Open Content Stream Story: A Useful Toy

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A little story of a drippy fox turned into something more useful.

A Useful Toy for Frysco By Draconicon

Frances knew that he should have left the magic shop alone. Mirari and Rannoi both told him that it was a place that the Transformed weren't supposed to go unless they were summoned there. He knew that it was a place that would be messed up easily, where intruders were instantly caught. He even knew that going there would give him away because of his constantly leaking cock, but he did it anyway.

Kneeling in the little cornershop inside of the park, the gray fox looked up at Rannoi with the look of one that didn't want to be punished, but knew he was going to. He didn't bother to speak. Whatever he thought was already in the dragon's head, and if that stern look hadn't disappeared yet, it wasn't going to.

The dragon's eyes, though, were the hardest thing to look at. Though blankly white, they somehow seemed to convey the disappointment that he'd broken the rules, and the creativity that he feared would be involved in his punishment.

"I don't know if you wanted to be punished, Frances. No." The dragon held up his hand. "I know you will protest that. You might not think you want to be punished, but considering all the other times I've found you in places you shouldn't be, it seems like you want someone to come down hard on you. You want me or one of my lieutenants to teach you a lesson and do something to you.

"I've been lenient so far, but I think that I may just have to indulge that need to get you to stop."

Frances shook his head, but his body froze at a gesture from the dragon.

"I said no. You aren't going to get off so easily this time. Come with me."

The fox was lifted off his feet before he could so much as open his mouth. The master's magic carried him along, leaving him as little more than fuzzy baggage getting pulled from one part of the park to another. He was a little surprised that Rannoi didn't just teleport them to wherever they were going, but he supposed that the dragon had his reasons. He always, always did.

They passed by other Transformed, both those bestial and those with their minds left. Both followed behind the master, the latter curious, and the former following his scent. The fox looked at them, and wondered if he would be thrown to them to lose his mind. Some of the Transformed had that fate, if they fell too far into the carnality of it. They were simply allowed to continue down their path until they lost their minds completely, and he couldn't blame them. The path was an attractive one.

They passed by the central roller coaster of the park before arriving at the Grand Stage. During the times when the park was open for other humans, the Stage was the set for shows and performances of all styles. For the park residents alone, it was a meeting place. For the master, it was a place of sentencing.

The dragon tossed him onto the wooden stage, and followed him up as over three hundred different Transformed stood around the edge of it. Frances recognized a few, including the Koopa that had been making a lot of rounds with any big-bottomed Transformed (not including him, unfortunately) and a coyote that seemed to be paddling his way up a river ride with signs. Most of them, however, were looking at the master, rather than him. As they should be, he thought.

"We have a troublemaker on our hands, everyone. A very loud, very persistent troublemaker."

The dragon turned to him, pushing him down with one scaly foot.

"This little fox has been sneaking into all the forbidden areas lately. From my chambers to the magic shop, even into the ticket booths and covering all our materials with his leakings."

The crowd groaned at that, and Frances blushed. It wasn't his fault that he leaked all the time. It was just what his body did. If they didn't want everyone getting a ticket to start transforming, they should waterproof the darn things.

"He needs to be taught a lesson. I was tempted to do what I have done with David, and let him become a public toy to you. But that didn't seem to be enough, when I thought of it. After all, a toy can still take pride in what it does, how it can respond to the other person. I don't want him to have a reward from it, after all.

"And then I thought of something. What if he were a literal toy? Now that, that I believe, would teach him quite a lesson."

Frances' eyes went wide at the idea of being used so directly like that. He stumbled, trying to pull himself to his feet. He'd barely managed to get to his knees before Rannoi turned to him, the golden magic of the dragon wrapping around his cock. The fox gasped, pulled upwards and hanging from that magical grip. It stung, but somehow didn't hurt as much as it should have.

"You have precisely one good part to you. Let's put it to good use."

Frances groaned as the dragon's magic squeezed around his shaft, spreading around his entire body in a stream of golden light. It was a warming, yet terrifying experience as he could feel his body erupt in strange tingles, everything stroking and rubbing against each other as the dragon started working his transformation.

The first feeling he felt was an immense breathing from his head and his feet. He had his head forced upwards, and he heard a crack as something in his body seemed to give way. It didn't hurt, but sounded very strange.

There was another one, and this time he saw it happen, as his feet suddenly folded back on his legs. His soles were pointed towards the sky, but his toes were touching his calves. It looked like he should have been screaming in pain, but it was painless. The only problem was the slightly sickening feeling of looking at himself getting folded over.

That ended, however, as his face was suddenly shoved down against his chest. His nose flattened, shoved into his face until he was completely flat faced against his chest. Bit by bit, his body seemed to fold up, and within seconds he couldn't see at all. Nothing seemed to be visible to him, except for the fur that surrounded him, and soon even that was taken away, leaving him in complete darkness.

The only physical sensation that he had left was the feeling of the hand on his cock. It never moved, never did anything but squeeze him, but the constantly lusty fox couldn't help but keep leaking anyway. Sometimes the flowing pre was something else he could feel, but it was always wiped away before it got strong enough for him to focus on for long.

Crunch, crack, snap. He heard the sound of what had to be breaking bones, but he couldn't feel anything as his body was adjusted into a tighter and tighter space. Everything was numb - except for his cock - but he had the sensation of pressure, like everything was getting compressed, held in by something.

Then his sight was gone, and completely gone, not just seeing darkness. Frances shuddered, as much as his paralyzed body could, wondering if he'd be left blind forever.

After a few seconds, he realized he could see again, though not in the same way. Things were almost fish-bowled around him, and as he looked about, he realized that he was looking up at the dragon's face. From what he could feel, the hand around his cock as right under him. So that meant...

"And so, we reach our climax."

The dragon turned him around. His body felt all wobbling, elastic, almost, and rubbery most certainly. On a few occasions as he wobbled about, he saw what looked like his balls at the edge of his vision, but they were hanging free, nothing below them.

_I'm a dildo,_Frances realized.

"Anyone that wants to use him, feel free. I'll be back for him in a week. Just make sure that he stays in use, or, for that matter, in you, for that entire week."

Frances tried to say something, anything, but the most he could do was make his body vibrate slightly. He didn't do that for long; the feeling tickled, almost making him feel like he was going to sneeze. Considering how much trouble he got in for leaking all the time, he didn't want to do something that would make more of a mess now.

Of course, there was his fate. His 'eye' seemed to open wider as he was suddenly thrown towards the crowd, and he felt the tingle of wind along his 'body' as he soared through the air. What little struggles he could put up had the same effect as trying to talk, and he started falling with an ever-growing buzz.

He landed in a calloused hand, just rough enough to leave him wincing, but very strong. Frances couldn't even look around to see who had caught him. The only thing he saw - after a very fast blur of movement - was a puckered hole that was fast approaching his eye. A tuft of a tail above it suggested maybe a buck or a rabbit, but again, he was moving too fast to be sure. The former fox winced, bracing himself as he was shoved forward.

His 'face' rammed against the pucker, pushing and smeared against it. He couldn't smell anything at all, but he felt that it was clean. Very hot, as well. Whoever was trying to shove him in kept good hygiene and had a warm body, at least.

Suddenly he was pulled back, a glob of spit landing on his head and rubbed all over. It left his vision like he was looking through water, and he wished he could wipe his eyes.

Back down he went, and this time he slid in a bit. The feeling of being surrounded by flesh was surprisingly good, and Frances would have moaned if he had a mouth. Instead, he vibrated happily, buzzing against the interior of the male's hole. The feeling must have been pretty good to his user, because he felt a hand on his balls shoving him in even further, burying him deeper in the pucker.

In and out, in and out the male shoved him, and each time that strange feeling - like needing to sneeze - got a bit stronger. Frances tried to stifle it, but it was impossible to ignore. Each time he felt it, the rest of his body seemed to get harder, throbbing and getting more rigid from the good sensations.

Suddenly the vibrations through his body kicked up a notch as he 'came'. It wasn't a full climax, but he suddenly felt supercharged with an enormous enough of energy, leaving him twitching and throbbing inside of the male's hole. Judging by the sudden tightening, he was pretty sure that the male liked it too.

He was pulled out, and Frances 'smiled', his urethra puckering lightly. Maybe this won't be so bad.

Then, he was grabbed, spat on and shoved up another hole. His urethra eye went wide, the dildo silently buzz-screaming at the discomfort, being used while so highly sensitized.

Maybe not, maybe not!

The End

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