Transformation Stream Story 15: Were-One, Were-Two

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Not all of us would go into the woods after dark...but Taiko apparently found something fun out there.

Were-One, Were-Two for Taiko By Draconicon

The green drake blushed as he wandered through the small forest outside Novus Ager. During the day, they'd looked like any other place. At night, as anywhere else, it seemed a great deal worse.

"I swear that badger was playing a trick on me, getting me out here. I bet there's no melons out here at all."

Taiko shook his head, looking back the way he came. The path he'd taken was still theoretically there, but with the way the trees moved around - just like the buildings back in the city - he wouldn't bet on it. He doubted that he would be able to find his way back that way except through sheer luck.

No, his better chance was to just go straight through and then circle around. The flat grounds outside the forest had the least chance of changing, since they had the smallest amount of things to switch around. If he could get through, he'd be fine.

The drake pulled himself up and over a large set of roots, grunting as he suddenly found himself ripping a hole through the side of his jeans. He looked down at it, shaking his head, and reached into a pocket. A sticker shaped like a melon was just big enough to cover it, and didn't look that silly, considering it was among a number of other such jury-rigged patches.

That makes some stitching he owes me too.

As he was about to take another step, he heard something. It was unclear, very quiet in comparison to all the other, closer noises, but the echoes made him stop and listen. The faint high pitch that was all he could catch before it faded left him worried.


Taiko turned in place, putting his hands to his mouth.

"Hello, is anyone out there?"

As he turned again, he caught sight of something moving between the branches. The drake followed it, turning as the silhouette leaped through the branches above his head. It was just dark enough for him to be unable to make out details, but he knew that it wasn't a typical animal. Not altogether surprising, considering where he was, but not exactly a soothing bit of knowledge, either.

It seemed to circle him, finally coming to a stop in the tree above him. Taiko backed up from the trunk, keeping his eyes on the silhouette. The branches gradually aligned, letting him see through it clearly, and he gasped.


Sitting in the branches of the tree was a full-on werewolf, very dark-furred and very, very muscular. The canine was panting hard, probably tired from its run, but the muscles bunching out in its arms and chest were huge, like something his uncle might have caused a twink to grow out of boredom. Except...except these looked all natural, like the thing had just finished a workout.

Thing. It. Those words didn't seem to apply anymore as the werewolf stood up. Taiko's cheeks went from green to red as the moon silhouetted a throbbing cock, one that was absolutely huge compared to most of the ones that he saw on a daily basis. Even from ground level, he could see that the creature's knot was starting to form, and it was a big one.

Trying to ignore his own reaction, Taiko turned tail, pushing himself to run. No sooner had he taken his second step than he heard the werewolf take flight as well. He expected the creature to run through the trees; he didn't expect it to leap ahead of him.

He ran into a solid wall of fuzzy muscle, rebounding off of it and hitting the ground hard. The drake groaned, rubbing his head a few times as he realized what he'd done. By the time he had sat up, the werewolf was right above him, and that thick, throbbing canine cock was right above his nose.

The scent of it was what hit him first. It was saturated with the smell of pre and musk, making his head swim on the first breath and adding to the tension in his pants. The drake scooted back, but the werewolf followed, his cock dripping over him. The drops were frequent, too, not just occasional, and his cheek scales were soon very wet with the werewolf's need, leaving him smelling like him.

The second thing to hit him was the size of it. Though he knew it was big from the brief glimpse from below, this was far more intimidating. The pink, throbbing length was at least a foot long, and more than big enough to gag him on it if the beast decided to shove it down his throat. He almost expected it, bracing himself for it.

Yet...the beast paused. The drake hissed as he was suddenly turned over, put on all fours. It was more disconcerting when he felt the beast's claws against his clothes, shredding his pants away and then a cold nose shoving under his tail. His eyes went wide at that, and he whimpered as his own erection throbbed all the harder.

"You...want that?"

The werewolf chuffed softly. It seemed to be a yes, but the sudden wide tongue over his rim was a much bigger yes.

Well...better to be fucked than eaten, I guess...

Taiko rolled over, pulling off the rest of his pants before they could be shredded. His own cock, about eight inches, flopped against his belly as he was freed. The werewolf sniffed it too, but the beast seemed more interested in his rump.

"Alright...go ahead."

The wolf chuffed at him again, but grabbed hold of his hips. The drake braced himself for a good hard ramming - and hoped it wouldn't hurt - but the werewolf surprised him again. He gasped at the first flick of a soft tongue over his hole, and moaned at the second. His legs slowly spread, pushing further apart as the werewolf kept tonguing his hole, lapping over it.

"Ah, ah. Oh god..."

Taiko's moans were soft and shy, something he couldn't help as the wolf lathered his hole with spit. Each lick seemed to feel a bit better, and his cock throbbed with the attention he was getting. He wanted to grab it and stroke, but at the same time, didn't want to start disturbing his partner.

Lick, lick went the wolf, and the drake groaned, his body getting hotter and hotter from the werewolf's attentions. It was beyond anything that he had expected, and when the wolf pushed his tongue forward, opening him up, it was a miracle that he didn't cum.

Suddenly the tongue disappeared, and Taiko whimpered, bucking his hips before he could stop himself. He flushed redder, knowing his body was begging a werewolf to fuck him, to take him, but it was like he had been pushed past this invisible edge that he didn't know was there. He just couldn't stop.

Thankfully, the werewolf came back, grabbing hold of his ankles and pulling his legs further apart. Taiko had never felt so exposed, and his normally green cheeks glowed redder than a reindeer's nose as he felt the wolf's cock lining up for his hole. The wolf looked down at him, one 'lip' cocked up, looking like he was both smirking and asking a question.

"G-go ahead..."

The wolf ground against him, but didn't enter. Once more, it seemed to ask him, and the twitch of the ear seemed to reflect it hadn't heard him.

"J-just...fuck me!"

He swore the wolf was laughing as it finally pushed in. Taiko hissed again, arching his back at the fullness that entered him, the sheer thickness that opened his hole wide. He'd taken in the length easy enough when staring at the wolf earlier, but he hadn't thought about the thickness. It burned, despite the rimming he got, and he shuddered to think of what would have happened if he hadn't been licked so much.

The wolf shoved him against the ground with each thrust, dragging his back against the moss covered roots and dirt. He groaned, his toes curling as his hole was forced open with each thrust. Despite the occasional pebble on the ground, he barely cared, more focused on that cock in his ass, and how good it was starting to feel.

His cock started to bounce with each hard thrust, leaping up as the cock slid in and flopping down again as the werewolf's balls slapped his ass. He whimpered, his hands clenched against the ground, and shuddered heavily as his cock felt like it was already getting close to shooting.

The werewolf suddenly lifted his hips, pulling him almost completely off of the ground. Taiko yelped as only his head and shoulders remained on the earth, everything else being supported by the werewolf's grip. His ankles rested on the creature's shoulders, and his ass...well, his ass was getting hammered really hard as the werewolf thrust down into him again, and again.

That knot was getting harder and harder to ignore, as well. Bigger than his fist, he knew it was going to hurt when it finally slid in, but he couldn't help but want it. Everything in his body had gone completely stupid with the presence of the horny wolf, so why should he stop now? He pushed back, trying to open his hole.

Smack, smack, smack went the knot against him, each one a reminder of what was going to happen, a little chance to back out, but he couldn't bring himself to. It was going in. He was going to take it. He leaned back, trying one more time -


He roared in pain and pleasure as he came, and so did the werewolf with him. Their orgasmic shouts filled the forest, and a number of smaller creatures went running from it. He panted, collapsing, only to yelp as his ass held onto the werewolf's knot. He groaned, shaking his head, panting hard.

He wasn't sure how long he stayed awake there, but when he opened his eyes next, the werewolf was still there. The moon, however, was very low in the sky, almost gone. And he saw the first hint of dawn light.

As it poured in, the werewolf started to change. Yet, at the same time, so did he. He wasn't sure how, but this was Novus Ager; weird things happened here, twisting all sorts of traditions.

When the shifting light cleared, Taiko - now a pale, more rump-rounded human - found himself to still be impaled on a rather thick cock. Thankfully, it wasn't knot thick, but the black shaft pushing into his ass felt like it was nearly as long as the canine one that had been using him.

He looked up at the man holding him, and blushed more. The werewolf had become a rather handsome black man, with a solid set of muscles throughout his upper body, and a smirk on his face. His 'captor' gently slid one of Taiko's feet over to his face, giving the toe a little nibble as he ground forward against his ass.

"Ready for round two, big guy?"

"Oh god..."

"I'll take that as a yes."

The End

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