what I imagined." This statement made Chad blush and a thought hatched in both of their minds simultaneously.

"Bedroom?" "Bedroom."

Dry wall: Prologue (1/4)

# Dry wall ## Thorpe Household ## 5th of March, 4:04 PM * * * An invasion of memories caved their way through the liger's mind. No, they weren't memories at all, they were just fantasies influenced by memories. Fantasies that would be either made,...

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They what?! (DU 5:11)

# Chapter 11 ## Garret's P.O.V ## Easton holiday home, 15th of February * * * **I ** let out a hushed, feline purr as the orca's muzzle ensconced itself between my ass cheeks. Every last undulation of his tongue brought even more pleasure, every...

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