Pregnancy Stream Story 6: Brave New World, 2.0

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Paid for by FA: Lupesoule and starring both him and FA: Studley-Destiny , this story is what happens on a daily basis to a near god and his cartoonishly-physic-ed friend as they travel around the universe. Well, more the near-god; this is the otter's first time along for the ride, and he gets quite the surprise.

Brave New World, 2.0 for Studley by Draconicon

The wolf stepped out of the portal, followed shortly afterwards by a smaller, bouncy otter. The two of them stood on the edge of the world, looking down at it from a tremendous atmospheric height, the wolf slowly crossing his arms and smirking down at his friend.

"So, what do you think?"

"It looks so...clean."

"That's because it hasn't been 'civilized' yet. Or populated, for that matter. Makes a pretty big difference, doesn't it, Idesin?"

The otter nodded. Despite feeling an urge to chuckle, Studley could understand his friend's wonder. There was something about the world below them, the sheer, untouched beauty that faded quickly once sentient life started taking a hand. There was nothing wrong with the other sort of beauty, of course; he had seen a number of amazing civilizations during his travels, and as long as the people on a planet weren't stupid, they could keep a measure of the natural beauty and incorporate it into the created beauty. But there really was something about the way it looked now that left him smiling.

And warm. Very warm, he realized, warmer than any sentiment would explain. He glanced further down, seeing the world below through a haze of glowing flame.

"Idesin, did you do something?"


"That answers that question. Grab on."

The otter grabbed his hand without further question, and only then did he look down. With a yelp, the otter's grip on his hand got a lot tighter, and Idesin got a lot closer as well.

"What the hell? I thought we were just coming here to look around!"

"We were. Apparently someone wants us to stick around."

"Can't you tell them we have places to be?"

"I might, if it weren't a goddess yanking us down."


"I can't refuse a lady."

The flames under their invisible platform fizzed out as they broke down to the lowest layer of atmosphere, an invisible fist clenched around them as they were pulled over vast plains towards a forest at the edge of the horizon. His lips peeled back from his muzzle at their velocity, and so did the otter's.

At the edge of the forest, they came to a screeching halt. The wind dragged along behind them rushed past with enough force to knock down several branches, the wood falling to the ground with a crash.

As the invisible fist relaxed around them, Studley shook his head, stepping down from the platform to the ground. He cracked his neck back and forth, then thumped his fists against his spine.

"Whiplash. Always whiplash with those sudden stops..."



He looked up, seeing the otter still on the platform, almost literally bent in half. The back of his head touched the back of his heels, and his tail was pushed forward like a thick furry phallus. The wolf nearly had to stuff a fist down his throat to keep from laughing out loud at his friend's predicament.

"How the hell did you manage that?"

"Over shoulder...sudden stop...much ow..."

"Okay, okay, hang on."

After pulling the otter off of the platform, he put one foot down over the otter's toes, and got a good grip on the otter's head. Adjusting his hands so that they wouldn't slip, he looked at the elastic guy.


"Yeah, just -"

"Up you get!"

Studley yanked the otter upright so fast that Idesin's cracking spine was louder than the breaking branches. The otter yowled as he stood up, his muttered subsequent yelps slipping past clenched lips as he hobbled around.

"Christ...ow, that hurt..."

"Could have been worse."


"I could have pulled the other way."

"I'd prefer not to be a pretzel, thanks...Now what are we doing here? I thought you said something about a lady?"

"Yes...that's a good point."

The wolf turned on his heel, slowly looking around them. The woods were rather dark, despite the bright light from the heavens, and the plains were empty. Which meant that the only other place for someone to be -

"Hey. Hey, anyone home?"

He stomped on the ground a few times, but not particularly hard. No more than someone knocking on the door. The otter was looking at him in confusion, but only until the earth started rising up. Then his friend was climbing up his back again, staring over his shoulder in utter shock.

The grass and earth formed itself into a woman in short order, her body dark as the dirt and barely covered by the bits of grass that remained on the surface. It wasn't much, barely a few 'cups' over her matronly breasts, and a small green 'hand' over her sex, nor did it cover them in the way that clothing did. It seemed to more enhance it, showing it off like painted handprints rather than actual clothing. Still, it showed an awareness, and Studley bowed his head.

"Earth mother."

"Who's she?"

He looked over his shoulder at the otter, gesturing to him.

"Earth mother, this is my companion, Idesin Otter, a clever - if twisted - friend of mine. Idesin, this is the Earth mother, the goddess that pulled us down here."

And the one that is currently reading my mind, so please be better than your usual self for both our sakes.

The rounded goddess smiled at him, giving a bow of her head in return. She looked between him and the otter, and Studley counted the number of times he had seen that look. Being pulled to an 'audience' with an earth mother wasn't unusual; much like mortals, they were always on the lookout for the proper 'mates' for either themselves or their creations, and people like him were in high demand. It had long since lost the star-struck appeal, but he could already feel certain things stirring in his tight shorts.

"Earth mother, do you bring us here for yourself, or for others?"

"Others, great one. And for yourself as well, Idesin."

Idesin poked him in the back of the head.

"Great one? You know her?"

"I know her type. And she knows mine."

"Indeed, and I know you will bring great powers upon my world."

She waved her arms, and Studley felt a great sense of power being collected into her. The Earth mother gestured towards the forest, and out from them stepped four different female creatures, each one vastly different from the others.

The first was a red panda, lithe and limber, with her legs slim and her arms soft. She opened her eyes to reveal a brilliant green, and her lips were soft yet sported the warmest smile that he had ever seen.

The second was a polar bear, larger than her sibling in both frame and fluff. Studley could see her muscles as she moved, powerful and thick beneath her fluff and bits of fat. Large breasts rolled and bounced as she walked, and her thighs were thick and strong.

The third was an elk, surprising in its leanness as it stepped between the branches. Small hooves carried it swiftly over the scattered roots, and her soft face was always downcast, a pleasing mix of shyness and submission that matched her slight curves perfectly.

The final one was a cougar, her short, soft fur giving the illusion of shadows playing along her body. She walked with the confidence of a predator, and the sultriness of a street mistress. Her every movement drew the eyes along her body, and she seemed to know it.

With them all assembled, the goddess turned her attention back to him and Idesin. Judging by the bulge against his back, Studley was pretty sure Idesin was ready for what they would be called on to do.

"You wish us to impregnate them?"

"Yes, great one. I can give them life, but the spark of intelligence...that is beyond my powers."

"That's pretty sexist, isn't it?"

"Quiet, Idesin."

"Well, it kind of is. Women for life, men for brains? Isn't that what - gulk!"

Studley normally would have asked what had shut the otter up - considering how hard it was to do, he could use any tool he could get - but he was suffering from the same ailment. His muzzle was pushed open by his stiffening tongue, and as it pushed further and further out, the wolf realized that he didn't exactly have a tongue anymore. Thankfully, he didn't really have teeth around where his new cock-tongue was sticking out from anymore, either, otherwise things would have gotten very bloody very fast.

"Yuv bot boo be pidding be."

New one on me too, Idesin, Studley thought as he looked at the cock sticking out past his lips. He reached up and touched it, and it felt very similar to the one between his legs. Perhaps slightly more sensitive, but that was about it. Looks like there are still things out there that can surprise me.

"Don't worry, great one. This is not a punishment."

I can't help but feel a to you in that sentence.

"This is a gift. I wish you to fertilize all of my girls, and you have limited time. Please. Enjoy yourselves, and seed them deep."

The goddess stepped out of the way, and the girls advanced. Studley looked back at his friend, nearly getting a cock in his face for his troubles. The otter, despite his 'excitement' sticking out between his lips, looked equally confused and ready. He blinked, questioningly.

Studley shrugged back. It was another average day.

The End

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