Locker Room Stream Story 2: Clueless Bullies

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Mishanti, Mishanti, you come up with good stuff. (MishaDurr on FA)

Clueless Bullies for Mishanti by Draconicon

High school wasn't the easiest time for anyone. Certainly it didn't improve on Misha's less than great junior high experience, and the bullies that had followed him back there continued to annoy him in the new school. Life tended to alternate between boring and a hell scape for a great deal of his three years there.

There was just one bright light. As they reached their final year, the buck and his bullies reached a new point in their 'relationship' with each other. They'd discovered some new kinks, and they liked testing them out on him. After all, Misha supposed that the big panther and tiger thought that using him wasn't so 'gay' as trying it out with each other.

Of course, they were pretty dumb, because they still hadn't figured out that he liked it.

Misha chuckled as he ran off of the wooden track, the buck stretching his arms above his head as he worked to catch his breath. He'd just made a record setting run for the class, and he felt pretty good about himself.

The teacher - a bluejay - patted him on the back.

"Good job, Misha. Good job."

"Thanks, Mr. Helburn."

"Go hit the showers. You put in a good bit of work today."

Nodding, the buck walked out of the gym. The hallways were a bit crowded, considering half of the class was using them for a track while waiting for a space inside, but it wasn't too bad. He walked around those that were jogging down the hallways, and gradually made his way to the locker room.

Stepping inside the empty place, Misha made his way past the aisles and then to the showers. He pulled off his shirt - being careful of his antlers - before setting it to the side. He did the same with his jogging shorts, tugging them around his shoes before working on getting them off.

He was a bit of an oddity, he supposed. Most other bucks and deer he saw in school had hooves, but he had to wear shoes due to having feet. Sometimes he almost wished he had hooves too, but if he did, he doubted he would have set the record today.

Not to mention the other fun I'd miss.

Chuckling, he pulled his shoes and socks off, stuffing the latter into the former before starting up his shower. The hot water was soothing along his back, and he started scrubbing some of the sweat out of his fur. His feet splashed in the falling water, and the soreness in his body gradually started to fade away.

Of course, it wouldn't last. Shortly after he got comfortable, he heard the door slam open again. He turned his head, looking back, and groaned.

"Well, if it isn't the little horned fag."

Misha turned around, trying to ignore them. The last time that he had to deal with Nathan the panther and Ronald the tiger, he'd ended up shoved in his locker with their cum leaking out of his ass. Not that the fuck had been all that unpleasant, but he didn't like having to deal with such cramped spaces.

The two felines walked over to him, smirking as they stood where he couldn't ignore him. Nathan reached out and turned off the water, and the buck glared.

"Hey, I wasn't done."

"You were done enough, fag." The panther yanked him out of the shower, almost throwing him to the floor. "You got other things to do, anyway."

"What, like letting you two pretend you aren't gay again while you fuck my ass?"

The two felines narrowed their eyes. He didn't apologize, though; that was just what they did, if they weren't taking it further. Ronald reached out, grabbing him by the shoulder and wagging a finger in his face.

"Ya know, I don't think I like yer tone, ya fuck. I think ya need to learn yer place."

"Uh huh. And how are you two planning on doing that?"

Could be fun, though.

He expected to be pushed to his knees, or maybe have a cock shoved down his throat. Surprisingly, the bigger feline shoved him all the way to the ground. When Misha tried to get up, the tiger shoved him down again, this time pinning him with a foot on his chest.

"Ya think yer so much better than us? Ya ain't. And we're gonna show ya where ya belong."

Unable to wriggle out from under the tiger's weight, Misha was helpless as the panther sat down on the other side of the aisle. The two felines took off their shoes, then their socks, revealing a pair of feet that were more than a little sweaty. Very sweaty, he realized as Ronald stepped on him again; the tiger's damp soles nearly soaked through to his skin at the first touch.

The other one, so damp that it shimmered in the bright light, was shoved in his face. Misha groaned, turning his head so far that his antlers scraped the floor, but couldn't escape it as the soft sole was shoved against his nose.

"Smell that, boy? That's the smell of a real man. Not a faggy little princess like you."

You know, if you weren't so damn hard every time you did this, maybe I'd think you were straight. But you're making it REALLY hard to think that.

The tiger kept pushing against his nose, the pressure from the feline's foot keeping him from opening his mouth. Eventually he had to take a breath, and when he did, it was through his nose. The smell of sweat was particularly strong - and if he hadn't been so used to their ball sacs shoved against his nose after school, it would have been overpowering - but the smell of the musky flesh beneath was new.

Misha didn't have much experience with feet, though he'd seen a number of porn videos featuring them. He didn't want to reveal that, but he knew that he'd have to do something before long. He opened his mouth, not sure what he'd say.

It turned out that he didn't have to say anything, as a toe was shoved inside before he could speak. He gagged on it, the sweaty digit pinning his tongue in place, while the other foot moved from his chest to his antlers.

"Heh, ya like that, ya fuck? Why don't ya suck my toe like ya suck my cock every day?"

Not a bad idea, really, and at least this tastes a little better, he thought, suppressing a chuckle. He licked the toe as he was instructed, actually finding it pretty nice. The buck might even have started bobbing his head if the tiger hadn't started making him do it anyway.

"Look at the fag, Nate. See? This is how ya use 'em."

"Heh, and he likes it. Look at that; he's getting hard."

No kidding, Sherlock. Now why don't you solve the mystery of what that means.

"Think he's enjoying it, Nate?"

What the hell else do you think it means? No, I hate the taste of your toe in my mouth. God, you're idiots.

Of course, he preferred it that way, even if it annoyed the living hell out of him when they opened their mouths. If they were going to bully him by using him like this, he hoped they never found out that he liked it. The only thing he ever lost with it was a bit of time and a bit of dignity. In comparison to what it could be if they ever switched tactics, it was pretty much a steal.

He knew one thing for sure, though. He definitely liked feet. He'd been on the fence with the porn stuff before, but if it was always this fun, with that sweat-musk smell that filled his nose and the bitter but salty taste that came with licking their soles, Misha thought he'd enjoy playing with them a bit more.

Suddenly Ronald pulled his foot back. Misha kept sucking on empty air for a few seconds before he realized it, blushing to himself.

"What was that for?"

"You like feet, huh?"

"Well, I'm hard, aren't I?"

"Heh, well how do ya like this?"

The tiger almost stomped on his crotch, the pressure enough to both feel good and painful at the same time. Misha groaned, rolling his head back, but the panther grabbed his antlers with his feet and turned his head back. His mouth was drawn down to one of the black furred toes presented to him, and he had to suck on them.

Salty flavors filled his mouth again as he bobbed his head up and down, dragged on by the panther's feet, while his cock was stomped and almost crushed by the tiger's damp soles. They were hot and a bit hard from all the muscle there, but when Ronald ground against it, it felt so good. The buck shuddered, starting to ooze pre.

"Heh, the slut's getting all leaky on us, Nate."

"Grind that goo out of him, Ron! Make him squirt!"

Heh, and you call this punishing me? Guys, you are pathetic.

He would have laughed if he could get away with it. Instead, he moaned, arching his back and presenting himself more for the tiger to play with. The stomps were a mix of pleasure and pain, smashing his cock against his stomach, but they always ended with a nice grind. He tried to time a few hip thrusts to that, to grind his cock against that sole even more, but he had sporadic luck with that. Frequently he ended up humping empty air, and that always made him blush.

Still, his climax was inevitable. He could feel it coming, his balls churning and slowly drawing up. He panted, his breath coming hard and fast around the toe in his mouth, and he whimpered in need.

"Heh, he's almost there, Ron! Make him squirt!"


"Squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt!"

Their chant of 'encouragement' always humiliated him. It was the one thing that they could do with this to embarrass him, to keep showing how much he enjoyed their torment. How he couldn't make them stop because he didn't want them to. It was their one weapon that actually worked in really humiliating him.

Yet, even that turned him on, and it pushed him over the edge. Pressing his lips down hard on the toe in his mouth, he came, squirting his load all over the tiger's foot. He twitched, thrusting involuntarily for a few seconds before calming down, laying flat on the ground.

"Heh, little fag had a lot there."

"Hell yeah, he did. Take yer foot out of his mouth. He's gotta clean me."

As the laughing panther pulled his foot back, Misha got a good view of the tiger's foot again. He could see his load splattered all over the sole, with a bit of one string going between the toes. Without even being asked, he leaned up and started licking it.

"Heh, good fag. Get it all clean, and we won't stuff ya in a locker tonight."

Seemed a good deal to him. Besides, his load seemed to taste better on tiger feet. He licked away, hoping that he'd get another encounter with these two after gym tomorrow. He had a few more things he hoped they'd try.

The End

Locker Room Stream Story 3: The Coach's Favorites

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