Transformation Stream Story 13: Incubator Becoming

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A sequel to an earlier story commissioned by Sigma (titled A New Incubator, #66 in the folder) has Kaz continuing his/her transformation as he/she is pumped full of eggs.

Incubator Becoming For Sigma By Draconicon

Kaz groaned as she was filled with the drider's ovipositor. The feeling of it sliding into her new pussy was beyond wonderful, and she didn't think it was just Desi's venom that was making her feel that way. She pulled her legs upwards, wrapping them around the drider's hind end to keep herself close, and keep herself filled.

"Oooh, Desi...why didn't you tell me this felt so good?!"

"Hee hee, I did. Why don't you believe me?"

"I don't know!"

The skunk female giggled as she rocked back and forth on the web hammock. Though her limbs were still mostly trapped, her legs had been freed after the first full thrust from her friend's appendage. It wasn't much, but it was enough to let her participate.

Kaz couldn't believe that it was going so well, though. She'd just meant to offer her friend some help with dealing with her pregnant problems. The skunk had thought it would mean helping to carry things, bringing some food around, or various things like that. Things that were easy to do, things that he could still come and go and be able to help with.

Instead, he had been turned into a she, and now she was getting fucked by something that looked bigger, rounder, and far more bumpy than any other toy that she had ever seen. Kaz giggled, almost feeling a little drunk from it all, but unable to shake all the good feelings she was getting from the whole experience.

Her body was still tingling, too, so she had the feeling that the drider venom hadn't finished all its effects yet. Stifling her latest giggle, she slowly turned her head to look up at her friend again.

"Hey, Desi?"


"Mmmph...How -"

"Hehehe, you like this a lot."


She leaned back, arching her back a little bit. She really liked this, and it was so hard to think of anything else but that slow pumping between her legs. Every now and then, she swore she felt something slippery and wet pop out, filling her up down there. It had to be the eggs, really, but she didn't care. They were tiny, and she barely felt them after they came out. Probably because that ovipositor was shoving them further into her body.

There was something she wanted to ask though. Something about the venom. What was it?

It probably didn't matter. Kaz smiled as she flopped back down on the web hammock, her legs resting among the skinny legs that the drider had. It was so comfortable here, so pleasurable.

As she kept laying there, she noticed that the bouncing of her chest was getting stronger and stronger. As if in a daze, she had to struggle to look down at her chest, at the breasts that had sprouted with the poison bite. They'd been wobbling for a while now, and she'd started getting used to that.

Now, however, they were much bigger. Almost as big as Desi's massive mounds, for that matter, and Kaz realized that if she had been laying back, her breasts would have been covering her face.


"Oh lovely, look, you're looking just like a mother drider."


"Oh yes. You don't remember? You're going to be a momma."

She remembered Desi saying that, but that wasn't the problem. It was the word after 'momma' that was getting to her.

"You mean, I'm getting to you?"

"Yeah. Can't you feel it?"

"I feel you...and the eggs..."

"Hehehe, look at your legs. I can feel it tickling me already."

Kaz slowly turned her head to look around the fuck going on, looking up at her legs. To her shock, the fuzzy limbs had gone completely white without her noticing, and where her knees had been was a chitinous looking joint. Her feet were almost completely gone, replaced by pointed tips to the new legs she had.

Looking further down, just around the ovispositor, she could see the same sort of hardness running over her tail. While her fur had always been light, it was kind of strange to look at herself like that. She tried moving her tail, and it barely shifted, feeling more like she was trying to twist her torso around than move a tail.

She tried to move her legs, but no sooner had she tried to pull her left one down than it split apart. She yelped at the sight, more than a little freaked out, but Desi grabbed her.

"Shhh, shhh. Don't worry, you're fine."

"My leg, though!"

"It's just part of the transformation. Don't worry. See? Your other leg is doing it too."

It wasn't exactly comforting, particularly as her split up legs - now eight, rather than two - started to flow down over the bulbous thing her tail had become. It was so much larger now, so much more firm, that she could barely believe that it had once been a tail. Her new legs seemed to float over its sides, each one gradually settling into place before scuttling around as if they had always been there.

And through it all, that ovipositor kept filling her.

That was the central thing to it all, for Kaz. She couldn't stop thinking about it, the way that it constantly, steadily fucked her, filling her to the brim and then letting her empty again, filling her and emptying her. The eggs were still coming, too, and she swore that they were getting bigger, getting to the point of filling her up enough to feel like a replacement for the ovipositor.

She rolled her eyes back, arching her back against the web again as her legs skittered once more, trying and failing to grab onto anything. Desi's position kept her body just far enough up that Kaz couldn't try and grab her anymore, and there was nothing besides branches to try and grab with her new legs.

Yet, she didn't seem to be done changing yet. The white chitin seemed to spread from her tail and legs up her body, running along her crotch and around it. The slight white hairs that had been left down there were rapidly overrun, replaced by the strange plates that had covered her lower body. It was a strange feeling, something that felt like it should have dulled her sense of touch, yet it enhanced it, leaving Kaz gasping for breath and moaning more.

It kept sliding up her lower body, moving from her crotch to her stomach. It was almost uncomfortable at that point, as the material wasn't as flexible as the rest of her body had been. It was strong, yes, very strong, but it left her uncomfortable in the position she was in.

"Please...can't I -"

"Not yet, not yet. The eggs have to settle."

"Come's not feeling good..."

"Just a bit longer, Kaz, I promise."

She rolled her eyes. She somehow doubted that it was just a bit longer, and she doubted that this was going to get any easier.

The chitin had hardened over her belly button, some little bit of it going up her sides and a bit down her arms before it seemed to stop spreading. Most of her fur was otherwise the same, but it felt different, like it was thinner, and less protective than it once had been. She certainly felt a bit colder.

Yet, that thrusting in her, the way it rocked her back and forth on the hammock, certainly helped her forget it. Every time that Kaz started to feel cold or uncomfortable, she tried to focus more on the simple joy of having herself filled with that thing. Her breasts rocked too hard on her chest? Think of the ovipositor. Her body felt stretched out the wrong way? Think of the ovipositor. The ovipositor was too good? Just think of the ovipositor.

It became like a mantra, and her eyes glazed over the more she thought about it. Her body was just so ready for the eggs, so eager for them to fill her. It was like she was getting a wonderful reminder of what her purpose was in life, and where she belonged. Being filled with eggs, and being a good friend. But mostly being filled with eggs.

They were getting even bigger, too. She wasn't sure how the other drider was dealing with them, but each one was fast getting larger than the last. The most recent one had been nearly the size of a chicken egg sliding inside of her, and she had felt that stretch very keenly. She swore that her belly should have been getting bigger, but it seemed like the eggs were going inside of that bulbous former tail instead. Just trying to lift it seemed impossible, both from the position and the sheer weight of the eggs inside of it.

The transformation seemed nearly complete. There was just one more thing missing. Just one more thing that kept her from being a real drider.

She could feel it coming, too. It was throbbing inside of her, pushing to escape. Kaz felt it like the feeling she'd had as a male when she was horny, but she'd never felt it from inside, wanting to push itself out. The drider-becoming panted, her entire body squirming among the strands of the web holding her down. She had to let it out. Had to push it out so that she could feel good.

"Hold still, Kaz!"

"I can't!"

"It's almost done, just hold -"

"I can't!"

Kaz arched her back again - almost feeling like she was cracking something in the process - as it finally popped out. Her own ovipositor, straining and throbbing almost like a male cock. Even when she rubbed it up against something, it didn't give her the same pleasure as a cock had, but it felt similar, enough for her to want to keep doing it.

Finally, Desi slammed down onto her. The full length of the ovipositor was hilted inside of her, and Kaz gasped in pleasure as the largest eggs yet were pumped into her, nearly the size of her fist and filling her up to no small degree. She gasped out her orgasm, squirming helplessly.

"'re changed, and you have half the eggs. Just a bit more to go..."

More? She didn't know if she was excited or terrified, but she had little choice either way but to take them.

The End

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