Locker Room Stream Story 4: Locker Room Prank Backfired

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Well, look what our friend FriskeCrisps has gotten himself into this time. He just can't stay out of trouble, can he?

Locker Room Prank: Backfired for FriskeCrisps by Draconicon

Crisp smiled as he shut his locker, a piece of paper folded up in his hand. It had been a little pricey to buy, but he felt that it was worth it for the prank.

"Finally, that scaley is gonna have a little payback."

The wolf was tired of being the one to get hit with pranks all the time. Whether it was itching powder in his shoes or some sort of slime that got launched out of his locker when he came in from gym, he'd been pranked at least once a week ever since the college year had started. The few times he'd tried to retaliate, Scarr - the dragon who'd become his tormentor - seemed to know about it and had disarmed his trick before it could go off.

With what he'd learned from his lessons since, it seemed like Scarr was using some of his species' magic to help him out. It wasn't that rare to find magical beings, or even to develop some magical powers, but dragons had a bit of a natural boost to it. The wolf was a bit envious, but he'd set himself to studying a way to get back at him.

Now, he had it. He just hoped that mail-order course had been good enough to surprise his opponent.

Thankfully, most of the class seemed like they were going to be busy for a while. Gym period still had fifteen minutes until it was over, and they should be alone. Crisp had sent a text to the dragon to meet him, and now he just had to wait.

He didn't have to wait long. In barely more than a minute, the locker room door opened. Crisp stood up, walking barepawed - to keep quiet - to peek around the corner. The red dragon paused by the door, looking around.


The wolf didn't answer. Instead, he ducked back behind the lockers, kneeling down so that he was ready. He unfolded his piece of paper, looking at the parchment-like quality. The lettering was scrolled on perfectly. All he had to do was read it, and the magic would be cast. He just needed to wait for the right moment.

He heard the dragon's footsteps as Scarr walked further into the locker room.

"Crisp? I know you're here. Why don't you just come out? You know you can't actually get me."

That's what you think.

He kept quiet, waiting. One more aisle. Then -

As soon as the dragon stepped into the open, Crisp started reading the spell. Scarr turned around at the last second, as the paper suddenly burned up with the magic. The light from it zapped out, and Crisp grinned. He was going to win.

Except he didn't. The dragon grabbed at one of the locker doors, pulling it between him and the spell. The magic hit the reflective metal and bounced back, hitting Crisp instead. The wolf slumped back, bumping into the other row of lockers rather painfully.


"What did I tell you, Crisp? You can't get me."

Oh, shut up. At least, since he cast the spell, nothing was actually going to happen to him.

"What was that spell, anyway?"

"A body control spell."

Wait, what? I didn't mean to say that.

"Oh really? And how did it work?"

"The first person to talk after it's cast controls the one hit by it."

No no no, I can't tell him...oh, damn it.

"Hehehehe, this is going to be fun. Stand up, wolfy."

"Crisp's body moved without him meaning for it to. It was the first time that he'd been directly affected by magic - that wasn't in shoe form, anyway - and it was stronger than he expected. He couldn't move anything without the instruction of the dragon.

"Now, take off your shirt. And your pants, while you're at it."

The wolf blushed, already feeling a familiar surge rising somewhere down below. He did his best to ignore it, but the humiliation of losing again, and other thoughts of those past controls, were hard to resist. As he pulled his shirt up and over his head, he felt a familiar throbbing and tightening in his pants.

"Now your pants...Oh, my."

There was no hiding it as Crisp pulled his pants down to his ankles. As he stood up, his red briefs were exposed, and the y-front was pulled open a bit by his growing boner. The wolf blushed worse, but there was no way that he could keep it hidden.

"Man, you are pathetic, Crisp. I mean, seriously springing a boner when you lose? What, were you getting hard every other time I pranked you?"

He shook his head, but his cock throbbed all the harder at the reminder. He felt it jump in his underwear, starting to drip through the cloth.

"Hell, you probably were. You always were a little loser, and seeing you like a little sissy in those loser briefs of yours, it's more obvious than ever. Say that you're a loser."

"I'm...a loser."

"Heh. Say you're a little boner boi."

"I'm a little...little boner boi."

The dragon's laughter was louder than ever, and Scarr shook his head a few times.

"Geez, this is going to be fun. Come with me."

The dragon led him into the shower area, the tiles almost too cool under the wolf's feet. It made him shiver, but his boner refused to go down, and Scarr noticed it. The dragon dragged a finger along his bulge, and Crisp shivered again, though in a different way.

"Heh, I'm going to have fun with this. Ever seen the Cossack dance?"

He kind of remembered it. It was like a russian dance or something, where people did a lot of squats and kicks. The wolf nodded.

"Start doing that. And don't stop until I tell you."

The wolf suddenly felt his legs drop out from under him, his arms crossing over his chest. Up and down, up and down he went, one leg kicking out followed by the other. Occasionally he would turn and spin, and other times his arms got thrown out, but by and large it was the squat and kick, squat and kick.

As he danced, his boner was jostled around and around in his briefs, getting harder and harder as it was forcibly rubbed by his clothing. He blushed as it almost spilled out several times, coming so close before a different dance move managed to jostle it back inside.

He was so focused on his body's dancing that he didn't notice what Scarr was doing until it was too late. The dragon had turned on one of the showers, and taken the shower head and pointed it at his underwear. The hot water soaked it completely, making it cling to him, and making his boner all the more obvious.

"There we go. That'll start that. Go get your shoes for me. Dance back to the shoes, and bring them back."

He blushed all the way back to the lockers, his face on fire as he felt his boner bouncing around, rubbing his crotch and the soaked underwear in equal measure. It was exhausting, moving by dance, but he had little choice. It was the only way that the spell would let him move. He grabbed his red shoes and made his way back.

The dragon took them before he could offer them, and took out a permanent marker. Crisp winced as Scarr wrote something on the underside.

"Okay, stop dancing."

Crisp fell down, panting and gasping for breath as he was finally allowed to stop. Despite his exhaustion, his throbbing cock refused to go down, and his soaked underwear felt like it was getting filled with something a good deal slicker and slimier than just water.

As he lay there, he felt Scarr grab his legs and force the shoes down on them. The laces were tied tight, and he felt them suddenly heat up. It seemed that the other dragon was using some magic as well.

He felt the laces start running up his legs a bit, and as they did, it suddenly got much harder to think. The slithering laces wrapped around his calf, almost like an impromptu sock imitation, and as it squeezed, his brain seemed to empty.

"That's it, wolfy. You're going to be a good little dancer. Thought you could pull one over on me, huh? Well, you can't. You can't actually beat a dragon in magic, no matter how hard you try. So I'm going to teach you a lesson, and maybe you'll remember it. Turn around, sit normally."

Crisp did, moving so that he was seated like a normal person. He could see that the bottoms of his shoes had the word 'Loser' written on each of them, in permanent marker. The bit of his brain still awake almost wanted to cry at that.

"You're going to go out in that and do the dance for everyone to see. Let them see that waving boner of yours, and those loser shoes, too. Dance for everyone, and don't stop until the teacher grabs you.

"Heh, and why don't you keep looking like that, too? Looking all high and confused. That'll be good. Now go."

The wolf got to his feet, barely cognizant of what was going on around him. The command to dance, the command to show off, were pressed too hard in his mind to ignore. His hips moved on their own, almost swaggering to make his boner flop from one side of his briefs to the other, and as they were still soaked, it was very easy to see as he moved along. The laughs of the dragon chased him out of the locker room, and when he reached the hallway, he started to dance.

He lost track of what he was doing for a while. Crisp's head was in the clouds, too far away to really think about anything but dancing and waving around. By the time that he was finally grabbed, he had probably danced his way through half of the school.

He didn't remember much when he was sent home. Just a lot of laughter, and a hellish sense of blue balls.

A black scaled dragon waited with his hand by the phone. A few unopened bills littered the table beside it, ignored for the most part, save for a few small tears in the envelope, as if someone had been about to tear them apart, then forced themselves to stop at the last minute.

The phone rang, buzzing twice before the dragon answered it.

"Hello? Oh, yes, hello Crisp. I heard that you recently graduated from that mail order magic course.

"Oh, it didn't work so well, huh? Well, you were warned. Its never as good as a teacher. Speaking of which, uh..." The dragon dragged his hands through the bills. "Did you reconsider my offer?"

The End

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