Locker Room Stream Story 3: The Coach's Favorites

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Well, not quite the same in-theme feeling as most of them, but here's a little growth story for Skarlath.

Coach's Favorites for Skarlath by Draconicon

"You need to what?"

"Uh, yeah, coach, uh, said -"

"Coach said we need to fuck you, man. Sorry about it."

The red wolf stared at his two classmates. The statement itself was bizarre enough, but the reason behind it - which he still couldn't believe - was weirder still. Skarlath just kept looking back and forth between them, trying to find something to say.

Neither of them offered any help. Admittedly, Thomas the stallion didn't seem all that sorry about having to fuck him, but he'd thought that his lidger - a lion/badger hybrid - friend Henry would have something to say about it. Neither of his well-muscled classmates seemed to have anything else to add, though.

It was ridiculous, too. Some sort of experimental drug, and they were supposed to grow the biggest muscles on campus if they had enough sex while taking it? It sounded more like some sort of hoax instead of a real thing. The fact that the coach had fallen for it was bad enough, but now he was pulling him into it too?

"You guys can't actually be serious."

"Sorry, man. The coach said that you gotta help us out, or he's gonna fail each and every one of us for the quarter."

"Uh, it was the year, Thomas. Not quarter. Year."

"Right, right, the year. Sorry."

"Year, quarter, it doesn't matter. You're saying that you gotta...fuck me -"

"At the same time."

"Both in ass, yeah."

"- And you gotta do it today?"



Skarlath shook his head, turning around and leaning against one of the lockers. He'd been just packing it up for the day when the two of them had barged in, talking about this experiment, and now it seemed that the whole year was going to be a waste unless he actually gave in to this.

"Look...Okay, I'll do it, but we need a few things first."

"Don't you think this is -"

"With both of you going up my ass, you can't have too much lube."

The giant vat of it had left both the stallion and lidger rolling their eyes, but Skarlath knew how big they were. He'd been with them in college, seen how big they got in the shower. He wasn't going to take any chances, even if he had been a little...enthusiastic...with his own toys and work.

As the two big males dipped their dicks into the vat, Skarlath started working his portion of the lube into his ass. After squirting a few large shots of it up his ass, he took a solid handful - almost like someone would gather a handful of water from a river - and slathered it all over his rim. He felt like he was soaking in it, but he didn't care. The wolf knew this was going to be huge, and anything less than ridiculous amounts of lube was going to leave him in a crap ton of pain.

He made Thomas in particular keep dunking his cock into the vat, almost making the horse fuck the lube for a few minutes before he was satisfied. Henry wasn't quite as thick or long as the horse, but he was still big enough that the lidger was made to lube up well too.

Finally prepared, the red wolf lay back on one of the benches and gestured for them to come over. He got the stallion behind him, edging back over the horse's cock, and lay on his chest. Henry moved above him, and Skarlath let out a little shudder as the two cock tips pressed against his hole.

"You ready, man?"

"No way in hell, Thomas, but go ahead."

He bit his lip as the two cock heads pressed against his hole at once. It didn't want to give, his rim squeezing shut, but with all the lube they'd applied, and the pressure behind the two super athletes, something eventually had to give.

It turned out to be his ass, as Henry grabbed his hips and rammed in. Skarlath rolled his head back, the top of his head rubbing against the horse's hard pecs, as the horse slid in after, taking advantage of his weakness. In the space of a second, his hole had gone from unstretched to holding a pair of cocks measuring almost eight inches in diameter. He squirmed back and forth, his arms flailing weakly, but the two muscle-men held him down.

The first thrust was almost as bad as being opened up, the wolf forcibly held in place as his 'friends' started pushing in deep. Their cocks were so big that he would have been pushed along with them rather than sinking deeper, but the grips they had on his hips and arms were too strong, keeping him in place.

"Fuck...fuck fuck fuck, that's huge..."

"That's the point, man."

"Yeah, uh, we're supposed to, uh, grow bigger."

That was the last thing he wanted to think about. They were already huge inside of him, and if they got much bigger, he was going to be ripped to shreds. Maybe not literally, but that's what it damn well felt like.

Thankfully, some of the pain started to fade. All the lube was helping, keeping him from feeling quite so much of the size, and as his ass started to get used to the massive shafts, he even started to enjoy it. His cock started to rise up, and he stopped squirming quite so much. He even spread his legs open further, letting the two big guys use his hole that much easier.

By the time he was hard, though, he noticed something was off. The hard chest that formed his bed felt different than it had before, and he didn't feel so much of the puffing horse breath blowing against his head. Skarlath turned -

"Ooooh hell..."

The wolf's eyes widened at the realization that Thomas's head was more than a foot further away than it had been. At first he thought it was because he'd gone so far down their cocks, but that wasn't it. The distance, plus the extra width to the horse's torso, told him the truth.

They were growing.

He squirmed, even as the lidger grabbed him. As Henry leaned down, he could see that the other guy had grown too. The muzzle and eyes were twice as big as they were before, and still growing, still stretching.

"Better, uh, hold still. We, um, might hurt you, uh, by accident."

Easier said than done. It was one thing to take two cocks at once, when they were huge. It was another thing to take two cocks while feeling them and the partners they were attach to grow. The first pulse of it nearly knocked him out, as the two athletes surged in growth, almost gaining a full foot in height, and their limbs thickening by several inches. The hands on his hips and arms seemed absolutely massive, almost like half-blankets each in terms of how much they covered.

It was hardest on his asshole, though, as their cocks went from eight inches combined to ten, eleven, twelve, up to fourteen. His hole was spread wider open than some windows now, and he could feel a breeze sliding in around the gaps between their shafts. The wolf whimpered, his eyes rolling back in his head.

As they thrust in and out, back and forth, he was increasingly sandwiched between them. The sheer size of both men had been considerable before, but now they were almost giants. Thomas was over ten feet tall, and Henry was barely under it. The muscles against his back were massive, hard, throbbing and growing with each thrust, while the lidger's chest was just as firm as the horse's, but there was something new growing in beneath it. It was almost comforting, but Skarlath didn't know how long it would be before he was swallowed into the growing gut that Henry was getting.

It didn't take long until he was pinned, the two giants around him holding him still with their muscular bodies as he was ground into and against. The only air he got was saturated with the sweaty smell of the guys, and the natural, more potent musk of Henry's badger heritage. Skarlath gasped for it nonetheless, as each thrust felt like it was punching the air out of his lungs, and hard.

Despite their growth, neither of them seemed to notice him, and Skarlath could understand why, if only barely. They were passing fifteen feet in height already, and while Thomas was laying down, Henry was getting close to reaching the ceiling. The wolf's body was spread around their cocks like a condom, and he was feeling like their shafts were almost reaching into his mouth at this point. Hell, he could taste their pre; how was he even staying in one piece now?

The bench they were on suddenly snapped, but the fucking went on as they collapsed to the floor. The only thing that changed was that the hands around him moved, but it didn't give him anymore freedom. By now, he was less than a child against a mother's breast, in terms of his height compared to theirs. Their cocks should have punched right through him, yet he was still mounted on them, swallowing desperately as their pre filled him up from the other end.

He didn't even know how big they were now. He knew that their cocks had to be wider than his body, and they shouldn't even be fitting inside of him, but they were. The drug was working to grow them, and maybe there was some sort of side effect that was making him all stretchy. Whatever it was, the wolf was just glad it was working.

Suddenly, they started thrusting faster. He howled to the heavens, unable to help himself as he was taken harder than ever before. He could feel both of their shafts throbbing, growing bigger, wider. It was like they couldn't come out of his mouth, but nothing seemed to stop them from swelling wider in his chest.

They moaned out loud, something that he more felt than heard where he was buried between horse chest and lidger gut. Suddenly, the head of one cock flared wide, throbbing hard inside of him as it pressed outwards. He felt like he was getting fatter, like his lungs and ribs were getting smushed to the sides by whatever it was. It must have been the horse's flare or something, because it seemed closer to his back than his front.

And then the cum. Oh, the cum was like a flood inside him, the wolf ballooning up before the pressure around him forced it back out, flooding out of his hole. Some of it, anyway; the flare seemed to catch most of it, but as Henry was just that bit shorter, a portion of the flood ran out of him.

He closed his eyes, passing out as the two giants continued to grow, over thirty feet tall and still growing, the roof cracking as his eyes closed.

The End

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