Open Content Stream Story: Coach's Slave 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Heh, the mouse is underfoot again. Does he ever go anywhere else?

The Coach's Slave 2 for Alex by Draconicon

Being underfoot was one of his favorite duties with the orca coach. Being under the desk and dealing with his coach's rather large erection was a very close second.

Alex groaned as he had his face shoved against the tip. He might have been taller than the orca's shaft was long, but it wasn't by a great deal. He wasn't, however, any thicker than it was, leaving him able to wrap around it and hang from the great shaft without any difficulty. The mouse did just that, grinding his soaked boxers against the underside as he squeezed the shaft tightly with his arms and legs.

"Heh, not bad, Doormat. Keep up the work down there, and you'll get an even better meal than you had from my feet."

The mouse blushed at the anticipated treat, and dragged himself up closer to the head of his coach's shaft. The orca's cock was a dark, though still flesh toned shaft, and he grinned as he got closer and closer to the uncut tip. The musk coming off of it drew him on, and he was licking his lips as he moved further up the length of his master's rod.

It didn't take him long to reach the tip. He smiled at the way that the foreskin slid up and down the shaft, so much of it that it still covered the entirety of the head even when his master was completely hard. The mouse smiled to himself, pushing the tip of his muzzle inside of it and taking a sniff.

The smell nearly knocked him off the shaft. Not because it was bad, but because it was so potent. That single breath had been nearly as strong as the time he'd been pinned under the master's feet when he'd just stepped out of the sauna. He couldn't wait to see just how much better it could get with time.

Before he could go there on his own, however, the orca grabbed him tight. The thick fingers wrapped around both shaft and him, and Alex's nose was shoved right back in. The orca tugged on his cock, and the foreskin pulled forward, swallowing his head up and pinning him against the moist cock head.

The mouse was in heaven. He moaned, opening his mouth wide to let as much of the coach's shaft into his mouth as he could. It wasn't much, considering their size difference, but he was able to gum at the head a bit, panting as he licked over it, cleaning away the goo that clung to it all the time. He shuddered, his cock already starting to rise again inside of his boxers from the taste and smell alone, and he tightened his grip with his legs in an effort to keep himself from humping away.

Slowly the coach pulled his foreskin back, and Alex got a fresh breath of air. He panted, looking up at his master.

"Heh, Doormat, Doormat. You certainly know your place. Keep sucking, though. I don't want to stay hard all night."

Nodding, Alex got back to work. His head was swimming in the scents, and it only got worse as the coach continued dragging his loose foreskin up and down over his head. Each time he was buried, he found it harder to think, and harder to pull his mouth back from the cock head. He swore that it was going deeper, too, sliding further into his mouth and throat than it should have been able to.

It wasn't just his imagination. With each passing stroke, he found that head going further into his mouth, passing his jaws and going into his throat. He coughed around it and gasped through his nose, but it never slid back enough for him to breathe out his mouth.

"That's a good little rodent. Just where you belong. Serving your master, underfoot and under-desk."

He blushed at the compliment, riding out the thrusts and sucking and licking away. He felt the master pre-ing into his mouth, swallowing it down as best he could with his mouth open so wide. As more of the shaft slid into his mouth, he felt his body get pulled further and further up towards the tip. He was soon extended over it, rather than pressed against the balls as well as a full three inches were down his throat.

The door suddenly clicked, and the coach shoved his chair forward. Alex bumped his head against the underside, and two more inches were rammed down his throat in quick succession. As he gagged futilely, the coach bit his lip.


Hearing the door open gave him a little clue as to what was going on, but Alex was a little more concerned about the massive amount of cock shoved down his throat. Though he wasn't as small as most mice, he was still barely two feet tall. Having that much cock down his throat was proportionally more than halfway to his stomach, and it was hard to even breathe around it through his nose.

The only thing that helped was the soft swallows he managed to get around it and the general feeling of relaxation the coach's musk gave him. Each breath helped him calm down, and he suckled a little more along the head and the bit of the cock inside of him. The strange feeling of the wrinkled foreskin in his throat only improved it.

He felt the master twitching lightly, the cock throbbing harder inside of him. Their voices were too far away for him to hear clearly, but he'd yet to have any sign that he should stop. He was a good mouse; he would continue to please his master until he was told to stop.

He swallowed repeatedly, feeling the shaft swell inside of his mouth. The orca's thighs squeezed down on him, putting him in a vise, but he still heard no words to stop. He sucked, swallowed, and sucked again, unable to even move, but quite capable of pleasing the orca above him.

It wasn't just the cock in his mouth that was leaking, either. His own was throbbing like no tomorrow, encouraged by the hefty doses of musk and cock that were simply inescapable. It oozed along the underside of the large shaft above him, in him. He wondered if he might go so far as to cum on it. Considering the delights of the scents and flavors about him, he wouldn't put it out of the realms of possibility.

His master let out a few soft 'mmphs' before Alex felt the familiar throbbing begin. He grinned widely, swallowing one more time and stroking his hands along the shaft that he could reach. He felt the veins throb and swell, the length bob him up and down with the coming squirt.

Suddenly his mouth was filled with it, the first jet shooting so much cum that it filled his stomach and blasted back up his throat. He coughed around it, some of it getting past his lips, but he kept forcing it down, swallowing as hard and as often as he could, sucking with as much force as he could muster to keep all of his master's cum down in his stomach. He wanted it. He wanted it badly.

Blast after blast of cum shot out of the master's cock, and Alex wondered if the master was able to keep up the conversation above. The mouse couldn't tell; all he could hear were the splurts of cum filling him up and the heartbeat through his master's cock. He was sure that the master was fine, though. If the master needed him to stop, he would have said, or done something that made him stop.

However, as much as he had sucked down, he was a little bit stuck due to the position he was in. Not only was the cock too big to pull off of on his own, but the back of his head was jammed against the bottom of the desk, and he couldn't get enough leverage to slide away from it.

He was stuck there for nearly five minutes before the door clicked again, and the coach slid his seat back. Alex looked up towards his master, and would have smiled if his mouth wasn't so stretched out. The orca looked genuinely astonished at where he was, and the coach soon broke out laughing.

"Heh, well will you look at that. I didn't think you'd get that far down my cock, even by accident. Well, Doormat, you've certainly earned a treat, even if you made that little meeting rather awkward."

The orca pulled on him, dragging him off of the cock. Each inch that passed by his lips left Alex wanting to gag again, but for different reasons. When the shaft was going in, it was going further than it had ever gone. Now that it was going out, the sheer size of it felt like it was trying to bring the rest of his insides with it.

Bit by bit it slid out, the flesh wet with spit and cum. Alex tightened his lips around it as much as he could, but there was only so much that he could drag off of it as it slid off. As it passed out of him, he realized that he was leaving a bit of a trail of his own juices along the underside, and his cheeks went even redder. He hoped that his master wasn't offended by having his slave's juices on him.

Finally it slid out, and Alex coughed, gasping for breath as his mouth was finally empty. He shook his head a few times, slapping his hand against his chest as the orca stood up from the chair, circling around him.

"Come on, Doormat. Down on the floor."

Already bruised from the earlier kicking around and now inside from the cock invasion, Alex nevertheless pulled himself to the edge of the chair and jumped down. The impact through his legs stung, but no more than usual.

His master's finger pointed to the left flipflop, and Alex knew exactly what he was getting. Grinning widely, the mouse ran to the flat interior, laying himself down along the best points. Admittedly, his body was taller than the flipflop was long, so his head stuck out above the toes and his feet stuck out below the heel, but more than half of his body was covered by it. He wriggled into place as the coach put on the other flipflop, and then stood over him.

The big white sole looming over him had his boxers tented out big time, though he tried to ignore that in favor of the worship he would need to give. Alex licked his lips, smiling up at his master.

"Ready for your treat, Doormat?"

"Yes, master. Thank you for this, for giving me what I need."

"Heh, you're a nasty little guy. But that's the fun of it."

The foot came down, surprisingly light compared to earlier, but then again, the orca was sliding his toes into place rather than just stomping down. Alex had his body pulled back a bit, his head directly under the toes, and he groaned as they shoved down on his face. They weren't holding the full weight, as that was the ball of the big orca's foot, but it was still enough to leave him breathless.

The rest of the coach's weight came crashing down on his chest and stomach, and finally his crotch as the heel came down. The heel was the heaviest, crushing him from his waist to mid-thighs, with the rest of his legs hanging out the back of the sandal.

"Heh, you better not cum while I walk."

I don't think I can hold back, Alex thought, but he'd try, as the orca started the long walk to the car, and then home.

The End

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