Pregnancy Stream Story 5: Owned by the Pride

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Another little continuation, this one paid for by FA: Taiko , this story continues on a number of years after "Pride of the Pride", #115 in the folder to your left. If you want to read it to make sure that you're getting the whole story, I would recommend it. It isn't needed, but I think it would help you a bit.

Owned by the Pride for Taiko by Draconicon

"You know, you guys are pretty great. I didn't know Darl had such a good cook for a dad."

"Where do you think the kitten got his baking skills? Heh, he sure didn't learn 'em on his own."

"Dad, come on. I did fine."

Sam stifled a chuckle at his boyfriend's indignity, putting a hand on the lion's shoulder. The anole squeezed it gently, even as the other two lions in the room laughed at Darl's blush.

"Come on, we both know you do fine."

"Yeah, yeah..."

Glad that his lion wasn't going to ruin what had already been a great dinner and great conversation after, Sam leaned back in his chair. Despite being around the feline family for a while, he kept his legs pressed tight together rather than sprawling out. Old habits died hard, for him.

He wished they didn't. Not only were the two lions his boyfriend's uncle and father (Regal and Rogar respectively) but they were good people. Rogar had welcomed him in the house from the very beginning, and though Regal had come in later, he had been just as great, if a little more crude about some of the things that he and Darl got up to. Something about the country nature of the other lion, he supposed.

"So, you boys thinking about getting kids yet?"

Sam's cheeks went red at Regal's question, and Darl - in the middle of taking a drink - almost spat it all over the room. It was only chance that his boyfriend's mouth was aimed in the cup at that point in time. Darl rubbed his lips clear.

"What? What kind of question is that?"

"Hey, I thought it was just fine. I mean, you got the boy part, Sam's got the girl part -"

"Yeah, but he's still a guy!"

"Sorry, didn't mean nothing by it."

Regal was still shaking his head as Sam shook his, looking down at himself. It was one of the reasons he had that old habit; if he'd left his legs spread out, his lack, would have been even more obvious than it was now. But just because he didn't have the same stick and balls hanging between his legs as the lions around him didn't mean he wasn't a male, just like they were.

With the older lion still apologizing, Rogar gave his brother a shove.

"Hey, just let it go, man. You're digging yourself deeper."

"Fine, fine. Sorry, Sam. Really, didn't mean nothing by it."

"It's okay, Regal. Just, uh, let's not go there, okay?"

"Sure, sure. Hey, Darl? Can I borrow your phone? Mine's dead and I need to make a call."


Darl's cell phone soared over the table and into Regal's hand. The look on the older lion's face made Sam cock his head to the side in curiosity, though. The way that Regal's mouth briefly opened looked almost surprised...and then hungry, and not in the hungry for food sort of way. He was about to ask what was the matter before Regal disappeared into one of the back rooms.

"Must be a pretty important call..."

"Eh, don't mind him, Sam. My brother's always been a bit weird. Growing up outside the city does that to you."

"I thought it was growing up in the city that did it, Dad."

"Oh, shut it. You grew up here and look at you; you're just fine."

"Even if I'm not going out with a lion?"

"I always said that didn't matter to me. Don't listen to the cousins; you're fine. And so are you, Sam. Long as you make Darl happy, I'm good with you."

Just another reason to love being here, Sam thought as he reached down for his drink. The water was nice and cold as he took a few sips to cool his blush. Being accepted as not just Darl's boyfriend but just as himself was something he hadn't thought he'd get, and it was nice to be surprised.

Their banter with each other continued over another ten minutes before he noticed that the big lion hadn't returned. Sam blinked, wondering what could be taking so long.

Rogar seemed to notice as well, and he sighed.

"Darl, you didn't have any dirty pics on your phone, did you?"


Both the anole and the lion blushed at that, and Rogar groaned.

"I'm not gonna ask. I'll be right back."

Rogar got to his feet and walked off, leaving Sam with his boyfriend. There was a single shout before the door closed, followed by a conversation that the reptile couldn't make out. He turned back to Darl.

"Uh...just how many pictures of me were on that."

"Oh, not much. Just, uh.." The lion broke off, mumbling.


"Just...last week's fun."

"...You mean last night, right?"


He felt part chameleon at that point, because he swore he was blushing from his head to his toes. Sam leaned forward, clutching his face as he thought of an entire week's photos of their 'doings' together being on display for the older lion.

"Oh god, you mean...when I was full of -"


"And when you were licking that -"



"Hey, how was I supposed to know he was going to look at them?"

"He's your uncle!"


The lion blushed a bit, but Sam's was much worse as he held his head in his hands. Just when he was doing so well. Now they were going to think he was a total slut. Worse, they were going to think he wasn't good enough for Darl, and then they'd start disapproving, and then they'd -

"Sam? Sam!"

His boyfriend's hands on his shoulders shook him back to sanity, and the anole took a deep breath. Strong furred arms wrapped around him, pulling him close.

"It'll be okay, Sam."

"But what if -"

"Trust me, they've seen a lot worse. They're not gonna be upset. The worst that's going to happen is that they'll...well..."

"Be inspired?"

"Let's go with that."

They held each other, and Sam slowly felt himself calming down. At the very least, his heart wasn't racing near as much, which meant that he didn't feel so sick with worry. He even felt like his blush was getting better, inasmuch as his face wasn't burning anymore. The anole slowly let go.

When another ten minutes went by and there was no Rogar to be seen either, Sam couldn't help but feel his worry coming back.

"What's taking them so long?"

"I...have a bit of an idea."

"What?" He turned, seeing Darl blushing for a change. "Wait. You mean -"

"Yeah, sometimes...not a lot. I mean. Not every day or anything, but -"

"Aren't these things you're supposed to share?"

"I told you I came from a kinky family. I'm going to go...go check on them."

"And don't join them!"

His boyfriend blushed at that, but walked down the hall and into the same room that Rogar had disappeared into. The anole leaned back, crossing his arms and looking up at the ceiling as he waited for them to be done doing...whatever it was they were doing.

As soon as his mind got onto the subject, though, he couldn't help but imagine the various members of the family, and the 'members' of the family. Sam had gotten a good taste of Darl's already, and if his family was anything like him -

Mind out of the gutter, Sam, mind out of the gutter, he thought, but it was a little late for that. The thought of naked lions was entrenched in his mind, and he was comparing one family member to another. Darl in the middle, his lovely, lithely muscled body with that soft fur trailing down him, ending in that delicious cock and balls; Rogar on the left, older, thicker, with a bigger cock and a hard body from all his hard work; and Regal on the left, bigger, chubbier, and hairier than all the rest, his cock so big and thick -

"Mmph. Stupid sexy lions..."

"Who you calling stupid?"

Regal's gruff voice snapped him out of his thoughts, and Sam immediately sat up, ready to apologize. However, he stopped as he saw the family standing in front of him, looming over him...or perhaps, leering over him would be the better term, as they were all nude. His imagination had not disappointed; if anything, it had underestimated.

Darl smirked at him from the middle.

"It's time to show you how lions breed."

"What? But Darl, we - and in front of - I mean -"

"What's the matter? It's not like you didn't know you were part of the pride, Sam."

Rogar snorted.

"More like under the Pride."

"Like we'll be under your tail. Ain't that right, brother?"

Sam was blushing like the sun, trying to climb up and over his seat, but his sex was soaking wet at the sight of the hot lions. They looked so good, but the idea of being taken by all three -

Their eyes seemed to flash, looking almost golden as they leaped on him, pulling him to the ground. Sam squirmed around as his clothes were ripped off, the anole soon completely exposed. His legs were forced apart as Darl pulled him close, a familiar, thick cock pushing inside of him, while another - much bigger - cock shoved under his tail.

"Don't worry, Sam. I'm gonna make you feel real gooooood."

Darl laughed at his uncle's statement, while Sam was distracted by a thick shaft pressed under his nose, Rogar's musk making his head swim.

"Get sucking while my son seed's you, Sam. We're gonna show you what it's like to be part of our pride."

Peeking out through the bedroom door, Memrirl smiled to himself. The lion spirit was quite satisfied with the antics of Rogar and his family. When a female came in - and anything with a pussy was female, regardless of how they protested - the pride must breed them until they were seeded. That was tradition.

Watching and 'enjoying' the show technically wasn't, but Memrirl doubted there was anything to stop him from doing that.

"Yes, pound that lizard hard...make 'em moan..."

The End

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