Transformation Stream Story 16: The Cook's New Cock-Toy

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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And to conclude this stream's story collection, we have Havok's continued (from story #40 in the folder at the side) antics with Maria, with further transformations to occur.

The Cook's New Cock-Toy

for Drake

By Draconicon

Havok still wasn't sure why he'd stuck to the kitchen after the latex came off. Maria had promised him some fun later, yes, but the hippo had also turned him into a feral gryphon already, and had nearly sealed him in chastity for twelve hours while he was in heat. The former dragon wasn't sure if he could take too many more surprises like that, and yet, here he was, squatting at her side as she prepared another dish.

"So...what are you making now?"

"To be honest with you, I don't have any idea." The hippo chuckled, throwing a handful of spices into her pot. "I'm making it up as I go."

Well, that's not very encouraging.

The feral gryphon looked down at himself. Though the latex was gone from his body, the feeling of rut was still pretty strong. Just a glance down between his legs showed how hard he was, how much his cock throbbed. Thinking about it for even a few seconds pushed him towards thinking about how horny he was, how much he needed relief.

Havok pushed the thought away. The last thing he needed to do now was humiliate himself further by humping the hippo's leg or something. Though it was a rather attractive option...

The former dragon shook his head. No, no, no. I'm a dragon, not some feral thing that's going to hump everything he sees.

Trying to keep thoughts like that out of his head was getting harder and harder with each passing minute, though. The constant need was taking its toll, and the inability to cum - something that hadn't gone away with the shedding of his latex suit - didn't help. At least if that had gone away, he could have excused himself for a few minutes and dealt with it, but now he had to deal with it for hours.

"Okay, I think it's about ready. But I don't think you can eat it the way you were doing before."

"What are you talking about?"

"You don't exactly have hands anymore, do you?"

Looking down, he had to admit that was true. Though he hadn't tested just how well his new paws could grip things, he was pretty sure that they wouldn't be able to handle a fork or anything like that. Hell, he wasn't even sure he could stay on a seat well enough to sit at a table.

Before he could ask her to let him try, though, she pulled down a large metal bowl from one of her many cabinets. The hippo poured the soup she was making into the bowl and then placed it on the floor, scooting it over to him with a push of her foot. He looked down at the steaming food, then up at her.

"You have to be kidding me."

"Hey, you're the one on all fours. The only other thing I can think of is feeding you by spoon."

"...I'll eat out of the bowl."

"That's what I thought you'd say."

Leaning his head down, Havok sniffed at the new bit of food he was presented. Bits of beef bobbed around in the dark broth, as well as various seasoning flecks that he didn't quite recognize. Usually things that cooks used to spice up or season soups were green, but he saw blues and blacks and reds and all sorts of colors floating around in the broth. Considering his current changes, he was more than a little concerned about what this might mean for his body in the next few minutes.

Still, he couldn't deny that the soup smelled absolutely delicious. His mouth watered at the smell alone, with the strong smell of well cooked meat and spicy, almost cajun style seasoning in the broth making him want to eat it. His stomach growled, his new body's extreme carnivorous instincts begging to be indulged.

Soon, even his worries about what would happen to him couldn't fight that need to eat. Darting his head forward, he stuck his tongue into the broth and started scooping up the solids that floated around in the bowl.

"That's a good boy. Eat up, Havok. I want that bowl empty before we do something new."

Considering how hungry he suddenly felt, he didn't think that was going to be a problem. The gryphon slurped up mouthful after mouthful, the beef falling apart at the slightest bite and the bits of noodles beneath it soft enough to be slurped down in seconds. He groaned in appreciation of the flavor and the filling sensation he got, his stomach happy to have something going in it again.

As he kept eating, Havok slowly noticed something changing. He had half expected it, but the location was somewhat surprising.

He couldn't stop eating, so he had to tilt his head while slurping up more of his food to look down at his front paws. They were so much different than his hands had been, with thick fuzzy toes and claws along them, and pads along the bottom, but now they were changing more. A heated tingle left his fur rising, and he wiggled his toes to try and get rid of the feeling. It didn't really work, but it did make his claws pop out for a second.

The feeling extended to his hind feet as well as he saw the change begin. With each flex of his toes, they seemed to get bigger, stretching out over more of the floor. It wasn't a huge change, but it was noticeable, particularly as the tingles got stronger with each successive mouthful. Havok blushed, trying to stop eating, but the gryphon part of him refused to slow down, let alone stop.

His front paws continued to expand, first the toes, and then the main part they were attached to, the paw pads growing and spreading further as his paws almost seemed to inflate from within. It felt almost swollen, but in the way that they were sensitive to the touch rather than feeling ballooned, almost like all the nerves in his paws were being pushed to the surface.

Adjusting his position made him all the more conscious of how much bigger they were. The slightest shift in how he stood left his paws pressing down on a different part of the floor, and he groaned at the way he could really feel the textures of the floor through his pads. They were much more sensitive, and it was getting harder to stand up straight from all the feelings he was getting.

Almost knocking over his bowl with his next weight shift, Havok felt the changes continue in his hind legs as well. He could only spare a small look back, considering that his body continued to desperately feed itself, but it was enough for him to get a good look at his toes already expanding, and quickly. The claws back there seemed more permanently extended, and he had to keep lifting and lowering his toes to keep them from catching on the hooked parts of the floor.

They were growing fast, too. Not that his front paws had been all that slow, but the back ones were playing catch-up and then some. It felt like they were pushing his rump higher and higher off the floor, the toes and bottoms of his paws growing positively massive, and the 'heel' of it getting bigger and longer to compensate.

It didn't take long for his back-end to be much higher than his front, and it left him pointed right down at the bowl. Thankfully, the growth between his front and hind paws seemed to equalize at that point, the two of them growing at the same rate, but it was an awkward position to be in, particularly as it meant it was nearly impossible to look away from his bowl for any length of time.

When they finally stopped growing, he swore that they were twice the size of the bowl in front of him, and that bowl was bigger than any pho noodle bowl he'd ever seen, which was saying something. Just lifting them required more strength than he expected, and he knew that it was going to be hard to maneuver with such large paws. Probably would be easier to cover things with them, though; he had a dragon friend off the ship that would probably like the sight of these things.

He didn't have much time to dwell on that, however. No sooner had his paws stopped growing than he felt something else start, and it was much harder to ignore. Slurping down some broth while he could, Havok moaned as soon as his throat was clear, and looked down between his front legs.

His cock was already large enough, but it was starting to get larger still. The thick shaft sticking out back there was lengthening, the head getting wider and thicker than the rest of it and starting to weigh it down. It seemed to surge outwards with the pulse of his heart, somehow finding more and more mass to pull out of his sheath and drag towards the ground. Havok shuddered, his face drawn back to the bowl again before he could get a better look at the events happening back there.

Even without looking, he could still feel it getting bigger and getting heavier. When the latex had fallen off, the tip of his shaft had been pressing just below his belly button while he was on all fours. Now, when the head thwapped back up against him, it was past his belly button by at least four inches. He groaned, his entire body tensing up as it suddenly came up again. Make that five inches.

"Look at that. You're coming along really well with these new transformations."

"Well? I have paws bigger than soup pots and a - mmmph - cock that's getting bigger by the second."

"And that's a bad thing?"

"If I can't cum, yes!"

"Oh come on...okay, hold on."

She reached down, taking the soup bowl just as he got the last of the broth up. His gryphon side snapped for it, but she gave him a rough tap on the beak for his action.


She put the bowl away as he shook his head in surprise. That hadn't actually hurt, considering the material that made up his beak, but it had surprised him. He'd really have to watch how he was behaving.

He'd barely thought about that before the hippo pushed his side, rolling him over before he could stop her. The motion left his wings a little crunched, but nothing too bad. Besides, both of them were more focused on the length between his legs.

It had started out rather feline, but now that it was growing bigger, it looked far more horse like, particularly with the flared head. The whole thing was more than a foot long, and still growing. Maria reached down and grabbed it, and Havok moaned softly as she stroked him, his hips thrusting up before he could stop them.

"Hehehe, looks like you got a nice big one here. And it isn't even done growing yet."

"Mmmph...come on, Maria...this is torture."

"Oh, if you think this is torture, you're going to hate this."


She let go of him, getting down on all fours herself. Since her apron was the only thing she wore, he had a perfect view of her sex and ass as she reached back, spreading herself open.

"I'll make you a deal, Havok. I won't feed you any more things...but you have to fuck me until you cum."

"But...but that'll be hours!"

At least four, if he was lucky, and ten if he wasn't. The thought of how exhausted he'd be, how raw his cock would be afterwards, left him shivering. However, his body wanted it, already rolling back on all fours.


"Heh, looks like your body has already made up its mind. Fuck me, feather-head."

His body moved before he could stop it, mounting the hippo and thrusting in hard. It felt so good, so lovely to his cock to be actually fucking something. The thinking part of his brain knew it was only temporary, that he would be screaming for relief soon enough, but it went quiet soon. His body was in control, and it knew what it wanted.

The End

Transformation Stream Story 17: Cheap Subjects

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