Transformation Stream Story 12: Sex in the Moonlight

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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FA: Rayoelgatubelo has commissioned quite a few transformative stories. Here's a more classic were story.

Sex in the Moonlight for Ray by Draconicon

The City of Lights was a good name for Paris, Ray thought, though the most important light to him was just about to come over the horizon. He gently dragged his lady of the night towards their hotel, spinning her playfully around a puddle from a recent rainstorm and guiding her onto the first step towards the lobby.

"Why Ray, how stylish."

"For the lady, nothing less."

He purred as he followed her inside, behind her only for a moment as they stepped through the rotating door before he was at her side again.

They were an unmistakable pair in the lobby, he knew. Though things were far more diverse now than they had been four hundred years ago, the number of couples of different skin tones could be counted on two hands and a tail. Most consisted of a black woman and a white man, and a few were the other way around. He didn't see any like them, Latin and deep African.

He squeezed Sylvie's arm as they walked towards the elevator, smiling up at her.

"You looked magnificent beneath their lights. I daresay that you'll look positively stunning beneath ours."

"You flatter me. I'm sure you will look no less fine in the pale eve."

The line at the elevator was short, to his vast relief. They only had to wait for two other pairs to take it before they were allowed in, and it took most of his self control to not get a few feels in on his date. She looked down at him with a smile - her height only serving to encourage him more - and leaned in to whisper to him.

"Just a little longer, Ray. Are you looking forward to it as much as I?"

"Greatly, my Sylvie. I can't wait to feast on you the way you deserve."

Her giggle was soft but throaty, and he felt like purring in response.

He felt almost like a child again, rushing through the hallways in chase of a treasure. He still remembered the old game, a hunt to find what he had earned, a chase to bring it down and enjoy. It had been enjoyable in its time. As he ran down the hallway, however, he knew the game had changed. He'd already gained his prey. He merely had to keep it, and enjoy it.

The sun was down. He could see that in the window at the far end of the hall. They didn't have much time before the other light was shining down on them. Ray fumbled in his back pocket for the keycard, pulling it out as Sylvie pressed against his back, her breasts flattening against him.

"Mmm, don't make me wait...I've heard so many good things about...your kind."

Her hand pressed between his legs, rubbing him. He groaned, pressing forward against her grope before finally getting the door unlocked.

"Come on."

They stepped inside, Sylvie continuing further in while he locked the door. He could hear her clothes hitting the floor all the way to the bed, and he smirked as he thought about what fun they were about to have. His body was as excited as his mind, and he reached one hand down, pressing it to himself the way that she had.

"This is going to be a good night."

With the last lock shoved into place, he followed the trail of clothes to the bedroom. Having gotten them a suite, he had a bit of a walk, and he took advantage of it to disrobe on the way there. His shoes were left by the door, and he pulled his shirt off a little bit after, letting it fall on the dress Sylvie had been wearing. His socks fell over hers, and his pants joined her panties on the floor.

She's more than eager tonight, he thought as he saw his pants darken where they hit her underwear. She must have been even more ready to play than he thought.

He was down to his boxers when he reached the bedroom door, and he paused to take in the sight waiting for him.

Sylvie's dark skin glistened in the bedroom light, and the window outside was open. The slightest hint of the moon was on the horizon, and he could see her looking at it as eagerly as she had looked at him. She turned, and he met her grin with one of his own. As he reached down to his underwear, she shook her head.

"Leave them on. Let them rip when I see the real you."

"Mmmm, I couldn't have the same favor?"

"Mmm, if you're a good kitty, maybe next time."

It was a pity, as the ripping was one of the best parts. But he would take what he could get. Ray smiled as he leaned against the doorframe, watching Sylvie as she watched him, the both of them waiting for the moon to rise.

They waited perhaps ten minutes before the first change began. Sylvie gasped, arching her back against the bed, and Ray felt the first purr rumble in his chest. He groped himself as he watched his lady begin her change.

She twisted and turned on the bed, her skin breaking out in a thick sweat and making her dark skin shine more than ever. Droplets stood out on her breasts as they rubbed against each other, the large mounds bouncing as she bucked against the bed, her fists clenched against the sheets. Sylvie moaned aloud, her head bent backwards.

Her shiny skin slowly began to lose its shine as spotted fur slowly grew in over it. It was a light brown-ish orange in many places, with a darker brown in the spots. It grew in quickly, spreading across her from her neck. The flow upwards was slower than down, but both proceeded quickly.

"Mmmm, so that's where you got it..."

"Oooh yes, Ray...where else would a giraffe start?"

Ray smiled at the thought, chuckling to himself. Whatever were-giraffe had enjoyed Sylvie first had left his mark. She would never forget him. Just like she would never forget this night, if he had his way.

The spotted giraffe fur spread across her body, reaching her toes and covering the top of her head in about the same amount of time. But the sight of a giraffe skinned human didn't last long. In short order, her body began to ripple. The generous mounds on her chest, the thick curves of her hips and the powerful muscles in her arms and legs; all of them faded, shrinking, as her body put the mass to better use.

Ray's underwear felt tighter than ever as he watched her grow, her legs pushing, extending from her hips, extending towards the foot of the bed and beyond. Her arms stretched out over her head, the slender limbs gaining a foot or more in length, as her fingers grew slightly more slender, more delicate to match the arms above. Her toes, on the other hand, seemed to fuse, coming together into two simple hoof points, still vaguely flexible - considering she managed to curl them slightly as she kept changing - but not nearly the same as before.

With most of her body changed, he knew what was coming next. Ray licked his lips, feeling the tension in his boxers increase as his own changes followed. He watched as her spotted neck began to stretch, just like her arms and legs had.

"That's it, Sylvie...grow...grow..."

"Oh, so like to watch me?"

"So much. The moon is generous."

"To both of us, it seems."

She giggled as his boxers suddenly gave way, his feline shaft coming into the open as her transformation continued. Ray grabbed it shamelessly, stroking himself as it continued to grow. What had been a human four inches had grown to eight, and it was still getting larger.

But his focus wasn't on his own changes. No, it was on hers, as her neck stretched again, and again. Inches of length were piled on, lifting her head above her torso, allowing her to loom over him more than ever. What little gain he'd made was completely overshadowed by her transformation, and she seemed to relish in her new shape.

Her hips bucked as her face pushed through its own transformations, and Ray saw and smelled how wet she was. The feline smiled, sauntering across the room and kneeling at the edge of the bed. Leaning forward, he extended his tongue, dragging it over her slit.

"Oooh, Ray...Ray, I'm so -"

"Go on...let me taste you...change, Sylvie. Change!"

Over the course of three licks, her little blunt horns popped in on the back of her head. A few more encouraged her muzzle, slowly growing outwards in its cute little box-shape, smoothed out and soft looking. Her tongue pushed past her lips, growing longer and longer as the transformation continued.

It finally took her over the edge, and he got the first taste of it. Her pussy squirted the last of her human juices from it, and he got the sublime flavor of the change, that moment when one lost their humanity and became the beast within again. It made him smile, and made the whole teasing, the whole 'serving another' process, more than worth it.

Licking his lips, he slowly stood over her. His own body had been transformed beyond the bounds of what was normally human. His skin was covered with sleek black fur, with spots barely present amidst the darkness. His fingers were tipped with claws, and a whip-like tail darted about behind him. His ears twitched at her moans, and his tongue rasped over his lips as he took in her flavor once more.

"So that is how giraffes look."

"Now, now, Ray, I know we're smaller than you're used to, but -"

"Small? No."

He reached up to her, taking one of her small breasts in hand. He squeezed it as she shuddered beneath him, dragging a claw up along the slight swell to her nipple. The little bud seemed to harden more under the point, and he lightly pinched it.

"A cute little handful, that's all they are. And cute is just right for a wonderful lady like you. So large, so sleek..."

He pulled his body over her, his cock at her entrance. She gasped as he laid it against her, letting her feel the full size, the full change from his human form.

"And so helpless beneath the big cat you invited into your bed."

"Oh no, I've been caught. Someone, help."

They both chuckled at her sarcastic plea, but they quickly moaned instead as he plunged into her. The lights of their room went out, but in the moonlight, they could see each other well enough. Her arms wrapped around him, pulling him in, and he followed eagerly.

Mmm, gets them every time, he thought.

The End

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