Prison Stream Story 6: Any Cell But This

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The last of the prison themed stories features a certain evil Kitsune getting his just desserts in an alt-world where he was caught by the police.

Any Cell But This for Ray by Draconicon

Hideo had done nothing wrong, by his standards. The kitsune had merely treated his women the way they deserved, nothing more and nothing less. Simply by virtue of their gender, they had earned no better status than property.

Unfortunately, society had a different view, particularly when half of them were below the age of consent. Several policemen had knocked down his door while he was in the middle of the act, and the sight of the bloodied cunts of his females hadn't endeared him to the officers. The kitsune growled at the memory, flexing his arms against his restraints.

The trial had been quick. The district attorney had too much evidence against him for even his fame to counter, and the fact that he'd been caught out as a kitsune and not a human hadn't helped. With the added charge of evading the Registration Act, he'd been sentenced to an out-of-circuit prison specifically for the furred kind, rather than a standard, more regulated prison. The look the judge had given him before sending him off should have warned him, but at the time, he'd only been concerned about adding her to his list of people that would pay for this.


"You must be joking."

The courts hadn't been kidding when they said that this was a fully out-of-circuit prison. There wasn't one human to be seen around him. Not a single pair of tits on a guard, either. Every staff member and guard he had seen during his registration had been male, and - through the window to the cell block - the kitsune couldn't see any females.

That, however, wasn't the worst part. The orange jumpsuit that they'd tossed him was bad enough, baggy and made of uncomfortable fabric. The second piece of his uniform, however, worried him.

"This...thing...can't actually be allowed."

"All mystical creatures have to wear something to block their magic. You sure ain't going to be an exception, scumbag."

Hideo snarled as he picked up the equipment. It felt like plastic, and had a hole in the bottom just big enough to force all his tails into it. They'd be forced to curl around up his back as if they were tied in a bow, but the humiliation wasn't what bothered him. No, it was the fact that it would block his powers. Just touching the damn thing, he could feel his energy slipping away.

"I won't -"

"Either you put it on, or we will. And trust me, 'Ninja', we aren't gonna be nice about it."

It was a tempting thought to let them try, but Hideo reined the urge in. The guards weren't exactly weak, and if they had magic dampeners like that, they would be ready for most of his tricks. The kitsune looked at the tail binder once more before pulling it behind him, sliding his tails in one by one. As they went in, it felt like they went numb. It was extremely off-putting to suddenly be unable to feel them, and he wobbled as he nearly lost his balance as a result.

Once all of his tails were inside, one of the guards stepped up behind him and pulled it down to the base of his tails. Hideo didn't need to see it to know that it looked like he had a great big bow running from the middle of his back to the base of his tails.

"This is humiliating."

"So's what you did to those girls, asshole. Come on; it's time to put you in with the others."

Forced to dress in the jumpsuit as he went along, Hideo at least had the satisfaction of getting a few envious glances from some of the guards as he stripped down. The kitsune smirked, letting them glance at his crotch. He might be in prison, but he was a real man. He doubted any of them let themselves truly rule their world as a man should.

He'd just gotten the zipper of the jumpsuit up when they reached the last security door. The mouse outside looked up at him with such contempt that it made him want to wrap a tail around the rodent's neck and strangle him. The deference that the guards showed the little guy didn't help.

"So, you are Mr. Big-Shot Girl-Lover himself, huh?"

"I am Hideo, yes."

"Well, I'm so glad to finally have you in my prison." The mouse chuckled. "I even picked out a special cell mate for you. I'm sure the two of you will have a lot in common."

"Just what are you talking about, cheese thief?"

"Oh, I'll let you find out. In the meantime."

The mouse turned to the general population beyond the gate, rapping a cane against some metal bars to get their attention. Hideo was genuinely shocked at how fast the many males turned their attention to the mouse.

"Okay, everybody, we got a new guest in our little hotel. Coming all the way from Seattle, we got the child-fucking, woman-hating, short-stacked little monkey himself, Hideo Noguchi! Let's give him a hand, everybody, and give him a nice welcome to his home for the next three decades."

The cell block was silent, save for the mouse's sarcastic applause. Hideo narrowed his eyes at the little man. I will find you, mouse. And they will never find your body.

"Guards, get him to his cell. Preferably in one piece."

"Preferably, sir?"

"Well, can't help it if he loses a bit of fur and maybe a finger. But try to get him there, if you can."

A finger? In one piece? Hideo snorted. As if any of these sorry excuses of men could actually do anything against him. He was Hideo Noguchi; he'd dealt with far worse people for longer than most of these people had been alive.

He kept his head up as the guards marched him into the cell block. The other prisoners, ranging from foxes to bulls in size, seemed to keep at arms length, but he wasn't sure if it was because of the way he carried himself or the guards. The way that some of the bigger guys cracked their knuckles as he walked by made him think it was probably the guards.

He started to sweat as they climbed the stairs to the top level, but he still felt confident until someone grabbed him through the cell bars.

Caught completely by surprise, the kitsune felt the air get shoved from his lungs as he collided with the cell door. A spotted arm was wrapped around his chest, and he felt the prick of something sharp against his neck. It scored through his fur before the guards pulled him back, and he coughed as he got his breath back.

The Dalmatian immediately dropped his weapon as one of the guards leveled a taser at him. The other guard reached through the bars, taking the shiv from the canine.

"That's the second one this week, Darl. Next one's putting you in confinement."

"Next one's putting that fucker in the ground."

"Promises, promises."

As the guard pocketed the weapon and they continued escorting him along, Hideo felt his earlier nervousness return. The guards hadn't given him anything for the cut on his neck, and lacking his magic, he couldn't heal it. He couldn't even press a hand to it with the handcuffs on. Admittedly, it was a small cut, but it showed how much he mattered.

His cell ended up being in the middle of the top row. The shadows in it weren't deep enough to hide the bear sitting on the bottom bunk, nor what he was doing. Turning away from the jerking off ursine, Hideo looked up at one of the guards.

"Why am I being put with him?"

"Why not? A rapist with a rapist."

"But I never touched a man!"

"Heh, well, you're about to. Get in there."

There is no way I'm sharing a cell with someone like that, he thought. He darted forward, but he wasn't fast enough to get past the bigger guards. Blocking him and grabbing an arm each, they physically lifted him off of the ground and threw him into the cell, slamming the gate shut behind him.

"You can't do this! Get me out of here!" He ran to the gate. "Hey! I'm the Ninja! You can't -"

"Mmmm, can't. Ya hear that a lot with yer women?"

The bear's voice was just accented enough to make Hideo clench his teeth, and just soft enough to make him worried. He slowly turned, watching as the big, white bear got to his feet. The naked ursine towered over him by nearly two feet, and due to what he'd been doing, clearly had enough down there to make him feel a bit small.

"Asked ya a question, boy. Ya hear 'you can't' from a lotta girls?"

"Why does it matter to you?"

"I just look forward to hearing ya scream it when I have my fun with ya."

This bear was actually going to do it. Hideo paled as he pressed himself back against the cell gate, shaking his head as the bear walked closer and closer. This...this...thing was going to use him.


Hideo jabbed at the bear's stomach, but the impact did nothing except make the big guy's stomach bounce. He didn't have a chance to throw a second one, either, as the polar bear grabbed both his hands and shoved them against the metal bars. His grip was so tight that the kitsune swore his bones were grinding against each other, possibly on the verge of breaking.

"So nice to send ya to me. They even gift wrapped ya, a nice little bow on that candy ass of yours."

The bear spun him around, slamming his cheek against the bars. One hand kept his arms pinned, pulling them behind his back, while the other pressed against the back of his head.

"Look at that. All those guys, knowing just what ya did. I bet there's at least twenty shivs with yer name on 'em, just waiting to be buried in yer throat. And that's if they don't want a little fun first. Heh, last guy that played with a little girl sent here? They found his balls in the morning breakfast.

"And then ya got me. I ain't gonna kill ya. Heh, not as long as ya still feel good around my cock."

Hideo hissed as the pressure on the back of his head stopped, but only so that a claw could rip open the back of his jumpsuit. The feeling of the bear's cock rubbing under his tail, so close to something that shouldn't be touched, left him growling.

"Get away from me! You can't do this!"

"I love it when they say that. Say it again."

The bear's cock twitched, oozing pre over his hole. Hideo squirmed, trying to get free, but for the first time in his life, he was being held down by someone stronger than he was. Every trick was immediately countered, and he felt the bear's cock head against his hole, pressing it harder, threatening to break in.

"You can't! I'm Hideo Noguchi!"

"Really? I thought ya were 'My Bitch'!"

Punctuated by a hard thrust, Hideo's howls echoed through the cell block, much to the amusement of everyone below. His anger was rapidly smothered by fear, his growls reduced to whimpers as the bear fucked him hard.

I have...I have to get out of here...but how?

The End

Prison Stream Story 5: Prison Porn Star

The Prison Porn Star For Sibyl By Draconicon The curvy feline sat on the edge of her bed. Not even her bed, but a bed. She looked down at herself, shaking her head as she was reminded of her new life. Sibyl wasn't even sure why she was in...

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Prison Stream Story 4: Funding the Prison

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