Pregnancy Stream Story 3: Ender of Pain, Chapter 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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FA: Lupesoule has been building this story up in his head for a while, and now I'm writing it out. You can find the first chapter of this in the folder on the left, entry #114, and you might want to read that for this to make more sense.

Otherwise, enjoy the mating habits of the tribe.

Ender of Pain: Chapter 2 for Idesin by Draconicon

"You know, I don't think cumming under my tail is going to get me pregnant, Ender."

"I know, but we can indulge a bit before the shaman comes to check on us again, can't we?"

"Yes, but let's not get carried away."

The puma chuckled as he pulled back, drawing his cock out of the buffalo woman's ass. His seed dripped from her pucker, but it was a mild drizzle compared to the floor that was coming out of her pussy. That hole had their bed drenched, leaving a soaked spot right in the middle of the whole thing.

Ways, his partner, wiped her hand against her pussy a few times as she rolled onto her back, eyeing the spot with a shake of her head.

"We're going to need to clean that up."

"Or we can just fuck -"

"Mate, dear, mate."


"It's what they call it, Ender. Indulge them."

"But you don't."

"Yes, but that's because I'm different."

Very different, he added in his head as he looked at her. Unlike the tribal warriors, or the women that he'd seen before, Ways was almost as new to the tribe as he was. Not only that, but she was chubbier than the rest. Not fat, by any means, but it was clear that her main exercise was not hunting or gathering, nor had she been going hungry back on the Islands, wherever that was.

He laid down beside her, drawing a finger along her hips as he got comfortable. Inevitably, his eyes were drawn back down towards her sex, her pussy oozing with two days worth of cum already. Ender had lost count of how many time she'd cum, and he'd done the same, since they'd been given this hut yesterday afternoon. Considering how little he'd gotten laid back home, it felt almost crazy to him to be doing this.

"So, think all that cum is doing anything yet?"

"I doubt it. I think we'll need another four loads or so."

"How can you be that precise?"

"Oh, Ender, there are lots of ways."

"Such as?"

Ways chuckled at him, shaking her head and turning her body around. She presented her messy hole to him, spreading her legs as she continued to ooze.

"Tell you what. Drink some of your cum out of me, and I'll answer three questions for you."

"Heh, do you promise?"

"Of course. By the great Isles, I will answer three questions if you drink at least three mouthfuls of cum from my pussy."

That sounds like a lot... He'd had it from other guys before, of course, and he hadn't been completely unacquainted with his own cum before. It was something new to be drinking it from someone else's body, though.

He lowered himself between her legs, his arms resting on her thighs as he looked down at her pussy. It was swollen and wet, and not just with his seed.

I'm going to have to ask that shaman what he makes for this. I've never seen a woman this wet, and I've never been hard for this long.

"Is it a deal, Ender?"

"Heh, deal."

The puma stuck his tongue out, sliding it into her open slit. It gaped, but only slightly from the amount of times he'd been fucking her, and his cum drooled out onto his tongue from the first lick. Lapping it up like a cat in the cream, he slowly filled his mouth as he teased her with his tongue.

She arched her back from the first lick, and Ender smirked as he dragged his tongue over her clit, deliberately teasing her for holding back. She squirmed as he shoved his tongue into her, tongue-fucking her over-stuffed pussy for a few seconds before pulling back, swallowing his first mouthful.

Ways smiled at him, but didn't congratulate him yet. She gestured at his mouth.

"Open wide."


She looked back and forth as he cheekily kept his mouth open, and she smiled as he proved there was none of his cum still in his mouth. With a nod, she lay back.

"Alright, you've earned a question. Go on, ask me."

"Just what are these Isles you keep talking about? I guess they're where you're from, but if you' this, they must be very different."

"Clever kitty."

"Thank you."

"But you can't go saying anything to anybody about this." She closed her legs around his neck, keeping his chin against her clit. "Understand?"

"Yes, ma'am."

She nodded, leaning back a bit as his seed ran down his neck.

"The Isles are floating in the air. They're...remnants, I guess. Pieces of the old world before things went wrong."


"Heh, but just because we have everything up there doesn't mean we're using it right. Half of the stuff is just for fun, and the other half is...well, we compete too much. That's all there is to say."

"You have actual technology up there?"

"You have it down here too. It's just hidden."


"Ah ah ah. One mouthful, one question."

Rolling his eyes, he patted her legs until Ways opened them again, and went back to eating out. His tongue parted her pussy lips, digging inside until he found another pool of his cum. It was a little harder, a little more training to lick it out, but she sure seemed to enjoy it. The way she thrust her hips up against his face were evidence enough of that, leaving him groaning a bit himself.

He started to reach down to touch himself, but she idly nudged his hand out of the way with her foot.

"Ah ah, me first, kitty."

"No fair."

"Sounds like you don't have a mouthful yet. Keep licking."

By the time he had another mouthful of cum, she was quaking, shivering in pleasure. Not quite over the edge to orgasm, though, which he felt a bit of satisfaction for as he leaned up. He opened his mouth, letting her see all his cum, before swallowing it and showing off again.

" off...."

"Yep. Now I have a second question. Why are you here?"

"What...what do you...mean?"

"Oh, you know. If you had all that tech up there, why are you down here? I mean, it can't be that bad a life. What happened? Did someone chase you away or something?"

She shook her head.

"Not exactly."

"Then what got a lovely girl like you down here?"

"My..." She shook her head. "My family was hunted down. We split up, and all ran off. I ended up here, and the tribe took me in, because I could be useful."

Ender stared, the silence lingering and settling in quickly. He turned his head to the side, gently nuzzling against her thigh.


"I've come to terms with it."

"But -"

"You know what you have to do for another question."

Really? Gonna drop that bombshell and demand another mouthful? But he didn't say it. Instead, he lowered his head, working for his last question.

Unfortunately, there wasn't any more cum left near the surface, so he had to improvise. Sliding two fingers inside of Ways' sex, he started scooping out bits that were further in. She gasped from the stroking motions he made, even giggled a little as he held his mouth open under her pussy.

"My my, so dedicated."

You better believe it, he thought as he scooped warm bits of cum out of her. It was at least hotter than the stuff drizzling out at the surface, though he wasn't sure he wanted to know how long it was sitting in her. It was saturated with her own juices as well, and he managed to get a mouthful rather quickly. After going through the same rigamarole of showing it and swallowing it, he asked his third question.

"You said you were useful. How, exactly?"

"...Can you ask me something else?"


He looked at her as seriously as he could, what with his position between her legs. She looked away for a moment, then looked back.

"Remember how I said there were bits of tech down here?"


"Well, I know where they are. Roughly, anyway; the chief wants the weapons and aid and food in them, and while I help him figure out where they are, I'm more than welcome here."

"Why does he want it?"

"Why does anyone want anything?"

She shrugged. He opened his mouth, but she shoved his face down before he could say anything else.

"I gave you an extra. If you want anything else, I think you need to fill me up a bit more so you have more to eat."

The End

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